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Global pharmaceuticals corporation, which began from humble origins after being founded in 1990 by Sebastian Ford. Quicksilver, based primarily in New Zealand, has major offices in seventeen different countries, including America (where there are offices in New York, San Francisco and Dallas), Germany, Switzerland, Egypt and now, finally, the UK. Quicksilver opened its British division very recently in the city of Maiden Newton, under the guidance of the corporation�s CEO, Ford. Quicksilver has a very good reputation for making immense medical breakthroughs, and has assisted in curing seventeen major afflictions across the world, as well as being solely responsible for creating countless vaccines and medication to ease the suffering of millions. Quicksilver�s policy is that �good medical health should be available to everyone�, a notion that has earned it some notoriety and discord with lots of privatised healthcare companies. The Maiden Newton division of the company has been set up primarily to bring �the Quicksilver marvel� to the British population, as well as to conduct an eight-year research programme of unprecedented proportion on urban effects on healthcare and well-being. Maiden Newton, with its colossal industrial element, is clearly a highly suitable choice for such a study. The corporation has also proved a godsend to the population of the city and surrounding area, having provided 6000 new jobs within the Maiden Newton division.

There is, however, a darker element to the corporation. While on the face it is merely a pharmaceuticals company, the real work conducted by Quicksilver involves such things as chemical warfare, viral creation, and of course the
Hunters project, although the latter has now been terminated.

But the biggest development for Quicksilver by that point was the sudden decision by the
company's board of governors to evict Sebastian Ford not only from his position as CEO, but from the company itself. In a unanimous coup by the directors, Ford was removed from power. No public reason other than it being "a private executive decision" has been issued. Quicksilver, meanwhile, goes on, and is currently rebuilding its public image with a series of initiatives for the city of Maiden Newton, having been spurred on by the now-famous letter of Lady Aeris.

Or so it was to be. Unfortunately, a recent 11-page report in the Newton Evening Echo has damned Quicksilver completely, accusing the corporation of illegal genetic experimentation, using evidence and research from one of its top scientists, Dr Adrian Green. For almost 24 hours there was no official comment made by Quicksilver whatsoever on the so-called 'Green Report'. Eventually, however, Arnold Vancouver, the Head of Public Relations for Quicksilver England, made a brief statement to the press, claiming it to all be libellus falsehoods, most likely due to a bid by a rival corporation for the current hold on the market that Quicksilver has. Nobody was convinced, however, and Quicksilver's reputation and future, not to mention share prices, have plummetted. Three days after the Green Report, over 150 jobs in the Maiden Newton division alone were cut. Quicksilver's fall now looks inevitable; most are blaming the decision to remove Ford from power. Ford has not been available for comment.

More trouble has befallen the company�s Maiden Newton headquarters, however. Every window in the building has now been completely blacked out, for reasons unknown. The building has now been placed under absolute quarantine, and none of the eight hundred plus staff employed in the building have been heard from since.
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