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About Us
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The Maiden Newton Masquerade Society was formed somewhere around Easter 2000 by Jonathan Thornton, as a tabletop roleplaying group, playing Vampire: the Masquerade and Vampire: The Dark Ages.. Summer of 2001 saw us move into new territory, with a live-action game of Werewolf: the Apocalpyse, which lasted the summer and was played in Maiden Newton Youth Centre. A year later, the Society played host to a live Vampire game, again in the Youth Centre, which was originally intended to last the summer and, like its predecessor the year before, stop then. But due to popular opinion, we continued beyond the end of the summer and are still going strong. Unfortunatly as most of the members are either at university or work in a school in london (Jon) we have had to reduce our games to holiday periods only. If you would like to join please contact me (Simon) at
[email protected] We meet Friday (when we can), 6.30 - 10pm, at the Youth Centre in Maiden Newton, and we play a Sabbat game. New members always welcome. See our House Rules page, and the Society Rules page.
Members of the Society come and go, but here is a current list (correct as of 11/02/05) of our members:
Simon Beedle
Faye Boakes
Tom Chapman
Amanda Clements
Tim Driscole
Edward Duke
Helenor Duke
Sam Elliott
Alice Gale
Richard Hunt
Dave Lewis
Clive Parkin
Dan Poole
Edward Stevenson
Jonathan Thornton
Elisabeth Duke
Website Administrator, Storyteller

Committee Chair
Committee Secretary

Committee Treasurer
Committee President

Head Storryteller

Society Founder
Health and Saftey Officer
The MNMS is dedicated to Rob, Carrie-May and Kat, who Jon met while at the
University of Wales, Lampeter, who (between them) introduced him to Vampire, White Wolf and roleplaying. Thanks guys - this society wouldn't have existed without you.

- Also thanks from Beedle, I don't know you but thanks.

- I'd also like to thank Jon who started the society and has kept it going. He has given it time, money and love and it wouldn't have existed or survived without him.  Thanks Jon.
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