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Warning: This page contains spoilers of upcoming games and Society events. If you like things to remain as a surprise, leave now while you still can...
LARP Event 2004
Last year we had a great time with the all-night Dark Ages LARP game, and this year should be just as cool. So far it seems likely to be a Werewolf game, played up by the Cerne Giant. The game is being organised by Clive, so email him if you have any suggestions.
Dave (our resident Society Bitch) is planning to write, produce, direct, film and edit a low-budget (�24) mini-movie over the summer, with the help of MNMS. Oh, and the whole affair, from start to finish, will take place over 24 hours. More details to follow, but in the meantime email Dave for more information, to offer any suggestions, and to offer your services to the project.
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