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Blind Target
"Blind Target" was first broadcasted on Japanese radio, then released as a set of two CDs. The CDs also contain 6 songs: Mind Education (Misty Eyes), Make my way (Trowa), It's so all right! (Duo), Brave Eyes (Quatre), Let into Top (Wufei), and Take Off To The Sky (Heero). "Blind Target" is set in AC 196, in the time period between the end of the TV series and the beginning of "Endless Waltz". Many specific events in the radio drama and manga leads into "Endless Waltz".


The setting of the entire story is in the space colonies. Heero (who is attending school somewhere) shuts off all the systems of Wing Gundam Zero, and hides it away. Quatre, preparing to attend a political conference as a delegate from his colony, has a conversation with Relena, who is now a diplomat for the Earth Sphere Unified Nation. She will not be attending the conference, since its purpose is to discuss the future of the colonies. Meanwhile, Duo visits Trowa at the circus. Wufei is in training again somewhere; he is still confused and hurt about Treize's death. He still feels unrest in the colonies, and both he and the others are concerned about the return of warfare. A group of men contact Heero, and ask him to give up his Gundam and his abilities for a new war. Heero feels his duty as a Gundam pilot to take part in this conflict.

Episode 1 - "Tojirarenai Shuumaku," ("The Finale that will not be closed")

Relena arrives at a press conference in a colony with Chris Marly, who is temporarily serving as her secretary. Duo (who is in the transportation business) now visits Quatre. Promising to meet again later, they each go their own ways; Quatre to the conference, and Duo to the spaceport. At the spaceport, Duo gets a call from Heero, who tells him that Quatre is in danger. Wufei gets a visit by the same men who met Heero, and simply beats them up. At the circus, Trowa is visited by an old acquaintance, a young man named Ralph Kurt. As Duo rushes to the conference site to save Quatre, the building explodes in a bomb attack.

Episode 2 - "Ugomeku Yabou," ("Restless Ambitions")

There are apparently no survivors at the conference site. Still at the circus, Ralph and Trowa talk about the days when they fought together. Learning that Trowa no longer wishes to fight, Ralph demands that he hand over the Gundam. At that moment, Catherine runs in to tell Trowa about the terrorist attack, which had been caused by Ralph's comrades. Although Catherine discourages him to go, Trowa leaves the circus to join the fighting, again promising to return. While on their way to a spaceport, Relena and Chris are almost kidnaped; however, Heero arrives just in time to save them. Quatre, considered to have died in the explosion, has actually survived due to a fortunate delay in getting to the conference. He is keeping his survival a secret from the public, to make it easier for himself to work with the other Gundam pilots. Meanwhile, there are two mysterious men conspiring to get their hands on the Gundams.

Episode 3 - "Uragiri to Saikai," ("Treachery and Reunion")

Wufei vows to protect his Nataku from evil forces. Ralph and his comrades follow Trowa, hoping to find out where his Gundam is. Duo offers Trowa his assistance in an escape. Heero and Relena head towards safety on a spacecraft. Relena expresses her happiness to be with him, and Heero promises to protect her. In another part of the spacecraft, Chris secretly contacts her associates, telling them the ship's location and that she is a spy who belongs to the same group as Ralph. Heero senses something, but does not tell Relena. Together, Trowa, Duo, and Quatre head off to join Heero. Meanwhile, Ralph reports his failure to capture the Gundam to his boss, a man named Sogran. Heero's spacecraft arrives at an abandoned colony on the outskirts of L3; the colony had been attacked and half-destroyed by the Federation forces 10 years ago. Chris cannot hide her shock to see the destroyed colony.

Episode 4 - "Wasurerareta Higeki," (The Forgotten Tragedy")

In the colony's control room, Heero finds that parts of the colony is still in workable conditions, while Trowa, Duo, and Quatre also arrive. The group is appalled by the destruction done to the colony. Heero informs the group that their enemy is the remnant of the organization White Fang, which retained its weapons after the arrival of peace to start another war. Chris again calls Ralph, and discuss their plan to capture the Gundams. Although the others do not know this, Chris and Ralph are both survivors of the colony, who had their homes destroyed by the Federation mobile suits 10 years ago. They hope to attain "true liberty" under Sogran and White Fang. Sogran again talks to the other man, who is apparently a mobile suit manufacturer lobbying the politicians on Earth to question the colonies' responsibility in the disappearances of Relena Darlian. The goal of the two men is to kill off Relena and Gundam pilots, to demolish the new government and to start a new war. The unidentified man is eager to get his hands on the Gundams and produce similar mobile suits for sale. As the pilots prepare for the impending attack, Quatre cannot help feeling guilty for the delegates at the conference. However, Trowa tells him to be optimistic about the colony's future. Heero leaves Relena alone in a safe room, not allowing Chris to join her. Chris has messed with the radar, so the pilots do not realize that the enemy is already close to the colony until Wufei comes in and tells them.

Episode 5 - "Kakusareta Tobira," ("The Hidden Door")

Ralph has invaded the colony leading about 30 men and some mobile suits. Trowa assesses that he probably will not use the mobile suits; instead, he will try to find where in the colony the Gundams are hidden. Chris, communicating with Ralph, expresses her unwillingness to have Relena killed. He responds that the coexistence of the Earth and the colonies is but a dream that cannot come true, and tells Chris not to believe in Relena. Duo tells Wufei that he feels an unknown forces behind the White Fang remnants, a reason to act other than for the colonies' independence. Meanwhile, the invaders are trapped between two walls, except for Ralph, who finds himself facing Trowa. Captured and questioned by Trowa and Quatre, he calls Quatre a traitor to the colonies, who deserved to be punished. This greatly angers Quatre, and he asks Ralph why they had to also kill the other delegates, and not just him. Heero catches Chris searching around the colony for the Gundams; he opens a locked door, and tells her to search anywhere she wants.

Episode 6 - "Fukushuu to Inori," ("Revenge and Prayer")

Behind the closed door, Chris finds nothing; none of the Gundams are in the colony. Heero tells her that he knew everything from the beginning, including her true identity. Meanwhile, the Earth and the colonies have begun to be suspicious of each other, because of the bomb attack and Relena's disappearance. Chris and Ralph are held in captivity, and watch as Duo breaks into White Fang communication lines and starts gathering information about them. Heero's primary aim is to identify the rebel's sponsor, someone who will profit from renewed warfare. Chris and Ralph had been fighting only for their ideals, and were unaware of a sponsor's presence. In a different room, Wufei tells Quatre, who cannot forgive White Fang for its deeds, that he must be strong, because he is a chosen Gundam pilot. They agree that fighting with mobile suits at this point will lead to the doom of the new government. Besides, Wufei again feels that he is not mentally strong enough to pilot Nataku...... Somewhere else in the colony, Relena expresses her wish to talk with Chris, after learning from Heero that she was a spy. She wants to know why people who truly care about the colonies must rely on violence to reach their goals. At this point, Duo informs them that he has located the White Fang base and its commander.

Episode 7 - "Itsuwarino Mirai," (A False Future")

Sogran receives a call from his sponsor, who, with the intension of damaging the trust between the Earth and the colonies, is accompanying a group of diplomats sent from the Earth to the colonies. Sogran assures the other man, who is impatient to get hold of the Gundams, that he will eliminate Relena, Quatre Raberba Winner, and the Gundam pilots (They might be unaware of the fact that Quatre, too, was a Gundam pilot), and tells him to mind his own "business". Meantime, Duo discovers that the White Fang leader, Sogran, has received numerous calls from the Earth, and he sets off to locate the origin of the calls. The confused Ralph and Chris are told that they have the right to learn the "truth" about Sogran. At that time, Heero and Relena enter the control room. As Relena starts to talking to Chris, Ralph accuses her of working only for the benefit of the Earth. She responds that she truly wishes to understand the needs of the colonists, and vows to work for a better understanding between them and the residents of the Earth. Just then, Heero identifies the White Fang's sponsor as the Century Discover Corporation, a former part of the Romefeller Syndicate which specializes in the production and research of mobile suits, Chris and Ralph are greatly dismayed in realizing that they had been used by Sogran in the name of peace and liberty. Trowa talks privately to the disillusioned Ralph, and reveals that he had lost a great deal while fighting like a machine. He then points out to Ralph that there is still something left for him to protect, something to fight for. Relena talks with Chris, while Heero and Quatre secretly watch through a monitor. Chris recounts the Federation's attack on her home colony, and tells Relena that the Earth was the only thing towards which she could direct her anger and grief. Relena asks her to forgive the citizens of the Earth, and to work for peace. Quatre is impressed by the conversation, and realizes how much more difficult it is to forgive than to hate. At that time, the pilots find out that they are surrounded by mobile suits sent by White Fang. There is only one option, and Heero chooses to self-destruct the colony.

Episode 8 - "Senkou no Kanata," ("Beyond the Flash")

The abandoned colony explodes, and the Gundam pilots, together with Relena, disappear in the flash. White Fang searches in vain for scraps of the Gundams, while a conference starts in a colony to discuss the disappearance of Relena Darlian. As the Earth and colony representatives try to blame each other, Relena enters the room with Chris and Quatre, and starts explaining what had happened. The president of the Century Discover Corporation, who had actively been trying to stir up distrust at the conference, attempts to escape; he is startled to see Quatre alive. Quatre reveals to the diplomats that the man's company possesses a hidden factory on the surface of the moon, where weapons are being manufactured. At the same time, Duo and Wufei cause a minor fire in that factory, so that it will be discovered by the public. Sensing that Wufei is still concerned about the future, Duo tells him not to be so worried. As the factory is discovered and the owner arrested, Ralph, Heero and Trowa enter the White Fang base to talk to Sogran. Realizing that Ralph has learned everything, Sogran reveals all his secret plans, including his goal to control the entire Earth Sphere. However, he does not realize that this conversation is being broadcasted all over the base, and his followers revolt as the three turn to leave. The story closes with Relena's return to the Earth.


The scene goes back to the time immediately before the self-destruction of the colony, when Relena and Heero have a short conversation before going their own ways. Heero starts saying something, but his voice is lost in engine sounds...... A few days later, Trowa returns to the circus and parts with Ralph, who warns him to be careful about others wishing to use his Gundam and his powers. Trowa answers that he is no longer a soldier. Meanwhile, Duo is still worried about Wufei, and Quatre suggests for the first time the destruction of the Gundams...... Wufei is approached by a mysterious man (that redhead's messenger), and agrees to aid in their cause with Nataku, in order to "find the answer"...... Relena resumes her work as a diplomat, hoping to meet Heero again soon.

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