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GundamWing Story
It's the year After Colony(AC) 195. Over the past century, humanity has established a number of space colonies, giant wheel-shaped constructs that are home to millions of people. These colonies are grouped in clusters at the five Lagrange points, areas of relative stability in Earth orbit.
For decades, while the Earth's surface was wracked by war and civil strife, the peace and quiet of the space colonies presented an attractive alternative for war-weary settlers. When the terrestrial wars ended, a new world government was established, a "United Earth Sphere Alliance" committed to bringing about peace through force of arms. In the name of peace and justice, the Alliance seized control of the colonies.
To lobby the Earth's nations for autonomy, the space colonists chose a man named Heero Yuy as their representative. The charismatic Yuy united the colonies, and his message of demilitarization and non-violence was well-received by the people of Earth. But when Yuy was assassinated in the year AC 175, the colonists' hopes were crushed and the colonies thrown into turmoil.
Under the pretext of restoring order to the colonies, the Alliance staged a second military intervention, using humanoid fighting machines called mobile suits to crush all opposition. The colonies were placed under martial law, and all communication and cooperation between colonies was prohibited. Even terrestrial nations sympathetic to Heero Yuy's philosophies, like Europe's pacifist Sanc Kingdom, were crushed by the Alliance's overwhelming force.
Behind the scenes, the Alliance is being manipulated by the Romefeller Foundation, the powerful industrial combine that develops and manufactures its mobile suits. The Alliance's elite mobile suit corps, the "Specials," is trained and staffed by the Romefeller Foundation. In fact, the Specials are nothing but a front for OZ, a Romefeller subsidiary which has been recast as a secret society. Answerable only to the Romefeller Foundation, OZ has infiltrated the highest levels of the Alliance military.
After two decades of oppression, a network of rebels based in the space colonies decides to strike back at OZ and its puppet Alliance. Resistance groups at each of the five colony clusters work independently on their part of Operation Meteor, each retaining the services of one of the scientists who helped create the first mobile suits. Using the super-strong armor material Gundanium, the scientists construct advanced mobile suits called "Gundams," entrust them to five highly-trained, resourceful young pilots, and dispatch them to Earth to wage guerilla war against the Alliance.
Of the five Gundam pilots, the L5 colony cluster's Chang Wufei, L4's Quatre Raberba Winner, L3's Trowa Barton and L2's Duo Maxwell reach Earth without incident. But L1's Gundam pilot, a grim youth code-named Heero Yuy after the martyred colonial leader, is intercepted by Specials ace pilot Zechs Merquise and forced to temporarily ditch his Gundam at sea. This begins the story of Mobile Suit Gundam Wing.
Gundam Wing is copyright Sotsu Agency, Sunrise, and TV Asahi. Gundam Wing: Endless Waltz is copyright Sotsu Agency and Sunrise.
Gundam Wing is a television series featuring 49 episodes, 30 minutes each. It was aired in North America from March 6, 2000 to May 11, 2000. The people who made Gundam Wing possible includes:
Director: Masashi Ikeda
Scenario: Katsuyuki Sumisawa
Character design: Shuko Murase
Mecha design: Junya Ishigaki, Hajime Katoki, Kunio Okawara
Costume design cooperation: Yutaka Izubuchi
Art direction: Masaru Satoh, Yuusuke Takeda
Music direction: Yasuo Urakami
English voices:
Character Voice Actor
Heero Yuy -Mark Hildreth
Duo Maxwell -Scott McNeil
Quatre Raberba Winner -Brad Swaile
Trowa Barton -Kirby Morrow Chang Wufei -Ted Cole
Treize Khushrenada -David Kaye
Lady Une -?
Zechs Merquise/Miliardo Peacecraft -Brian Drummond
Lucrezia Noin -Saffron Henderson
Relena Peacecraft/Darlian -Lisa Ann Beley.

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