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*Other Fanfics*
-"As Hard As Ever" preview-
-"A Second Chance" prologue-
-"A Second Chance" chapter 2-
-"Chi and Phi Go to Burger King" by Diamoon-
-"Ponderings of an Anonymous Minion"-

Chi and Phi's Garden

*"A Second Chance (chapter 1)" by Chi*

The two sisters stood side by side, gazing out at the stars. Looking at them, you could almost call them peaceful, but their souls were troubled and heavy-ladened. The darkness stood thick around them, as if it were clinging to they who knew it so well. A light mist could be felt upon the skin, slowly easing the tension that had built up. It was through this mist that a voice penetrated, being heard by one who was listening. The voice, belonging to one of the two admitted, "I miss home."

This one statement shocked the Guardian. How could those who were cold-blooded killers miss home? That just didn't add up. Besides, the voice sounded sad and somber, not a trace of evil resounded from it. Had death really changed them? Was Galaxia's hold on them really broken? The Guardian's train of thought was cut short when the other twin sighed and replied, "Yes, I miss home as well, Phi. It was so beautiful. The memories of it are the only beauty left within me. The rest is tainted with the darkness of Chaos. I can't believe how naive I was. I should've known that those bracelets were evil. I should've resisted, but at the time, the offer sounded so good. I never wanted to be a murderer. I never wanted to sacrifice my humanity, my soul for an unjust cause. Only in death now, am I free from the bonds of Galaxia. I am free, but I am dead! My life has been wasted because of a stupid choice I made!"

The Guardian almost made a sniffling sound at the complete desolation in such a young voice. A life wasted because of a stupid choice. She had heard that line before, but that didn't make it any less tragic. She restrained herself, so as to not make her presence known, at least not yet.

Phi rubbed her wrists as if they were still troubling her. "What are you talking about? Galaxia gave us a lot of things we could've never gotten back at home, " Phi countered, but was suddenly bombarded with memories of destruction, as if set there to change her mind. A single tear rolled down her cheek as they vividly played out in her head. The floodgates of memory had been opened, and the rememberances carelessly spilled out. She bit her lips to stifle the cry that threatened to let itself out. Moments of tortured silence passed, as the tension mounted. She finally grabbed hold and steadied herself. She sighed, admitting, "You're right. I hate it when you're right. It was a stupid decision." These sentences, however, were slightly slurred by Phi's immense sorrow due to the thoughts dug up from her past. Her strength gave way as she began to sob silently. The silence followed her strength, giving way, and the sobbing was no longer noiseless. Chi awkwardly stepped forward and embraced Phi, a foreign movement for one previously filled with so much hate. It did suffice, though, and Phi's sobbing lessened slightly, comforted in her sister's arms. I guess this is what you might call a touching moment. The Guardian stood with a face set in stone. It was that she didn't care or feel. It was quite the contrary being that if she did, she'd never be able to stop sobbing. She usually denied it, but she was one of those emotional types that cried during movies and books.

As Chi was embracing Phi, she looked to the stars with glassy eyes. She reached up one hand in perhaps an attempt to touch one. "I know we are free from the bonds of the bracelets, but I still feel so confined. Where are our souls now? Are they up there among the stars where we left our humanity behind? I feel as empty as a starless night sky. How long has it been since we enjoyed life? Since we went swimming, shopping, cried during a movie, or felt the sorrow of a lost love? How long has it been since we stopped feeling and living?"

"We stopped living the day we made the deal with Galaxia," Phi spoke up, wiping her eyes and calming herself. "We became devoid of life. In essence, we have recently died for the seond time. The first was when we joined Galaxia. That was the death of our souls and everything that made us us. The second death was death of body. Through the death of our bodies, we regained a portion of ourselves. What good is that to us now that we are fully dead?" Her somber mood burst into anger. "Damn you, Sailormoon, damn you! Why didn't you save us?" Her face was steeled in anger, reminiscent of what it used to look like all the time.

"She didn't save us because we didn't want to be saved. We were mindless, without souls, animals. Even if she had tried, she would not have succeeded. There was nothing left to save. Death was a far kinder thing than living on without a soul," Chi responded and looked to Phi. "Don't hold in all that anger. I can't stand to lose you again! You gotta stay with me, Phi. I'm scared. I'm scared of death. I'm not strong, I can't handle it alone, don't become like before. Please! I NEED YOU!" Chi was frantic as she said this, for she feared anger would again consume her sister. The bracelets were gone, but Chi knew all too well what anger could do to a person.

Phi, still angry, heard her sister's words and saw her pleading eyes. She realized that Chi was right again. Anger destroys, as it had long ago. She couldn't let anger control and contort her once again. She took a deep breath to calm herself. She then turned back to Chi with a more restrained disposition. "I could never leave you, Chi. You're the only one that's always been there for me. We were alone in the beginning and now, at the end we're alone again in death. Life has completed its circle, but you're still here. I could never abandon you. Calm your fears. I'll never leave you, I promise."

Chi's eyes rose to look at Phi whose words were sincere. She held out her pinkie finger, a gesture from long ago, as she murmured, "Pinkie promise?"

Phi's pinkie encircled Chi's, and she sealed the promise by answering, "Pinkie promise."

Both sisters now had tears in their eyes, as did another who was observing them. The Guardian had promised herself not to exhibit emotion, but these two were just spewing raw emotion, and the Guardian could hardly contain herself. She wiped her eyes, trying to become business-like again, and began to approach them, knowing that now was the right time.

Chi and Phi watched as a body that glimmered with light stepped through the mist. They wondered at her as she began to speak, saying, "I am the Cauldron Guardian. My job, of course is to guard this place and deal with all those in it. You two are within my cauldron. You have committed heinous crimes in the past, Chi and Phi. You were under the spell of Chaos, which even claimed the planetary senshi that usually protect Sailormoon. I can therefore partly understand. I thought, though, that murderers as you two were, would be no different in death. I have been proven wrong. You both have been given a second chance to return to your regular lives, or what is left of it. Do you wish it?"

Chi and Phi looked at each other. Phi answered for both, "Yes, we would like that, if it is possible."

"It is possible, but it won't always be easy. You may return to a world that hates you. Are you prepared to deal with this?"

Phi answered, "Yes, we are. We caused the hatred, and we are responsible for it. They always say that if you make a mess, you should clean it up."

"Yes, I guess that's true," the Guardian admitted. "I'd love to stay and chat, but my list is long. There are many others who will need my attention today."

"Thank you oh so much," Chi sputtered, almost on the verge of tears yet again. Today had been a day for tears, but it wouldn't be the only one. The hardships were not yet over for Chi and Phi. The Cauldron Guardian sent them on their way, hoping that they'd find happiness this time around.

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