Let us share Ideas
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An Idea, your tool for a Change

An Idea like we have all come to understand is the backbone of a breakthrough of every standard, a reality of a dream and an answer to a mystery. Everything around us including ourselves was once an Idea. The Opera Hall of Australia was once on the sheets of an Architect. The just destroyed Twin Towers of New York was also once upon a time on the tables. The PC you are surfing with right now was once a design waiting to be transformed. The beauty of what you have on paper may not be so much appreciated by yourself until there is a transformation. About a century ago man never thought that heavy metals could lift and fly like birds in the air. Two brothers named as the Wright brothers had an Idea and they pursued it. They didn't have it that easy though, scientists then ridiculed them, the lips of every person including the new born read "impossible". Can we say the same today? Just some years back, well I donot know whether you were born then but I wasn't born any way, but the truth is a nine-teen year old found the key to the turn of technology. He didn't make the computer but he found instructions for them. He, just like many others had a dream and they pursued it. NASA headquarters started in a very humble way, but today the best of Aeronautics cannot be mentioned without NASA. Look around you... Please do it. What do you see? They were all once an Idea but now you are part of them and they are always around you. God the father had an Idea and he pursued it. Today you exist and you feel okay with your environment. That was also an Idea.

  • Every Invention was once a sketch
  • The sketches were pursued
Believe it or not, you have an Idea and you have been trying hard to figure what that is. It will become something when you try to share it and pursue it zealously. Everybody has an Idea, just believe that yours will turn the future and you will become successful. Please take your time to ponder about these things and remember that there is an Idea in you, a new Invention and you alone can make it realised by having it pursued.

Share your ideas with us, it may be an art work, a computer program or whatever.

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