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S C H O O L  Y E A R  2 0 0 1 - 2 0 0 2

  He is there
  Just an umbrella
  That Day, Yesterday
  The Arrow
  The Music
  Childhood (Version 1)
  Childhood (Version 2)
  Collection #1
  Collection #2
  Collection #3
  Collection #4
  Collection #5
  Immortality's Price

John Arnold Siena
I have seen its recklessness
In the waves of the storm
Riding in the crests,
Tumbling on the shore,
Bruised, but never vanquished.

But now I see it from the mountains
Of my adulthood
Where visions are bleary
Amidst the mist of the past,
Lingering, evading the touch
Of the fingers of memory
Trying to grasp.

And now, nothing, nothing remains there
Save some strands of silent remembrances
That connect life to life


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