The armed Antifascist struggle in Peru and Kurdistan:

In Peru and Kurdistan the people are exploited and oppressed in an extremely drastic way. This way is so drastic that peaceful resistance just won't do.
This may be difficult to understand for people who are living in countries where minorities have equal rights and opportunities, or for people who are fighting peacefully against fascism. But in these countries fascism became such an actual threat, that there weren't any other means to fight it, except with arms.
We can learn from these people now, even more than from history, how fascism develops out of democracy, how we can fight it, even under the biggest personal threat: DEATH.
Fascism is an international problem, many proofs exist of fascist groups backing each other up across borders, so people who are fighting against fascism in a completely different place, are fighting against the same monster.
We should therefor not condemn the people that are fighting against fascism in these countries as mad and left extremists, but praise them for their courage.
Some people say: most of the antifascists in Peru are communists of the PCP (also know as Sendero Luminoso or Shining Path). Often in history communists formed an important part of the antifascist struggle. This is also true in Peru and Kurdistan. Despite all anticommunist media, this cannot let us hesitate to support ANY antifascist in their fight.
The Antifascist Unity is important to maintain, in history, too many times 'divide and rule' -tactics where applied by the fascists (among them anticommunist propaganda).


The People's War homepage, by the Communist Party of Peru (PCP) On May 17th, the People's War will celebrate its 16th Anniversary of relentless figth against Peruvian fascism and its imperialist masters, mainly US imperialism. The Peru People's Movement present the first and still partial compilation of documents of the Communist Party of Peru (PCP) and its support groups worlwide, especialy newsletter The New Flag providing updates on the latest developments of this important struggle for the International Communist Movement.

Frequently Asked Questions about Peru (FAQ)

Lies spread against the PCP doesn't hold ground.

Support the People's war in Peru
A great text from the Peru Support Committee/Detroit

How's the Antifascist fight going on now?

Kurdistan & Turkey

A call on everyone who claims to be human.
The Turkish fascist state (and the media that is controlled by it) printed the pictures of Turkish soldiers posing with the choped off heads of Kurds, grasping them by the hair. They didn't print these pictures to condamn such crualty against humanity, but as a victory!

What makes the Turkish state a fascist one?

How's the Antifascist fight going on now?

From: American Kurdish Information Network

     Subject: "No Time Left" - Ozgur Politika editorial
                          No Time Left
        Can you think of another people whose whole culture has
been shaped by pain, sorrow, and torment, and whose tragic
history is etched in its faces?
        If only this people could tell its bitter story,
accumulated over the ages and generations, if only the world
could hear, if only all could hear...
        Did they not say "its name is forbidden, its tongue is
banned"?  Were they not pleased that "it got what it deserved".
Did they not condemn it, saying "it is buried, entombed in
concrete, never to rise again".
        Of course there have been countless instances in history
of savagery, but very often just a single instance has shocked
the world and made it take notice.
        Everyone should rake through history, sometimes each step
of the adventure of humanity, take note of all examples of
savagery and barbarism. We should then turn to Kurdistan and
investigate the history of the Kurds. But when doing this, we
must not forget to take along a projector, for the lights have
been turned off in Kurdistan and everywhere is pitch dark, an
entirely different world, an entirely different life. This has
been explained and interpreted on countless occasions, so that
the deaf and the blind would understand. Parties to the conflict
have a responsibility to listen, to see exactly what is going on.
        In Kurdistan, which was the cradle of civilization,
people have been forced to eat excrement. Dead bodies have been
raped and then shot to ribbons. Human beings have been chopped to
bits, sometimes while still alive. Their brains have been spilled
out while soldiers posed by them.
        We have done our best to denounce this to the world, but
the savagery has continued.
        This monster will not be satiated. Now it has severed
Kurdish heads from their bodies and poses, grasping them by their
hair, greatly pleased by its "triumph". We ask all who call
themselves human: where, in the closing years of the twentieth
century, has such a thing occurred? Where are the defenders of
human rights, where the advocates of democracy, where the
champions of freedom?
        In the west, animals are stunned before slaughter so they
feel no pain. Admirable! But when it comes to Kurds, everything
changes! Why do democratic laws not function, why are freedoms
forgotten, rights usurped? Who will have the courage to answer
these questions? This must be done and done immediately, because
humans are being treated in ways considered unacceptable for
        We call on everyone who claims to be human. This return
to barbarism must be stopped immediately, because we have no time
to wait. Does humanity no longer care?
        Let us not forget that this savagery is insatiable,
ruthless, and quite capable to destroying humanity. Therefore
humanity cannot stand idly by, but must act, do its utmost to
consign this savagery to the trash can of history.
        So we say: may our heads not be severed from our bodies
and held aloft by dirty hands.
                          Ozgur Politika
                         January 13, 1996
          American Kurdish Information Network (AKIN)
               2309 Calvert Street NW, Suite #3
                    Washington, DC 20008-2603
                      Tel: (202) 483-6444
                      Fax: (202) 483-6476
                    E-mail: [email protected]
The American Kurdish Information Network (AKIN) provides a public
service to foster Kurdish-American understanding and friendship.

PKK-KDP Cease-Fire Announced
Date: 13 Dec. 1995
The Difficult Road To Peace In Kurdistan

On Monday, the DEM News Agency in Germany reported that PKK chairman Abdullah Ocalan had announced a unilateral cease-fire in its four-month fight with the pro-Turkish KDP militia in southern Kurdistan (northern Iraq). The KDP have announced that they are also interested in observing the truce. The same is not true in Turkey, where government officials flatly rejected another proposed cease-fire by the PKK, refusing to deal with "terrorists". Ocalan announced plans for a cease-fire in the civil war in Turkish-occupied Kurdistan in order to create a more peaceful environment leading up to the general elections in Turkey on December 24. The pro-Kurdish People's Democracy Party (HADEP) is seeking to gain seats in the Parliament which were left vacant when the Democracy Party (DEP) was banned in 1994 and its MPs exiled or imprisoned. HADEP, which recently announced the formation of a "Peace, Labour, and Democracy Front" with several small Turkish socialist parties, faces major obstacles in the upcoming polls. One is a new 10% nation-wide voting hurdle - enacted to prevent "regionalism" - as well as martial law and heavy snows in the Kurdish regions of the Southeast. Under martial law provisions, polling stations in the Southeast will be located in police stations or military facilities, thus making it extremely unlikely that Kurds will vote.
In another blow to the cause of peace, the European Parliament voted today in favour of a Customs Union with Turkey which will go into effect on January 1, 1996. When the vote was suspended earlier this year, the Europeans called on Turkey to released the imprisoned Kurdish DEP parliamentarians and to remove laws which prevent freedom of speech. Turkey did not comply. Four MPs - including Nobel Peace Prize candidate Leyla Zana - are still serving 15-year prison terms, and Article 8 of the so-called Anti-Terror Law and numerous other restrictions are still in place. The so-called "Socialist" majority European Parliament has dealt a slap in the face to Kurdish diplomacy efforts and revealed its true interests are capitalism and imperialism and not peace and human rights. Just during the two years of Ciller's office as prime minister of Turkey, dozens of people have died under torture, numerous publications have been closed down, whole forests have been burned as part of a scorched earth anti-guerrilla campaign, and well over 2,000 Kurdish villages wiped off the map. And yet the social democrats in the European Parliament say that things are OK in Turkey and that reforms are progressing. What ever gave them that idea?! FREEDOM FOR KURDISTAN! STOP TURKISH FASCISM! Arm The Spirit - December 13/95 ++++ stop the execution of Mumia Abu-Jamal ++++ ++++ if you agree copy these lines to your sig ++++ ++++ see ++++ +++===+++===+++===+++===+++===+++===+++===+++===+++===+++===+++== Arm The Spirit is an autonomist/anti-imperialist collective based in Toronto, Canada. Our focus includes a wide variety of material, including political prisoners, national liberation struggles, armed communist resistance, anti-fascism, the fight against patriarchy, and more. We regularly publish our writings, research, and translation materials in our magazine and bulletins called Arm The Spirit. For more information, contact: Arm The Spirit P.O. Box 6326, Stn. A Toronto, Ontario M5W 1P7 Canada E-mail:
[email protected] WWW: FTP: --> /pub/Politics/Arm.The.Spirit +++===+++===+++===+++===+++===+++===+++===+++===+++===+++===+++==

Turkish government attacks PKK after peace propaganda by PKK.
From: Yekety

      DIYARBAKIR, Turkey (Reuter) - Turkish security forces, ignoring a
rebel unilateral cease-fire, killed four Kurdish guerrillas Sunday, security
officials said. 

    Three Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK) rebels were killed in the
southeastern province of Mardin and one in the province of Siirt, the
regional governor's office in the city of Diyarbakir said in a statement. 

    PKK leader Abdullah Ocalan announced the start of a unilateral
cease-fire last Thursday but warned that the guerrillas would fight back if attacked.

    He had said the cease-fire would run through polling for Turkey's
general election Dec. 24. 

    Turkey has in the past rejected PKK proposals for a joint cease-fire,
saying it would not deal with ``terrorists.'' 

    More than 18,000 people have died in the Kurdish guerrillas'
11-year-old fight for autonomy or independence in southeastern Turkey. 

10:19 12-17-95

From: Luis Quispe
From the Editor


The contents of this issue, as those of the previous editions,
highlight the major developments of the People's War in Peru. Now, as
then, we are joyful that the latest political and military actions of
the People's War have proven to the world that it is firmly rooted in
the masses of our country and is the torchbearer of the world
proletarian revolution.

The anti-imperialist struggles in the oppressed nations, especially
the Peruvian revolution, show that despite the temporary
counterrevolutionary offensive, revolution is the main tendency in
today's world.  In Peru in more than 15 years of battles and
victories, the People's War led by the Communist Party of Peru (PCP)
has reached the stage of strategic equilibrium which today develops
its unstoppable march to the conquest of power countrywide and the
installation of the People's Republic of Peru.

The dictatorship and its yellow press wage a massive propaganda
campaign against the revolution. This fanfare is echoed by the
imperialist press worldwide. They report tales about "capture of
terrorists" and a "divided and defeated Sendero" pleading for "peace
talks."  Why aren't they credible? Because their songs of victory are
in contradiction with reality. The loud and clear actions of the
People's War are shaking up the old state. 

The U.S. government tells us that the regime is bringing justice,
economic development, free and fair elections and "human rights." None
of this is true. Rather than a booming of the economy, poverty grows
at considerable rates. The "modernization" of the status quo of misery
cannot succeed because people want revolution, they want a new
democracy that can be achieved only with the victory of the People's
War.  The judicial system is rotten and moribund. Faceless judges and
the Army's death squads such as the "Colina Group" are engaged in the
business of silencing, disappearing and murdering political opponents.
Most of the country is under a state of emergency and military
curfews. The savage neoliberal restructuring of the old state, which
U.S. imperialism and its financial tools (IMF and World Bank) are
implementing in Peru, can only bring profits to greedy multinational
"investors" and big bourgeoisie who ransack the wealth of the country
while driving the people deeper into poverty and foreign dependence.
The U.S. gimmick of "suspending military aid" to the murderous Army
which it funds and trains is not credible at all.  U.S. imperialism
directs the low intensity warfare against the people. In addition,
under the disguise of a "war on drugs," the U.S. military presence in
Peru is omnipresent.

As part of the "pacification" campaign, arbitrary arrests, search and
seizure operations and counter-revolutionary violence have been
institutionalized. The government talks of a pacified country when in
reality there is no peace even in the cemeteries. Mass graves in army
controlled settlements in the Huallaga Valley and Ayacucho have been

Our strength is that we have the truth. We are trying to present it
clearly and plainly. We realize that what people understand in Peru is
not easily translated into foreign thoughts because Peru is
semi-feudal and semi-colonial whereas the U.S. is an imperialist
country with a culture and history of its own. With this in mind, we
must strive to find a way in which we can best support the People's
War. The classic questions of Maoism: 1) who are our friends, 2) who
are our enemies, and 3) how to unite the many to oppose the few, need
to be answered in order to make more effective our revolutionary work.
As Mao said, "correct ideas come from social practice and from it
alone." If the masses make history, then we must be involved with the
masses and learn from them. 

Our Newsbriefs section reports on the Red October offensive in
celebration of the Party's anniversary and other actions throughout
the country.

We are showing that the contradictions within the bourgeoisie have
become quite open. It reflects the cracks in the ruling classes. For
example, the clashes of the tyranny with the Church hierarchy on
population control and their partnership in the counterinsurgency

The boycott of the presidential and municipal elections has been the
highest since the launching of the People's War. Although the results
of the municipal elections are no longer politically relevant, the
high rate of absenteeism was significant due mainly to the PCP's
boycott of the electoral farce.  To bring the mayors under its control
or else make them irrelevant, the dictatorship and its kangaroo
Congress have created the "Ministry of the Presidency" that will
handle social services, public works and hand-outs for the purposes of

 The good news is that the People's War goes on. The masses and
workers are resisting the policies of hunger and misery with combative
rallies and mass volunteering into the ranks of the revolution. On
October 25th there was a successful strike in Lima, and in the
countryside the People's Army has paralyzed several cities with an
armed strike.

We convey our greetings to the glorious party of the proletariat in
Peru, the PCP and its Central Committee; to the supporters of the
People's War worldwide and encourage them the accomplishments of all
tasks that serve the Peruvian revolution and the world revolution in
accordance with the International Directives of the PCP.

In struggle,

Luis Quispe, Editor
Marcelina Ccorimanya, Co-Editor (international)
Carlos Alcantara (national news)

The preceding was published by The New Flag (La Nueva Bandera),
a newsletter reporting on the contemporary Peruvian politics,
especially the developments of the People's War. Should you 
like to subscribe, please write to:

From: Godenas

The New Flag is a bi-monthly magazine of news and views on the peoples'
struggle in Peru.  In addition to the latest information from the front
lines of the peoples' war, it provides a unique perspective on the left
and the world revolution.  Its letters section contains lively debates on
a wide variety of topics.  For a sample copy, reply by e-mail

Interview with the Editor of El Diario Internacional by the Newspaper
Liberacion and the Hispanic Magazine Resumen

The journalist Jaime Padilla of the newspaper Liberacion and the magazine
Resumen interviewed Luis Arce Borja (LAB), editor of El Diario
Internacional, which is edited in Brussels, Belgium. The presentation
says: "carrying out the objective of giving the other side of the story,
almost always censored in the official media, or by those who wish to
protect their readers' by self-censorship. Resumen is reprinting the
bulk of the interview with the editor of El Diario International."

1. Since the capture of Abimael Guzman, Fujimori has proclaimed that
senderismo is destroyed. What do you say about that?

LAB. It is true that since the beginning of his government, Fujimori has
offered the destruction of the Maoists, that is the liquidation of the
PCP, to the North Americans and the Peruvian big bourgeoisie, along with
ending the People's War. The problem of the revolution is the primary,
principal, and fundamental problem of the old Peruvian state, which it
must resolve. Effectively, Fujimori, since the capture of President
Gonzalo in September 1992, offered a fixed date: before the end of his
mandate in 1995, to start his new government without the guerrillas,
without the problem of subversion.

2. And how do you judge the situation?

LAB. The concrete reality is that this is nothing more than propaganda
spread by the communications media in the hands of the Peruvian state,
whose echo overseas goes to the big European and North American press.
The reality is that the guerrilla war continues being the principal
problem of the Peruvian state. I will illustrate this with some facts:
more that 60 percent of the population lives under a state of emergency,
that is to say, a state of war. So if there are no guerrillas, why does
60 percent of the population live under a brutal military dictatorship?
Another example: I have news clips, to cite only March and April of this
year, which show that in these months over 60 widespread guerrilla
actions: attacks on barracks, the taking of towns, ambushes on Army
patrols; and these are actions that are not happening only in one region,
they occur in the capital as well as throughout the country. If it was
the case that the Maoists guerrillas are under control or finished, how
is it possible that they can develop big military and political actions,
synchronised throughout the territory? Definitely, as they themselves
recognise, "the People's War is healthy and full of life".

It is obvious that the capture of President Gonzalo would logically
weaken the guerrillas in that moment, precisely because he is not just
any leader of the PCP, he is the principal leader, he is the leader and
ideologue of the revolution. Fujimori made all the publicity he could
from the capture, but in fact we are now in mid 1995 and there are the

3. According to Fujimori, after the capture of Guzman a dispute over
leadership emerged and consequently there has been proclaimed in Peru and
abroad a "split" within senderismo. How do the guerrillas manage in the
face of this phenomenon?

LAB. In many articles in El Diario Internacional, we have clearly
explained: there is no split within the PCP. The first thing that must
be explained is that when President Gonzalo was captured in September
1992, the North American organisations as along with the Peruvian Armed
Forces and Fujimori's government indicated that with the capture of
President Gonzalo the end of the People's War was in sight. Reality has
been different. By the end of 1992 the guerrillas were as strong as when
they were led by President Gonzalo. This shows that the Communist Party
did not depend solely on one individual, but that it is a revolutionary
party, prepared for this type of contingency, including the arrest of its
top leaders.

Starting from this reality, the North Americans and the government
manipulated the hoax of the "peace letters", written and signed --
according the them -- by President Gonzalo, where he demanded a
negotiation of the war, and determined that the revolution should end
because there are no types of conditions for it to continue.

The reality is that no one knows with certainty what has happened with
President Gonzalo. He has been in prison over three years and during
this time there has not been one outsider who has been able to speak with
him. Not even the agents of the International Red Cross or Amnesty
International, despite their repeated attempts, have been able to have
any contact with him. The conclusions of the Central Committee of the
PCP, which leads the revolution, consider that these "letters" are
"counter-revolutionary hoaxes" with the sole end of creating divisions.
They know perfectly well that revolution cannot advance with a divided,
weakened party, split into fragments. With the "peace letters" plot,
they tried to present President Gonzalo as a ridiculous negotiator of the
war, like a capitulator who crawls before his jailer, and in this way
they dreamed that it would automatically destroy all the prestige
generated in the world by the development of the revolution in Peru.

4. What is the proof that there is no split?

LAB. The proof is the growing People's War that advances unstoppable
throughout the country. The letters were forged in the barracks of the
Army Intelligence Service (SIE). The conservative Peruvian press
indicated that the letters came from the SIE, under orders from
Fujimori's advisor, Captain Vladimiro Montesinos, linked to the
international narcotics trade and also tied to the paramilitary
commandos. On the other hand, there are also some ex-sympathisers of the
PCP who support the letters, individuals in prison who have no contact
with the outside world. These are people who are negotiating their own
skin; they have passed over to the service of the state, the Peruvian
police, and to pursue personal interests such as freedom or trips overseas.

5. With so much anti-Sendero propaganda by the governments, the Latin
American community has perhaps not had any opportunity like this to come
to know what rules Sendero Luminoso imposes to execute popular leaders.
They may be confused by the propaganda and ask, how can a revolutionary
movement that claims to be fighting for social justice clash against its
own people?

LAB. Effectively, no revolutionary process can develop and consolidate
itself if it goes against the people. In this matter I am in 100 percent
agreement with you. But we must differentiate the propaganda there is
around the Maoist guerrillas. They are portrayed like a gang of crazy
people, a sect of fanatics, narco-terrorists that kill the Peruvian
population. What is hidden behind these schemes? The powerful ideology
of the PCP is hidden, Marxism-Leninism-Maoism, Gonzalo Thought. They are
part of the psycho-social low intensity war that developing in Peru
against the guerrillas. This is done in such a way, with so much driving
repetition of these lies about the PCP, that there are many people who
think that all this is true. They are pure lies. With respect to this
there is only one question: if the guerrillas are killing the Peruvian
people, killing popular leaders, then why haven't they been defeated in
15 years?

It must be understood that this guerrilla movement is facing 500,000 men
in the armed forces, the third largest in Latin America. Between the
military and police forces there are 300,000 men, plus 200,000
paramilitaries in peasant and urban rondas, civil defence groups, and
other civilian groups that are organised by the Army. To this we must
add the financing, technical, and material aid from the U.S., Germany,
and France. All of the national press is controlled by the government.
With all this force, they cannot liquidate a guerrilla movement that
kills its own people? There is no logical basis.

6. And the executions?

LAB. I will cite a well-known example: Maria Elena Moyano, "Mother
Courage". The party executed her. They did not execute her because she
distributed glasses of milk to people with the help of the Army, because
that was one of her jobs. Neither did they execute her because she was a
leader of the United Left (IU) or MAS; they executed her for complicity
with the Army, organising urban rondas, and drawing up lists to find and
kill presumed "senderistas". This is known in Peru, that because of her
the Armed Forces repressed various settlements. In these cases the party
is drastic and this will occur in circumstances where people become
collaborators with the main enemy, the Armed Forces. Another example:
Pedro Huillca, general secretary of the Labor Confederation of Peru. The
party executed him, and what did the working class think about his
execution? Did they build a shrine to Pedro Huillca? No! The workers
didn't even go to the funeral of Pedro Huillca, because he was a "worker
sell-out", a "strike breaker", an "ally of the Peruvian bourgeoisie". In
these cases there are executions.

7. And the peasants?

LAB. We must think with a very simple idea. The strategic hamlets, a
North American invention in Vietnam, are being employed in Peru, with
their specific characteristics. The Army reaches a village and forces
the peasants to form a ronda, or civil defence groups. Some of these
peasants effectively lend themselves to the use of arms, while others are
forcibly recruited under pain of death. Then, when the guerrillas enter
the village, they face a force that is effectively made up of peasants,
many of them rich peasants, but who are working for the Army. Many of
these peasants, backed up by the Army, commit atrocities in the sierra;
they kill poor peasants, rape their wives, and sack other villages. The
party enters with the People's Liberation Army, confronts these peasant
rondas, and some peasants die, but they are not peasants serving the
people. This is the part that explains the international and
governmental propaganda when they publish: "Sendero killed 20 peasants".
They also forget they are paramilitaries, or under the command of the
Army. The peasantry is the principal force in the revolution and form
the largest part of the People's Army.

8. With such executions in Peru, it is said a "collective fear" has been
generated, or that it is "psychological", and this phenomenon has also
occurred in other countries. Did this have repercussions in the recent
Peruvian elections, motivating the high electoral absenteeism?

LAB. I will talk a little about both themes. The execution of an
individual who serves the Armed Forces or Peruvian police is not done in
a hurry. The party first explains their error to them and gives them an
opportunity to leave their duty if they are a state functionary, or to
leave the village. Furthermore, these executions, who are they done by?
Is it an extraterrestrial force that is arriving from outside saying:
"who are the bad people so we can execute them?". No. The party has its
base work and comes to know the most intimate fabric of the population.
The masses make the revolution, the party leads them. I would like to
quote from McCormick, advisor to the North American pentagon, who says:
"one of the things that favours Sendero is that it carries out justice",
which is to say that the executions are not related to the fear that can
be generated by the entry of the Armed Forces to a village. Rather they
are see themselves protected by the guerrilla forces. If the population
was afraid of the guerrillas, I am completely sure they wouldn't last two
months. If a guerrilla war lasts 15 years and continues to develop, then
it is because it has the support of the population, or the population
protects them. There is no other explanation.

On the elections and absenteeism, we must clear up some other points: the
party called for a boycott of the elections. It hinders the process
where possible. There is another detail which should be kept in mind:
The elections in Peru, like the majority of the countries in Latin
America, are acts which do not demonstrate the democratic will of the
people. The elections in Peru, Brazil, Argentina, or Bolivia are
caricatures, or rather they don't work. The people observe from the
elections that the only thing they can get is a clown in power. The
concrete proof is: Fujimori is the product of the phenomenon of the
decomposition of the Peruvian state. He is a political illiterate. All
of his personal merits come from being a real estate seller; he is a
businessman who became a president. Another example: The Argentinean
president, Menem, is nothing more than a joke. These are phenomena that
happening due to the decomposition of the bourgeois societies.
Statistically absenteeism is increasing and in a state of war it is
effectively greater.

9. Do you believe that the revolution started by Sendero will reach its
final objective?

LAB. There is no doubt. What we cannot say is when. Given the
characteristics of the Peruvian state, the ever increasing crisis, and
all the conditions of hunger and misery of the people which are befalling
Peru and the rest of Latin America, it is obvious that the Peruvian
revolution will reach its objectives.

Interview by Jaime Padilla, Resumen magazine. August 1995
Published by The New Flag
30-08 Broadway, Suite 159
Queens, NY 11106

The preceding was published by The New Flag (La Nueva Bandera),
a newsletter reporting on the contemporary Peruvian politics,
especially the developments of the People's War. Should you
like to subscribe, please write to:

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