
Proverbs 2: 1-5

My son, if thou wilt receive my words,
and hide my commandments with thee;

So that thou incline thine ear unto wisdom,
and apply thine heart to understanding;

Yea, if thou criest after knowledge,
and liftest up thy voice for understanding;

If thou seekest her as silver,
and searchest for her as for hid treasures;

Then shalt thou understand the fear of the LORD,
and find the knowledge of God.


David`s Adoption Day

You`re Something Special

Written by William J. and Gloria Gaither

When Jesus sent you to us,
We loved you from the start...
You were just a bit of sunshine
From heaven to our hearts;
Not just another baby
'Ere since the world began,
There`s been something very special
For you in His plan.

That`s why He made you special...
Your`re the only one of your kind;
God gave you a body
And a bright, healthy mind.
He had a special purpose that
He wanted you to find,
So, He made you something special...
You`re the only one of your kind.


David, Our Beloved One

Written by Mom for his Adoption Day (1974)

We went to God in prayer one day
Asking God thy will be done
That He would give to us a child,
Perhaps a daughter or a son.

We know the Bible is God`s word,
And tells us never cease to pray.
In our hearts we really knew
That He would surely answer someday.

On October tenth the phone did ring,
Around four-thirty of that day.
When we found out who it was,
We didn`t know what to say.

She told us of a little boy,
His age was only three.
Boy! Were we excited;
And this child we longed to see.

On October sixteenth we got a picture
Of our future little one.
He has brown hair and eyes of blue
And we knew that soon he`d be our son.

On November second we got our son.
Oh! What a happy day.
To think that God would choose this one
To come to us to stay.

Davy loves his Sunday School;
He loves to sing and pray.
He loves stories of Jesus
And is learning to obey.

And now the time has finally come,
On this day of June the fourth,
When David legally becomes our son,
Officially a ******* from this day forth.

Lord, give us strength to do our part
In teaching this little one.
May you teach us from God`s word
How to show him the love of God`s own Son.


Twenty Years Later

The Journey

Written by David for Mothers Day

The prayer was spoken, and by God received,
And just like that, the journey was conceived.
A ringing phone and an excited shout;
Proved God`s answer had never been in doubt.

November 2nd. was an exhilarating day.
For now the journey was under way.
You seemed perfect for the role from the very start,
As you raised your son with a loving heart.

Not long after a precious baby girl came;
And your never ending love was just the same.
The journey continued through the years;
With love and laughter, and sometimes tears.

But one thing remained constant through it all;
That you would always be there to answer the call;
Whether it was for help or encouragement or a little extra love,
You always responded with an amazing ability provided from above.

Though we are grown, the journey does not end;
For when a need arises, on you we can depend.
You should be proud of the role you have played,
And of the love and understanding you`ve always displayed.

So at this time we pay tribute to you;
Giving the honor, love and respect you are due.
You have and continue to represent what is pure and good;
On this journey you are taking called Motherhood.

David By Tree

A Special Kind Of Love

Written by David for Mothers Day

It all began on bended knee,
Petitioning God to find a son,
Unsure of what the verdict would be,
But just wanting God`s will to be done.

With a faithful heart that believed God`s Word
And lips that never ceased to pray.
With a steadfast determination that your prayer would be heard
You continued to pray every day.

God in Heaven heard your prayer,
And sent you two children to raise
In a home filled with precious loving care,
To God be all the praise!

Though at times your task seemed very tough,
And the path was laced with fears.
God`s grace was sufficient and enough
To guide you through the years.

Whatever Christine and I may achieve,
We owe so much to you
Because on bended knee, you showed you believe
What God has promised He will do!

So today, we pay tribute where tribute is due
For all that your`ve done and continue to do.
Those moments on your knees with the Father above;
Helped instill in your heart A SPECIAL KIND OF LOVE!

David Graduates From College

David graduated from college in 1994.

Rachel And David

David and Rachel

David And Rachel

David and Rachel`s Wedding Day,
May 15, 1999

David's Family

2007 Christmas

Index Of Pages