"Psalm 127: 3"
Lo, children are an heritage of the LORD;
and the fruit of the womb is his reward.

Our Granddaughter, Annie!

Daddy and BabyAnnie

Feb. 15, 1997, ten minutes old

Sweet Baby

Annie Marie

When my daughter told me that she was pregnant, that was a very exciting day. Since both our children were adopted, I never got to go through the pregnancy routine. It was very exciting to me when I heard the baby`s heartbeat for the very first time or when my daughter would say to me that the baby just kicked. I would put my hand on her stomach to feel the baby kick and I would get a lump in my throat because I was so happy for her. My daughter and her husband decided that I could be in the delivery room when the baby was to be born. She went into the hospital on a Thursday night, the 13th, and we thought that we were going to have a Valentine Baby but she was in labor all day Friday and still no baby. I was able to be in the delivery room until around 2:30AM, Saturday, but due to some problems, the doctor in charge then decided that she would have to have a C-Section, so I wasn`t able to be in the delivery room. Only her husband got to go with her. Finally at 4:29AM on Saturday the 15th of February 1997, Annie came into the world, and my life hasn`t been the same since.

One, Two Three Four Five Six Seven Eight Nine Ten Little Toes

"Ten little toes"

Due to some minor problems, Annie was placed in the Baby Intensive Care Unit for a couple of days. By Tuesday she was doing just fine and was able to go home. We do thank God for answered prayer and for giving us a healthy baby.

Annie has been a joy to my husband and I. I never realized that being grandparents could be so much fun. I am so thankful that they live nearby so we can see her grow and spend time with her. There are so many stories I could tell but I don`t want to be a bragging grandma. Here are a few pictures instead.

Annie And Bear

Annie and Big Bear

Read To Me, Grandpa.

Grandpa loves to read to Annie.

Annie and Grandma

Annie and Grandma (Christmas 1997)

I`m Having A Ball.

age 2�
Annie, playing at Chucky Cheese Pizza.

This is Jillian, Annie`s new baby sister.

Annie, age 3.

Annie, The Star Of The Show.

Annie`s first school picture (Head Start).

Annie, 5 years old.

Annie, 6 year old.

Annie, the summer of 2003.

Annie, school picture of 2004.

Index Of Pages

The Little Girl`s Pearls / Take A Quiz / My Favorite Links

Famous Hymns