<bgsound src="bitedust.mid" loop=1>

Here are some images from my "Stampers" collection. You can download the blank ones and color them in your paint program, or if you prefer, you may have the ones I already colored. All the images are in .GIF format and have transparent backgrounds.
If you use any of these images, I would appreciate a link back to my main page. You can use one of the buttons below if you like.

Raggedy AnnRaggedy Ann To ColorRaggedy AndyRaggedy Andy To Color

CatCat To ColorScardy CatScardy Cat To Color

PuppyPuppy To Color

Bear With TulipsBear With Tulips To ColorBear With Tulips

Pegasus To ColorPegasus

PoseySmall Ant To ColorSmall AntAnt To ColorAntPosey To Color

...And they called it puppy love...

Hugging Dog and Cat To ColorHugging Dog and Cat
Sleeping Dog and CatSleeping Dog and Cat To Color

......Personalize your mailbox...and plant some pretty flowers

Teddy Mailbox To ColorFlowerFlower To ColorTeddy Mailbox

Ribb it...I don't want to be homeless...

Save The rainforest To ColorSave The rainforest

Here's a Magic Dragon for your Page...and his friend, Magic Lady Bug

Dragon To ColorDragon

Puffy clouds...
Clouds To ColorClouds
Mouse To ColorHeartflowerMind Your Mother To ColorMind Your MotherHeartflower To ColorMouse

Take me home...pleassseee!

Howling Dog To ColorHowing Dog

Visitors Since 11/28/97-->

[email protected]

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