I'm A Gemini Man

In a flagrant breach of copyright law, I feel compelled to reproduce portions of the text of the book "Gay Love Signs"... if you're single, have read all my web pages and think I may be the man of your dreams, take a look (just for fun!) at how YOUR sign gets along with mine...

Some Gemini Information first...

Maximizing Your Gemini Potential

Loving Your Gemini Man

And now, to the stars...

How one sign will be attracted to another isn't always a reciprocal relationship... so that's why I've included both views... the Gemini view of the rest of the zodiac, and how the rest of the zodiac views Gemini. See how you would mesh with me, a typical Gemini (I'm so typical it's almost scary!)

Gemini And Aries
Aries And Gemini
Gemini And Taurus
Taurus And Gemini
Gemini And Gemini
Gemini And Cancer
Cancer And Gemini
Gemini And Leo
Leo And Gemini
Gemini And Virgo
Virgo And Gemini
Gemini And Libra
Libra And Gemini
Gemini And Scorpio
Scorpio And Gemini
Gemini And Sagittarius
Sagittarius And Gemini
Gemini And Capricorn
Capricorn And Gemini
Gemini And Aquarius
Aquarius And Gemini
Gemini And Pisces
Pisces And Gemini

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