Maximizing Your Gemini Potential

Gemini is ruled by masculine Mercury, the planet of mental communication. The Mutable Air qualities of your sign are symbolized by the Twins. That doesn't mean you are schizophrenic, but it does mean that you are tuned in to more than one level of awareness. As you already know, the duality of your sign makes life exciting and interesting. The combination of intense interest and the ability to distance yourself from your experiences is often confusing to your friends and lovers because they can't always keep up with your pace.

Conversation is your forte. Some of the highlights of your life have come in all-night gab fests or long-distance telephone calls. Though you may talk up a storm, you can also be a good listener and a keen observer. People feel your interest and warm up to you quickly, often speaking easily and confidentially to you on first meeting. You can be a natural "bartender", listening to any interesting talk. By the same token, you can be a valuable member of a gay peer-counseling group or community-information service. You follow the influence of Mercury to keep information moving in all directions. No subject is taboo, and no issue is ever really settled when there is so much to be studied, analyzed, digested, and disseminated.

Curiosity is the motivation for your wide range of activities. You may not always be sure of what you want, since your Air-sign nature makes your mental energies so diffuse and dispersed. You dend to be a very quick study, even a dilettante, since your restless spirit beckons you to follow each clue as you discover it.

In your career, social, or sexual life, a similar pattern may be apparent. Not that you bore easily, you are just readily stimulated and eager for new experiences. Sometimes you are like a voracious computer, hungry for input. Your research may not always come up with original ideas, but they are clever in the unusual ways you combine your influences and come to interesting conclusions.

You always have an opinion, no matter how little data you may have. You come up with instant readouts rather than reserve judgment until all the facts are in. Should new information prove you wrong, your belief in the eternal flow of new ideas is merely confirmed. you are always willing to give advice, though you don't try to force your opinions on anyone. Your role is to facilitate, not to administrate, the information. If others fail to take your advice, you don't dwell on their lack of receptiveness, because you are not emotionally involved with your knowledge.

Your Air-sign talent for multiple awareness indicates that you enjoy life on many levels, but others may feel that you don't take anything seriously. Your constant flow of witty conversation and fund of eclectic knowledge give people the impression that you are superficial Actually, Gemini, superficiality is not an inaccurate description of your talents.

You are intellectually promiscuous by nature. You learn something from every man you meet, and you are an eager student. Geminis are particularly fond of talkative, responsive sex partners who express their own needs and desires. While one Twin gets down to the business of pleasure, the other one is taking notes.

Pornographic movies, magazines, and voyeurism of all kinds appeal to your thirst for knowledge. You are stimulated mentally rather than sexually by the endless variations on poses and positions. Your lovers benefit from your studies, since you are capable of becoming an accomplished sexual technician. Your Mercury urges you not only to gather information but to disseminate it as well.

Security is not the primary goal in your life while there is so much variety to stimulate your active mind. If a lover should become too serious, too possessive, or too intense, you feel trapped. Freedom is essential to your happiness. You can question the value of ever having a monogamous relationship when you find it so easy to meet interesting men.

When you do fall in love, and that's L-O-V-E love, you fall like a ton of bricks, like a house of cards. Real emotion upsets and confuses you, causes you to doubt your light-hearted capricious self-image. When you get into a love affair, you are curious about understanding your attraction rather than being wildly turned on sexually. You want to know everything about the other person. As you arrange dates, engage him in conversation, drop him notes, he will get the idea that you are interested in getting to know him more intimately. If you are a typical Gemini, you are really excited and flustered at the idea of any real emotional involvement with another man.

Making commitments is difficult for you, even when you think you are in love. Part of you wants to learn how to surrender to your emotions, and another part of you questions the difference between love and intellectual fascination. Your sex life is firmly rooted in fantasy; you can't always distinguish between the real man and a dream figure. The more intelligent, expressive, and creative your lover, the happier you will be as a Gemini in love.

Loving Your Gemini Man

Yes... I'm a Gemini!
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