Loving Your Gemini Man

Your Gemini man is an entertaining and charming bundle of enthusiasm, inspiration and intelligence. A bird of bright plumage, he will never sing in a gilded cage. Freedom is the key to his happiness and success. If you are secure enough to accept the love of a wandering minstrel, a Gemini man will provide an exciting and rewarding experience for you.

Communication is the essence of his archetype. His restless mentality compels him to explore that which catches his interest. Gemini is the classic "social butterfly". Meeting new people, engaging interesting strangers in conversation, and exchanging ideas and influences through friends and acquaintances are his devotions in life.

Like the youthfulness he symbolizes, he desires to know and experience without commitment to any prescribed course of action. On one level it leaves him open to charges of superficiality, but it also allows him the potential for unlimited growth. It is true that his desire for breadth over depth makes him seem emotionally shallow. Gemini is capable of many simultaneous social and romantic contacts, just as he is able to read several books at one time. Each interest or fascination receives his undivided attention - but not forever.

You will meet many Gemini men if you are involved in the media, the fashion industry, or any activity where communication and quick ideas are in demand. His intelligence is restless, his sexuality diffuse. If he finds you attractive, a Gemini will rarely come on to you sexually. He turns on the charm and wins your confidence through his intimate conversation.

The Gemini man's sexual interest is connected to the degree of mental stimulation he receives from you. If he likes your mind, he will want to get to know you physically as well. He needs someone to talk to, and if that person can also provide him with sexual pleasure, so much the better. If not, he can be content for long periods with an active circle of friends, supported by an active imagination.

If you come to love one of these elusive Twins, be aware of his duality in all things. He may seem dizzy, flighty, and altoghether untogether, but it is usually a smoke screen for his feelings of inadequacy. If he seems silly to people, it is because he feels no responsibility to be serious. Security holds little interest for him in a love affair. Consistency can equal boredom for a Gemini. If you let your life-style get too cozy, too regular, or too predictable, his mental wanderlust will compel him to roam.

The range of his activities can be truly amazing. Usually, Gemini has had many jobs, and his resumé is a study in eclecticism. He's always striving to be on top of the scene. Fashion, style, and current trends are his areas of expertise. Gemini can develop and discard a look faster than any other Sun-sign man.

If you want to keep him, you have to keep him interested. A Gemini lover will encourage you to expand your own horizons in an effort to keep up with him. Surprises delight him. Take him to places he's never seen, keep finding new stimuli, and he will be happy and content in his own frenetic way. Gemini's tendency is to dominate the tone, rather than the specifics, of a relationship. He will agree to let you plan your evenings together, but he will expect you to keep the calendar filled with activity.

Imagination is the key word where Gemini's sexuality is concerned. He is stimulated by suggestive situations and pornography. If you get him to express and act out his imaginary sex life, you will find him an exciting partner. Variety is his middle name. Any new wrinkle you introduce into lovemaking will intrigue him. Geminis are fond of all manner of gadgets and toys. As in all things with this Mercurial man, let your imagination be your guide.

The dual nature of his Sun-sign makes him both participant and observer in most things. It's this indefinable element that signals his lack of total commitment. Sometimes, you feel as if he's only half listening; the other half is busy formulating his next question. He can be single-minded in his attention but not for long periods. His strength is in the sprint, not the marathon.

Travel is a great stimulant for him. He delights in new people, places, and situations, which makes him great fun on the road. Visit cities rather than going on camping trips, or to isolated cottages by the shore because he is easily bored, even in anexotic setting, if he isn't getting new data and feedback all the time. A Gemini man is usually good at language, and foreign travel will challenge and excite his urge to communicate.

Unexpected gifts will be greatly appreciated by a Gemini lover. Books, magazines, avant-garde accessories, and theater tickets will all find the way to his heart. A month in the country is more than he can tolerate, but a relaxing day trip or weekend will help calm some of his excessive nervous energy. If you want to care for his needs, you should find ways to slow him down periodically, or he might work his way to nervous exhaustion.

Gemini's Mutable nature makes him adaptive and flexible. He'll try anything once, even a possive and restrictive love affair. It won't last long, and the memory of it's lessons will confirm his other investigations in life. You will hold on to him only by keeping the bond between you asn open as possible. If your arms are there to hug him rather than hold him, if your communication is meant to stimulate him rather than scold, he will always return to you after a flight of fancy. A Gemini wants to feel needed, but only for his inherent virtues. If you try to pin him down, you will lose his marvelous essence and his love. If you keep the options open, this roving bee will always deliver the honey.

Maximizing Your Gemini Potential

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