EagleBear's Den/Aerie

Friends and Others

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I have friends; lots of them in fact. Most don't have web pages, so they aren't listed below. The lists below are my friends with web pages, and acquaintances from the net who aren't friends yet.

As other Aquarians will attest, we have, or are expected to have 100's of friends. Some of us appear to be "Life of the Party", but even though we have many friends, we can often be lonely. It has been said that Aquarians are "shallow", but that is not really true. From observation, I believe that Aquarians (and maybe all of us) have 4 groups of people they call "friends". While a particular friend may float between levels, most can be easily assigned as one of:

Everyone We Know (and Like)
This can be 100's of people. To them we tell the surface story, but not a lot of detail. They can be identified as "those whom you would invite to your lottery party", (if you won the lottery).

There are dozens of friends, and distant relatives. These are people we would go out of our way to help, and they often form our Christmas Card List, (if we can afford it). They can be identified as "those whom would you invite to your wedding", (once we can get married). For me, this includes a lot of the people in Bear Buddies Toronto , the Motor City Bears and OPTIONS; and most of the Forest City Bears and those I know through Interweave.

Good Friends and Close Relatives
This short list may contain parents and siblings, but not necessarily. Not all partners, but all lovers. It's the people whose birthdays we remember. It's those "whom you would tell that you were dying". For me, it includes my Mother; by "brothers" John and Steve; my boyfriends Kevyn and Ethan; my friends Jeanne, Paul B., Jeff E. and Pierre; my ex's Chris and Brian; and some others who aren't named.

This level is so deep, many Aquarians don't know it's there. When we're young, our parents often start here, but they can float up to other levels depending on how we get along with them. While connected, Aquarians will give virtually anything to that person. If we disconnect poorly with a soulmate, we may just clam up and become the shallow people we are sometimes thought to be. We're lucky if we get one soulmate. I haven't had one yet; maybe I never will. It would not be "prudent" enough for a Capricorn (rising) to open up that much.

One other thing can affect where on the scale someone falls. I've noticed that over time, far-away friends can experience "distance slippage", floating up to shallower levels if a good deal of energy isn't spent to maintain the relationship. E-mail helps.

Friends Pages...

The Loves of My Life

Kevyn Jacobs

Ethan Jones

and one other who hasn't agreed to go public, yet.

Kevyn Jacobs
BearTalon (Paul)
Jeff Ellwood and Luis Cornejo
Bremo (Shaun)
Bill Pusztai and Danny Ouellette
Jack (Bear Lover)
Household KEPPELER
Sean Trofin (Beaverr)
Dancing Bear (James)
Jeff Andrew (Cub Bear)
Bearly in Boxers (Gary)


...and Others

Daniel the Bear
Tino DiMarco
Scott Ingram
Woof Bear
Tim Cole
David Bonyun (Abe Luochs)

Some of you seem to be having some trouble differentiating between some of my friends.
Picture with Ethan and Gary Jeff
Ethan is on the lower left. Gary is on the upper right. And this is Jeff. See? They are different people.

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Last Updated: July 22, 1999
Links Checked: April 1, 1999
© 1997, 1998, 1999 Kevin Peckham

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