EagleBear's Den/Aerie

Sprituality and Religion
(and why they are different)

Researchers in North America and Europe have reported a significant rise in interest in "Sprirituality" (as defined by the person responding) accompanied by a significant decline in attendance at most mainline churches. This may confound some, but I think the following may help.

I view Spirituality as a Relationship that you define as being between

That is, it is a feeling of connectedness to something greater than oneself.

Religion, on the other hand, is an Institution, like school, government or business. It usually has solidified at some point and may have become bureaucratic, dead and stifling. While people want Spirituality in their lives, many don't want the trappings of Religion to get it.

My own path has led me to Unitarian Universalism as a religion. Here I have found an emphasis on learning and deciding for yourself. It is a liberal religion with a tradition of respecting the inherent worth of the individual and the interconnectedness of all of nature. Here I have also found acceptance as a gay man both on an institutional level at my local congregation and through Interweave, and I have been able to find my own theology.

Spiritually, I believe in honouring the universe and the souls who inhabit it. My theology is a fusion of Neo-Paganism, New Age, Spiritualism and the belief in Angels. You can read more about this in my Odyssey/Credo.

Pagan Links

Pagan Best
Gay Spiritual Net
Technopagans Article
Technopagan Heaven
The Covenant of U.U. Pagans (CUUPS)
Pagan Bear

Other Links

My Unitarian Universalist Page

The Movement of Spriritual Inner Awareness
Whiting's Writings
Internet Lists Relating to Topics in Religion (1994)


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Questions? Comments? E-mail: EagleBear <[email protected]>
Last Updated: July 9, 2001
Links Checked: June 1, 1998
© 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001 Kevin Peckham

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