EagleBear's Den/Aerie

About EagleBear

Halloween '96
Halloween '96
(31K file)

Who am I? And why do I call myself EagleBear? Well the short story is that my name is Kevin Lorne Peckham, son of Lorne Henry Peckham, Jr. and Margaret Joyce Peckham (neé Richardson) Clan MacLaren. I was born on February 15, 1960 at 4:30 a.m. (Aquarius, Capricorn rising) at St. Joseph's Hospital in London, Ontario, Canada, during a blizzard. I'm an only child, single, neo-pagan, Unitarian Universalist (UU), gay, and a BEAR. Those of you interested in the physical and sexual me can view my stats page. If you want the long story, you can read my bio, the story of my coming out, my essay on spirituality and my odyssey/credo.

My Myers-Briggs Personality Type is ISTJ which is known as the "Accountant's" type. This is a good thing, as accounting and computing is what I do for a living. SJ's are also the types with the highest security needs. This means a constant struggle to not be anal-retentive, controlling or over-cautious. I think I'm winning.

I'm politically liberal (NDP/Green Party), socially conservative (I own two pairs of jeans) and environmentally dogmatic (Reduce, Re-use, Recycle, Re-educate!). I support freedom, reason and tolerance; kindness, compassion, and responsibility. (See also: "Where's My Logo")

I have a BA in Geography from Wilfrid Laurier University in Waterloo, Ontario and a long list of business and computer credits. For 11 years, 2 months and 26 days I worked for "Canada's largest integrated seller/manufacturer/installer of vinyl replacement windows." I was laid off in June '96 when the Administration of the new network was contracted out and my other duties were distributed to the Controller, the Accountant, the Service Manager and the Installations Manager.

How do I feel about that? Well, on the down side, I'm was a job-seeker for 14 months and money was tight. On the up side, I'm off the ulcer medication and I'm sleeping better. In August of 1997, I started work as a Software Specialist at OASIS-Auto Complete Systems which makes software for car dealerships. I'm usually on Help Desk, but I spend some time at the dealerships doing installations and training. I like my job about 90% of the time, which is a pretty good percentage for any job.

The last nine years or so have been rather busy times in my social development. In 1989, I found out that I had always been a UU, but hadn't known it, and had a life-changing experience at our Leadership School, "EAGLES" (see the bio). Thereafter followed terms as Church Board Secretary, Worship Chair, Membership Chair, Communications Chair and most recently, Clerk to the Council. Lately, I've taken a fairly long sabbatical to recover from church burnout.

In August of '94, I went to HALO, London's Gay Community Centre, for the first time on my own (third time ever). In January '95, I joined OPTIONS, a local gay group. In March of '95, I came out to my church. In June of '95, I joined Interweave, the UU trans/les/bi/gay group. In July '95 I went to my first Gay Pride Day (did I mention that London is extremely conservative?) In August of '95 my father died. In Novemeber '95 I started gay sqare dancing. And in December '95, I came out to my mother (yes, at age 35).

I have a lot of rather cerebral interests: systems of all kinds, constitutions, computing, reading, colour codes, crossword puzzles, deciphering vanity plates, BEARS, spirituality, Canadiana ... you can see my Other Lists or my List of Interests for details.

But who am I? That's a hard quesiton; one we are all asking ourselves most of the time in one way or another. The answers we give are usually roles, affiliations, relationships, physical stats. Discovering who I really am might take a lifetime. But I agree with those who say that we are never truly happy until we have found our purpose in life--how we will serve the Universe. I'm still looking, but I know that somehow it revolves around the twin images I have of myself. The Eagle - soaring above the mundane with eyes that see the overall patterns of life, reaching for the Great Spirit; and the Bear - intensely investigating the details of life, master of none but himself.

I remain, EagleBear

My Friends

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A few of my favourite things...
Personality Type Indicators
(Straight) Western Square Dancing
The Tree of Life Project


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Last Updated: July 22, 1999
Links Checked: April 1, 1999
© 1997, 1998, 1999 Kevin Peckham

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