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My Babies

Although I don't have them any more, thanks to a less than civil divorce, I still miss my babies. They were the most loveable cats I've ever known in the world. I can remember coming home from work, and they were all three lined up in the window, just waiting for me to come in the door, and it always took at least half an hour of lovin's before I could do anything else after coming home.

Alvin was my special baby, a long haired brown tabby. He loved to curl up on his back and have me rub his fat tummy. He had a drooling problem, which I thought was adorable. You'd rub his tummy and he'd purr so hard that he started dribbling down his chin.

Kokomo was the old man. We picked him up at the pound just hours before he was do to be "put down", and he made himself instantly at home. His cute little feature, besides eating everything in sight, was to sit back on his but with his feet spread out, just like a chubby little kid.

Blackie was theoretically Wendi's, but he was my little lover boy. I used to spend hours laying on the couch reading or watching tv, with Blackie stretched out on top of me sound asleep. He was so big and lanky that with his head just under my chin, stretched all the way out, his hind feet reached my thighs.

I hope you enjoy these pictures as much as I enjoyed the subjects.

Alvin (left) and Kokomo (right)

Alvin and Kokomo

Alvin Sleeping with Friend's Baby

Alvin & Baby 1Alvin & Baby 2





If you are a cat lover like me, stop by and check out Kay's Cats - A truly wonderful cat lover's paradise :)

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