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Personal Interests

What can I say, it fascinates me. Using Crowley's definition of magick as "that which causes changes in ones environment in conformance with ones will" I try to live my life to the fullest, not letting any opportunity pass me by. Some of the various things that occupy my time include Tarot cards, astrology, biorhythms, meditation, and anything else that catches my fancy.
Basically, they are my life <GRIN>. To give you a good idea of the level of my interest in computers, I built my own Pentium 166 computer with 32 megs of memory, 2 gigabyte hard drive, 4X SCSI CD ROM drive and LOTS of software, mostly Microsoft. I have been assimilated! Check out my computer page for more info on this.
I don't have any right now, but I used to have 3 of them, Alvin, Kokomo and Blackie. Chris and I politely disagree on this from time to time (he likes dogs better), but once we get into a place of our own that isn't rented we will probably get both cats and dogs.
These days it is strictly "look, don't touch" (unless it's Chris I'm touching, of course). I can enjoy the looking can't I?. *grin*
Again, what more can I say. Most of my best friends are women. I may not be interested in women for romantic purposes (been there, done that), but hey!, you can't ignore half the human race, can you?
You name it, I probably like it. Robert Heinlein, Piers Anthony, Anne McCaffrey, Katherine Kurtz, Alan Dean Foster, Tom Deitz, Larry Eddings, and so on and so on, etc. etc. Check out my books page for more details.
Like I said, I spend a lot of time at home watching TV and movies. Give me a good tearjerker any day, and I'm set for the evening. Of course, I love to watch good looking actors, too. Some that come to mind are Christian Slater, Eric Thal, Tom Cruise, and that cute guy who plays T.J. on Pacific Blue. Visit my movie and television pages for all the details.

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