of Yolo County

Past Events

Mark your Calendars

Members of Yolo PFLAG worked at a booth at Sacramento's Gay Pride event, and marched with the PFLAG contingent at the Gay Pride Parade in San Francisco in June.

Over 40 people were in attendance at our March meeeting (Christianity and Homosexuality). A lively discussion ensued over interpretation of biblical passages and the place of homosexuality in organized religion in the 21st century. It was speculated that this may be the issue which divides protestant religions in the year 2000.

The January meeting centered on Hate Crimes. A Representative from the District Attorney's office, and Public Defender's office, as well as police officers from Woodland and Davis were on hand to discuss the issue of hate crimes against the g/l/b/t community, discussing the issues of reporting, enforcement, prosecution and defense. There was a larger than usual turnout and the discussion was lively and informative.

Yolo County P-FLAG hosted its first-ever gathering of gay alumni of Woodland High School on November 28. Some 60 alums and signifcant others, some dating from the 1960s, attended. Everyone had such a good time they decided to try it again next year. Call 530 662-8970 or e-mail [email protected] or [email protected] if you'd like to be on the notification list.

Next meeting:October 11: Coming Out--the perils and pitfalls
Call 530 662-8970 or e-mail [email protected] or [email protected] for directions.

A graduate student in the Ph.D. Counseling program at the University of Utah is conducting research for his doctoral dissertation on the subject of long-term gay male relationships and is interested in interviewing gay male couples who have been and are still in a committed relationship for at least 5 years. Anyone interested can call 801-582-5712 or e-mail [email protected]

October 10, 1999 (Sacramento)
Service of Remembrance

In memory of our children who have died violent deaths because of their sexual orientation.

3:00 p.m., Trinity Episcopal Cathedral
2620 Capitol Ave.

Please join us as we remember their lives with love, bear witness to the atrocity of their deaths and affirm together that hatred and violence must end.
For further information contact Sacramento PFLAG


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Updated 10/4/99