The Brager Manifesto
David Ian Brager

What follows is a disclosure of truth of my life that supercedes the norm, for I want to give George W. Bush a smirkumcision in my fight to protect America.  I am here to protect America from his lies, his deception, and his abuses of the human mind.  GWB is using the same tools that I have fought against for years in mind control games. 

This is about mind control techniques being abused by leaders.  This article also ascribes the tools I have generated to negate such abuses of the common human by such leaders.


Look around.  Does reality seem pretty normal, almost boringly normal, and safe?  Please set an Anchor in Reality.  If anything gets too weird, shout out or think "ANCHOR" for this specific meaning (to differentiate it from when you have that word in other settings (like on boats)), and reset your reality to these settings of what is real.  When have you ever heard anyone say "Safety First!" when it came to anything to do with mind control?

I am a computer hack from back when the programmers were called hacks because we were given a program that had a problem, and that program arrived in boxes of computer cards.  Now, I was lucky and only had to do those in college.  There were people who did those for years.  In all, people trusted us because we hackers were the best.

I was a great hacker in those days, and I hated to share my source code with anyone who wasn’t good enough to understand my code.  So, I would write in spaghetti code, placing as much of the program on each single line as possible. 

The powers that be, employers of major corporations, financed the hell out of the educational industry to create people who would create laws to protect people from getting software modified unless the people who paid had the say so.  They are the ones that paid your schools to teach you structured programming etiquette.  However, programmers are not just giving away their time for their money.  They are giving away their intellect. 

Don’t lie to yourself.  You are always in total control of your actions.  You give your gifts as you decide, and you decide on your rewards for those gifts.  It’s a fun way to live.

I was lucky.  I had a VIC-20.  I had 3.5 K of memory, and I could PEEK and POKE to put the exact data into exactly the right hole, right down to a single bit. 

I was writing software for the VIC, mind you, because my parents were kind enough to open a computer store so that I could be productive.  I was born XXY, and until 1980, neither my parents nor I had any clue of this birth defect.  All we knew was that I was obese, slow, and could sit in front of a computer and hack at a program all night long without getting tired of it. 

For the family business, I did tech support for the bewildered.  Anyone who does tech support, especially phone support for AOL, knows about delivering tech support for the bewildered.  You have to talk down to their comprehension level.  You have to explain things in such finite details that make sense in their symbolic language.  You have to make sense in your logic with their symbols.

To explain the difference between the PC, AT, 386, 486, and Pentium, I used a Dwarf, an Elf, a Human, an Ogre, and a Dragon, respectively, sitting in pub with a tankard of some enjoyed brew, and each one is drinking at exactly the same rate of one toss back of all at once, one at a time, so that all start and stop at the same moment. 

The Dwarf, a mighty fine fellow, perhaps earning resemblance of the fine character portrayed by John Rhys-Davies, is taking an 8-ounce cup’s worth, while the Elf, whom might resemble David Krumholtz, is drinking a 16-ounce pint, the human (you?) at a quart (thank you 7-11, for Big Gulps forcing homesteadonalds to SuperSize their way into history), the Ogre, perhaps from Jim Carter’s variety, is drinking a 64 ounce tankard, and the Dragon, perhaps played by a Sean Connery clone, is downing two 64 ounce tankards in the same amount of time.  If all are running at 33 tankards an hour, you can clearly see that the elf isn’t keeping up with the Dragon, and by what levels of throughput.  Increase the speed to 2.2 billion tankards per second and you start to see why the Pentium is better than the PC as well as comprehend how that is so.

There was a saying.  “The only reason a programmer was up at 7:00am was because he’d been up all night.”  Yes, the sexist line was there at the time, I am sorry, but PC meant Personal Computer when this took place, and only because IBM had the kindness and the courage to put something into the Public Domain of extremely high value.  This something changed the course of history, and my life was never the same.

Anyone who ever used a computer appreciated the ability to put an idea into a computer and have it store that idea for a while, and then become utilized in some fashion that you could totally control to the ultimate levels of your imagination limited only by the levels of the system to which you were programming.  Now, everyone knows.

In 1982, when the Commodore 64 came out, I had the opportunity to work on their C=64 serial #6 prototype.  Ronald “Ron” Wells, who had been our absolutely fabulous Commodore regional distribution manager, and one of the most honest people with whom I ever did business in the computer field, sent this prototype to me so that I could learn something.  I did, because after opening it up with a screw driver, I made a call to Jim Butterfield -- a  Great Canadian  who mapped the Apple II and every Commodore since. 

Jim Butterfield was the brainchild of my discovery of how to do memory mapping.  It’s easy.  You take what little you know and test it to learn more.  You run your own tests, and you keep your own data.  You don’t trust anyone until you’re sure they understand things, and even then, you still test everything so that you cite your work’s sources of ideas, but you also stand at the point of creation learning what few, if anyone, knows.

In 1982, I wrote a couple simple utility programs for the Commodore 64 that helped programmers build better things and thus not need my ruddy little programs.  I wrote Sprite Writer and Music Magic, and we sold them through A-1 Computer Services on 5 1/4 inch disks and cassette tape.  We sold quite a few, but I realized it wasn’t great.  It was just enough to get the ball rolling.

In 1983, after getting asked to leave Washington State University (of which I’ve since graduated once we learned and obtained minimal help for non-hyperactive attention deficiency disorder, dyslexia, and obsessive-compulsive disorder), a W.W.II pilot Warrant Officer, Mr. Charles "Chuck" Brewer, made me an offer.  If I would mentor him in computers, as he had purchased a Commodore 64 from my parents’ computer company, he would teach me of his hobby of over 50 years that he utilized to win bar bets in the Pacific Theatre, for his hobby was hypnosis.

As soon as I began my experimentation, I noted that the human subconscious looked remarkably like an operating system.  From this, I began what has become now over twenty years of strictly volunteer work as an experimental hypnotist so that I could get enough online time in people’s subconscious minds to hack the human computer, map it, and deliver a method so that all humans could safely learn to control, program, and utilize this tool within their own minds, while developing tools that others could choose to use to develop computer software that integrated such abilities from the users so as to upgrade to building belief-system driven software.

I’ve been saying this for over two decades.  It is easier to program humans than to program computers.  If you ever saw my Sprite Writer, you know what my programming looked like, so the ability to use words and shared visions of beliefs helped create a much more interesting field.

In time, while doing hypnosis gaming for Dungeons and Dragons players, I found that we could do gaming that beat the heck out of anything in computers, for the user made believable graphics, and I didn’t make any of them.  Hence, if could figure out how to interface this with a computer game, I could save a ton of CPU speed from the elimination of graphics alone.  I had to develop tools that could be integrated with computers safely while allowing the humans total control over the computers or to work in tangent, but never letting the computer program or control the human.

America gets a lot of crap from the rest of the world.  All other countries are quick to point their fingers and say that we knew something and did not share it.  So, I read everything from most entities that exist to bitch at the actions of the USA, and then developed a line of approach that would negate, for all time, any arguments people would have with my delivery system of wisdom and knowledge to the entire world, for what I discovered needed to be learned by all humans.

The tools I developed are things you can put into your life to make it more interesting to you.  You are totally free in programming, this field is totally legal, and if you’re good and honest and creative, it’s going to make you rich beyond your wildest dreams based on any value of the definition of Rich that you have, especially if you’ve ever looked at the book “Think and Grow Rich.” 

I’m a programmer who did strictly volunteer work as an experimental hypnotist for over twenty years so that I could finally put to rest that question of “Is the human mind the world’s greatest computer?”  The answer is YES!!! 

I’ve hacked the mind, mapped it, and wrote a primer. 
By going through, I have The Future's Toolkit for $19.98 a copy. 

I am on Social Security Disability income.  As Social Security said that I can do all of the volunteer work I wanted to do, I give honor for my achievements to the United States Government for carrying me through this time.  I managed to do the entire beta test so that by the time I arrived for publication, the bugs were gone.

With these tools, we get instant response, as programmers, from humans, so the programming can be as effectively received as a computer would receive, but a hell of a lot better from a gaming standpoint, for when your user believes something is real, you don’t need graphics.  Their mind will build the ideal situation for them without your help, and they’ll never question it.  You can’t have total control.  It’s impossible.  Why not simply do what you can do best, which is game programming, and then rewrite it so that you can sell it around the globe as personal mind gaming.

Many fields are about to disappear, and the people in those fields cannot stop this.  When the automobile arrived, horse cart manufacturers disappeared.  I’m not going to list the fields, but it will be obvious within a few months.

My work is going to change every person equally who chooses to learn to use it personally.  For this reason, I ask that you please DO NOT teach those that don’t want to learn.  Don’t make yourself crazy.  Each person is in total personal control, and will learn if and when he or she wants to learn. 

These tools allow you total control over your entire life memory, plus gives you access to the collective unconscious.  The person I trust in remote viewing is Alex Saenz, who owns Fire Frost Entertainment in Pasco, Washington.  Alex is the finest musician I’ve ever met, and he’s barely surviving in this economy, as is anyone, but this cat can play a mean rock sitar, mandolin, drum, bass, keyboards, and about a dozen guitars.  He also has an excellent sound recording studio, but the economy is still a sick economy. 

Someone has been paying for my website’s bandwidth (my site can be reached via without my knowledge or permission.  Although I appreciate it, I want to be clear that I have only the knowledge that Geocities no longer lets me see my account, and I see that I have bandwidth that I could not get if someone was not paying for it. 

I’m an American, and I want you to remember that not all Americas support George W. Bush.  I do not, and if you go to my “Poetry and Lyrics” Section, and click on Parodies, you will find my song written over the music of “(You picked a fine time to leave me) Lucille.”  That is the most Patriotic song I have ever written, and it’s parody focused upon a specific point in US history that needs a continual nip at, like Chappaquiddick, so that folks simply remember the whole truth of all of one’s mistakes and consider your overall picture. 

I was born XXY.  For 18 years, I was on injectable testosterone enanthate, which I injected into my leg by setting the 22 gauge needle on my leg, and after getting my courage up each week, I pushed hard and straight, hoping not to hit the artery (which can squirt, let me tell you!) while under the care of Dr. Stuart Vincent Freeman of Richland, Washington. 

Whenever I needed to adjust my dosage, I would tell Dr. Freeman I’d changed my dosage, and he would then write me prescriptions to whatever level I told him.  For some reason, I assumed that as a medical practitioner, if he had a problem, I would have heard verbally or in writing and in loud tones that, under no uncertain terms, would such medication be prescribed in such a manner. Instead, the prescriptions would instantly change, so I assumed that my doctor knew what he was doing.  I did not realize that he assumed I knew what I was doing, and he never said a thing.  He also never took my wrist bone measurements throughout any of those eighteen years, which contrasts to the manufacturer’s suggested dosing guidelines, so I have no idea what damage has taken place to my bones.

For about two years, I did not know that I had put myself on a lethal dosage.  I had prescriptions from my physician which said that I was safe, right? During this period, anyone who met me thought I was a sex fiend, for I turned every conversation into a conversation about sex. According the Physicians Desk Reference, which I eventually obtained after beginning court for communication with a minor (a member of my own family, for which my actions are my responsibility, and it has taken years of work to rebuild that relationship), it should have taken about a month for what testosterone that was left in my system, if my levels and my dosages  were normal, to deplete.  It took 18 MONTHS for the testosterone cysts to squeeze out every drop of testosterone that had been stored due to my lethal over-dosages.  It is at this time that I left Dr. Freeman and took myself off testosterone enanthate injectable forever.

I now get a prescription for a body rub-on dosage, and I spread a month’s dosage to last two or more months.  I want to show, for all time, that I take even less than I am prescribed so that I will never be in that category of aggression from a prescribed drug.  I am responsible to society, and so, if you calculate my dosage, it would equate to a chemical castration level, considering my body produces no testosterone.

The only other criminal act was a possession of marijuana under 40 grams, and I have have told the FBI, they need to get stoned, for cannabis sustains a subconscious state, and by making cannabis illegal, they have raised the intellect of criminals while dumbing down the cops.  As a former police cadet, this is impossible logic.  I could never have tackled this whole project without it.

I am trying to be a responsible leader of a new communications field, but I refuse to have skeletons in my closet. The world needs Jews who fight the lies by telling the truth.

My court-appointed sex offender counselor, Michael Henry, went into court and said that I did not fit the pattern of any of his patients and so, I am not a registered sex offender, but it’s one of the driving reasons scrypnosis is contractual.  I don’t have to work with kids. 

I respect people who learn from court-appointed counseling.  Most should realize, at least within a few years, that the way to be most helpful and healthful to their environments is to be honest and to educate people with the full truth of their actions so others can make educated decisions about their participation in that offender’s life.  I’ve given speeches in the class of Dr. Dallas Barnes, at Washington State University on being XXY, having this offense, and having come out.  I came out on the internet.

Now, I need you to understand, I discovered that I can’t be Gay because I haven’t been with anyone of my same sex.  I’ve been with XY and XX but no XXY.  So, my posting may have been premature, but if you search for either "Dave's Coming Out card" or “Pride &Sufferage,” you’ll find it.  After nearly a decade, these words are still making the rounds because they offer the most logical approach to coming out. 

I printed what is nothing short of poetry on both sides of each business card, then handed one, very discreetly, to a friend, and then, I would walk away to a safe distance to watch this person read it.  If they handed the card back and left or if they smiled and stayed, it made it so that they had no big scene, total privacy, and an ease to transition. 

However, after I came off the overdose and depleted my internal balance of testosterone, I decided that I gave my commitment to my marriage, and I have made it work.  My word is my bond, and my wife is a genuinely wonderful gal who deserves my best efforts.

People need to stop being so afraid about telling others of their offenses.  It takes courage to be responsible, and Courage is necessary to build a better America. 

When was the last time a new leader popped out of the woodwork and disclosed this much truth at one time?  Do you know any people in your life that would disclose this much truth in one article to the unknown? 

I am literally marking history, for the internet is a tool of the future so they can learn from the past.  We must protect the internet archives at all costs, Thank you GOOGLE, for history is capable of having viruses just like computers. 

I found one of many computer viruses in space-time logic.  This one is the basis of all that is wrong with the world at this moment.

The world’s people all need to reboot.  We need use our most intimately personal value-system programming, whatever we, as individuals, choose that to be, and not accept anyone else’s values to supercede our own. 

Without any interference from any outside source, you learn total control from within your mind.  All a hypnotist does is guide a path into logic.  Hypnotists are not magicians.  They are talkers. This is an untapped communications field that has been mistaken as a psychology field, and there are 6.4 billion people who do not know they have these abilities minus about one single million who do.  That is a lot of consumers and a lot of untapped income.

Don’t you see the problem?  The whole world’s population is programming one another without comprehending the logic, without knowledge of how the human mind works, or understanding how the mind can be altered, integrated, or used like a computer.  What’s on my website combines with anything and everything out there.  That’s a basis for a new future, for we’ll never be the same intellectually.

You can cram for college in five minutes before a test, or learn to do the test in a subconscious state.  You’ll probably blow the curve every damned time.  Education is going to have to teach this stuff to 100 level students, and none of them are doing it. 

Washington State University only teaches hypnosis to PhD students in psychology.  This is not a psychology field.  This is a communications field, and I’ve done all the research to develop tools that will allow academia to do proper scientific testing using an international standard, so that all can learn and grow.

I developed the first safe tool for this field that’s FCC compliant, and I put it into the international public domain in 2003.  I did not go open source.  I want to follow in IBM’s footsteps.  I want to give away the razors to sell the blades.  I want to make a living, but I wasn’t IBM.  I am a poor American on Disability income.  And I owe money to the Internal Revenue Service. 

I learned a lot about US patriotism from people who work for the IRS -- especially Malcolm Ottorson, who just retired last year.  Internal Revenue Service people love America, and they are so very worried about this country that they do a job that no one wants to do.  They are literally the most important people on the planet in your life if you live in America, for, with this President, our Military have no real reasons to fight for the US without love and money. 

Updated  28 November 2006

Time is in the everpresent NOW.  this is a decision computer system for the everpresent NOW.  The question is always, “Does this next decision have anything to do with the path of The creator?”  The conditions are answered 1 if yes to the question of “Do I have to do this?” for each of the eight conditions.

Your left hand's thumb and fingers reflect behavioral systems that address upon your association with the creator.  Your right hand's thumb and fingers reflect upon your association with all humankind.

Left hand, from Index finger to Pinky, respectively:
•    Do I lie?
•    Do I scapegoat?
•    Do I dishonor?
•    Do I torture?

Right hand, from Pinky to Index Finger, respectively
•    Do I steal?
•    Do I overwork?
•    Do I adulterate?
•    Do I kill?

If there are any of the eight fingers lifted, the overall answer should be NO for the primary question, using the universal flip-flop data system.

I want you to reset this computer by forming two fists.  What is it they say these days?  “Two Thumbs Up, Good to GO!”  I didn’t write this.  The time-space relationships come together a little too well.  So, if you use this computer, and you get no violations, you know the code.

We are talking about a computer here. 

To see an enhanced photograph of two hands that explains this further, please go to this link:

Now, what does it take to go to hell?  You know the symbol for hell that they use at Ozzie Osbourne concerts?  To get into hell, just lie and torture and steal and kill. By lying and torturing, you break the bonds with the creator, so that thumb comes down.  To steal and kill, you break the bonds with humankind, so that other thumb's down.  There are only two commandments in the game, and you have to break both.

Please understand that killing is the LEAST of these eight violations, because, based in time, it's the shortest time element. As time goes, lies are the most dangerous. 

If you were linked here from elsewhere, you might click your BACK button to return from whence you came.

I am highly serious.  I cannot do all the research myself.  This is a new field.  There is logic galore, and you’re gonna love it.

I ran the fantasy vacation, three weeks on Mars as a Secret Agent, for guy who wanted to be “Drinking and Whoring and Fighting the whole time.”  I ran it over the phone.  The whole adventure took less than five earth minutes, and the guy, afterward, went on and on about how fabulous it was, how real, and how he had orgasms with the triple breasted whore, who was inserted into the movie script as a kudo to Douglas Adams. 

The program I wrote looks like this:

“I want you to have a fantasy vacation on Mars as a secret agent, drinking and whoring and fighting the whole time.  Time for you will seem slow, but for me, it will move much faster.  Tell me when you are done.” 

Five minutes, tops, was all it took.  Anything that can be run over a phone can be recorded, digitized, computerized, integrated, and gauged into games.

If we merged fantasy vacationing with one of those souvenir machines that stand vacant weeks on end, people would pop money into have a fantasy vacation, and using a technique from another of Philip K. Dick’s works, “Do androids dream of electric sheep?,” we’ll take these person’s photos and insert them into fantasy tourism photos, “Our Millionth Visitor!”  “Mars Daily” and other such nonsense, and make some real money at about twenty bucks a pop.  The user agrees to the EULA which is printed outside and next to the money acceptance machine, for by placing money in this machine, you accept these terms by physically making the choice to put money in this machine, and for our safety and protection of this device, we photograph all users herein.  We then have one of those more reasonably comfortable reclining seats, and we use surround sound effects and a neural interface wrapped around the forearm so that this person’s tension becomes the speed control.  When the user squeezes a fist, the tension is registered to slow the system down, and when the person relaxes, it accelerates proportionally.

The only reason I do volunteer work is because it only takes one session of about two hours run one time to fix all of 99% of the emotional problems people have.  That’s literally miraculous, and miracles MUST NEVER come with price tags. 

Eighteen months of psychotherapy at $180 an hour from some rat bastard that may or may not help you in the long run, Instant Therapy is timely in this world of Instant Gratification.  There is nothing more instant than this stuff, and these bastards have tried everything to get people to be afraid of hypnosis.  They are only in this for the money, for if they really gave a good goddamned about your mental health, they would be using these tools.

Now, please use this logic against what most people who have felt themselves justified to distrust all Jews say about Jews.  I am behaving in a manner that is consistent with the whole world. 

I ask that you realize that how I am behaving is how Joshua bar Jacob (Jesus Christ) as a person behaved.  I learned this from him, and from Buddha, and so many other people that figured this out. 

I behave exemplary because I found, once we get past the personality, all humans, regardless of religion or beliefs, are identical AND programmable Humans are not using these tools because these abilities  have remained dormant because it was necessary for the whole world to comprehend computer logic.

I am behaving to the best levels at this point in history for a Jew under these conditions, and I am striving for world peace.  I need help, and the only people who can understand this stuff are the programmers.  You need to learn, and, for your efforts, there is an new programming market arriving just in time for eyes-closed computer gaming using neural interfaces. 

I need surround sound people, actors, writers, and so many others to learn and begin developing software so we all can get our careers going.  I have been collaborating with everyone.  I am attempting the best approach to poor man’s marketing and poor man’s patriotism (without it ever being rich man’s treason).

What I discovered is that religion must be without leaders, for God is intelligent enough to see the fact that humans will pollute the logic by trying to defend who is the true leader.  There are NO leaders, no chosen people, and, in fact, it may not be a religion at all.  It may just be the Read Only Memory from which we need to reboot these biological computers.

Let’s do an example of how I would write one of these computer programs.  Let’s say that we have a person in her 60's who is sexually active and vital, and her husband just died.  This person wants to have an experience of seeing and spending time together with the memory of this person, to infinitely real perceived levels, until she is ready to say goodbye for this visit, and there will be many visits like this for the rest of her life.  The program is...

“You will find yourself with your spouse as you best remember and with yourself looking as you best remember, and best ever feeling for both.  This will feel totally real, even though you know that this is only fantasy for everyone else on the planet.  Life is a personal experience, and this is what you want today.  Enjoy.  Time will go slower for you but faster for me.  Tell me when you are done.”

When I discovered that I could insert a line that says, “Time will go slower for you but faster for me,” the game got even easier.  I found that I could set parameters for running processes to limits, to restrictions, and to functional changes beyond reality.  If the person accepted the belief suggestion, that person’s own computer would build the computer graphics of a lifetime, and the justification gaming system would build a backstory so as to substantiate today, but if you needed more, you needed to run that separately and without any other jobs running early in your learning.  Later you can build and integrate routines, label them, and these become words that become integrated with other words of meanings to become even more elaborate logic.

I don’t control history, but who the heck am I to have this type of impact on so many people around the world and yet, be forced to write something like this to get enough attention from people to realize that I am one patriotically courageous guy who’s sick of the bullshit and just happened to find the tools from

The creator works through people.  We are learning machines. 

When I play at the play money tables at in the 45 player tournament tables (my handle is dibrager), I chat, and I disclose my cards when I can.  At heads up, I disclose all.  People learn whether they want to or not, and the fact is, if you’re fully impulsive and think on your feet, your improvisation keeps them in check for they really won’t know what your next move is.

Years ago, when you were at that restaurant, you know the one, and that one couple had that argument, and you tried so hard to not listen, but, guess what?  Your mind collected every word.  It’s all in there. 

You can revisit any memory at any time, listen to things that you missed, relive it over and over, edit the memory of the event, or change the values, or revise the logic, or alter your memories, or pre-program your dreams, or alter your realities, or change your perception of space and time, and matter, and beliefs, and feelings, so that you can play with quantum mechanics in real time.  It is an innate ability and you need to stop being afraid and just learn it, and then teach it to everyone you care about. 
Of course, you’re also going to discover that you, with your music making software and your recording studios, that if you follow the scrypnosis standard, all your middles will jukebox together with everyone else’s to become bigger and better experiences if you follow the public domain international standard of scrypnosis. 

As scrypnosis is public domain, you don’t have to pay me a goddamned dime.  So, you get to keep all the money, minus what you pay to your government’s taxes. But, you need to disclose to people that you’re using the scrypnosis standard, and you have to use the contracts, so that people can trust your contracts and so your work will be consistent to the patterns set by the method. 

If you violate the users’ trust, they will never buy anything or listen to anything you say ever again.  The subconscious mind doesn’t mess around with people who violate its trust.

Now, to be FCC compliant, you cannot use subliminal advertising.  Just disclose every product name you’re going to use in the experience so that people know that these products are advertisers, but also such advertisers care enough about the listener’s experience that they want them to have best and most real experience they can have, and therefore, why have it be that your user imagines biting into a slice of pizza when they can imagine the taste of the hot and delectable flavors emanating from a slice of Atomic Ale & Brewpub’s Thai Chicken pizza with peanut sauce, garlic and chives, for example.  The clarity of the communication, in an highly imaginative state, allows for the user to draw from known sensory memories of things they might have had, if any, and build from there.  (The pizza, by the way, is of the best thin crust pizza in the world, but since my gastric bypass, I can’t eat any.)

Storytelling is going to get a whole new shot in the ass. 

I’m a writer.  You’d think that I’ve written a ton of stuff using this format, but I didn’t.  I want to work in the steering, but I didn’t want to dictate the rules because I want to feed off the exchange and write what people want me to write.  I'm nothing like George W. Bush.  I'm a better man and a better American.

I do have concepts for things that I want recorded, but the people to whom I am affiliated don’t have the money nor the time to serve me in my needs.  When I get my boat to float, you must understand that I am bringing all my investments back to my hometown, for it’s sunshine and climate suit me, and its people need an economy that will support it.

The Hanford Atomic Works, that is fifty miles north of my home, keeps me believing that George W. Bush has been beating Iran under the table in the press to make the President of Iran say things that are mean.  Such is consistent with mind control techniques from the White House.  I live here and I know what a nice thing Atomic Energy can be.   I believe that with the Chinese atomic power plants using spherical plutonium balls in water flow for turbine use at lower core temperatures has a design that is brilliant. 

When given the chance for Iran to waste their tiny bit of plutonium on bombs when the people need heat and light, such arguments against Iran are ridiculous. 
The Irainian President is a very highly smart civil engineer, and he knows his stuff. He’s not going to risk his life’s work, his family, or his country over wasting the wonders of clean atomic power over a bloody bomb.  He’s too honest.  But, I cannot fault him taking advantage of playing with people’s fear. 

I had a link to the letter I wrote to this President of Iran, but somehow the link was eliminated, so I am re-entering this link's data today (18 August 2006).  Please click here.

Using my tools, the Israelis will have no more fear than anyone on the planet, and so, people will have to judge the killers and brutal people alone from those that have the freedom to vent their frustrations in non-violent ways.  This is the tool so that the righteous can socially distance themselves from the bullies.

There’s tons of people who know my website based on all the hits its had at OWT, and then at Geocities.  For a fuller account of my data anaysis, please go to this link:


However, to make sure that there would be a market, I had to start feeding the intellect of the movers, the shakers, and the educators in many fields so that, when they heard the news that I was not a nobody anymore, they would realize that I was serious.  For a copy of a marketing plan I accomplished, please go to this link:


The book takes in my work with neural interfaces in the 1980's, but you can find my field notes, on how to turn an electromyograph into a typing device, at this link


The neural interfaces took twenty years to return to the public market in high degrees of delivery, but perhaps it’s better that Broderbund killed the division that had just signed a contract with me to be the world’s first programmer for commercial applications to allow anyone to type, hands-free, with a computer interface that was strapped to the forehead.  I don’t believe this for an instant, and I hope that their stockholders kick the company’s ass for that decision, but because when they closed the division, my contract was cancelled.  I have no responsibility to them whatsoever.

The neural interface field is finally to the level that they might be able to handle the demand once the world discovers these Creator-given abilities, whatever you personally believe your creator concept to be, give you faster and more concise throughput rates and quality of data perfection with less errors.  The first international symposium on neural interfaces took place in Wuhan, China on May 26, 27, and 28 of 2005.

Some entity of logic has built an entire hugely accessible computer in your mind which, disastrously enough, the people who have been showing it as stage hypnotism systems use fear (instead of absolute educational tools to the general public as fast and as often as I have) to demonstrate.  All people need to learn that they are the only ones in control and the hyp is just talking.

If you go to Google and search the string “hypnotist” you will find over three millions hits.  But if you search for the string "Volunteer Hypnotist" you will find a miracle based on a computer geek’s value system of a virtual impossibility.  How could there be one of anything on this planet?  As of 12:34 am 20 March 2005, I’m it.  According to Google at this moment, there are twenty hits for the string with quotes "volunteer hypnotist" and I am listed on fourteen.  I am the only strictly volunteer hypnotist on planet Earth at this moment.

Now do you believe me?

Go to the website at  Learn everything.

Oh, by the way.  As I’ve said, I’m Jewish.  Many years ago, I wrote an article that I had not published, but I sent it to then pen pal Xaviera Hollander on how, if the state of Israel had been created in Florida, it would have been called “High Treason.”  This wonderful person sent a copy of this article to about fifty highly aggressive people in Israel without first asking permission of me or even telling me that she was going to do it.  She said, later, that she liked to do this and then watch the fireworks.  I hope she was kind enough to include this behavior in her new autobiographical movie.  I am responsible for my mistakes, and people must understand that in my world, I believe that her action was a mistake. 

I will not share the wonderful words of hate and vile violence that came to me from these emails from the people in Israel, but I am of the opinion that these people are the victims of a computer virus that happened in history some four thousand years ago.  As I have begun to suggest, we are biological robots in time, and lies, no matter how well set, must not be recorded in history, for logic demands truth.

What is the first thing you ask someone when doing tech support?  “Did you Reboot?” 

I developed the tools so that all humans can reboot, and I gave it to the United Nations in 2004 in email to Francis Kofi, who’s email address, “[email protected]” apparently receives email from an email address I would have thought if it didn’t go to Kofi Annan, it should have gone nowhere.  The tool is called the Basic All In One, and it allows, without telling a single secret to anyone else, each listener to create a personal filing system wherein that person can do housekeeping of all their life’s memories, create filing for those memories one would not wish to remember, and place said bad memories somewhere so that they cannot be of any harm to that person at any time ever again.

The Basic All In One is very effective with anyone who has suffered intense terrors, like war or rape or other miseries, so they can live without nightmares and return to their old lives before these horrors ever happened, totally by their own choice.  There is no reason people need to get sucked through eighteen months of therapy.  They can fix their entire lives’ memories in two hours or less once they learn to use these innate abilities.

When the bombs went off in London, I contacted everyone I'd ever received email from the UK about the Basic All In One, as well as the Prime Minister's office.  After Katrina, I contacted all of the groups that were delivering aid there.  I'm doing what I can from my home computer, and these tools are fantastic.

I have done everything by the book so that things that were written about Jews by people, like Benjamin Franklin (who wrote things about Jews that I agreed were unacceptable), would forever support me as the type of Jew they would fight to protect.  I am following only the Two Commandments Eight Rule system, and nothing more.  I don’t wear anything else because I don’t need anything else, and THE CREATOR IS NOT AN IDIOT.  It’s just you and The creator, and the hand tool, period.

Learn all you can.  Teach all you can.  Enjoy all you can.  If you can’t enjoy in reality, here are tools to let you alter reality so that you can have the dream world you want.  So long as you realize that your behaviors in the shared reality must conform to the law, you can live in any type of reality you want, and these tools give you that level of freedom, and they are from your creator, whatever you believe that to be.  It’s for this reason I had to be very careful to give it to everyone freely and evenly.  You’re going to need it because you have been a victim of mind control only because the people using mind control don’t know all that much more about what’s going on any more than you do.  This is a revelation and it’s about time.

Basic All In OneAnyone who uses the Basic All In One, which you will find at by clicking on the red graphic that looks like this (look left) can change the pathway of their life overnight.  It’s that effective. 

Who has time for eighteen months of therapy? 

Please remember that I’m only the messenger and the discoverer.  I did not put these abilities in you.  They have remained dormant in your family since the beginning. 

Douglas Adams was right, and he didn’t even know what was up.  He was an atheist.  The ultimate answer to the ultimate question of life the universe and everything was 42. 

Do you know that the anniversary date of the very first day that Douglas Noel Adams ever discussed the “Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy” as a radio program concept was on 4 February 1977 with Simon Brett.  Now this year, on that day, it has a very significant 42 symbolic relationship with space-time.  Did you know that day was Four months and Two days from 6/6/6?  Don’t get me started about what 4+2 equals, but 6/6/6 is June 6th, 2006. 

I met Douglas Adams in Seattle once, and on this recent day, I called and talked with Mr. Brett at his home.  By doing so, I set a milestone so that all can follow the truth, but I hope that in the end, people realize that they are only on their own controlled quest and they do not follow anyone.

Folks, do you know what the collective unconscious is?  When you discover all the innate abilities, the next thing we’re going to do is to fix history with the truth and get all the lies out while discerning who stumbled upon all this stuff in history, like Nostradaumus. 

Just as we try to explain tech support to the bewildered, try to imagine some ancient guy having to look at today’s reality through a time warp through his own mind.  Every human being has this ability. but I trust my government’s point about this, especially seeing that they released it from the Project Aquarius confidentiality process, which was brilliant on their part.

The United States government has some of the finest minds on this planet, and if you look at their logic, they see time and understand that you have to set time capsules so that others can find you when you need them to find you.  This is exactly how your “original programming based on your creator” works.

Now, along with this, remember that you cannot follow a Prophet.  This is a religion without any leadership.  You can follow a King, or a country, but your relationship with your creator is your own personal relationship and no one else’s business.  The Army of One has an ally.

If you ever want to dishonor a prophet, you say that you follow that Prophet.  If you really want to honor a Prophet, the answer is that you follow your creator.  What you learn on that path is affected by the Prophets.

Anytime someone says that you need to follow only them, you must assume they think that they are being blessed by The creator, and if that is the case, you must test it against your BULLSHIT computer.  If the BULLSHIT computer says that nothing stinks, you’re fine.  If it stinks, don’t go that way. 

This mindset of “We don’t negotiate with terrorists” is stupid.  You can learn a lot from everyone.

Meanwhile, scrypnosis has to be taught to children by their parents.  The time will come when you go back to your earliest memories and read things you could not read when you were a child.  The memories are clear and real.  You are able to have total recall.  Philip K. Dick was right on the money with a number of his thoughts.

Computer programming allows us to understand how we would program things as if we were The Creator.  Now we have the tools to let us help the users learn to use temporary reprogramming, as well as permanent, by their own choice, so that they don’t damage their own programming while, at the same time, give these folks the opportunity to play with their tools safely and without fear. 

We have to use the scrypnosis standards so that people learn to trust the standard and never have to rely on anyone.  If anyone were to attempt to ingest a suggestion from someone who makes lies, one can effectively negate that person’s contract.

What is best about scrypnosis is the stronger the subconscious mind of a person, the less ability INFLUENCE ever has, for what has been happening is that people get frightened and drop into a subconscious state automatically (this is a panic system).  From here, if people are not aware, they can be programmed like a computer to respond to switches or triggers.  Some of these triggers are sounds or words, like “Nine-Eleven.” {If they’d said, “Seven-eleven,” we’d all gone out for coffee.}

I brainstorm with everyone.  I have collaborated freely with the best of my abilities.  I currently collaborate with David Shepherd anytime he needs an idea for a new improv game or concept.  You’ll find that he was kind enough to list me on his website at:

and then click on the “Who are we?” button.  Listed in alphabetical order, you’ll find me there. 

You’ll also find me in the IGDA discussion groupvarious discussion groups, and R. Kevin Doyle’s ImprovTheory discussion group at Yahoo.  My handle everywhere is dibrager.  And I play in the play money 45 player poker tournaments at 300+20 games most evenings when I don’t have homework to do.  I want people to have free access to me and everyone needs to learn scrypnosis. 

You will find me at because of my last WA state drivers license photo half-shave.   I've since had a gastric bypass and have lost over 155 pounds so I'm skinnier, but when I obtained my newest license in January, 2008, I shaved the other half for the photo, and my hair was worse.

If people want to get their name out there where I have been involved, only I can say who I remember, but I have my emails back to 94 minus two years that were eaten by the SirCam32 virus.  (Those type of hackers piss me off, so I am here to defend the good name of Hacker from the beginning, and hope that we will stand proud once again in time.)

There needs to be an international standard platform for scrypnosis gaming so that all programmers are aware of the routines.  I've been bitching at the IEEE for years, but I don't think they took me seriously.  We then record all the programs, sell them or, in time, we give away the initial platforms and let people come to us for better programming once they get sick of the freebies.  Isn’t that why you give away a demo?

This letter, of which I have placed all these tools into the world before me, I place such a high value on what it means to be a Jew that I have to say, for all time, I learned this lesson from many who discovered the higher programming of then ten commandment turning out to be a computer message to the future.  Lo and behold, Leonard Nimoy gets major credits.  But even moreso do my parents.

My dad was a metallurgist who took a job with Battelle Northwest, now known as Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, and moved his family far from Los Angeles.  So, while I only had the opportunity to be in one soap opera as a kid, being cast by Caro Jones (who later cast Rodney Dangerfield for “Back to School” as well as casting for “Rocky”),  I was lucky enough to live in a community that literally represents the finest minds in the world, and we live in a first-strike zone that has atomic waste, but the community acts as if it is a blueprint for what world peace would be if the whole world wanted to simply behave.

My relatives never come to visit because they have been conditioned to be afraid that we’re all radioactive.  The only thing I want to see radiated from here is peace.

My dad let me grow up to be the kind of guy I am. I love him and my mother for it.  He now paints pictures that win awards, and my mom does jewelry with glass, and they’re fantastic people, as are most of the people here in the Richland, Kennewick and Pasco, Washington (Tri-Cities) metropolitan area. 

People here in the Tri-Cities are nice to one another.  We open doors and behave.  We have an unending level of kindness because we respect each other, our differences, our beliefs, and our individuality.  We have a Mosque, a Synagogue, a Buddhist temple, a bunch of LDS and reorganized LDS temples, one UCC church, one Unitarian church, one Metropolitan Community Church, and one every other denomination.

It seems that people all over the world act a lot like people here in these levels of kindness.  You just have to look past the body armor of the beaten to see straight into the heart of people to get them to jive with this logic.

Like so many people in this world, life is a computer game. We are literally in a computer game of high logic, and we are literally biological robots.  We hacks, by being of the aware, are literally the only people who can protect the general public.  

Scrypnosis contracts protect the users and protect the programmers.  Let your attorneys do their jobs.  Your job is literally to write programming for the human mind. 

I was sent an offer to pitch a lecture for the game developers conference.  I pitched this lecture, but they turned me down.  Perhaps those attending might mention if that decision jives with their values to the powers that be.

I’m in college and working on my MBA.  I know what this project means in money.  I am not going cheap.  However, until someone makes me the offer I don’t refuse, free does not mean I have to stop doing it. 

I have millions of wonderfully intelligent people in my wake that know of me who I’ve never met, but I have been answering any hypnosis question, no matter how tWIStEd for over twenty years.  My website is the only one which been totally free since Tim Berners-Lee was kind enough to give the tools for the World Wide Web to the world in1994. 

I am trying to follow the examples of IBM and Sir Berners-Lee and so many others, so that the world can upgrade and move ahead of this Bush asshole who seems to be using the best of his lies to attempt to get permission to drop an atomic bomb so that he can create a bigger supply of users for his family’s opium investments in the long run.  By giving these tools, we don’t need opium to survive an atomic war.  It would be nice to simply respect one another enough to not need one.

No one can compete with free, especially free that is built into each and every human being on the planet.  I did not do that. Your creator did that.  I’m just the messenger.

Programmers, please learn,  use, teach, and protect.  The job is on your shoulders.  I cannot carry the world any longer.  Besides, I think there’s gonna be a lot of money in it. 

A lot of poor people, like actors and writers and anyone who hates what they’re doing right now, will find work once this field, which is heading into the future, gets going.  Just imagine!  Computer programming for computers that run on food and can alter reality for the user without using graphic controls while the users do all their own graphic design, are fully responsible for their actions, and are educated in escape mechanisms that they learn to use before ever using these tools; SAFETY FIRST!

From 100 years onwards, everyone in history is going to use these tools. 

I had to do this in a way that once people started on this transformation, the momentum would run the world through so that it could never be stopped.  I had to do this in a way that earned the most respect from my enemies so that they learned that they benefit equally from these tools as do my friends.  This is because I respect all people as being a part of The creator, and thus, as I want to take good care of The creator, I need to take good care of people, though I reserve the right to negate this offer for individuals who, through their own actions, prove to me that they are unworthy.

People these days don’t trust their bankers or their lawyers.  They trust their computer support people.  The best of us do care and do the very best of protecting people from the current venue of the unknown. 

I ask that you help me by contacting the press and telling them that I’m serious, that I’m not completely crazy, and that I’m newsworthy. 

I have just delivered this message to you who are going to help save the world, and you’ll tell everyone because you’re actions speak louder.  Just remember that the creator uses eight-bit logic and thus isn’t limited to base ten, so any numbers you see relating to numbers of people need to be clear that they’re symbolic, and until you understand what the answer means, you really don’t know what the question is.  So, don’t get hung up on the 144,000.  It’s probably not base 10. 

I’ve written to people all over to open doors that should stay open.  There is a new field here that is at the intersection of human communications and computational communications.  I called it human computational communications, and it needs to be taught to 100 level students in all fields, not simply to PhD level students in Psychology.

I have done all that I can to this point.  I have ideas for the next generation of technology that builds upon developments that will happen from others beyond this point.  But to get here, I had to level the playing field so that the rich would have to spend their hard earned money, and the poor had a chance to get away from being poor anymore.

I am working towards my next career.  Do you have vision?

I’ve discussed this project with Richard Branson in snail mail, and, after deciphering their email address logic from their IT’s pattern, I’ve exchanged email with Nicklas Zennstrom (8/04) and Richard Parsons (8/05), though the closest I ever got to the top of Viacom was  Michelena Hallie (1/06).  I’ve also discussed it with content developer company owners that I believe will be the first into this field, including Fred Durham (5/06),  Vincent Stefanelli (7/04), Peter Lewis (whatever day after his talk on Charlie Rose several years ago), John H. Marmaduke (2004-5, and whose firm I think is going to clean up on these tools in rentals and recycling), and Michael Dell (one of his staff called my house after my email).  I’ve also exchanged email with neural interface manufacturer CEOs Alan Gevins, Andrew Junker, Hal Myers, and Larry A. Farwell. 

This is not name dropping.  This is me educating your market that you’re coming. 

These people know scrypnosis is coming.  When people exchange email with me, they become aware, believe me. 

I give the best gift a stranger can deliver.  I deliver the highest truth that I know at the state of discovery so that readers can learn and begin doing their own discovery.  When you arrive with something to sell, the corporate folks noted above might be more aligned to consider your work than others.

I am a member of the Committee of Concerned Journalists, I am a new member of the Dramatists Guild and ASCAP, with some fifty sets of lyrics in need of music, I do comedy through trying things and taking reasonable risks with personal stupidity, and I even have a Darwin Award nomination for personal account in the first book.  I did this to prove my responsibility for my mistakes, to prove my humanity, and to substantiate what it needed in leadership these days. 

People no longer want to follow leaders.  Instead, they demand to learn on their own, to take their own pathways, and to only be supported by the values of their government without anyone attempting to manipulate or frighten them into other behaviors.  People need to learn to trust their government again, and that won't happen with the mind control games in place.

I appraised real estate for over a decade and worked for a family business until my parents retired.  I have been answering every hypnosis question no matter how tWIStEd, and I intend to go on teaching.  I am at the head of a new communications market, and I am the closest to achieving my own version of being a Leonardo da Vinci of my time, but without an "I'm the greatest"-type ego, so as to have the greatest positive impact on the world.  I hope that everyone who’s benefitted from my association will be kind enough to tell their story.

We’re all human and we learn from each other.  That’s what this whole disclosure thing is about. 

The more people share, the more people drop into a subconscious state as it was programmed to be by their creator, because these bodies work best at high speed processing, and the only way to do it is through subconsciousness, but the truth of subconsciousness is that the filters come off, and some people will feel the world move, and some people will feel the presence of motion through space time, and most people won’t, and those that do feel this need to then learn to turn on those filters they want selectively. 

Consciousness is nothing more than panic stricken filtering installed by a baby, which was you after birth.  You set up these filters because you decided to do it.  Now you can edit filters at will.

There is one more key to comprehend that is unlocking from your mind in this way.  You get to live reality in all truths and live fantasy in an eyes-closed subconscious state to experience unlimited lies without consequence.  This duality gives you ultimate freedom of personal experience in the fantasy department, and you have the ability to use these tools to augment reality, but to do so, you are wholly responsible for your actions in the shared reality.

Here are the tools to turn off the filters and use the rest of your mind more effectively, and it’s FCC compliant.  Now,  you can develop computer software for the human mind and the  individual human is in total control, but they allow your program to run in their mind, and that allows them to be entertained in ways they’ve never known. 

There’s a thousand books on hypnosis out there.  People have been trying to warn and educate the world.  We all have, but I cannot comprehend why these people did not come to the conclusions that I did and create a safe method so that families and beginners had SAFETY FIRST.

These tools are for you to use innate abilities that have remained dormant for thousands, if not millions of years.  Some organization (other than the US Government, who must always stay way ahead of our discovery in public so as to steer our behavior and keep a look off into the future) should have developed a public domain method so that the world could all begin learning these abilities.  Instead, the greedy outweighed the needy. 

I did the impossible according to people who have felt themselves justified to distrust all Jews, because I think that if I behave in a manner that substantiates the prime objective for all humans, once they realize that’s they control their own  programming just like I do, someone will realize that the concept of “chosen people is an owned title, never needed to be proven” was a mind control technique and a lie that was added to the Torah. It is supposed to relate that “chosen people is only ever an earned title, as proclaimed by others.”  Joshua bar Jacob behaved in this advanced manner, as did Buddha, as did Gandhi, and so many other compassionate people.

Just imagine the whole world behaving in manners to one another simply because they have no fear to do otherwise.  That’s why these tools work with people of all religions.  Because there is no organization, no matter what religion you have, the fact is, when you follow this programming, you’re all of the same creator, and that creator is a computer geek who’s doing tech support for the bewildered.

Before striking out on this path, I talked to local folks, friends, and professors, letting them know that I was striking upon this path and with their full understanding that people are going to ask if they think I am crazy.  I am asking them to consider that I have been talking this hypnosis stuff for years, and I am not crazy, but very focused, for I saw the future of computer games because I had the experience.  I made the tools so that everyone could have the experience for free, but then made better tools so that all could integrate with computers for even better gaming.

These tools from your creator are here to give you a reason to love your creator with all your heart and all your soul and all your might, for these tools allow you to experience a perfect world the way you want to experience it, and it's free.  It doesn't cost a thing.  But, if you want to play with these tools in conjunction with others who are building software that use such tools, you always have the right to ANCHOR your way out.  Safety First.  Talk about eternal love with a twist.  These abilities are no longer dormant if you want them to be involved in your future's toolkit.

Added June 10 2006

There's one other possibility to consider.  Before Mohammed wrote the Quran, there was only Torah that was being believed to be the actual written word of God, but from this argument, only theTwo Commandments and Eight Rules.

Mohammed, as a True Prophet, would never write anything that would violate the actual word of God. 

You cannot edit Quran, you cannot translate it, and you cannot change it in the physical sense.   It is quite possible that Mohammed was aware of this, and that is why he made such demands, for it protected the document to arrive, untainted, at this historical moment in time.

Here is one proof of why now, here in the modern world, there is one thing that can only be done right this second, and that is, with an online portion, change the color of the text for whole passages that relied upon the logic of the Torah that is not substantiated by the hand tool.   If you change text's colors to the background color, you can always select all and get all text. 

When you change the color of text that was based on Torah logic but not the hand tool's logic,  what is left  will be the foundation for the unification of all three religions, and possibly for the whole world.  Once the logic that can be attributed to have been false is altered in color to not existing from view, only the Greater Jihad will exist, as it should, for in one's spiritual travels, it's still the wonderous mystery of the path of the creator that keeps making the game more interesting.

We need to rebuild logic and rebuild history with only truth and no lies.

Life is a personal experience.  Let’s make it a better!

Peace, somehow in this Bush-infested madness...

David Ian Brager

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