Pinky and The Brain: Reader's Comments

I recieved these readers comments and realised there are so many good points made I can't possibly pretend I came up with it myself and get away with it so I decided to make a page for it. Here are a few messages sent by readers of the Pinky and The Brain Are Gay? page. A lot of neat points are made. (even added a revised version of the themsong). If you have any points you want to make about the show concerning it's gay/gayish content, then please give me an e-mail. (and let me know if you're ok being put on here).

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At 09:07 PM 7/24/97 PDT, you wrote:

:   Wow, thanks for the e-mail.  That was great!   Would you object to me 
:adding your message to the Pinky & the Brain page? 

I've no objection, whatsoever! I'm very 'out' and proud to be in a 15-year
committed relationship with one of the most wonderful women in the world.  

[Here is her message]

From [email protected] Thu Jul 24 12:04:20 1997 To reply, change 'pacbull' to 'pacbell' in my address. I love that essay! I've bookmarked it. yes, I see PatB as a gay couple. Interestingly enough, they mirror, in reverse, rodent society in real life. In a colony of female rats or mice, it is the most INTELLIGENT female that is the dominant. In male colonies, the largest rat or mouse is the boss. In any mexed-gender colony, the female is dominant over the male except during breeding, when the most submissive male can (and will) approach any female he likes. but I digress. Brain, though smaller, is dominant due to his intellect. Since many things gay males do are non-typical of males, this is to be expected. Also, I refer you to the online chat transcript (I think it was on the Acme Labs Homepage) where the question is asked of the pair "How did you meet?" Pinky: "There was a soft rain falling. Candle light and wine. the Brain was in a grey pinstripe and I was in blue taffeta..." Brain: "Don't go there, Pinky!" Proof positive, I'd say! Athough the Brain offers that in truth, he was offered a hanster as a cagemate and he declined, I think he's farther in the closet than Pinky is. Take care, be well and happy! Swan Brain's littermate... or was it Pinky's...?

[And another message]

From [email protected] To reply, change 'pacbull' to 'pacbell' in my address. Well, I *just* caught one, today! In the Noah's Ark 'toon with the Hip Hippoes. The animals are going in 2X2 and Pinky says "These pantyhose are KILLIN' me, Brain! I much prefer knee highs!" P. seems to be in drag and B. is not. Noah stares at the couple for a moment and shrugs, "Who am I to judge?"!! I would have fallen off my chair had I not been sitting on the floor at the time NARF! Here's a little titbit for your page. Enjoy! The 'other' theme They're Pinky and the Brain The couple's rather gay! They're butch/femme in the lab and glad to be that way! Pinky wears his keys On the left and kinda low And that's why he grins At each and every blow! The brain is into power But no, he's not a clone. He's the rodent of the hour His style is all his own! They're Pinky and the Brain, Before the sun is nigh, They'll subjugate the world Waving rainbow flags on high! 1907 Swan Oh, BTW, perhaps Pinky's full name is Pinky T(riangle) Mouse? ZORT!

[And another message]

From: j Coulter [email protected] Subject: Pinky and Brain then there is the proposition that Pinky and the Brain are exactly what they appear to be - A meglomaniac in a long term relationship with a pre-operative transexual mouse. This takes care of the *problem* of excess male female role modeling and it's non-applicability to most gay relationships ie "Who's the man?" "We are both men, thank you." I sort of love it, although it does raise the question of why we think of Pinky as male anyway, since the mannerisms and many of the references made well I think you see the point. Oh yes I have crashed my mac twice on your site once trying to get to the guestbook, feel free to repost this to the guest book and by the way Love it, simply smashing! Pinky is simply the best sidekick to come along in years (OH my God I hope the Gabriellle fan club doesn't get see this! But hey, Pinky isn't *real*!) Joe Coulter Pondering things that probably are best left unpondered.

email comments to: emcinnis AT hotmail DOT com