Pinky & The Brain
Are Gay?

(Throughout this document there are free WAV's you can download. They are all in 11Khtz/8bit/mono/(PCM)WAV format)

[this page last updated 10/14/00. I don't get this program anymore, so there will be no furthar updates. sorry]

Pinky & The Brain is a Saturday morning children's cartoon about two lab mice bent on ruling the world. Or rather, of one genetically altered, super intelligent mouse whose bent on global domination (Brain) and his extremely loyal (though exceedinly stupid) co-dependand life-time companion (Pinky).

What, you think I'm stretching it by calling Pinky a co-dependant life-time partner? Have a listen to THIS then:


And you don't buy the lifetime partner bit? ... well... I'm sure they've said that too, but so far all I can offer is a clip of when Pinky & the Brain had and raised a CHILD together! (By the way, Pinky always plays the role of the wife (though he is male) and Brain always plays the role of the husband). WOW! Wait a second! I just made a little connection in my head. Unbelievable. They happened to have givin their child the name of "Roman Numeral One" ... I guess there's nothing at all ODD about a name like "Roman Numeral One" but if you happen to be the type of person that likes to make leaps and bounds, you might be interested in knowing that Romans I (Specifically Romans 1:18-32) of the bible is one of the most renoun sections of the bible for specifically trashing gays. [I have Romans I written up in my gay thoughts section]. Could this be a stab at the bible? You tell me.


By the way earlier in this scene, durring the cloning process Brain needed help holding the door to the cloning compartment closed and called for pinky to help him (Pinky was busy giving himself "that peticure he'd been promising himself" but eventually arrived). When Pinky arrived brain yelled "PUSH! Pinky, PUSH!", at which point Pinky did some quick lamaus breathing. It was a quick scene, but it was definately there. Here, have a listen for yourself.


..though, to tell the truth, it's not a GREAT relationship givin that it IS a co-dependant relationship. Throughout the series they repeatedly play (directly and very obviously intentional) Pinky and the Brain in the role of a more 50's steriotypical family situation. With Pinky in the kitchen cooking (in the role of the steriotypical 50's housewife) for his man, Brain (the overbearing, condesending husband of the 50's). Here are a few clips of Pinky in his apron offering Brain some supper. (There are many more, but I've already used all my space. fyi, the PB_CAKE.WAV clip takes place immediately after their son shocks Brain with the news that he doesn't want to follow in his footsteps .. Have you ever heard your mother say something like this?)


On occasion, they do, however, seem to have one of the better co-dependant relationships though. (eesh.. I cringe at using Better and Co-dependant in the same sentence). Brain enrolls in Meglomaniacs-Anonymous when he realises that his desire to control the world is becomming harmful to the one he cares about (Pinky). Also, he, in a much more touching moment (in my opinion), despite his overwhelming desire to succeed at taking over the world, upon discovering from his calculations that Pinky was the reason none of his plans ever succeed, never considered the option of parting paths with him, but instead immediately took on the challenge of making Pinky smarter. (I happen to particularly like that episode, so I'll tell you the rest as well. He ends up making Pinky smarter then himself, who checks the errors in Brain's original calculations only to find that Brain is actually the reason none of his plans worked. Brain calculates that the teem needs balance and that Pinky is now indeed smarter then himself and descides the only course of action is to make the sacrifice and use the intellence machine to remove his own intelligence. It's one of the rare times when Brain doesn't come off looking heartless. (You might also want to see the christmas episode as well.. It's been done before but they did it so well it almost brings a tear to your eye when the Brain reads Pinky's christmas list).


..yes ... I guess you're right. Pinky has a picture of a horse that he refers to as his girlfriend. But after seeing the other scenes they've done, can you ever really see them as anything but a couple again? :) I guess you can read the show however you want to (kinda like Xena). I don't really think Pinky and the Brain are necessarily a gay couple. I do think that for whatever reason, there are many intentional relationship comments going throughout the show. Perhaps it's just because it's always been a traditional joke in the world of comedy to have two males playing the role of the steriotypical 50's husband and wife (see: The Odd Couple) ... but in today's world of awareness concerning gay issues, it may also be at least partially in reflection of this.

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