If you think you might be gay or lesbian or bisexual or simply attracted to people of the same sex, it can be a confusing, difficult time. Seek information. Talk to someone you can trust. Meet other people who feel the same way. These feelings are natural and healthy, they are one more part of who you are. It is OK to question your sexuality. It is OK to be unsure. It is OK to take time finding out. Many people feel the same way. You are not alone.

The highest expression of ethics is the word love

shy or straight acting gay youth

be happy - live free - play safe

teamwork boosts your self worth

Working together to overcome challenges builds self esteem. After engaging in cooperative group activities, people feel happier with themselves, think they look better, consider themselves to be more popular, and feel more positive about their behaviour. Self concept improves because participants learn to master progressively harder challenges, and are able to contribute to the success of the group. These activities may also improve self concept by challenging oppressive gender stereotypes.

queer christians

queer sexuality

queer faith

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nobody knows I am gay

God loves queers

same sex unions

queer quotes

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I experienced affirmation of my creation.

said Rev Dr Dorothy McRae McMahon. The day she acknowledged the reality of her sexuality was the day she felt whole and integrated for the first time in her life. "I had an unutterable experience of the grace of God," the Assembly's Director of Mission said.

"all baptised Christians belong in Christ's church and are welcomed at his table, regardless of their sexual orientation"

1987 decision of the Assembly Standing Committee of the Uniting Church in Australia.(ASC Minute 87.46)

"We must try to stand in the shoes of those who have lost touch with the church. We sometimes hide the word of grace,"

"We must learn also to stand in the shoes of those who are different from us or who think differently from us."

"We should try to stand in the shoes of those who are alienated by injustice. Too often we are blinded by our comfort. But when we are confronted by Jesus, we must become signs of grace for God's love and justice for others."

Rev. Pamela A Kerr, Moderator of the Uniting Church in Victoria.

July 1997 Perth The Uniting Church took another step in developing its own policy on human relationships. It accepted that sexual orientation is no bar to ordination and committed itself to a continuing dialogue about the place of homosexual people in its life.

President John Mavor told a press conference that the Assembly had endorsed the Uniting Church as an inclusive church, and that gay and lesbian people were very welcome.

"People can disagree about issues but still come away respecting each other," said Rev Christine Bayliss-Kelly. It's a feature of the sexuality task group she has noticed, too. "Each time we've met with three or four [task group members], they've really listened to each other. They're very good at respecting each other's views." As for the issue itself, she points to both the areas where people agree and to what Jesus said about homosexuality: "His silence is deafening to me. That means I can live with the uncertainty, trusting that somehow God has it in hand."

"Central to Jesus' teaching ministry was the Reign of God. Jesus called people into friendship with God and to live as a community of friends. This is a neglected dimension of Jesus' teaching which again, we believe, might bear much fruit in our thinking about sexuality and the nature of the church." Rev. Alistair Macrae, Chairperson Assembly Task Group on Sexuality

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"The Uniting Church affirms that it belongs to the people of GOD on the way to the promised end."

thank you for making me queer

thank you for making me queer

thank you for making me queer

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