Last Rites

aka, Rex Mundi and the World Leaders

John C. Lind and his sunburst Strat, his "instrument of power".

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Update: The name Last Rites has been picked up by some other bands over the past few years. For this reason, among others, the alternate name of Rex Mundi and the World Leaders may appear, or even replace, the original name. Do not fear, however, as the music (but not "the song") will remain the same, if not further intensify!

At its core, Last Rites is an exercise in surrealist expression. It has also been perceived as an elaborate joke. The San Francisco MusiCalendar described it best when they wrote, " number one choice for scariest band, scariest songs ever" . After all, with a name like Last Rites, you really don't expect us to do a "number for the ladies in the crowd", complete with acoustic guitar, like Foghat, do you?

This isn't some pseudo-Gothic, pretend to be satanic, adolescent dabbling in something found on the shelf at Waldenbooks at the local mall . The purpose of Last Rites is to provide a vehicle of escape from mundane realities. It is therapy in its execution and its experience. It seeks to imbue the senses with elements from Parts Unknown and allow you to forget where you are, if only for a while. You many not return unchanged, but you will return unharmed.

This music may be too intense for the faint at heart, so remember that you've been warned! It is strongly advised to listen to the song in its entirety - once you start it, don't stop it, for we will not be responsible for the consequences! Then you will understand why Last Rites has been regarded as the Band of Ultimate Darkness.

Hell, it's a heavy rock band, it's acid rock, it's something that TRIES to be a little different. It doesn't try to be for everyone. We hope you enjoy it, but it may not be what you're looking for. If so, thanks and see you later.

Be sure to drop in often as changes are afoot....

SONGS - Click on the titles for lyrics:

Your heart in his hand
Reign of Giants
The Wages of Sin
The Crown of Thorns
The Iron Tree
Last Rites/The American Church
Parts Unknown
The Pillar of Fire
The Unreal Me
Diluvium Ignis
Segodnya ne zhivu (Russian version, I don't live today, Jimi Hendrix)
Mne vrachov ne nuzhno (Russian Version, I don't need no doctor, Humble Pie, others)
Vile Affections

John C. Lind and two former members, backstage at the famous
Sound of Music,
San Francisco, CA.,
circa 1984 CE.

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