Family Photos:

Everyone does start out as a child - click thumbnails to see full-sized photos


This picture is my Dad and Me, taken when I was a few months old. I was sorta camera shy...


I have always loved the phone. I was talking to absolutely no one; it didn't matter. My brother in the background is trying to get into the picture too.


I had dreams of becoming a cowboy. This hat was red; I wore it everywhere for a while there. It matched my overalls--red corduroy


When we were kids, my parents were on a campaign to make my brother and I like each other. They dressed us alike. I think they were hoping I would come to like baseball. It was very cold outside. Notice who has the bigger bat.


This is actually a picture taken on a Sunday afternoon of myself, my brother, and our new sister. She turned out to be my best friend. It was hard to tell that was gonna happen when she was this little.

This picture was taken in September of 1966. It is my first grade portrait. I had nice teeth and a very big head. I was a very tiny kid--about 3 feet tall and less than 40 lbs. Notice I still sport this exact haircut...hmmm...

This is my 2nd Grade Class group photo. Our teacher requested dress clothes. I'm pretty easy to pick out, because they seated the smallest kids on the front row. Check the socks out--Mom sent me out of the house in those! Go figure.

My ninth grade school picture. Dig those groovy sideburns and the acrylic sweater... I had a very cool pocketwatch with a chain.

This photo was taken in front of my grand-parents' apartment, K-105, in Trent Court around 1964. I am the little guy in the front on the right. Brian and Ellen round out the group. The close-up below is the detail of my face. A bit impish, even then. Hard to believe I was once this short and fat...