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I don't have that many really close and good friends, but enough to fill a couple of paragraphs with.

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He's promised to look for a suitable picture Patrick to everyone else. We've known each other for nearly half our lives (since high school). Film buff who used to prefer B-movies (a loooong time ago) until I educated him. Now he's a walking movie database. That goes for music, too.
He's probably Belgium's biggest Meg Ryan fan.
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Former colleague from my very first job. Also the first woman I really fell in love with.Unfortunately (for whom?) she's very straight.
We've been friends since '88. I don't see her half as much as I'd like to, ever since I moved to the other side of the country. Luckily there's still the phone.
John Irving fan par excellence, I think she'd have his baby, given the chance. She's read "Garp" to shreds. Twice.
Strangely enough, I never had a picture of her. But it's coming.
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We met on the net. We fell in love on the net. I went over to meet her (a mere six thousand miles). It didn't work out.
We stayed friends for as long as I was on the net on a daily basis. These days, she's turned more into a memory; I don't hear from her anymore.
Take a look at her own website, she'll tell you a little about herself there.
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Yet again a (former) colleague, this time from my fourth job. I seem to be collecting them. Used to be in love with her. That also seems to be a habit of mine, falling in love with colleagues/friends.
We met at work in '93, became friends and then best friends, and for about 3 years we had someone resembling an affair, although it never turned into anything sexual. Circumstances led to a break in communications for a full three years, and at this point it's unclear where we stand. We had a brief renewal of our friendship a while ago, but silence seems to be ruling again.

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Ah, this one is kinda special. What simple email can accomplish. In August '98 I came across a request for information on a website I was browsing through. I recognized the email addy as being from the same company I work for, so mostly out of curiosity, I decided to write. Over the next weeks we exchanged some mails, then some cd's, and some 6 months after we "met" we started going to concerts, exhibitions... together. Another few months later, well, it's actually too long for this page entry, and anyway, I think she deserves a complete page of her own, so if you want to know more, go take a look there.
Oh, and besides my best friend she's also my wife.
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matt_s.jpg (5867 bytes) Computer wizard, allround nice guy, good friend from the net; I'm still waiting for him to visit us. For now, just have a look at his homepage. I'll add more personal views later.



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