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hom-i-cid-al /hom3'saidl/ adj (of a person or character) likely to murder; a homicidal maniac

Am I likely to murder? I guess not. I could give you a list of names of people I'd rather see dead, but I'm far too lazy to go kill them myself. Like for example the male chauvinist pig (a.k.a. my boss) I have to work for. I want a front row seat when he kicks the bucket. But I'm not touching him myself. Nope. No way. Not ever. Think again. Not me, uh-uh. Don't wanna get my hands dirty, yuck.

Watching the news or reading the paper is something I'd better not do too much. Too distressing. Infuriating. I always manage to find some item that enrages me. Gets me hopping mad. Narrowminded anti-abortionists. Rednecks. Religious fanaticism. Mindless violence. Any kind of prejudice, racism or discrimination that is given the status of morality or universal truth. And that was just a small excerpt from this morning's paper. The list is endless. Day after day, again and again. Sigh. It's depressing. It makes me want to kill someone.

Wouldn't it make you homicidal?

les-bi-an /'lezbi3n/ adj, n (of or being) a woman who is sexually attracted to women rather than to men

Okay, fellas, once and for all: it's woman/woman, get it? So don't let me hear that nonsense again about "but I'm a lesbian too coz' I love women!". You're not, can't ever be, won't ever be. Sorry, hate to rain on your parade.
Apropriate expression would be "in your dreams", I suppose :)  If I had a dime for every guy who fantasizes about "doing it" with a couple of lezzies, I'd be richer than Bill Gates. And how often has some "openminded and understanding soul" asked you "but can I watch you and your friend then"? Sad, isn't it?

I'm tired of hearing that it's "just a phase". Excuse me, but if it's a phase, when are men going to be over it? I just don't get why it should be "natural" or "normal" for a man to love a woman (and vice versa), but not for women to love other women and men to love other men.
Just take a look at Momma Nature, homosexuality isn't unusual in the animal kingdom (or should I say queendom?). And love doesn't even come into it there, it's just instincts and hormones. Hell, my two cats are lezzies. Yah, bad example, I hear you thinking ;)

Diversity. Differences. And fuck having to hide it because of some "moral" majority.
Screw the fake argument about "preserving the race", too. First of all, if the sole purpose of sex is reproduction, then you don't get laid unless you can show me some new offspring nine months later, okay?
Secondly, "if all the world were dykes and fags, yada, yada, yada..." puh-lease! That is never gonna happen. Simply take a look at an average part of any population. Homosexuality is a minority. Got that? MINORITY. Won't ever be the standard, majority, whatever. Why not? Read Darwin, that's a good start. Furthermore, it's not hereditary (you never would have guessed that, would you?). It's most certainly not "contageous" (as if it were a disease, hah!), and it can't be "taught".
Nobody's after recruiting you or your wife/girlfriend/partner. That's projection, honey. God, I hate those "missionaries". Tired of hearing "you just haven't met the right man yet" (meaning of course HE's the one). It's either insecurity or an inflated ego talking ("what can they do that I can't?").
Okay, so I might look at your girlfriend. So what? Is that going to turn her into a dyke? I should hope not. I wish I could enchant someone with nothing more than a look, I'd be the hottest babe in town ;)  Strictly on my side of the fence, of course.
I digress. I was saying I might look. And I wouldn't mind if you looked at my girlfriend, either. Unless you made a pass at her, of course. Then I might be forced to punch your lights out -if she didn't beat me to it.

Don't get me wrong, tho'. I don't hate men. Or straight people. I may not always trust them if I don't know them, but I don't like or dislike an entire group, that privilege is reserved for individuals.
Far too many people seem to think that lesbian is synonimous with misandrist. It isn't. Lesbians don't hate men by definition. Men don't hate other men simply because they're attracted to women, do they? So why do so many think that we do? I've been asked the question countless times, and it always puzzles me. It's such a flawed reasoning, and the logic still escapes me. If someone can explain to me why it is so obvious to so many people that dykes are manhaters, please do. Then maybe in the future I can come up with a decent answer why lesbians don't hate men.

Anyway, you can call me a freak or an abomination if you have to. I've stopped feeling sorry for those who don't bother to or can't look beyond their personal experience.
I'm a dyke, and damn proud of it, too!

ter-ror-ist /'ter3rist/ n person who uses violence or the threat of violence to obtain political demands

Rome wasn't built in a day. There'll be something here soon! :)


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