Sex 'n' Drugs 'n' Rock 'n' Roll, fast cars, black guitars, beautiful-boys, gorgeous-girls, jazz, blues, Jack 'n' coke, vodka, cheap red wine......

WHAT'S New...?

24th August 1998. Yes Folks... Here It Is!!  New To 'Rie's This Week..... the MUSIC shopping page.  Shopping has never been so easy.... A few clicks with the mouse and your stuff is delivered promptly to your door, No Queues, No Fuss, No Car-parks, No Bus.
I  mean,  Grrls have to shop, right?

And Boys have to shop too.... Whaddymean you don't want to buy anything....?
Well go and get a present for me then, stupid!!!!

Click Here To Shop

New...!! As Of About 17th August 1998, was `Rie's Records On-Line.
I'm selling off some of my collection, please come in and have a nose around. you might even pick up a great blast fromn the past!!!!

`Rie's Records On-Line


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