SAVAGE AMAZON: "Later on there will be a separate page for all the pictures that Pearl Drop Angel has revamped (they're pretty good sis)."
PEARL DROP ANGEL: "Why thank you dear sister (not really...we're not sweet to each other...but we get along somehow...while sharing a room...and everything else...weird)."
SAVAGE AMAZON: "Hey! Stop talking with all them little dots between the words! It's confusing me!"
PEARL DROP ANGEL: "...umm...aren't you...always...confused? Uhh..."
SAVAGE AMAZON: "Yeah, so what? And you're doing this on purpose aren't you?"
PEARL DROP ANGEL: "...umm..."
SAVAGE AMAZON: "Urgh! Stop it, damn it!"
PEARL DROP ANGEL: " should know that 'damn it' is her favorite expression...she's just trying to hold it in to...look less vulgar...uhh..."
SAVAGE AMAZON: "I am NOT vulgar! I just like to say 'damn it' and 'up yours' and 'idiot' a lot.
PEARL DROP ANGEL: "...umm...what were we doing here? I forgot between all my ...umm's..."
SAVAGE AMAZON: "The IMAGES, you idiot!"
PEARL DROP ANGEL: "That's right! Hey look! I lost my dots between words!"
SAVAGE AMAZON: "FINALLY! I mean...good for you...(and me)...oh, let's get this thing over with.
PEARL DROP ANGEL: "A good part of this pics have been reworked by me. I'll put them next to the originals, and if you want to take them I'd like to be contacted first. I won't be mad if you take them, just let me know, and link your page to ours, don't forget to give me credit, because even though they're not that great I still spent a lot of time on them. Thank you. Oh, and send comment to me about my work."
SAVAGE AMAZON: "Enjoy! I'm sure you'll like my annoyingly perfect sister's works of art! By the way, these are thumbnails, so they're sort of distorted, but if you click on them you'll get the full sized version. Have fun! ^_^"
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