The group was formed in the summer of 1999 composed of 9 people. The core group was composed of mainly a barkada of Lourdesians. What bonded us together were the common love for animation and gaming. What perfect timing. It was the boom of the "Animania".

After much planning, we have decided to make the first Japanese animation series entirely made by a
Filipino group. The setting, characters and story were all Filipino with the touch of Japanese Anime. We called it Brigada 2038. July 1999 was the time we hit the drawing boards in our small office in R.Papa, Manila. With all honesty, we had minimal resources and know-how on animation. This was the greatest challenge we had to face. Starting out with Roy as our main animator and 2 in-betweeners. This would take very long. We then asked for the help of students to help us in our project. Most of the volunteers came from the University of Santo. Tomas. We had around 20 fine arts students at most. In four months time, we finished the test video, a grueling 1 minute and 30 second animation.

Unfortunately, our first project did not take flight. Although many took interest in it, we lacked the manpower to keep it going. The group of 9 was later reduced to 6.

In the year 2000, we entered other media and trying out different projects. We took the chance of making a full-colored comic. What stopped us was the lack of funds. So, while that waited, we also entered the very competitive business of Web design and development. Due to hard times, most of us needed to take full-time jobs. The business was then left to rest for a while.

With a big push, we were awakened to give comics another try. Now only a group of four, we finally broke through. While Alvin and Hanzel kept things afloat, Roy did the art and story for our first publication, ARMOR Troopers Terra:2050. It first came out February of 2002 and was sold at the University of the Philippines in Diliman. We were surprised by the response it got. We later had the courage to market the comics and it is now being sold in 3 stores to date.

And so our group continues on with offers pouring in. We thank all the people who were involved in our first 4 years of existence. We wouldn't have gone this far without your help.

Myths and Legends Creative Studios have been around for 3 years. The group is founded among friends, who just have amazingly creative minds and diverse talents. Our goal is to CREATE. Through our services, we would like to have people's ideas put to work, may it be in graphic design and layout, web design and development, character design and story development, multi-media presentations.

Comic Artist. Has been into comics ever since high school. A VISCOM graduate of the University of the Philippines. Avid gamer and loves Anime.

A corporate web designer who also does video editing and graphics graphics design. A graduate of BSBA Management at the De La Salle Araneta University. He is also the business head of Myths and Legends Creative Studios.

Co-creator of some of the stories featured in this site. He also developed some sites under Myths and Legends. Finished BSBA Management and Entrepreneurship at the San Beda College. Takes charge of the legal side of business.

Mascot. Graphic Designer and Layout artist. Fine Arts graduate, majored in Advertising Arts, at the
University of Santo Tomas. The "P.R." person of the group. Anime lover.


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