���Aikido is a relatively new self-defense art, founded in Japan by Professor Morihei Uyeshiba. As a youth Uyeshiba Sensei, or O-Sensei (Great Teacher) as he was called, applied himself to many arduous years of training in "Budo" or the Japanese martial arts. He mastered Jiu-Jitsu, the use of the spear, the staff, and enjoyed the reputation as unbeatable with the sword, O-Sensei also delved deeply into religion, studying Zen buddhism and the Shinto religion. Althouhg he became very strong and won many matches, he was troubled with the idea that winning at someone else's expense was not really winning. He came to realize that true self defense was not winning over others... but winning over the discord within yourself. Though he was an acknowledged master, he began to practice movements, exploring them deeply, searching mentally, and sitting for long hours in meditation. As a result, Aikido was born as a way to divert harm from one's self while not inflicting permanent injury on an aggressor. As Aikido developed, it became clear that it was not only an effictive means of self defense, but truely a way to understand earthly life through the study of the energy flow of the universe.


��� The word "Aikido" in Japanese is made up of three characters, or kanji. The first and most important is "AI," which means "to meet, to come together, to harmonize." The second kanji is "KI," which means "energy, spirit, mind." In the larger context, "KI" means "the spirit of the universe," and not just the mere spirit of human beings. The third and last character is "DO," which means "the way," as in Ken-do or Ju-do, to signify that the study of Aikido does not involve merely self defense techniques, but includes positive character-building ideals which a person can incorporate into his or her life.
These three Japanese kanji, "AI-KI-do," therefore, mean, "THE WAY OF HARMONIZING WITH THE SPIRIT OF THE UNIVERSE."


���The most unusual aspect of Aikido is that althogh it is primarily a self defense art, it takes as the basis of its philosophy the idea of being in HARMONY with your opponent rather than being in CONFLICT with them. The ideal of Aikido is not to think of defeating your enemy, but rather, to be in harmony with them, spiritually and physically.


���The movements of Aikido emphasize a flowing flexibility and the maintaining of a stable balance. The aim of the Aikidoist is to be in complete control of their mind and body, to maintain a calm, alert posture. The continuous and flexible motion which originates in the hips and waist is a graceful spherical motion. Much of the beauty of the Akido movements derives from the coordinated motion of the entire body, with each movement of a part of the body contributing to the integrated sequence of movements. Most of the joint techniques, such as those applied to the wrist and the elbow, flex the joints in the direction of natural bending. they are in harmony with natural flexing, and although such techniques are painful and effictive if resisted against, they result in no permanent damage to the joint.


���As in other Japanese martial arts, Aikido utilizes the "kyu" and "dan" system of ranking. Generally, the Aikidoist begins with the 5th "kyu" (10th kyu for children), and gradually improves their standing upward through the kyu ranks until they reach 1-kyu. After passing the black belt test they are awarde the rank of "sho-dan"(first degree black belt), and thereafter work their way up through the "dan" ranks.
		6-5-4-3-2-1		1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10
		      Kyu			        Dan

���Periodic ranking tests are held semi-annually. Because of the nature of the Akido philosophy, which promotes harmony and non-conflict, tournaments("shai") in Akido are non-existant, and instead well-executed performance of the arts becomes the criteria for promotion. In addition, consideration is given to the Akidoists character and attitude, and their seriousness and diligence in practise.
���A common question is "How long will it take me to get a black belt?" It is, of course, impossible to predict accurately when a person at the outset fo their Akido training will reach the level of "sho-dan", since what is offered by the dojo(school) is not a "package course," but a general program for lifelong progress. factors such as age, physical condition, natural ability to learn the Akido movements, an open attitude, and dilligence in practice-all affect ones progress. However, it is common to reach sho-dan status in from 4 to 7 years.


���How does Akido compare with other martial atrts? This question is best answered by understanding that Akido is amoung other things, a pure art form. Like music or sculpture - each art form is beautiful in its own right, and each draws followers because of its particular beauty. The martial arts are similar, each has its own beauty and appeals to a different kind of person. It is suggested that if you are interested in studying the martial arts you first visit as many of the different arts as possible, selecting the one that best suits you.


���Founded in 1962, SHODOKAN is dedicated to teaching Japanese martial arts as taught in today's Japan. In the case of Akido it is to explore and teach the path of Master Ueshiba, (philosophy and technique), to all who wish to learn.
���The head instructor(sensei) Mr. B.J.Mulligan started his martial arts career in 1957 studying Judo in the U.S. and Japan. After experiencing Aikido in 1962 Mr.Mulligan became a practitioner and student, primarily of Sensei M.Kanai, Shihan, New England Aikikai; and on two occasions at Aikikai Honbu (World Headquarters) in Japan. He currently holds the rank of Shidoin (authorized instructor with certification to teach and grade students according to the guidelines of the International Akido Federation, Tokyo Japan and the United States Akido Federation).
���Most of the instructors at SHODOKAN have trained with Mr. Kanai, Mr.Mulligan, and in Japan. ALL are certified Black Belts of the United States Akido Federation and the International Akido Federation.

The class schedule and dojo hours are posted in the dojo or Link to Class Schedule

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