sonic mini-series cover #1 Sonic the Hedgehog mini-series #1
Corner box:  No. 1 Mar. $1.25  Sonic in the middle of a Sonic spin
Cover:  A close up of Robotnik's face and his hands are closing in on Sonic as he rushes away with Sally in his arms

"Run, Sally, Run!"
Written by:  Michael Gallagher
Drawn by:  Scott Shaw!
Inked by:  Bill White
Lettered by:  Dan Nakrosis
Colored by:  Barry Grossman
Edited by:  Daryl Edelman
Editor-in-chief:  Richard Goldwater

Part I:
Sonic and Tails run into Sally as she walks out of the Great Forest.  Being ordered to mind their businesses, Sonic and Tails make their way back to Knothole.  Antoine is there with a note from Sally, which explains that she is leaving for Robotropolis.  The three run to Sally's side, but in order to free her father, she ignores them.  Sally uses Buzzbomber to get to Robotropolis, where Robotnik decides not to free Sally's father and turn her into a robot.

Part II:
Sonic, Tails, and Antoine rush in to save Sally.  Sonic destroys the robot-making machine, and then gets a wagon to take everybody back to Knothole.  Upon their return, Sally complains to Boomer how the plan backfired.  Inside of Sally's boots was technical equipment to discover how robots are made.  With this information, the effects of the robo-machine could be reversed.  Sally storms off, while Sonic, Tails, and Antoine are all embarrassed.

"Silent Running" - 1 page

In a game of baseball, Sonic can run to third base even before you can hear the crack of the bat.

"The Good, the Bad, and the Muttski!!" - 2 pages

Shows pictures of the good guys (Sonic, Sally, Antoine, Tails, Boomer, and a half robot/half rabbit fighter), the bad guys (Robotnik, Buzzbomber, a Swatbot, Burrobot, Cluck, Crabmeat, Catterkiller, and Bat Brain), and Muttski.

"Something Fishy"
Michael Gallagher - Story
Scott Shaw! - Pencils
Bill White - Inks
Dan Nakrosis - Letters
Barry Grossman - Colors
Daryl Edelman - Edits

Sonic is fishing on a dock when a robot fish bites his line.  After the fish eats the fishing pole and proceeds to eat the dock, Sonic goes underwater to investigate.  As he follows the fish, he becomes trapped in a net.  The fish leads Sonic to a "waterproof robot maker."  To save himself, Sonic uses a sonic spin to cut the net, using his leftover air.  After discovering that Sonic was missing, Tails and Boomer ride the Bathysphere.  They shoot the fish, which happens to create enough air for Sonic go breathe.  Sonic destroys the robot maker, and the day is saved.

"Equal Time" - 1 page

Boomer mentions three things that are slower than Sonic:  a snail named Sid, the mailman, and an anti-pollution bill in Congress.

"Ground Rule Double" - 1 page

Sonic plays tennis against himself.

(This page doesn't have a title, but I'd call it "Childhood Memories")

These would be four great pictures of Sonic during his younger years--but he moved so fast that the pictures are blurry.

(Summary by Silver Starr)

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