sonic mini-series cover #0
Sonic the Hedgehog Mini-Series #0
Corner Box:  Feb. 1993.  There is also a picture of Sonic.
Cover:  Drawn by Scott Shaw!  Robotnik is chasing Sonic out of a television (showing that Sonic is coming from a video game to his own comic book)

"Don't Cry for Me, Mobius!"
Super Sonic Scripter:  Michael Gallagher
Pedal to the Medal Penciller:  Scott Shaw!
Accelerating Inker:  Jorge Pacheco
Lickety Split Letterer:  Dan Nakrosis
Careening Colorist:  Barry Grossman
Eat My Dust Editor:  Daryl Edelman
Stick in the Mud Editor-In-Chief:  Richard Goldwater
With a tip o' the sneaker to Paul Castiglia

Part 1
Introducing the characters of Sonic the Hedgehog:
The Freedom Fighters:  Sonic, Tails, Boomer, Sally, and Antoine from Knothole Village.
The Villains:  Robotnik, Buzzbomber, Cluck, Crabmeat, and Caterkiller from Robotropolis.

Although Sonic starts off by escaping from the hands of Dr. Robotnik, he makes his way back to Knothole.  By pulling on a vine, a tree stump opens and he slides down an underground slide.  Tails, the child who idolizes Sonic, is already at Knothole, ready to hear about Sonic's battle with Dr. Robotnik.  Boomer basically is a background character, only saying a few lines.  Then Princess Sally enters, angry since she is sure that Sonic has left a trail for Robotnik to follow.  Finally, Antoine enters and announces that there is a leak that could flood Knothole and allow Robotnik to determine its location.

Part 2
The Freedom Fighters explore the Great Forest to determine the cause of the leak.  There they find weeping willows that are sobbing over their lost friends, previously destroyed by Robotnik.  By this time, Robotnik has discovered that the Freedom Fighters are in the Great Forest and begins to attack.  Sonic manages to get Robotnik to chase him, leading him to a well that holds power rings.  Sonic finds a power ring and jumps through it, causing the ball on Robotnik's ship to jump up and crush Robotnik's head.  However, Robotnik survives and grabs onto Buzzbomber to escape.

The only problem that remains is how to stop the leak.  Sonic suggests that they plant saplings, so Boomer plants a sap--Antoine--into the ground.  As Sally and Tails help plant the saplings, the weeping willows stop their crying, ending the leak problem.

"The Royal Family Tree of Mobius" - 1 page

This was supposed to be Sally's family tree, but Robotnik chopped it down.  All that is left is the stump.

"Sonic's Six* Speed Settings . . ." - 1 page

This describes Sonic's speed settings, including Sub-Sonic, Ultra-Sonic, Super-Sonic, Trans-Sonic, Hyper-Sonic, and Warp-Sonic.

*Includes the Sonic spin

"Robotnik's Badniks!" - 1 page

These are the creatures from the video game.  Included are Caterkiller, Ball Hog, Jaws, Burrobot, Moto Bug, Orbinaut, Splats, Bat Brain, and Crabmeat.  And there are also the Swatbots.

"Oh No-Robo!  No Mo' Mobo!"
Writer:  Michael Gallagher
Penciller:  Scott Shaw!
Inker:  Bill White
Letterer:  Dan Nakrosis
Colorist:  Barry Grossman
Editor Supreme:  Daryl Edelman

Part I
Before Robotnik took over Mobius, Uncle Chuck ran a chili dog stand and Sonic, his nephew, delivered the chili dogs.  It seems like everything's going great when an order is called for 200 chili dogs.  After Sonic runs off to make the delivery, swatbots come and capture Uncle Chuck and Muttski.  It is then that Uncle Chuck recognizes the voice on the phone:  Robotnik.  Meanwhile, Sonic is delivering the chili dogs and Cluck answers the door.  While Sonic waits for Cluck to pay the bill, a ball drops on Sonic.  Sonic jumps just in time, the ball crushing the chili dogs.  Sonic realizes that Uncle Chuck must be in danger and rushes back to the chili dog stand to find the swatbots destroying everything.

Part II
Sonic defeats the swatbots and discovers that they were made by Robotnik.  He then rushes back to the factory where he had delivered the chili dogs.  On the outskirts of Robotnik's factory, Sonic stands as he prepares to fight Robotnik.  A girl yells, stopping Sonic in his tracks.  She says she's Princess Sally Acorn and her father has been kidnapped.  Sonic ignores Sally's statements and starts to head off again.  Sally tackles Sonic and, as he steams from anger, she explains that if he had continued into the factory, Buzzbombers would have killed him.  Knowing the location of Uncle Chuck, Sally and Sonic take the shortcut and discover that Uncle Chuck and Muttski have been turned into robots.  Robotnik grabs Sally, so Sonic creates a tornado, sucking up the Swatbots.  Grabbing Sally, he makes a retreat.  Sally directs him to go into the Great Forrest and asks him to join her group of rebels.  Wanting another chance to fight Robotnik, Sonic agrees.

"Sneaker Peek!"- 1 page

A look at Sonic's shoes that Uncle Chuck invented, containing a descriptive set of words for each part of Sonic's shoe (such as "way to go toe").

(Summary by Silver Starr)

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