sonic mini-series cover #3 Sonic the Hedgehog mini-series #3
Corner Box:  May 1993.  There is a picture of Sonic kicking back in a lounge chair
Cover:  Drawn by Scott Shaw!  Sonic runs in a vertical circle (you can see the force of his speed because his cheeks fly out)

Prolog . . .
While he runs to escape a bunch of Crabmeats, Sonic stops at the edge of a cliff only to have Robotnik knock him down.  Sonic thinks about rearranging history, then passes out.

"Sonic Flashback! -or- What if Sonic and Robotnik were Kids Together . . ."
Script:  Michael Gallagher
Penciller:  Dave Manak
Inker:  Bill White
Letterer:  Bill Yoshida
Colorist:  Lyrad Namlede
Editor:  Daryl Edelman
Editor in Chief:  Richard Goldwater

Part I
Sonic and Robotnik think back to their childhood when they lived with Uncle Chuck, the creator of magical rings.  The trouble starts when Robby-a.k.a. Robotnik-makes robots out of parts lying around the farm (including parts from Uncle Chuck's tractor).  After Sonic speeds off, Uncle Chuck gets on the tractor and begins to drive.  All of the sudden, the steering goes out and Uncle Chuck crashes into Robby.  Sonic rushes back to the barn, only to be shocked at what has occurred.

Part 2
Sonic finds Uncle Chuck's power ring and runs Uncle Chuck and Robby to the hospital.  Because Sonic got there quickly, both Uncle Chuck and Robby were fine.  Later, back at the farm, Robby begins construction of a new robot after Uncle Chuck found out that he had taken parts from the tractor.  He sends the robot to catch Uncle Chuck, allowing Sonic to grab the garden hose and wrap it around the robot's legs.  The machine crashes and Sonic wakes up only to find Robotnik chasing him once again.

"Why Ask Spy?"
Caution:  Michael Gallagher Writer
Please Read Carefully:  Dave Manak Penciller
Assemble:  Bill White Inker
1-(800)555-3714  Bill Yoshida Letterer
User's Liability:  Lyrad Namlede Colorist
Trouble-Shooting:  Daryl Edelman Editor
Warranty:  Richard Goldwater Editor-in-Chief

Part I
Sally calls Sonic and tells him that Boomer has become a robot.  Boomer turns around and runs to attack Sonic, but then stops and laughs, explaining that he had a clip-on jaw and contact lenses that made him look like a robot.  He then puts the disguise on Sonic, who travels to Robotropolis to pose as a robot.  Robotnik decides to test Sonic's loyalty and demands the location of Knothole Village.

Part II
An alarm goes off and Sonic tells Robotnik he'll investigate.  He skids to a halt and the metal jaw comes off, landing on Antoine's foot.  Sally tells Sonic that he can go on with the plan, then leaves with Antoine.  Sonic walks into the crab compound and finds Uncle Chuck working there.  Sonic tries to bring Uncle Chuck to his senses, but Uncle Chuck ends up calling Muttski to take a bite out of Sonic.  Sonic rushes back to Robotnik, who forces Sonic to put the coordinates of Knothole into a computer and launch a missile.  Seconds later an explosion is heard and Robotnik's largest factory lies in ruins.  The metal jaw ends up on Robotnik's behind and Sonic escapes.

(Summary by Silver Starr)

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