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7. 1. 03

*Addendum: The Slytherin Live Journal is now up. We will be starting with the beginning of the books and go from there. Also the new layout will be up tomarrow night.

Website Announcements
Things have been kinda slow in the update departments but we are currently working on things to make sure that we build you the best darn website for Slytherins that is on the web and with half of our numbers now residing in England it is up to me to keep things afloat.

I am also happy to announce that we are welcoming a new poster to the common room, Sarah, who will be posting within a few says.

We will also be adding a live journal for The Slytherins written by The Slytherins. It promises to be VERY FUNNY.

Slytherin Love
Well, downloaded some really great clips from The Chamber of Secrets from Malfoy Obsession. They have some really great ones including the bookshop scene. I was laughing so hard.

Recommended Fanfiction: Dark Descending series by Al and The Phantom Queen by Kristina Laine. They are really good fanfics about The Slytherins that deserve to be checked out. Since the first fanfic is completed, we will use it to gold a discussion on Thursday, hopefully we will have all read it by then and our English people will have posted.

I still don't see everyone's take on The Chamber of Secrets even though I know we have all seen it. Don't make me put the Imperius Curse on the lot of you and force you to do it.

Final Notes
New layout tomorrow or later tonight. That means new tag. I know that KC will be happy about that. Also applied for Free Hosting. Crossing fingers that we get it!

Emile kicked Dobby upside the head @11:01 EST

12. 24. 02
Merry Christmas everyone. I got a little bored and was playing around with Photoshop and made us a new layout. Everyone like? I was playing around with Photoshop and discovered Photomerge. I then used the patterns I downloaded the other day and it came out so well. I added a step by step for the extras section so other people can learn how to make it too.

And can we PLEASE change the tag line Em!

KC kicked Dobby upside the head @ 6: 09 PM CST

12. 16. 02
Finally fate has seen to it that I find the time to move the site from blogger to Greymatter. A bunch of hosting problems arouse regarding FTP and since all of us here have been really busy, its taken us a while to get back to this. But its up in full swing now.

As for The Chamber of Secrets, my thoughts are as follows:

Overall Thoughts On The Film

Tom Felton owned this movie. Dan Radcliffe is a fine actor, however I just don't think that he did as well as Tom. He was so dead on as Draco. His expressions, that glare. The whole Quidditch scene was so much better than the book. I was so upset that they cut the Knockturn Alley scene because I would have loved more interaction between him and Jason Isaacs.

I was very annoyed at how the editing was. They left out A LOT of crucial scenes. I mean the ending with Ginny came out of nowhere. I know that KC will be getting into this so I won't address it too much, the whole Percy thing. Hermione has EVERYONE ELSE'S LINES. Since when is Draco a klepto!

What I Loved About This Movie

Draco. He was just so damn nasty. It was chilling, especially the whole scene where he wishes Hermione dead. Also, you can almost feel the tension between Hermione and Draco. Again, KC will address this so I won't delve too much not being that ship myself. Ginny, damn, that girl can look vicious when she wants too, can I say future Death Eater! I LOVED TOM RIDDLE. The actor they got to play him Christian Coulson, was fabulous. I think the casting for this film was absolutely superb, especially Jason Isaacs as Lucius Malfoy. You have to feel sorry for Draco to have that jackass for a father.

What I Found Grating

The ending. Why was there a need for that sappy ending? That was horrible. The whole Draco is a klepto issue. Why in the world, was he Mr. Sticky Fingers! Its never mentioned at all, in the books, in fact its brought up that Lucius frowns upon such an idea. The only thing I can think of is that JK gave her okay because it will be revealed in a future book. Like the whole James Potter was in Gryffindor thing in the first film. Not Enough Snape.

Rating: B. Cause I thought that the things I liked about it outweighed the bad.

Emile kicked Dobby upside the head @2: 22 am EST

Emilie, YAY! Its back up. All that I ask is that we please change the signature I like Dobby. I have seen COS twice already, in the same day when it first came out. I know Neeley is probably swimming with jealousy right about now. That is what she gets for movie to Germany.

Overall Thoughts On The Film

I didn't like the film the first time I saw it. I was upset at the fact that nothing was really explained. That everything came out of no where. Hermione got all of Ron's lines. When I saw it the second time around I actually liked it, cause I knew what to expect. I think that Chris Columbus did a great job in taking license with the films and not sticking so close to canon. The whole Bludger scene was excellent, as was Malfoy's little death bed behavior afterwards.

What I Loved About This Movie

I agree with Em that Tom Felton owned the film. He and Emma Watson did spectacular jobs. I loved the flashbacks. The Score. Once again I will reiterate that the casting was brilliant. Jason Isaacs is EXACTLY how I pictured Lucius, although I could do without his little Robin Hood hat. They also seemed to cut out things in the movie that I hated in the books so it was great. Justin Filch Fletchy in his one line was good. I also loved the Draco/Hermione tension. It was there. You can tell that in the books Draco likes her cause she the focus of all of his taunting. Dobby.

What I Found Grating

Where do I begin. Absolutely NOTHING was explained. There was a lot of things missing, like THE WHOLE PERCY SUBPLOT which was the only thing I really liked about COS, the book. Unless you read the books, you really didn't get where all of this was coming from. They DID NOT TOUCH ON TOM RIDDLE's PAST as much as they should have. Things seemed a little too rushed. Not enough Quidditch. The basilisk scene was too long and drawn out. The ending I liked but did we have to have that hug. Moaning Myrtle.

Rating: A. Some things are better the second time around.

KC kicked Dobby upside the head @ 5: 33 am CST

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