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My Cousin: Who's Who

Second cousin once removed? Double first cousins?
Trying to figure out just how you're related to the people at the reunion will surely cause some headaches. After all, the Smith Family Association brings together many branches of our family tree, all with a common link to Lucinda Jones Smith and William Yancy Smith, Sr.
So how can you tell who's who? Take a look at the following guide to charting family relations, gleaned from writer Jennifer Crichton's book, Family Reunions.

First cousins
The children of your parents' brothers and sisters are your first cousins. You and your first cousins share one set of grandparents.

Second cousins

You and the children of your parents' first cousins are second cousins. By the same token, your children and your first cousins' children are second cousins. Second cousins share at least one great-grandparent.

Third cousins

You and the children of your parents' second cousins are third cousins. You share at least one great-great grandparent.

First cousin once removed

A relationship that is "removed" is one that exists in two different genealogical generations. All of your parents siblings are in the same genealogical generation, regardless of whatever age differences there might be between them.  Your parents' first cousin is your first cousin once removed. Also, your first cousin's child is your first cousin once removed: your grandmother is that child's great-grandparent. You can apply the "removed" label for every category of cousins: second cousins once removed, second cousins twice removed and on and on.

Chances are, you'll be safe just by calling everyone your cousin!


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