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A Tribute To My Grandfather: William Yancy Smith, Sr.

By Wilfred Omar Fisher, Sr.

As far as we have any knowledge, man is the only one of God's created beings to who is given the information that all earthly life must end in death.

The experience and observations of mankind early in life impresses upon man's mind the fact that death is the common lot of all races.

Of all beautiful things in life, the most beautiful is character. And he who possesses a beautiful character is worthy of notice. A beautiful life is the fruit of a beautiful character; he whom we memorialize here at this time, possessed a beautiful character; and lived a beautiful life. He died a tragic death. He of whom I speak is the late William Yancy Smith, Sr.

To my mind the highest tribute that can be paid to any man is that he was loved by his family and fellow man. Truly, this is the sentiment of all who knew this gallant and noble Christian man. A noble citizen of Wesson, Mississippi. Our Granddaddy, Great Granddaddy, Great Great Granddaddy, and so on. Granddaddy, you left us with a rich inheritance of spirituality, wisdom, courage and fortitude.

With a lasting gratitude for his exemplary life, his tireless and unselfish labor among his family -- the good he died, the things he taught and the inspiration we imbibed; we dedicate this hour. He was a hero for God: possessed with the Abrahamic type of faith, filled with the spirit of his Christ. He was a father, grandfather and friend to all. Free from deceit, he met all with a kindly smile.

He was a hard worker. He sought to help and encourage all whom needed such. He was always busy and ever alert to find something to do or a word to encourage.

Grandfather, if you are listening, I have one more thing to say: Your descendants are spread throughout the world and some of us are grandparents, too. We are teachers, government workers, doctors, computer programmers, nurses, professors, ministers, salesclerks, students, child care providers, professional military personnel, health care providers, police officers, social workers and parents. And, Granddaddy, we have offspring who are aspiring to be pilots and astronauts and even President of the United States of America. I know this will be to your liking.

Thank you Granddaddy William Yancy Smith for leaving behind a foundation for your children to build on that is based on integrity and love.

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