Salam, greeting.
I stand in front of you here, because the Malay/Muslim MPs that claim to represent our Muslim community is silence on the recent Israel incursion into Palestin territory, putting President Yasser Arafat in house arrest indefinitely, the killing of innocent Palestinian within the refugee camp and that include the Palestinian suicide bomb squad.
Unlike the Sept. 11 incident, everyone stood up to condemn such act. The only news appears in our dailies The Straits Times is Singapore's support on UN Security Council called for the withdrawal of Israel troops from Palestin, an immediate cease fire and a return to the negotiating table, I wonder whether the same was reported in the Malay dailies the Berita Harian. Sadly, there were no words of condemnation reported made by either Muslim MPs or non-Muslim MPs.
Why the silent?
Are we supporting the Israel incursion precedented by the American attack on Afghanistan to arrest Osama bin Laden?
While mentioning Osama's name allow me to recall when the Twin Tower was attacked. Within a few hours Bush came out with the name of the accused, Osama bin Laden and the world immediately accepted it with or without factual and evidential proof. That include the Muslim nation, just because Bush says it is Osama therefore it must be Osama. Not much question were asked.
The evidence, the witness can comes later piece by piece. Have we ever asked ourself could that be the work of the American Propaganda Dept. that piece things together to support Bush accusation, and, mind you, this Propaganda Dept is capable of creating anything, anything at all. Even the photo of a young girl running naked to the back drop of a Vietnam war that once appears in our Straits Times paper and international magazines, some time in the sixties, are now doubt as geniune and a former American President was reported to have said that it could be the work of the Propaganda section.
Now lets come back to the topic of the day.
Do you know that Islam is the fastest growing religion today, despite all the nasty accusation against Islam. Why is it so? I chose not to answer this, otherwise I may be accused of preaching Islam which is a breach of the Public Entertainment Act.
There are rule which speaker must abide by and that include 'not to speak on any matter which relates, directly or indirectly to any religious belief or any religion.'
The rule also state, the speaker must only speak in any of the 4 official language. Thus I fall shot of the usual greeting of salam during the opening of my speech.
No verses of the Quran is allowed to be recited, fortunately, I suppose the translation in either of the 4 languages is not restricted, being Muslim we may need certain ayat to be recited to emphasise on our fact.
Why is
this so, why the problem of wearing tudung (head scarves) for Muslim students, madrasah and Muslim in the arm forces emerge here in Singapore, a multi-racial, multi-religious and multi-culture city, especially when article 152 of our Constitution gurantee to protect, promote and foster our religion.
Are we being equal as a citizen of Singapore, are we not part of nation building? Do we not suffer the same when Singapore economy goes down? Do we merely remain silence when a Hotel in Serangoon colapsed in the 80s? Are we not affected by event that's happening in our heartland and within? Do we not have the duty to protec our nation?
If the answer is yes to all the question, then why are we treated differently?
During the confrontation with Indonesia, when the Indonesian war ship were within Singapore water, their arm forces general were in the Indonesian Embassy compound, who went down to meet them and discussed matters?
The then, PM of Singapore were in Japan preparing, to form a government in exile, it was Mr. Ahmad bin Hj. Taff who walk into the Indonesian Embassy to talk, discussed matter, do we stand on the would be invaders side?
No we stand firm as a citizen of Singapore.
Despite all that why are we being treaed differently?
The simple answer to this, is because we are the servant in our own home, we have no roles in the administration of our nation.
Why is this so?
Because the majority of us had abandon politic.
We have been brain washed into believing that politic is dirty.
We have been undermined that the Chinese will never vote for a Muslim, thus we look into the non-Muslim to assist us and that ended us being subservient to them.
The fact is the Chinese will be too willing to support the Muslim if thier interest are not compromise, if we have better plan to up lift Singapore economy, make Singapore more competitive and able to gurantee steady flow of foreign investor, without that, not political party will be competent to the ruling party. Just look at Malaysia, how the ruling UMNO is able to garner non-Muslim support against the Chinese chauvinist DAP.
Are Islam not the fast growing religion today.
Im sorry to have side track again, but it is important, so that non-Muslim may understand the Muslim in Singapore, their loyalty, faith and views.
Are we not neighbours to one another, being neighbours it is vital for us to understand one's feeling and that exactly is why in my opinion the Muslim MPs should voice their stand on the middle-east conflict.
We must be dare to be different and being different doesn't mean bad.
Palestin was once a city just like Singapore, a peaceful develop multi-racial, multi-religious nation under Islamic rule. Each religious practice their own belief.
Mosque, church and synogouge firmly stand side by side, a good example of it today in Singapore is at Lorong 12, Geylang, where Jamiyah, Chinese temple and church are build side by side. Jerusalam became a meeting place of all the three major faith, Islam, Christian and Judaism.
That was during Islam administration of Jerusalam (The Crusade by Carole Hillenbrand). I quote this to show that Christian and Judaism are not being presecuted during Islam rule of Jerusalam.
Now before I proceed further I would like to touch on the principal of Islam. This is important so that what I would say later will not be misinterpreted.
Islam preaches love and care. It abhor all form of terrorism, you may then ask what about 'suicide bombers' are that not an act of terror? I'll answer that later.
What's about Sept. 11 terrorist attack? I have answered that in my speech earlier.
Yes, Islam is about love, love your neighbours and who is your neighbours? An English lawyer define our neighbour as some one who is most likely to be affected by our action.
And in this case here you and I, we are all neighbours because, whatever our action will affect one another, therefore we must take care not to cause hurt to each other.
But love and care your neighbours doesn't allow some one to come to into your home, throw your thing out and make it his home, you must love and care for him.
To the Enlish their home is their castle and the law allowed them to protect their home at whatever cost from intruder. Thus a Japanese student shot by a home owner was not charge, because his house is his throne.
Our nation is also our home, Singapore is our home and we must protect it from any invaders, in Islam to protect your property, your right is a form of 'Jihad'.
Therefore there are occassion where war may be declared, in Islam it is rightous for you to retaliate if your are driven out of your home, your land and so does all other nations.
But there are certain restriction even in time of war, even while engaging your enemies, that is you shall kill or cause to harm civillian who seek refuge, the aged, the sick, children and those who seek refuge in their place of worship.
The Palestinian have long suffered, their children has become target of trigger happy Israel soldiers and we remain silence. They were our brothers in Islam, must we just ignore their situation?
I say, it is right for us to stand united and condemn Israel incursion and military campaign against Palestin.
On April, 6th. I issue a press statement supporting the OIC Kuala Lumpur declaration in condemning Israel's recent incursion and its military against Palestin.
We also support OIC immediate call for the UN to immediately convene an international conference to clearly define what constitute an act of terror.
Unfortunately, none was reported.
We also call the government, especially the Muslim MPs to declare their stand on this issue. We thought it is vital for them to state their stand clearly to avoid different perception by different community of their stand on 'terror'. They have alway declare they were anti terror are this not an act of terror.
Pehaps to invade one nation on the pretext of flushing our terrorist is legitimate in following the foot step of America.
Just look at Bush the supposedly respected world President. His called for Ariel Sharon to withdraw its troop from Palestinian towns are totally not respected at all. Either they are of the same kind or in the same boat.
As I see, Bush is just like a father telling his son; "stop the game it time for school".
The son reply; "soon father".
"Stop it I say".
"Yes, father I'm going to, give me a minute".
"But it's just getting interesting, I'm winning".
Is this justice? Perhaps? the American way.
Perhaps our Muslim MPs sees the suicide bomber as terrorist, that's the reason for them to remain silence, speak up and we will listen, we understand, we are all grown up, aren't we?
Does an act of terror couple with an act of terror justifies the later action?
There's no doubt we all accept the fact that Israel action of killing innocent children, women, civillian is an act of terror and we strongly condemn it.
Allow me to read you a letter supposedly written by an Israel army to her mother, publish in the internet, whether it is true or not, it give one an idea of what's happening in Palestin.

The letter

Now let's justify the act of the suicide bombers, exploding themselves, killing along with them civillian, children, women and whatever within.
Kindly bare with me. The principal in Islam is love and even in war there are limit of what we can do, you are not suppose to even plug a leave whats' more to uproot a tree and in this case property being destroyed and innocent persons are killed or wounded. My friend, I am sure you are angry with me if I say, 'that is also an act of terror'. And are against the principal of Islam. Are these act not similar to the Sept. 11 attack which we all condemned.
Yes, the ulamah in the Middle-East may have issued a fatwa that such act are jihad. I agree it is jihad provided their target are Israel arm forces, army barrack, quarters, weapon of destruction. Explode yourself if you must, under Israel armoured vehicle, yes that's martyr, I agree, but surely not innocent by standers and unarm person.
Let's ponder to this point and accept the fact. What if it happens to our children to members of our families.
If we condemn an act of terror, let's condemn all form of terror irrespective of who did it.
April, 6th. 2002: Mr. Ibrahim Ariff President of Singapore National Front issued a statement in support of the Organization of Islamic Conference (OIC) Kuala Lumpur declaration. The statement read, 'the SNF support the OIC Kuala Lumpur declaration to condemn Israel incursion into Palestin and Israel military campaign against the Palestinian.
The SNF also support, OIC call for an immediate United Nation conference to convene, to universally define what constitute an act of terror.
The SNF wants the government, especially the Muslim MPs to declare their stand on the recent Israel incursion. According to Mr. Ibrahim it is vital for the ruling party to state their stand clearly to avoid different interpretation from different communities on their stand on 'terror'".
April, 13 2002: SNF President, Mr. Ibrahim Ariff and an activies from the Malay Rights Assembly (PerHakam) Mr. M. Mansor A. Rahman was at the Speakers' Corner today to talk on the latest Middle-East crisis. Full text of their speeches are appended below.
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