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Maverick: Honor, Courage, Commitment

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S.S. Maverick

Space Station Maverick: Lubbock, TX
"Honor, Courage, Commitment"


The Officers of the Station Maverick


The Commanding Officer (CO):

President of the club. Presides over all meetings, has no voting power unless needed in case of a tie. The Commanding Officer is responsible for all Starfleet obligations, delegating responsibilities of the ship and serves as the official representative of the ship.

The current CO of the S.S. Maverick is Margi O'Neill. She can be contacted by email.


The Executive Officer (XO):

Vice-president of the club. This individual will perform the duties of the Commanding Officer in the absence of the commanding officer. The Executive officer presides over the promotions board and maintains records of membership

The current XO of the S.S. Maverick is Doug Hogan. About Doug Hogan:

"I've been a Star Trek fan since the original series was on. Our large console TV was the viewing port for the adventures of Captain Kirk and his crew, and a larger one was used to enjoy the afternoon syndication in the 70s. I would sit next to it with an audio cassette recorder, trying to time it just right to cut out the commercials. I stocked up on 60 minute and 120 minute cassettes, making a collection of the shows before there were such things as affordable VCRs an DVDs.

My favorite series would be Deep Space Nine, followed by The Original Series. I thought DS9 was an excellent format of stories, sort of a "frontier town in space" (if TOS was described as a "Wagon train to the stars...")- you could have a core group of characters, by always have different situations and guest stars due to the station being a commercial port.

My favorite characters would be Quark- the bad guy with a heart of gold/latinum, and Spock - the alien who wanted to work with humans. Both of these characters were excellent story material.

Now, I enjoy seeing the aspects of the many parts of Star Trek in everyday life. Our technology is daily becoming more "Trekian." The statesmanship of Picard and Sisko can be called upon to understand our current political world, I enjoy hanging out with other people like myself that once were called "geeks" but now realize we have a richness to our lives and a depth of understanding that others may not."

Doug can be contacted by email.



Paramount LogoStar Trek; Star Trek: The Next Generation; Star Trek: Deep Space Nine; Star Trek: Voyager; STARFLEET, STARFLEET ACADEMY all ® Paramount Pictures, a VIACOM company. No Infringement Intended. STARFLEET - The International STAR TREK Fan Association , Inc., is a non-profit corporation in the State of NC, is not connected with Paramount, VIACOM, or Star Trek: The Official Fan Club, and has been in existence since 1974.

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