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Region Three Logo


Last Updated: 
July 9, 2005

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S.S. Maverick

Space Station Maverick: Lubbock, TX
"Honor, Courage, Commitment"


The Beginnings

Every Defiant, every Galaxy, and every Space Station class chapter of STARFLEET once began as a shuttle. A shuttle is the beginning workings of a chapter; you know-the podunk car you have before your new 2010 car with a sunroof and doors that actually close.

Before we choose our chapter class, we have to prove to Starfleet and to Region Three that we can handle all the work it takes to be a full-fledged chapter. So, as was said earlier, we all start off as shuttles.

Here is a look at what type of shuttle we are today:

A Type IX Class Shuttle

The Type-9 shuttle is commonly called a Class 2 shuttle, because they have less internal volume and amenities than other shuttles. There is room for two pilots and up to two passengers. The shuttle still has room for moderate amounts of cargo however this is not at the expense of speed and maneuverability. Like her predecessors she is equipped with a medium range emergency transporter system and can travel in a planet's atmosphere. Unlike other long range shuttles there is no food replicator and other amenities for long duration travel. As a resulted some people in Starfleet dislike using Type-9 shuttles for long range interstellar travel.
What makes the Type-9 shuttlecraft stand out from other shuttles used by Starfleet is its warp power. Although the earlier shuttles were limited to speeds of warp 4 the Type-9 is capable of warp 6. When introduced in 2370 it was the fastest shuttle in Starfleet. The Type-9 shuttlecraft was equipped with Type V phaser emitters and was capable of protecting herself when attacked.

With its ability to travel at high warp speeds, the Type-9 has been equipped with a more pronounced deflector dish that houses a compact long range sensor that further helps it in its role as a scout. Therefore the Type-9 is highly favoured by starships on deep space exploration assignments.

Unlike other larger shuttles such as the Type-6, 7 and 8 the Type-9 are small and several can be deployed on smaller starships such as the Saber, Norway and Oberth Class ships. As a result since their introduction in 2370 a vast quantity of Type-9 have been produced and are in service on nearly every starship, starbase or outpost.



PRODUCTION DATABASE: Antares Fleet Yard, Antares IV
  Utopia Planitia Fleet Yard, Mars
  Starbase 134 Integration Facility, Rigel VI
  San Francisco Fleet Yard, Earth
  Copernicus Fleet Yard, Luna
TYPE : Medium short range warp shuttle
ACCOMMODATION : 2 flight crew
2 passengers
POWERPLANT : One 400 cochrane warp engine feeding two nacelles
Two 800 millicochrane impulse engines
Twelve DeFl 3234 microfusionRCS thrusters
DIMENSIONS : LENGTH : 8.45 meters
WIDTH : 4.2 meters
HEIGHT : 2.7 meters
MASS : 4.25 metric tonnes

Warp 8 for 12 hours

ARMAMENT : Two Type-VI phaser emitters 


So, what does this mean?

Right now, we are starting our adventure in our shuttlecraft, like eager cadets on our first mission. We are an integral part of the fleet, even though it may be just to ferry old VIPs aboard that do not use transporters. But do not worry, our time will come where we will get wind in our sails, or antimatter in our warp drives, and become an even bigger part of the fleet and Region Three.



Information gathered from

Paramount LogoStar Trek; Star Trek: The Next Generation; Star Trek: Deep Space Nine; Star Trek: Voyager; STARFLEET, STARFLEET ACADEMY all ® Paramount Pictures, a VIACOM company. No Infringement Intended. STARFLEET - The International STAR TREK Fan Association , Inc., is a non-profit corporation in the State of NC, is not connected with Paramount, VIACOM, or Star Trek: The Official Fan Club, and has been in existence since 1974.

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