Timothy Dalton. Russian Traceries. Films and TV.
Films and TV
Shot from the movie
Russian Language
1960 - 1970's

Sins, 1986

      Haw� Our heavy sins� I mean not the ones, which were cooked-up by screen-writer or an author of the book for the heroes of the melodrama to control the plot development during about 6 hours.

      I mean the sins of the leading men and first ladies, directors, cameramen, artists etc, etc., who are forced to prepaire such performances, getting good payment, which compensate not so hard work here with usury.

      I mean our sins as the sins of viewers, who are ready to look at such performances for getting off a subject of "gray reality", for enjoing with the view of beautiful interiors, elegant clothes and nice well-known faces, whose presence in the serial makes our loss of time here well-taken in our eyes.

      At last I mean the sins of those shrewd businessmen in show-biz, who creates soap operas as the base for advertising, using the weak points of both - performers and viewers.

      Properly speaking, the performers' sins and, especially, sins of Timothy Dalton are not so large, if you will take into consideration the position of an actor in English society. Here are the words of our Russian emigre Vsevolod Novgorodtcev, BBC staffer, who lived in England more than one ten of years and is conversant with an actor's problems in the country. I find them in the book by Maria Arbatova "I am a woman" ("� - �������"), issued in 1999 by publishing company "EKSMO-Press" ("�����-�����".):

      "The number of actors in England is about 30 000. But only 10 000 of them have a job. The rest ones live precariously. To become a member of any theatrical company you must pass through cutthroat competition. Theatrical companies appear and disappear before your eyes. There is no any sureness in the future, an actor is absolutely rightless. Certaimly, an actor has developed professional adjustability, but without peacockery. And the procent of those, who dies by one's own hand is great among the actors. Here you can find the same principle for the whole capitalist economics."

      Here are the words about actor's destiny in this country. These words belong to one of the most famous and respectable man, ma�tre of British Theatre: "� an actor lives with a hard and dangerous life� Very often he leads a lonely existence and lives without perspectives, he lives beeing undiscovered, undescried, he feels slighted and has a rather little hope of salvation. So it's no wonder, very often the actors lose faith in themselves, they begin to be untrue to theatre, to be untrue to the art in themselves and, consequently, to be untrue to themselves. ".

      We understand, that theoretically participation in the projects like "Sins" gives an actor so needed for his creativity financial independence, widen the scope of his popularity, put up him to the new degree of mastership and celebrity and provides in the future the more likelihood to get the invitation for more interesting roles. But we also remember about those, who used the same instrument to increase their popularity very seldom, for example, like sir Ien MacKellen, almost Timothy's age mate, very talented, gorgeous theatre actor, who is not well-known to general public. He was brilliant not so far - some years ago in the interesting Shakespearian remake, in his own variation on the theme of "Richard III". Surely see this film!

      Well, in the art, like in the life, everyone goes with one's own way. And only the time will point us where is the place for everyone, though, undoubtedly, Timothy's participation in films like "Sins" (these ones were in his carrier - "The Flame is Love", "Mistral'sDaughter", for example) a little bit grieves us, admirers of his talent, who understand, that in the same roles the actor can't use all his professional skills. It doesn't mean, that he does his work badly. No, he works, as always, well. But his unique ability to give any character the depth and humaneness remains partionally or as a whole unused.

      Certainly, this Timothy's "sin" looks like simple babyish naughtiness in comparison with the acts of those more fortunate in a sense of popularity his colleagues, who does not save themselves for getting it. For example, Gerard Depardie has built his own statue of his own full height and completely naked. After that he put on it on common view ("MK Boulevard", Oct. 13-19, 1997, p.10). The toast of women and of president Klinton, sex-symbol of 90-th Harrison Ford played tennis on the courts of Baverly Hills in the same sports clothes, like Gerard's statue above ("The Evening Moscow", 29.04.99). Endless amourettes, infatuation with the exotic religions, scandals with prostitutes, constant advertising the production of large firms and a lot of many other things, which Timothy Dalton never did and, I hope, will not do, support our faith in his really admirable talent and actor's abilities.

Shot from the movie

      And here, in "Sins", using the little time of his role; Timothy showed us the sequence of transformations from the incurable catatonia invalid to the recovering patient, then - to a young man of handsome presence, then - to the lover, a little bit later - to grief-stricken widower and, at last, to the elegant, delicate and at once shrewd businessman and cold-eyed realist. If you have such a possibility, mount your own video-film "Sins-2", which will consist of the scenes-transformations with Timothy, to get a pleasure from his art one more time.

      K.E., 1999 Reply to author!

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