Timothy Dalton. Russian Traceries. Films and TV.
Films and TV
I.Bilibin's picture for the Soviet Post stamp of 1969
Russian Language

The Prince, the Swan and the Czar Saltan, 1998

      The idea to show issued during the last years Russian animated cartoons on the subject of tales, written by Hans Christian Andersen, Charles Perraultt, Alexander Pushkin and Aleksey Tolstoy in the West, seemed to be fruitful and was realized by our former compatriot Oleg Vidov and his American wife Joan on a large scale. Indeed, they have managed to attract the whole confluence of talented actors, who took it as a compliment to be asked to become a participant of this grandiose project, and very often - for the completely symbolic payment.

Beadwork on the theme of Pushkin's tale about Csar Saltan was created by M.Zolotova. Here is a link to the special Page with her works             Among the "stars", who decided to accept the offer of Oleg, were Shirley MacLaine and Kathleen Turner, Jessica Lange anf Lolita Davidovich, Jim Belushi and Martin Sheen, Mel Ferrer and Julio Iglesias. Timothy Dalton couldn't afford to stand back. The next animated films were newly post-synchronized in English and Spanish and issued on video: "The Snow Queen", "The Beauty and The Beast", "The Nutcracker", "Buratino", … .

      It was very pleasant for me to know, that it was Timothy, who took part in preparation of beloved in our country tale "The Princess, the Swan and the Czar Saltan" (in Russian it sounds like this: "The Tale about Csar Saltan"), written by Alexander Pushkin. And though I couldn't see this movie yet neither in Russian edition, nor in the American one, I know, the part of Prince Guidon, being not so large, demanded attention to itself from the actor, because the Timothy's natural voice is below than the one, which sounds in the movie!

      The theme of tale "The Princess, the Swan and the Czar Saltan" attracts attention of the real artists during almost two centuries. You have just hear "The Bee's Flight" from the opera, composed by N.A.Rimsky-Korsakov for the centenary celebration of A.S.Pushkin. On the right photo we show composition, made from the bead by our past mistress Masha Zolotova for the 200-years jubilee of our Russian beloved poet.

      K.E., December, 1999 Reply to author!


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      The other day we have found an interesting material in the one of the issues of Russian magazine "Domovoy" (I can translate it like "The Lubber Fiend") in 1997. After a turn of work with snippers and pencil it would be called "Two Guidons". But deference to author's plot and words didn't allow us to do it, though by implication the information given below it's so! We are sure, our readers themselves will establish needed links between described events or statements�

Two Guidons - Timothy Dalton and Oleg Vidov

      To confirm our words we show this photo, where you can see "Two Guidons" - the former one, Oleg Vidov (on the right hand), and the present one (for the year 1997!) - well-known performer of Bond's part, Timothy Dalton!


      Oleg Vidov was one of the most popular and beloved actors in the Soviet Union. Then as the saying goes he completely dropped out of his admier's sight in Russia. But some years later he suddenly appeared as a partner of Mikkey Rurke, but already in American movie "The Wild Orchid".

      Now Oleg and his wife Joan live a short distance away Beverly Hills in their country seat, which reminded him, by the words of the author of quoted below article, "of the worth from the epoch, when the Russian literature still called "the great one"". This country seat placed in "Studio-City". It's near to the famous film studio "Universal".

      Read the fragments of O.Sulkin's article about Oleg Vidov and his project on instauration and translation into English the old good Russian animated cartoons, published in "Domovoy" ("The Lubber Fiend") magazine � 48, 04.08.97.

      K.E. 18.04.2000

" Oleg Vidov Knocked Out the Bottom of a Pipe and Got His Liberty "
(Fragments of an article)

      Oleg dreamed about the cinema and filming from very childhood.

      When he was sixteen, his dream accidentally began to become true: he was invited to take part in the filming of a movie "My friend Nick"as it's main hero. But later he was told, that he is a little bit old for this role. He has got an episodic part. When the filming was over, shots with his participation were cutting out. It is of no consequence. The next movie for him was well-known "I saunter through Moscow" with Nikita Michalkov. May be you even remember the next moment: that fellow, who in the end of this movie lights up a cigarette with Nickolay Gubenko and then goes away� It was Vidov. Almost victory!

      But, definitely, his real debut was in "The Snowstorm", directed by Vladimir Basov. Oleg already studied in All-Union State Institute of Cinematography and he had a hairbreadth escape to be excluded from the group for his participation in filming instead being on lections. Later he has done "The Ordinary Miracle", directed by Erast Garin, then "The Tale About Csar Saltan", "The Red Mantle"�

      Some years passed after his graduating from the Institute as an actor, and Oleg continued his education there as a director. After that he began his work in the new field. However� Troubles - which at the first blush seemed to be completely accident - multiplied, moved one after another as a gray, turbid torrent.

      -- It was a time, when we were ruled by those, who never has any relation to creation and art. And to the common sense too. If they would give me contract (with Dino de Laurentis - K.E.), I would never go abroad. They simply put me on my ear.

      In 1985 Vidov went to Yugoslavia. Then he escaped to Austria, later he moved to Italy and after all - to USA.

      Being in Italy, Oleg has met Joan Borsten, staff writer of Los Angeles Times and Hollywood Reporter, who became his wife very soon.

      It is generally assumed that Vidov's career in Hollywood went wrong. Anyway he didn't become a leading man, it's the fact. He only was busy in filming from time to time. However he doesn't consider himself as failed actor.

      -- such is life: there is forcibly expressed borders of character in America. If they will do a film with Russian goodie, they will choose an American. As to co-starring roles, it is very difficult to me because of my face - very often I looked much better than their leading man did. It's funny, but if my face would be like the bandit's one or like the a pitiful face of a politician, I would be in filming more often. And, certainly, my English language� Well, you understand�

      -- Actor's work is hard work in Russia and in America. You are a public animal, you are always in the limelight. Yes, you have broken off with idiotic system, but now you live in the country, where you are alone, no one appreciates you endeavours. And it's wonderful! You and only you are responsible for every your step. Nobody disturbes you to do these steps, only don't murder and pilfer� I take part in filming, whenever I want. If I don't do it, this is only my decision. After "The Wild Orchid" I played only five bit parts.

      During the last five years (the article was written in 1997! - K.E.) Oleg and Joan are trying to promote Russian animated cartoons in the West. They have got the rights of movies' catalog from the studio "Soyuzmultfilm". They restore films and dupe them with the help of Hollywood stars.

      However, making a contract with "Soyuzmultfilm", the firm of Oleg and Joan "Films by Jove" (in this name they used their initials) has got not only good stories about Cinderella, Snow Queen, Buratino and the other tale's heroes, but greatest headache too - the complicated story with the international rights of all these animated cartoons. It was a lot of rights' owners and much more of the documents to confirm their rights. A great number of problems and inextricable confusion - the situation, when you will want to run far away from Cinderella, Snow Queen, Magic Pony or even nice Tcheburashka.

      That time we didn't understand, in what a terrible condition our film copies are, - Joan puts her hands up, like the real American woman ("WOW"). - We didn't know that time, how will that come off, rights "clearness". But we understood well, how much we must work hard to fascinate the Americans with Russian cartoons.

      There's the snag! The Soviet animation is usually a piece of workmanship. But it's very slow. American children know another rithm, another aesthetics, twinkling of pictures in the shot. They also know, that animated film consists of the scenes with the excessive dramatization of events and the evident violence. Remember: nice Tom and Jerry beat each other in such a way, that the zealotry of our rabbit from "Just you wait!" is looking like the babyish innocent amusements. Certainly, this is convention. But it lashes the adrenalin.

      In addition, American children don't know Russian tales. So the narration is to be redone. You must add the all needed details to make the author's plot clear to everyone in America.

      The proper producer's step was found by Oleg and Joan: they contacted with a man, who is well-known in America to everyone - with Michael Barishnikov. They based the whole series of animated cartoons under the name "Michael Barishnikov presents: Stories from my Childhood".

      They began with "Cinderella". It was the only well-known name - "Cinderella" - for Warner Brothers studio, who has bought the international rights for this animation from "Films by Jove". Selectors said, that Russian animation was charming. Selector from PBS Channel saw "Cinderella" with her daughter, who told, that this film is "better, than Disney's ones".

      It's seems to be improbable, but there are the Americans, who remember Russian animated cartoons from the times of World War Two ending. One woman called Vidov on a phone and said, that she dreams to see "The Gold Antelope" and to show it to all her friends. A man-producer remembers "The Magic Pony" from the age, he was at 7. The reviewer of TV Guide has done advertising of "The Red Flower" (Russian version of famous tale "The Beauty and The Beast") free of cost, because he adores this film from very childhood.

      The first, 12 hours antology "The Classic of Animation" firm "Films by Jove" has done in collaboration with "Film Roman". It's well-known company due to the TV-serial "Simpsons". The second one, 13 hours long and consisting of 26 renewed, restored and with the new sound track animated cartoons - with Michael Barishnikov.

      -- Barishnikov is remarkably talented, big-hearted and aware person. Without him the second antology couldn't be issued. The unique films would die - like "The Gray Neck" and "The Snow Girl", what will never be restored.

      Joan and Oleg have dropped more than 3 million dollars to restore Soviet animated cartoons. Vidov puts the videotape with "The Red Flower" into VCR and shows shot by shot, how the restores "drew out" the image, how they rewrite the music, the dialogues and the narrations with great carefulness. He calls the names of narrators, and I can't believe to my ears: Kathleen Turner, Bill Murray, Jim Belushi, Timothy Dalton, Shirley MacLaine, Gregory Hines, Jessica Lange, Sarah Jessica Parker, Amanda Plummer, Hector Elizondo...

      We called them on the phone and ask them to work on scale - the minimal trade-union salary (from $500 to $1000). Only every third of those, who was invited by us, agreed to work. It was a great success. The actors understood, that it's not the commerce, the problem is to save our cultural values for our children, for the Future. Bill Murrey was going to leave for summer journey with his children in the travel trailer. He called us on the phone and agreed the adjusted shedule of his work, being in Alabama, Luisiana, New York.

      At the end of April of 1997, in the cinema center "Sony" of New York took place the presention of the Serial "Michael Barishnikov. Stories from my Childhood". All the box office pull was given to Odrie Hapbern Fund for the help to children all over the world.

      Vidov burst with joy. Probably, it was his main role.


      For those, who is now interested in the destiny of Russian actor Oleg Vidov, we give the URL-address, where you can read the quoted higher article, written by O.Sulkin.


      And this is a link to the Internet Site of Films by Jove. Here you will find the information about "production" of the firm.


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