Timothy Dalton. Russian Traceries. Films and TV.
Films and TV
Shot from the movie
Russian Language

In the Wild (Wolves), 1993

      The title of a film is silhouetted against the arctic landscape and you hear the howl of a wolf. Then - the darkness, and growling wild beasts do part the booty. You see their grined and bloody faces, yellow-green eyes. At the next moment the camera comes nearer and shows a wolf and his eyes. Then these eyes are changing to Timothy Dalton's ones, and we hear his words: "Wolves are the most enigmatic and elusive organisms on the Earth, and awesome..."

Shot from the movie - wolf with his kill

      This way the wonderful documentary film about the Nature - "In the Wild. Wolves" begins. To the best of my knowledge, this film is the one in the whole series of similar movies, where the popular actors narrate about animals, including Anthony Hopkins, who tells about lions and Robin Williams - about dolphins. Timothy has chosen wolves.

      I like films about Nature at all. But if watching such a film you do constantly see your favourite actor on the screen and hear his voice, which is simply out of this world, that you get a great pleasure twice!

      Conditions for filming in Arctic were hard: sharp frost � about 30-40 degrees centigrade, the tent for living, duty to follow the trail of wolves for a long time every day, irrespective of weather with its snowfalls and cold winds. However Tim liked this work and often remembered about it in his interviews.

Shot from the movie - Fishing...

      The quest for wolf pack has begun on Alaska. But there the film unit has found only a group of brown bears. It is a very interesting place in a movie, when adult bears and bear's cubs are busy with catching salmons in the river and then are tussling over a kill. It's very interesting to watch the process with Tim.

Shot from the movie - bears are fishing...

      After that the film unit went to the State of Minnesota. Doctor David Mitch, the member of American Service on Fishery and the Wild, was the main helper in the expedition. He heads the experienced command of researches in the field of wolves. This command has caught some wolves in Minnesota. Then these wolves have got a relative freedom, because everyone of them was supplied with transmitting set. This way the scienyists do control on their position data with the help of radio-signals. These devices contain anaesthesia needles. Michael Nelson, the biologist, can detect them with the help of a special control system and then, if it's a necessity, he bribgs wolves to rest. In the film David Mitch studies one of such "resting" wolves, being under influence of a special medicament. And Timothy helps him. I understand, that Tim is a wonderful actor, however, it seems to me, his joy and his admiration, when he has met this first wolf, are completely sincere.

Shot from the movie - research...

      I should say, Timothy is very good in the part of himself! He is as good as James Bond, when he drives mobility means: airoplan, helicopter, little off-road vehicle and even - a dog-drawn sledge. Timothy does so light, that it seems to you, he always lived and work in Arctic. And you believe, Arctic has received him with open arms, and Timothy feels himself here, like "in his own house".

Shot from the movie - Timothy and David

      Their ultimate destination was Arctic. Timothy speaks voice-over: "After a month of expectations and hopes we have got an invitation to visit David Mitch in Arctic. This is confined research zone, where nobody could make films during 5 years. Only those people, who have a real passion to know more about wolves, are thinking of a work here, in this abandoned area. We have reached Canadian islands of Queen Elizabeth, the last patch, little field of land near North Pole".

Shot from the movie - Arctic

      Here the group has found a whole family of wolves. The long time of searching and applying the technique of interesting the animals with a similar howl of wolves, which was designed and made by David Mitch, has given wonderful results: wolves came so near to people, that it seemed, they were almost on Tim and David. The men studied wolf, the wolf studied men. Tim gives the next comment on the first coming of wolf: "It seems, he estimates us. The wolf knows Mitch, not me. He is very near us. Wolf is really studying, who we are... This is his territory, and I am outlander here."

Shot from the movie - Wolves meeting

      This family of wolves is filmed brilliantly: their rest, wolf cubs' plays - they are charming, bushy creatures; musk ox and hare hunting; the howl. Tim says: "A howl is catching. It seems, only this howl joins the family together. In this case wolves howl before one of them will go to hunt."

Shot from the movie - the howl of men Shot from the movie - the howl of wolves

      Tim speaks voice-over about the cruel devotion the wolves in America to destruction during some last centuries. That's why it's so hard to find these animals now, despite the efforts and attempts to ranch wolf packs.

      Almost at the end of movie there is a scene, where all the wolf pack is coming to people, and Tim even could feed one wolf cub, give him a breakfast! Wonderful eyeful! The film is over with the thrilling scene of farewell, when people and animals say "good bye" to each other.

Shot from the movie - little wolf

      I have seen a brief Tim's interview on American TV. There are the next words of American journalist: "Having seen this film, I would call it "Howling success". Yes, Dalton will join to common howl. But you should see the programme to appreciate his ability to be a wolf". As to me, I can only propose the same: see this film! You will never regret it. This film is excellent!

      V.G., 1999 Reply to author!

      Photoes and translation - K.E., 2001 Reply to author!

      To the beginning of the review of "Wolves"


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