Timothy Dalton. Russian Traceries
Space exploration
Russian Language

Timothy Dalton - first British cosmonaut.!

How decision was made�
"The Last Journey"
Exclusive Interview with Timothy Dalton in Star Town
The information from Communications Ministry of Russia
The important information

How decision was made�

Vladimir Stecklov       A life of everyone is full of surprises. We can only guess, what Russian actor Vladimir Stecklov has felt two or three weeks ago, when the project he worked during the last year seemed to be closed and gone with last year's snow because the absence of money.

      This situation was saved by Vladimir Putin, Tony Blair, Andron Konchalovsky and� yes-yes, Timothy Dalton.

      We could know from competent sources, that the idea to save this new space project has come to Putin's head during his visit to St. Petersburg Opera and Ballet Theatre - the first night of S.Prockophiev's "War and Peace".

Tony Blair&Vladimir Putin

      "I suppose, said Putin to Blair, Your country must be interested in "Last Journey" no less, than our one. After payment for this work like for the filming of american kino-hit of the middle class, you will get a chance "to kill two birds with one stone", if your man will appear on our space station "The Peace", not only as an actor but as a cosmonaut too."

      "I'm afraid, only one bird - it will not be a hit! Russian directors, - replied Blair, - have no experience in making great entertainments."

Andron Konchalovsky

      "You are mistaken, Tony. Our director Andron Konchalovsky, who made "War and Peace" for to-day, worked in Hollywood for 10 years. He worked with Stallone, Russel. He was a friend of Shirley McLane. He knew Marlon Brando�Heh! What for I campaign for him! If don't want to do it - stay the last in Europe", - Putin began to huff.

      "No, be sure, we want and even have a candidacy for it. And you know this fellow well. He played a part of Bond, later - Caesar, and lady's men, when he was younger. But now he is ready to put his money to fly on space ship!"

      "Well, send this fellow to Russia, underline protocol, chose the Bank and we will start this project. You will see - everyone will be in the money. And Oscar will be our! Let's make a bet!"

      "No, but I'll send you this fellow and money too, when I will return home."

      Tony Blair has kept his word, and after some days Timothy Dalton was busily going down the ramp of British Airflot aeroplane in Sheremetievo Airport, where he was met by Andron Konchalovsky, new chief director, and Vladimir Stecklov, now the main Timothy's partner. And not so far from this place you could find little official minibus with the numbers of "Star Town" under Moscow.

      That time Timothy refused absolutely on interraction with journalists, but Andron and Vladimir contacted gladly with us. They told us the next:

"The Last Journey"

     This is a snap, additional Bond film, where the fearless secret agent goes to the Russian space station "The Peace" to destroy it as a source of the third world war. But being in touch with the Russian agent of FSS (Federal Service of Safety), Bond begins to understand, who is the real source of tension. In a part of Russian agent you will see Vladimir Stecklov. In the final part of the movie Bond not only refuses to fulfill his task, but he saves the station and ship's company from an end-on collision with a comet or an air stone, but with the price of his own life.

      This was Andron's idea: firstly, to make away with the fellow of irresistible attraction, who every time dupes Russians, and, secondly, to give Timothy additional trump card. Indeed, it's the fact of common knowledge, that every second or third Timothy's part ends with the lethal outcome for his hero. So if Dalton will not have enough time to study cosmonaut's skills well, the part of his role with the "lethal outcome" will be done with special conciseness, decided Andron.

      Instead of ridden to death computer special effects the viewers will see practically documentary, made without professional camermen, only by hands of cosmonauts and actors. Anyway, Andron supposes, it will be a new word in cinema - no the hackneyed phrases, only the enthusiasm, search and insight! And above all - the great economy of money! Payment only for launchings of the space ship and preparation for the flight.

      But here, in preparation, there is a chance to save money on Timothy's education: firstly, he, by his words, "is always ready, even to go to the Moon", and secondly, for the beginning Vladimir himself will be his teacher�

Exclusive Interview with Timothy Dalton in Star Town

      A little bit more than two weeks passed until the moment Timothy Dalton, beeing now more self-confident in a new profession of actor-cosmonaut, agreed to give us the interview. And to-day, early spring morning we went to the country to know the last news about this grandiose project-2000 from the first hands.

     In "Star Town", the small contemporary town under Moscow, all the guests of honour usually live in small cottages. Timoty lives now in the one of them. He has met us in a comfortable hall with the cordial smile and traditional: "Will you have a cup of tea?". And only after we have felt we are quite ourselves again, and Mr. Dalton has probably felt it too, he looked at us with an examining view and said: "Well, ask me until I'm kind�" And impish lights went on his eyes�

      K.E.: Mr. Dalton, what was your way to this project? It was unexpected changes in your life or you went to this aim for a long time?

     T.D.: Hmmm� You know, yes and now. Sorry, I am like a cat round hot milk. But it's really so.
      I was only in the beginning of shoting "Possessed" in Toronto, when Oksana called me and said, that Russians published an article in their popular magazine (Timothy means the reportage in "7 Days", number 41 in 1999 - K.E.). It was an article about Russian actor, who flies to cosmos. This publication changed my life! You know, I dreamed to become a cosmonaut from very childhood, though, you know it, Britains have never done it. When I was young, "iron curtain" was between our countries. Later I decided, that I am too old for such a travel� Though in cinema I used every possibility - I was looking for jet-motor and even lived on the other planet! (Timothy smiles.)
      As thus, when I have known, that Volodia is equal to me in age, I simply lost my head! I have finished filming, but it was difficult for me to play my part every day. It seemed to me, filming has no end, so much I wished return to Europe to know more and more about the project.
      My wish to fly to cosmos was so great, that (first time during all my life!) I began to offer myself to Russians and in my native country as a volunteer, but everywhere was rejected. It supposed, that Americans will take part in this project�
      Being busy as a bee, I didn't note, how fast the time has passed. In the beginning of the year I took part in filming of "Timeshare". I wanted to become a coproducer of the movie, but in the middle of the process I have got an information about some problems, which arose between Russians and Americans. That time I decided to put my money into the Russian cosmic film, offering Russians additionally a number of persons, who are ready to follow my example in this venture. And, as you can see, we already work together a little bit more, than two weeks!

      �.�.: Mr. Dalton, you played a part of Bond many years ago. Was it difficult for you to do it again?

      T.D.: Hmmm�. You know, I shouldn't discuss this question. I offered Andron to change Bond with any another secret agent. It would change nothing in substance. But, as the saying goes here, the question was decided on the very high level! You know, you must always "split the difference", if you wish to achieve the main result! But� I will fight again� (laughs). Only after film's first night you can say, what it's about.

      K.E.: However, if it will be Bond, that which one? Will you show Bond, like 10 years ago, like Pierce does it now or you will give us something new?

      T.D.: You know, I am already tired to repeat: if you are an actor, you must seriously prepare to this job. Even if it's a part of Bond. I have read all books, written by Ian Fleming, but it was in the last century! Now we need new colors, new features. (Timothy grows alarmed.) I didn't ever copy the works of the others, even the ones of my very successful and well-known colleagues. I always tried find my own approach to the role. If we will stay the Bond variant for the main role, I will play this part newly, live or die�

      K.E.: Mr. Dalton, please excuse my interruption! But is the training, getting the practical skills of the cosmonaut very hard work?

      T.D.: Both physically and psychically! Even simply to wear the spacesuit under all the rules takes me about 2 or 3 hours. Even with the help of two specialists! (Timothy gets a number of photoes from the secretaire and frees his mind from anxiety.) Here is a photo, where you can see, how this procedure looks in reality!

Timothy Dalton fits on the cosmonaut's costume

      K.E.: And what about your work with the trainer-simulator, in stratochamber, centrifuges, accelerations?

Timothy Dalton before exercises on centrifugal simulator and after...

      T.D.: You know, I didn't believe, when Volodia showed me the documentary shots with the results of his training "for accelerations"! During the strong "G force" not only your heart pumpes hard, your face ages unrecognizably. Look here - it's me before the training, and this is my photo after it.

      K.E.: Yes, indeed, I see the difference. But now you are completely recreated, isn't it?

      T.D.: There are good specialists here! (Timothy smiles happily!)

      K.E.: Mr. Dalton, had you common trainings with Vladimir and the other members of the future cosmic station crew?

The common exercise

      T.D.: Yes, certainly, from the first my day. On this photo we study the model of "The Peace" station. And here - we have a rest after debugging and "saving our lives" with the young girl from Zimbabwe or, may be, Zaire. I am sorry, I have forgotten it. You need remember so much while you are here!

After obviation of sustaining emergency

      K.E.: This young girl will play a part of your partner, I mean, Bond's partner, or certain secret agent?

      T.D.: It's still unknown. You see, ages ago Whoopy Goldberg and I dreamed to play parts in the one of Bond's movies. Now she is very busy. You know, how much she is popular! If it will be a little window for her, I suppose, Andron will not throw a cold douche upon it!

      K.E.: Famously! It will be really "star" movie! And Vladimir - is he a good partner for you? Good actor? By British measure? Is it light for you to work with him?

      T.D.: You know, when I worked in Hollywood, it seemed to me, Americans are the best actors in the world. But now I understood - your Russian fellows are better� (Timothy makes a small pause, like if he would find needed word, then he compressed his lips a little, turned his head from one side to another some times and then said with the delight) - that's really out of sight! They live on the set, like in the real life! They can turn his hand to almost anything, but Volodia - he works not only in filming and in "Star Town", but in the 5 theatres, even during these days!

      K.E. How you communicate with each other? English?

      T.D.: I speak Russian, a little (a little bit with the special English intonation and letter "r" says Timothy.) But in any extremal situation I use English or "special cosmic language" (Timothy slyly smiles!) - it's faster and everyone can understand�

      K.E.: Well, rehearsals, training� probably you are home-sick?

      T.D.: Home-sick? No, we have no time for it. May be, I would like to do it, but Volodia doesn't permit. Here we congratulate the Holiday "Send-off Russian Winter". It's impossible for anyone to be earnful here, though�

Send-off  russian winter

      K.E.: Mr. Dalton! What you would like to wish the readers of our Internet-site?

      T.D.: Male or female?

      K.E.: This difference is important?

      T.D.: I played a lot of parts in "exclusively female films". So I think, my auditory consists of mainly women, if only there are not the Bond movies or films in the genre of action!

      K.E.: Well, Mr. Dalton! If to take into consideration, that the majority of our readers are beautiful ladies, what can you wish them in this spring day?

      T.D.: Well� love, a little luck and energy to pass through the the trials and troubles of life�

      K.E.: Thank you! For your warm words, for this interview! Success to your efforts! We will wait for the news from cosmos! When will you have a start?

      T.D.: As the saying goes, after the month or one and a half, then two weeks in the orbit, recreation after the flight� to the first of July I will be at home� (Timothy fell silent for a moment and, when we already were getting to leave, suddenly said ) You know, even if this flight will fail because of any reason, I have known and experienced here so much, like if I was in the orbit many times. And it seems to me sometimes, that my main desire, my dream has already become true�

      Moscow - Star Town, 01.04.2000

The information from Communications Ministry of Russia

      When we were finishing the work with this Page, we have got a special information from Communications Ministry of Russia. They are going to issue some special first-class mail, devoted to common Russian-Britain flight to "The Peace" station. Here are the words of the chief of the new developing department Sergey Promislowsky:

      "Collaborators of our department understand all the importance of our new task. However we have a very short time! We have financial difficulties too.

The new postage stamp is dedicated to russian-british cosmic flight

      That's why we decided not to issue "small sheets", first day envelopes and another "complicated" production's types. Now we make preparations for issuing the only one art post stamp "The Peace - Journey 2000" and only one envelope "Poste of actors-cosmonauts" both in English and Russian.

Old pastage stamps will be used for subfixes

      Additionally, we suppose to make a surprise for stamp-collectors: we have a number of unused post stamps of the cosmic theme, issued in 1992. We intend to make here the special surcharges "Stecklov- Dalton" and "Putin-Blair" and to set the date "2000". No one picture of the surcharge will be repeated! We are waiting the good result: these stamps with surcharges will become with a time real philatelical hits and will be appreciate so high, like, for example, the first post stamps in the world!"

The important information

      In conclusion we should like to announce, that our Web Site has got the exclusive rights to distribute the 10 first special envelops with the stamps, devoted to the flight of Stecklov and Dalton to the cosmos. Mr.Mr. Stecklov and Dalton agreed to give us their autographs, autographs of the real heroes. Hurry to make an order!

      �.�., 01.04.2000

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