[Amalgam Comics: DC VS MARVEL]

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[Marvel vs DC 1]

Round 1

[To view pages from this issue, click here.]
Manhattan. Spiderman (aka Ben Reiley) is patrolling the city when his spider-sense goes off. He is confused when in a back alley he discovers it's just "a grubby-looking guy and a cardboard box". But the box is glowing, and as he nears it, he is struck by a shaft of light. Though he feels nothing, he vanishes.
[Note: Spider-Man had a clone who died, then reappeared, giving on excellent authority that someone had confused the original with the clone, causing Spider-Man to adopt the alter ego "Ben Reilly" for a while.] Access
Axel Asher is wandering the streets when he encounters the same "grubby-looking guy and a cardboard box" in the back alley. The bum looks relieved to see Axel, and asks for help. "It's starting, but at least you're here! It's all coming together, boy. I need your help!" Axel rushes away, not wanting to get involved.
Elsewhere, Spiderman reappears on a roof. It's raining, and the Joker is standing over him. He knows Spiderman, but Spiderman (as Ben Reiley) doesn't know him. Spiderman learns he is in Gotham, and that Joker planned on blowing up the building they're on, but the rain foiled his plans. Spiderman wants some questions answered, but the Joker just walks off the edge of the roof - to Spiderman's surprise! But Joker opens a parachute on his fall down.
Westchester. Storm, Wolverine, and Gambit are trying to take down the Juggernaut but without much success. Then a shaft of light strikes Juggernaut, and he vanishes in mid-punch. Instead of hitting Wolverine, he hits the Daily Planet building. As he stands there confused, Superman arrives.
Manhattan. The bum tries to contain his glowing box so no energy seeps out. "Can't have no more crossing over. If the two of them get together..." However, his efforts fail.
Captain America engages Hydra soldiers at the Statue of Liberty. However, just as he begins to question them, he too is stuck by a shaft of light and vanishes.
Wonder Woman arrives just in time at to stop the bridge from collapsing on a police officer and others. As the police officer thanks her for helping them ever since she settled in Gateway, she's stuck by a shaft of light and vanishes.
As the Hulk smashes down a tree, he yells, "Hulk smash!!" His new wife, Betty, scorns him; she doesn't want to be reminded of those old days where the Hulk was a "rampaging monster". As they walk away, Hulk is struck by a shaft of light and vanishes.
Superboy is showing off his tactile telekenesis to bikini-clad girls when Tana yells at him. Jealous, she turns away, saying she wished he'd just disappear. When a shaft of light hits him, he does.
In Deep Space, Lobo is beating up some green-skinned alien because "might have later" called him a "six-toed czarnian tree sloth". Fortunately for the alien, Lobo is struck by a shaft of light and vanishes.
Back at Westchester, Storm, Wolverine, and Gambit are relating what happened to Juggernaut to Beast, Psylocke and Professor X. Beast states he tried matching trace readings he took in the area to known transportational or temporal signatures on file in the computer system. There was nothing even remotely similar. As they talk about finding out what happened, Storm, Wolverine, and Gambit are struck by a shaft of light and vanish. Jean Grey and Cyclops are confused and want to know what's going on. Professor X wonders who's next.
Green Lantern, Elektra, Flash, Thor, Aquaman, Silver Surfer, Captain Marvel, The Submariner, Quicksilver, and Catwoman all get struck by a shaft of light and vanish.
In the Batcave, Bullseye is holding on to Robin with a knife at his cheek to keep Batman at bay. Bullseye had been struck by a shaft of light and had appeared in the Batcave. Robin elbows Bullseye in the throat to get away. Batman takes advantage of the distraction and throws a batarang, but Bullseye catches it and returns the trow at Batman. Batman dodges it, to Bullseye's surprise (he never misses), and takes Bullseye down. Batman is at a loss to explain how Bullseye arrived, but Robin is suddenly struck by a shaft of light and vanishes. He reappears in Jubilee's bed, facing Jubilee and Paige. Jubilee already likes his fashion sense.
At the Daily Bugle, J. Jonah Jameson, the new editor, is looking for Clark Kent (Superman). He wants a story done about people coping with all the weirdness going on, and what's happening. Lois Lane wishes she knew more about Jameson, who forced Perry White out when he took over. Jimmy Olsen arrives from WGBS to do a story on Perry's firing and to show around a new photo. Lois aggrees to talk about Perry as Clark looks at the photo: Steel battling the Absorbing Man in Washington. [Crossover]
More crossovers appear: Green Goblin vs Green Lantern, Bane vs Captain America, Daredevil vs Riddler, Batman vs Venom, Shazam vs Dr Doom, Deathstroke vs Punisher, Demon vs Ghost Rider, Firestorm and Martain Manhunter vs Thing and Human Torch, Archangel meets Hawkman, She-Hulk and Supergirl team up, Superman vs Annihilus, and Spiderman vs Man-Bat. [To view DC/Marvel cards, click here.]
Clark is shown some photos of Man-Bat vs Spiderman, taken by Ben Reilly. The two of them are teaming up to figure out what is happening.
Both the Spectre and the Living Tribunal are struck by a shaft of light, and even they are powerless to stop from vanishing. Neither have encountered such a powerful force.
Then, at long last, the Brothers meet.

[Marvel vs DC 2]

Round 2

[To view pages from this issue, click here.]
In Gotham City, Axel gets another vision of the Brothers, and he nearly faints. A police officer approaches him, telling him to get out of the car. However, a second police officer arrives, not recognizing the first one. Yet the first one is from New York, and the second is from Gotham City.
Just then, Wolverine and Killer Croc emerge fighting from the sewers. Both Clark Kent (Superman) and Ben Reilly (SpiderMan) wish they were alone so they could change into their costumes.
Axel is ready to max the cash from his checking account and blow town, but since his account is not in Gotham but New York, it is declined. He isn't even familiar with the area of town, but the glowing back alley seemed familiar, so he walks over there, to find the "grubby-looking guy and a cardboard box" again.
Elsewhere, Thanos watches the potentially cataclysmic fluctuations of the universe and smiles - until Darkseid arrives via a boom tube.
On Earth, Captain America fights Bane (as Clark saw with photographs earlier). Captain America hurls his shield at Bane, but it misses..
In Gotham, Wolverine and Killer Croc carry their fight into a store with Warner Bros products as Nightwing watches from a nearby roof. He fails to notice Gambit is on the same roof..
Storm encounters Wonder Woman in the air above Fawcett City.
Bane is about to crack Captain America's back when the shield he threw returns, like a boomarang, and piles Bane face-first into the street.
Batman has been tracking a lizard-like creature for several blocks, but the creature is more intent to survey the new surroundings rather than act upon them. However, he finds out Nightwing is being attacked by Gambit.
Axel and the bum watch as the glowing box reaches 'critical mass' ...
Both Wolverine and Gambit managed to steal the Batmobile, planning to go back to Westchester and have Professor X help them what's going on.
In the Batcave, the Mole Man and his followers explore what they wish to be their new home.
In Westchester, Robin and Jubilee are still talking.
Then there is a blinding light as the Brothers notice each other and begin their battle. The bum says there is nothing else he can do, and then real unreality floods them, and hears a million voices as one. Brothers have become aware of each other once more. Once again realizing that each was no longer "me" but "us", they could not exist with their lack of uniqueness. Nor was each one whole, for in their centuries-ago battle, some of each of them wound up in each other's universe. Both of them desired to be "whole" and "unique". But they had learned the futility of a head-to-head struggle.
However, in observing and understanding the existence of their respectine cosmic guardians, the Spectre and the Living Tribunal, they have hit upon a solution. Based upon their beliefs that each of their respective universes is intrinsically superior to the other's, they will pit their respective super-powered beings against each other in a war to end all wars, and end one universe as well.
The problem is that some of these champions are so powerful a battle could continue forever with no true conclusion. So the rules are simple: whoever immobilizes the other first, in each instance, wins. (The equivalent in earth wrestling of pinning one's opponent.) The Red Brother represented the Marvel Universe. The Blue Brother represents the DC Universe. Whichever side loses the most matches vanishes forever. Each pair of heroes will be summoned when it is their time to a place of battle and battle they must, for if they refuse, then nothing can stop the Brothers from going to war themselves. If that happens, it means the end of everything.
The first battle is between Thor and Captain Marvel. Before they begin, they do the only appropriate thing to do when those possessing the powers of gods to do - they pray.
Still elsewhere, the disciple of Death (Thanos) confronts the lord of Destruction (Darkseid).
DC's Scarecrow and Marvel's Scarecrow attempt to kidnap Lois Lane as a hostage, but Ben Reilly saves her. [Thor / Marvel]
Snapper and Rick Jones are trying to rally people's bets on who is going to win, Captain Marvel or Thor. The combatants are both reluctant to fight each other. When Thor offers Marvel a chance to surrender, Marvel hurls a carnival ferris wheel, but Thor drives it back down, pinning Marvel. Not wanting to be immobilized even for a second, Marvel transforms back into Billy Batson to escape. When he yells Shazam to transform back into Marvel, Thor prevents the lightning to touch him by hurling Mjolnir at the bolt. This prevents the transformation, allowing Thor to be victorious, but discovers his hammer has vanished.
Outside Facett City, Wonder Woman finds Thors hammer, recognizing it as an old Norse battle hammer. She reads the inscription: "Whomsoever holds this hammer, if he be worthy, shall possess the power of Thor." She attempts to pick up the hammer, and surges of energy encase her, causing her pain.
Under water, Namor and Aquaman battle. Aquaman is too quick for Namor, but Namor finally lands one punch, sending Aquaman out of the water.

[Race] [Race]

Back on land, Quicksilver and Flash battle. Flash regrets being at odds with Quicksilver, and they are interupted by a semi-truck. Though they avoid being hit, the driver had attempted to swerve out of their way. It''s cargo explodes, and Flash runs in to save the driver and his son. However, while Flash is distracted, Quicksilver runs up and puches Flash at superspeed, knocking flash down. Quicksilver regrets taking him down after he risked his life to save the two people. He even regrets taking joy in it, because he discovered someone faster than himself. Suddenly, Flash gets back up and attacks Quicksilver at superspeed, and wins the battle.
Namor's punch hurtles Aquaman near the docks. He is forewarned by an orca whale to Namor's presence. Using the hook on his left arm, he ensnares Namor long enough for the orca whale to launch itself out of the water and land on top of Namor. Aquaman wins the battle.
Back at the Daily Planet, Lois is telling Ben Reilly not to fuss over her. Just as Reilly starts to think Lois is interested in him (when she's not) Wilson Fisk (aka Kingpin) arrives. He had just purchased the Daily Planet.
Elsewhere, Thanos and Darkseid wage their battle as Wonder Woman inherits the power of Thor!

[Marvel vs DC 3]

Round 3

Jubilee is writing in her diary, recounting recent events. No one seems to know what's going on. Some more crossover are: Steel and Iron Man, Joker and Green Goblin, Captain Marvel and Catain Marvel, Green Arrow II and Hawkeye, Black Widow and Black Canary. [To view DC/Marvel cards, click here]
Jubilee doesn't want to fight Robin, because she believes him to be Mr. Right. They are teleported into a balloon warehouse. So, after a brief kiss, they begin their fight. Jubilee feels like she has an advantage over Robin, she being a mutant. Yet Robin dodges all of her pyrokenetics and merges into the shadows. When next she sees him, it is only his cape - a decoy. He tosses his batarang at Jubilee, and she gets ensnared by the rope attached to it. She can't believe she lost without either of them landing a punch. [To see the battle between Robin and Jubilee, click here.]
In deep space, Green Lantern and Silver Surfer fight. Both are reluctant, since they have helped each other in the past, but each will do anything in their power to win. Surfer dodges Lantern's missles. Lantern deflects Surfer's powerbasts. Then they charge head first towards each other, and the Surfer is left standing, never regretting more an opponent's defeat.
Catwoman and Elektra fight on a building construction site. Neither understand why they were chosen as champions, for neither seem to each other the hero type. Catwoman manages to draws first blood, but Elektra uses Catwoman's whip against her, flipping Catwoman off the building when she tried to disarm Electra. Elektra wins.
At the Daily Planet, Ben Reilly manages to summon enough courage to ask Lois Lane on a date. Lois is flattered, but she informs him she's engaged to Clark Kent. Ben Reilly escapes into the dark room to avoid more embarrassment, but gets summoned by the Brothers and vanishes. Just then, J Jonah Jameson barges in, reporting that the Hulk is fighting Metallo downtown. Clark races away, changing into Superman as he goes.
In the alley, Axel Asher refuses to believe he is a shard of the two Brothers, but the bum doesn't let up, transfering some of his power into Axel. After transfering into Access, he finally comes to terms with what he is and agrees to help.
In some bar in a distant galaxy, Lobo and Wolverine battle. Lobo manages to impale Wolverine with his chain, but Wolverine's healing factor prevents the wound from being serious. Wolverine and Lobo hurl each other into the bar, but Wolverine wins the fight. [To see the battle between Lobo and Wolverine, click here.]
Outside Fawcett City, Wonder Woman, with the power of Thor, encounters Storm. Even though she is clearly outmatched, Storm stated she would not yield. Wonder Woman agreed, and freely relinquiched the power of Thor before beginning the fight. The battle is short, however, for Storm calls upon the lightning itself to strike Wonder Woman twice, giving Storm the sorrowful victory. [To see the battle between Storm and Wonder Woman, click here.]
In Greenwich Village, Superboy is temporarily blinded by Spiderman. He is then shocked to hear that Superboy is a clone of Superman. Taking advantage of the shock, Superboy attacks, destroying a container for water. Spiderman fends him off, but Superboy finally lands a punch. Flying in to finish the job, Spiderman tosses two balls of his impact webbing, entangling Superboy. He thus flies directly into an electric fuse box, and is knocked unconscious. Spiderman wins.
[Note: When Superman had died, scientists had attempted to clone him and produced the modern Superboy, who later turned out to contain different genes altogether owing to the irreproducability of Superman's Kryptonian DNA.]
In Metropolis, Hulk is fighting Metallo. Superman comes to help, though it is not needed. Superman gives thanks for helping protect Metropolis. Both of them are then teleported to the Grand Canyon, to fight each other. Hulk gets the first punch, but Superman retaliates with heat vision. Though painful, Hulk continues to fight. However, Superman still overwhelmes Hulk, to the relief of Superman - the Hulk had taken everything he had, and almost stood up to it.

In the Manhattan sewers, Batman and Captain America fight. Captain America is having trouble finding Batman, since he can neld with the shadows easily. Fortunately, he catches Batman's reflection in the water seconds before Batman attacks. Captain America has never fought a foe so evenly matched to himself, and after hours of fighting, neither has gained the advantage. Both wish there was some other way to solve the problem, but there is none. Just when the sewer system is being flushed out, they resume their attack. Captain America throws his shield, and misses. Batman throws his Batarang, hitting Captain America's head. Captain America is knocked out, and Batman dives in to the water to save him.
Captain America lost, but they are confused as to why they haven't returned to where they were transported from. They find out shortly when they discover Axel and the old Access in the alley. The old Access instructs Axel to use Batman and Captain America, since they are from different universes. Batman and Captain America are confused, but when Axel touches them, they are infused with energy. However, it is too late. The cardboard box seemingly explodes. The battles are done, and the Brothers have declares only one universe shall continue, but not in the way anyone had guessed: the two universes are merged. The Amalgam Universe is created!

[Marvel vs DC 4]

Round 4

[To view pages from this issue, click here.]

[Dark Claw] [Hyena] [Super Soldier]

Welcome to the Amalgam Universe. Dark Claw is chasing Hyena, and tosses a grenade from his toolbelt at him. Hyena grabs a pipe and bats it away into the crowd below, but Super-Soldier lets it hit his shield instead.
In the alley below them, the old Access (now looking quite old and corpse-like) watches. He believes their fight is meaningless. He also believes he was wrong about the Brothers. He had thought the merging of the two universes into Amalgam was the doing of the Brothers; it was not. The Living Tribunal and the Spectre were responsible, and it is they who are holding it all together, and the Brothers are not happy about it at all.
Just when the Hyena thought he evaded Super-Soldier and Dark Claw, he runs right into them. Again, he tries to evade them by running into a building.
Axel Asher , the new Access, teleports to the place where the Living Tribunal and the Spectre are holding on to each other, to keep the universes merged. It is a place where no aspect of the Brothers existed. However, it is nearly too much for his mind to witness, and his teleporting power fail-safe kicks in, teleporting him away. [Doctor Stangefate]
[It is at this point that Access encounters Dr Strangefate and his aides in Dr Strangefate #1]
He finally reemerges where the old Access was. The old Access, who reveals his name is Morty, tells Azel he managed to get Super Soldier and Dark Claw nearby (he had help from Spectre and Living Tribunal). Morty then gives Axel the rest of his essence and disappears in a silent explosion.
Hyena crashes through a window, and intends to take Access as a hostage, but Access just teleports Hyena away. He then explains to Dark Claw and Super Soldier that before the merging, he had hid crystal shards in them (actually in Batman and Captain America). This is what Doctor Stangefate was looking for (Dr Strangefate #1). Now, he is giving Spectre and Living Tribunal access to the power he placed within Batman and Captain America to restore the universes. This he does, and in an explosion of light, the two universes are seperated again.
In the Batcave, the Mole Man and his minions find the Hulk in their new home, and begin to attack. Just as they bring their big weapon, Superman arrives. The Mole Man and his minions, rather than fight two powerful adversaries, retreat into the tunnel they used to gain access into the Batcave in the first place. Neither the Hulk or Superman have any idea what had happened when the universes merged, unable to remember it.
A universe away, Spectre and the Living Tribunal compare notes. The universes are momentarily safe, but still overlapping. This is only delaying the inevitable. However, when they confornt the Brothers, they find them in battl, and are remerged into them.
At the Daily Planet, Perry White and J. Jonah Jameson confront Wilson Fisk about interfering with their people. Fisk removes Perry from his view, telling him he's fired. Spiderman arrives to confront Fisk, something Fisk is eager to do, but Superboy arrives and tosses around Fisk, hoping to convince him to sell back the Daily Planet.
In Venice, Robin and Jubilee enjoy each other's company in a boat-ride. Neither have any idea how they got there. Neither care.
In a city, Thanos is fighting Lobo and Wolverine. He was merely looking for Thanos. Then Darkseid appears via Boom Tube, looking for Thanos.
Catwoman and Electra band together to fight Abomination.
Quicksilver and Flash have also banded together, to fight Venom.
Thor, Captain America, Wonder Woman, Green Lantern, Storm, and Silver Surfer arrive in hopes to prevent the battle between Thanos and Darkseid. Instead, they end up being the object of the battle. It is only temporary, for once they rid themselves of the heroes, Thanos and Darkseid plan to resume their battle.
All battles everywhere, however, take a pause when the sky begins "bleeding".
Captain America and Batman convince Access to teleport them to where the Brothers are. He does, explaining that where they are is in-between, like a state of consciousness. Consider racial memory, thoughts and fears so ingrained that everyone has them. Consider deja vu. Where Access took the heroes is where all of that comes from.
At the Daily Planet, Clark Kent joins Lois, for since he cannot do anything at the moment, he thought the best place he could be was with her. Spiderman advises Jameson to take one last potshot at him, but Jameson surprises him with an apology.
Captain America, Batman and Access see Spectre and the Living Tribunal hanging on the Brother's swords, as useless as pieces of string.
Everyone else is witnessing the end of everything: their thoughts, fears, hoorors, regrets - they are all private. All save for Thanos, who chooses to give voice to his: "it's the most beautiful thing I've ever seen".
Captain America and Batman leap to intercede in the Brother's battle. They shout, they plead, they demand, but ultimately they fail. Ever since humanity was conceived, it has senselessly tried to destroy itself. And at the last moment, Captain America and Batman understand why.: for the Brothers ultimately seek a similar goal for themselves. Captain America and Batman scream as their very cores are rent assunder, and their lives flash before their eyes. And as it happens, before the eyes of the Brothers as well.
They see Batman's life: a child witnessing his parents gunned down; swearing vengeance; from the nothingness of a blighted soul, he fashioned a dark guardian and joiined others in battle; unselfishly devoting his life to protecting those who cannot protect themselves; he became one among many, but remained forever unique.
They see Captain America's life: a young man with a willing spirit and weak flesh, subjecting himself to experiments so he can fight against a great evil; a man whose battle carries him across decades to a harsh, cynical world that needed him even more, and was even less willing to admit it; he found new enemies, and new allies; he became one among many, but remained forever unique.
And the Brothers look at each other, as if seeing each other for the first time. Centurues... eons pass... as the Brothers come to the slow realization that they who encompass the whole of reality have become smaller than the smallest of their components. And a billion, billion years hence, the Brothers, for the first time in recorded and unrecorded history, speak. And the say the same thing: "You've done well."
A billion billion years have rolled back upon themselves. The status quo has been restored; the universes are seperate once more. The superbeings of both worlds (like Superman or Spiderman) do not fully understand what has happened. Some do not care, mourning their losses rather than celebrating their salvation (like Robin and Jubilee). Some who have had congress with gods (like Wonder Woman) seek answers. Some who are gods (like Thor) have none to give. Some who consider themselves rulers (like Namor and Aquaman) muse how limited their "kingdoms" are. And two, Batman and Captain America, have a faint glimmering of the truth, and are humbled by it. Access
And there is one (Access) who knows the whole truth of the Brothers' realization that their creations had surpassed the creators themselves. That truth, and many more besides. He knows, and rejects it all. For he has considered himself a seeker of truth, nd if he has found it, then his life no longer has purpose. So he rejects the prize in favor of the quest. For his is the power of Access, and universes beckon. And when universes beckon, who could say no?
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