Picture Copyright Berkeley Breathed

what's up, b?

Update by Vynda, 0010.04

No update, just a suggestion. Get on napster and download "Endiness" by E.S.D. It's a long song, but it's good. If you like it, tell me. E.S.D. (Extra-Sensory Deception) is about to release a cd, and yours truly designed the cover and thought of the name (can't take credit for the music, that's Andy's job). Let me know, though, 'cos I can get you a good deal on the cd.

Update by Vynda, 0009.29

Fixed the underline problem on this page. Funny thing is, the underline code wasn't the problem, the bold code was. Don't ask me why.
Added "Wilkommen" & "Don't Tell Mama" from Cabaret, "song for a blue guitar" by the red house painters, "Bloodletting (The Vampire Song)" by Concrete Blond, "Please, Please, Please, Let Me Get What I Want" by the Smiths, and "Gates of Eden", "Simple Twist of Fate", "Like A Rolling Stone", & "Most of the Time" by Bob Dylan to the lyrics section.
I hate being unemployed. I had to give up the World Golf Village job b/c of transportation problems about a month ago, so I have nothing to do after classes and on weekends. Not that the Golf thing was my cup of tea, but it was a good paycheck. And there weren't stupid customers, only slighty deranged employees. I remember one guy in particular that Rah and I later paralleled to the "band camp" girl from American Pie. On one of the training days, we all had to sit around from 9 to 5 in a boardroom watching videos and learning how to fold clothes (they gave us lunch and everything, it was great). This guy had retired from a management position at Publix and thought that this job would get him out of the house and onto the green (he later admitted he'd never played golf before in his life). Every time one of the WGV guys would say how something was done, the ex-Publix guy would go, "You know, at Publix..." This went on the entire friggin day. I really wanted to tell him that, in case he didn't realize it, he wasn't in Publix anymore. He wasn't even in management. He was down with us cashiers and sales clerks. I didn't, I was too afraid he'd have a heart attack or something when it dawned on him that noone cared about Publix. I don't know why I thought of that, but I did, so I thought I'd share it.

Update by Vynda, 0009.18

Added "Love My Way" by the Psychedelic Furs to the lyrics page.
It's rush week here at Flager. We don't have any formal sororities or fraternities, so we have "service clubs". That's what they call themselves. They tell everyone they like to volunteer, but the only volunteering they do is holding one of their fellow sorority sister's hair as she pukes in the toilet. Not a Vyn thing to get involved in. So I'm having lots of fun watching the pledges in the hall. They have to carry around flour babies and give candy to girls who are already members. Today was spirit day (complete with warpaint), tomorrow's pajama day, and later on in the week the pledges have to serve us dinner. I dunno...I guess I just don't see going through that degradation to be accepted.

Update by Vynda, 0009.17

Added "Darkangel" by VNV Nation and "Eden" by Sarah Brightman to the lyrics page.
It's cold. It's raining. I'm going to bed. Goodnight.

Update by Vynda, 0009.16

Added "I've Seen it All" by Bj�rk and Thom Yorke (the lead singer of Radiohead) to the lyrics page.
I've found the coolest screen saver for my computer. It's Edward Gorey's "The Gashlycrumb Tinies". Gorey is one of my favorite artists/authors. He did the artwork for T.S. Eliot's "Old Possum's Book of Practical Cats", one of my father's favorites, and I've been a fan since I saw the cover. You can read through the "Gashlycrumb Tinies" here, or you can create your own here. If you've never experienced them, go. The dark humor and drawings are definitely worth the look.

Update by Vynda, 0009.14

Today is Vynnie's Brand New Computer Day. Yes, I like my new computer. It's so special.
Added "If You Are Feeling Sinister" by Belle & Sebastian and "touched" by visual audio sensory theater (v.a.s.t.) to the lyrics section.
I'm going back to bed now. All early classes and no sleep make Vynnie something, something...

Update by Vynda, 0009.07

Well, so far. I'm having fun, getting to meet many interesting people and ghosts. Yes, ghosts. Don't look at me weird like that. I'm serious. See?
I like all my classes. I have Speech Communication (the professor is from Ireland), Art History I (the professor is from Italy), Freshman Seminar (the teacher used to either play for or help coach the Colorado Rockies), Contemporary Math I (don't know anything about that teacher), and Computers and Data Processing (the teacher's from Canada, eh!). I'll be posting pictures of the room soon. Have you ever seen The Haunting? Well, our fireplace is just like the one in Eleanor's room, complete with the little faces (which are quite unsetteling at times. And we also have no air conditioning. The room is like Gilligan's Island. But we have a phone and a radio (the latter I recently fashioned out of a coconut), so we're happy.

Update by Vynda, 0009.02

Well, I'm outta here for the moment. I leave tomorrow morning for college. Hopefully things will go well and I'll be back on soon with lots of news and pictures (for select people, of course).
Something to keep you busy for a little while: The Glam Rock Name Generator. According to this, my new name is Effervescence Purplepowder and Reythe's is Icy Mirrorpill. I wonder what my checks would look like if I signed my checks "Effervescence Purplepowder"....

Update by Vynda, 0008.28

Modem's fixed. I leave for college on Sunday. Life's peachy. Reythe, if you're out there, call me!!! Rain & Kaos: hope you guys are enjoying UF!
Added "pitseleh" by Elliott Smith to the lyrics page. Also added some quotes for Balthasarr prompted by the recent sushi seminar we attended. while the modem was out (hey, I just might have a life if I ditch the computer. Soon enough, I assure you...). I hate sushi. But I went anyway because I knew I'm going off and not going to get to see him for a while. It was informative, but Balth says the free sushi afterwards sucked. It was not at all formal, and the chef and audience were both very entertaining. I'd defintely attend again.
BTW, I recommend the album "Play" by Moby. It's techno, it's groovy, it's definitely different.

Update by Vynda, 0008.23

2 more weeks to college and the modem is fried on the computer at home. So I'm in the library telling you I don't know when I'll be back. Expect to hear from me via Flux's computer *sometime* in the near future. Today's Scrabbletm word of the day: KIANG (noun) - A Tibetan wild ass. Dictionaries are fun.

Update by Vynda, 0008.16

Added "Northern Star" by Hole, "Familiar" by Incubus featuring DJ Greyboy, "Lift Your Head Up High (And Blow Your Brains Out)", "Asleep At The Wheel" and "Mope" by The Bloodhound Gang to the Lyrics page.
I got a new job. Everybody say, "yay!" I work here. Seriously. Yeah, I know, I couldn't picture me there either, but here I am. No complaints so far with the new routine. Rah and I (both of us were hired) are training this week and start after we move for college. It's a nice place with posh clientel with names like "Tiffy" and "Biff" and such. The co-workers are great, too. It's perfect. A little too perfect. I haven't screwed up yet either, which is always a plus. I'll let ya know if anything good happens.

Update by Vynda, 0008.11

So I lied about it being slow around here.
Added January Stars, Invisible Sun, Moon Over Bourbon Street, King of Pain, and If I Ever Lose My Faith in You, all by Sting, to the lyrics page.

Update by Vynda, 0008.10

Added "Wish You Were Here" by Pink Floyd, "bachelorette", "1000 oceans", "girl", and "precious things" by tori amos, "miss misery" and "baby britain" by elliott smith, and "Macy Day Parade" by Michael Penn to the lyrics page.

Update by Vynda, 0008.08

Renovated the Quotebook and added "Judith" by A Perfect Circle and "Sugarbuzz" by Marvelous 3.

Update by Vynda, 0008.05

Added "Duck!" and The Trinity Fanfic - "Portals and Bunnies and Puppies, Oh My!" to the HellForge Logs section and added a quote from Gisela to the Quotebook

Update by Vynda, 0007.31

Happy Belated 18th to both Kaos and Reythe!
Added Your Dictionary by XTC, Pretty in Pink & The Ghost in You by the Psychedelic Furs, Thank You by Dido (the background song for Eminem's "Stan"), Romeo and Juliet by Dire Straits, Colorblind by Counting Crows, and Wallflower & Palace Hotel by Better Than Ezra (both singles) to the lyrics page.

Update by Vynda, 0007.26

Updated the Quotebook with quotes for Balthasarr, Vyxxyn, and I. Also update the links page with the new address for the BratQueen, and links to The Vaults of Erowid and deoxy.org (two very good links if you want information on psychoactive plants and drugs - thanx to Balth for these). Also added a WRFL: Radio Free Lestat banner to the front page. Also, you can now get a full-length RA of "Sugarbuzz" by Marvelous Three by going here. It doth rocketh mightily. ^vv^
Nothing much else to report. I cleaned the cave out (gasp, shock, and horror!) and I'm deciding what to pack for the big move in September. Sorry, but this page is going to be quite boring until I get everything sorted out.

Update by Vynda, 0007.11

Added nine Ralph Wiggum wavs to the Simpsons Sound Page and added the story of Govynda's Line to the HellForge Logs page.

Update by Vynda, 0007.10

I'm back. Updated the Quotebook with some family-induced ramblings, and added "Untouchable Face" by Ani DiFranco, "Sugar" by Tonic, and "Why Does it Always Rain on Me?" by Travis to the lyrics page.
I hate family vacations. I really do. Now, I know there are a few out there who say, "You should be thankful that your parents spend so much money to take you someplace nice for vacation!" but they have never had the distinct privledge of getting to know my family, let alone the perk of having to share a room with my two brothers. Shudder and wince, everyone, you know what they're like. There have only been a few times I've ever appreciated a family vacation (the others they actually drag me kicking and screaming), and one of those times was on this vacation: the Muck Monster incedent.
Keep in mind that I've already told you my little bros aren't exactly the brightest crayons in the box (SB's reading this right now and he's prolly going to kill me later...). Our cabin this time was on a lake, and there was a small pond out in the woods near the cabin that SB found (it was either a septic tank [haha] or just a runoff). So he decided to fish there. Whatever was in there kept taking his bait w/o getting hooked. Of course, i didn't believe him at all, so he took Dru and I out there to see. This is what happened:
SB: "I got him! I got him! Dru, get the bucket!"
Dru: "Okay! *steps into waist-deep mud* ACK! OMIGOD! OMIGOD! HELP!"
Me: *sitting on a rock LMAO*
SB: *pulls Dru out of the mud* "Yes! I caught the bastard! I...*fish on the end of the line is about 4 inches long*..."
Me: *still LMAO*
SB: "It can't be...this must be one of his minions sent to do the Muck Monster's dirty work!"
Me: "uh-huh..."
*Laughs some more* You know, that's not half as amusing on screen as it is in my head.
So I get back to find that one of the local radio stations is now playing a disco remix version of the Hamster Dance. My first thought was how bored someone would actually have to be to make a disco remix of that, but my second thought was how many people actually live under a friggin rock around here. I mean, I've known about that site for at least 2 years now, and it's gotten a lot of e-mail and media coverage, and now little pre-pubescent Britney-wannabes (wait, Britney's a Barbie-wannabe, so I guess things do go in full circles here) are calling up and going, "Like, OMIGOD! Could you, like, play that, like, ummm...Hamster Dance song thingy! It is, like SOOO cool!" It's SOOO annoying! And what if this is as good as it gets?!? *collective scream*
I'm better. Promise.

what's up now
What was up before this
What was up before that
Things that aren't really up anymore


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