Introduction pg. 2
Depleted Uranium pg. 4
Weapons of Mass Destruction and Terrorism pg. 7
The Terrorist Threat pg. 11
Preemptive War and Unilateralism pg. 13
Economics and War pg. 15
Humanitarian Concerns pg. 16
Iraq After a War pg. 18
Iraq Before the War pg. 19
The Gulf War pg. 22
After the War pg. 25
The Question of Oil pg. 28
U.S. Regional Positioning and Global Markets pg. 30
A Strategy of Destruction pg. 32
Rise of the European Union pg. 34
Epilogue pg. 
Growing Crisis In Basra
pg. 42
Murder at 160K pg. 67
CBS Reports Truth By Mistake
pg. 44
"Simon-Says" Reporting
pg. 68
U.S. Strikes Iran pg. 47 "Their Liberation is in the Hands of God" pg. 69
Collateral Damage pg. 10 POW Coverage Shows Bias In Favor of Beauty pg. 71
War Crimes pg. 53 U.S. Directly and
Indirectly Targets Civilians
pg. 72
EMP Weapons pg. 54 The Shu'ale Market Bombing: Case Closed pg. 75
Food and Politics at Safwan
pg. 55
Checkpoint Shooting Galleries
pg. 76
"Even in Civilian Areas They Will Be Hit" pg. 56 A Besieged Basra pg. 78
Flint-locks and Sedans
pg. 58
Kurdish Victims of Liberation
pg. 82
Signs of an Expanding War
pg. 59
Dissent in the Ranks
pg. 84
Killing and Burying the Innocent
pg. 61
Cluster Bombs in Iraq
pg. 86
Iraqi Artillery Targets...Whom?
pg. 62
Pentagon's Version of "Stop the Press" pg. 88
CNN Subtly Alters POW Coverage pg. 64 Welcome to the Liberation
pg. 91
Seven Stray Missiles, Two Unhappy Allies pg. 65



          The original purpose of this analysis was to address the possibility of a second war between the U.S. and Iraq, and to make the case as strongly as possible against that war.  To that end, it attempts to address as many relevant facts and issues involved as possible, including many of the facts and issues used by those who argued in favor of the war.  Contained here is an expanded version of the initial analysis, with the addition of a chapter on the European Union, and an entirely new section containing this author's articles written during the U.S. invasion of Iraq.
           Obviously, it was impossible to know exactly what would ultimately happen, and many of the concerns and scenarios discussed here did not occur.  However, it is of utmost importance when facing a crisis such as this to consider all of the possibilities, even at the risk of overstating some of the dangers and "worst-case scenarios", especially when (as is the case) the worst-case could be global warfare and the use of nuclear arms and chemical or biological weapons.  It would be unfair to edit out these discussions after the fact, and they are preserved here not only out of fairness but because the existence of such dangers only highlights the atmosphere under which the U.S. chose to engage in warfare.
           In an effort to be as forthright as possible, it should be stated that any appearance of bias in the tone of writing may be attributable to the truth that such a bias does exist, although all attempts have been made to present the facts themselves without any intention of misrepresentation.  When opinion or interpretation of the facts is presented, an attempt has been made to state this clearly or pose such opinions and interpretations in a way as to leave no doubt that conclusions are being drawn from the information.
           It might be noted that, in the final section containing discussion of news events that occurred during the war, there is much more "editorializing" about the facts than elsewhere in the analysis.  These articles were written separate from the first three sections, and were not originally intended to be included in the anti-war analysis.  They are contained here for their obvious relevance to the subject matter, and for readers to perhaps compare the concerns voiced earlier in the analysis with the actual course of events during the war.
           The initial analysis will be broken into three parts.  It begins with the most serious issues concerning the effects of a potential war with Iraq.  Then, there will be a synopsis of the history leading up to the Gulf War, events during the war, and the immediate aftermath.
           Finally, there will be an analysis of the issues surrounding U.S. interests and policies with regard to oil, in both the Middle East and North and South America, and the global implications of those interests and policies.  There is also included in this section an article on European policy regarding the Middle East.  This article was not originally part of the analysis, but is included here to provide a wider perspective concerning potential global developments and how the author interprets such events.  This last section will contain much more opinion and interpretation of the facts than the rest of the early analyses.
           The first three sections of analysis have been structured in this way for a few reasons.  The facts concerning the current crisis with Iraq are the most immediately important from a practical standpoint, and thus are dealt with first.  In addition, the issues which follow the first section are addressed here precisely because of their relevance to the current crisis; thus, while they are of no less importance, they must be relegated to a subordinate position within the overall analysis.  This being the case, the section regarding the dangers of a second war with Iraq should be read as the primary argument set forth, and the two following sections viewed as "supporting material".
           These later two sections, while each is capable of standing alone as analysis of their respective topics, also are interrelated, and when viewed outside the context of the main argument regarding impending war, they can be taken together as an analysis of U.S. policy in the Middle East irrespective of the case made against waging another war with Iraq.  The issues discussed in the Gulf War section are based on historical facts, which are (by and large) not open to personal opinion; in other words, these things happened, these were (and are) U.S actions and policies.


           As mentioned earlier, the final section of the original analysis does fall to a large extent into the realm of interpretation and opinion, but relies on facts and events to draw conclusions which should seem at least reasonable (while perhaps not necessarily likely in the opinions of some) to anyone who views the evidence honestly.  This last portion also considers some worst-case scenarios, and while these are quite extreme as far as policy interpretation is concerned, they are nevertheless plausible and worth mentioning.
           Something should also be said regarding the obvious omission here of any detailed analysis of the U.S.-Israeli relationship, and the incredibly important role that relationship has played in U.S. policy and diplomacy in the Middle East.  This omission is primarily because such a discussion is a whole other work in and of itself, and would require a major deviation from the central topic being addressed.  Several excellent books have already been written which deal with the subject probably as well as is possible (Chomsky, "The Fateful Triangle", and Said, "The Politics of Dispossession", to name but two).  Any half-attempts or abridged version of the facts here would be worse than simply avoiding this issue and referring the readers elsewhere.
           Three sources contributed much to the initial three sections of analysis.  The first is "The Fire This Time:  U.S. War Crimes In The Gulf" by Ramsey Clark (former Attorney General), which meticulously documents the death and destruction suffered in Iraq during the first Gulf War, and how the U.S. government manipulated Saddam Hussein into war.  The second is "War and Television" by Bruce Cumings.  This book focuses on the role of the media during war, and how the U.S. media colludes with the government to manipulate or censor facts for public consumption.
            The last one is the documentary film "Hidden Wars of Desert Storm" by Audrey Brohy and Gerard Ungerman, which combines chilling facts and statistics with footage to uncover the truth about U.S. actions during the war.  These 2 books and the film are the primary sources for the section on the Gulf War.
             Aside from these sources, most of the other information contained in the early analysis was compiled from internet sites, primarily news and journalism sites.  These include: the study "Target Iraq: Imminent Threat Analysis", by Priority Peace and Dr. Alan Gilbert, available at the Priority Peace website; the "New York Times", "Washington Post", and "Financial Times of London" sites; the "World Socialist Website"; "The Observer"; the "Sunday Herald" of Scotland; various "Reuters" reports; the "Guardian"; the "Independent"; and the "Fairness and Accuracy in Reporting (FAIR)" site.
             On occasion, some indirect sources of reference are from reports on "The Jim Lehrer News Hour" on PBS; CBS News; and occasionally from interviews on "Charlie Rose", also on PBS.  While not the source of specific information, "The Grand Chessboard" by Zbigniew Brzezinski (former National Security Advisor) was used as a reference (although surely not as he would hope) for certain U.S. policy objectives analyzed throughout this text, as were a few books by Noam Chomsky, notably "Deterring Democracy" and "Towards A New Cold War" (revised addition).
             Many other sources are noted within the text itself, such as interviews and U.N. documents or U.S. govervnment documents, the documents easily obtained from congressional representatives or Congressional Research Services, and through the U.N.  For information on Depleted Uranium, a good source would be the Federation of American Scientists' web page on Depleted Uranium Ammunition.
             Anyone who wishes to confirm the accuracy of information provided here can easily do so by refering to the three primary sources noted above, as well as the internet sites.  None of the facts here are hard to find.
            The articles in Section Four were written during the second U.S. war against Iraq.  These were written literally as events transpired, as the author pulled information from multiple news sources each day (a process that consisted of watching televison while listening to the radio, and reading newspapers and internet news sites, all simultaniously).  The sources for these articles are well documented throughout the writing itself, and many mainstream media sources were used to piece together what was happening.
            Readers should note that most of the information and facts appearing in these articles originated in the media sources cited in the text, and this author can claim only minor credit for piecing together these multiple accounts and reports.  Majority credit must go to the original reporters and media outlets responsible for the original reports.  In particular the author wishes to thank Robert Fisk of the Independent, not only for the debt owed to him for many of the accounts in this text, but for his continuing commitment to documenting truths that might otherwise never be revealed (this should not be construed as suggesting Mr. Fisk was in any way involved with this text, nor that this author has ever had the pleasure of meeting him).
            The purpose of reporting on the war in this manner was to compile multiple accurate first-hand reports into one source, while also critiquing the self-censorship that permeates our national propaganda machine (known as "the U.S. media"). In addition, the articles attempt to show how a critical observer can still catch glimpses of truth even within the sanitized lies we are fed in this nation, and how the rewriting of history is easily witnessed on a daily basis, right before our eyes if we will only pay attention.
            It is the hope of this author that the information contained here will assist in further educating readers about the horrors of war, the viciousness of imperialism, and the extent to which governments will lie and distort information to achieve those ever-present twin goals of power and profit.  Such knowledge is imperative, if we are to resist those policies, and someday forge a society of equity and justice.



"There is no 'just war'.  There is
just war."



           This analysis begins by considering a danger not discussed by the U.S. government or the media, although it is one threat that is dangerous to all parties involved, and to the Middle East in general.
           In the production of nuclear weapons and at nuclear power plants, radioactive waste is produced.  While this waste has had much of its radioactive property removed, it still remains toxic.  What many people are unaware of, however, is that this waste is not merely destroyed or stored safely away.
           The fact is that much of this waste is given free to the Pentagon for the production of weapons.  For over a decade, the U.S. military has been producing what is known as depleted uranium (DU) ordnance, using uranium 238 for warheads on missiles, rockets, anti-tank weapons, armor piercing ammunition, and possibly more.
           Uranium 238 is considered the best material to produce these weapons for several reasons:  it is highly dense and thus excellent for penetrating armor and bunkers; it is provided free of charge; it has residual effects, like producing radioactive particle harmful and potentially fatal when inhaled, swallowed, or as residue on skin and clothes; these particles can poison the soil, water, food supplies; and other dangerous conditions which may be desirable when occurring in an enemy territory.
           When these weapons are fired, the uranium bursts into flames, liquefies, and sears through even the steel on heavily armored tanks.  Any diesel fuel vapors inside the tank explode due to the intense heat from the burning uranium.  The fire creates uranium oxide, spreading and contaminating the corpses, equipment, and soil.
           The dust particles and larger pieces are scattered all over the battlefield, creating radioactive, carcinogenic clouds of smoke.  Uranium 238 settles in the lungs, kidneys, testicles, and bones of persons exposed to its effects.  It also settles in the placentas of pregnant women.
 Radioactive debris from DU weapons remains radioactive for over 4.5 billion years.  In Minnesota and New Mexico, where DU weapon testing occurs, the testing grounds are now permanently radioactive.
           The facts above clearly expose the danger of using these DU weapons, but the danger has not stopped the U.S. from employing DU ordnance in warfare.  The results of this use have been catastrophic, and not only for the enemy combatants and territories.  Indeed, there have been a set of surprising casualties resulting from the U.S. deployment of DU weapons, casualties ignored by both the U.S. government and the U.S. media.
           Who are these hidden casualties?  U.S. troops, European troops, and their families.
           The U.S. used DU ordnance in the Gulf War, in the NATO bombing campaign in the Balkans, in Afghanistan, and is now preparing to use these weapons in the impending war with Iraq.  From what has already been noted about these weapons, the implications of their widespread use again are obvious.  However, to get an even clearer picture of what can be expected if DU weapons are employed in another war with Iraq, consider the following facts (and facts they are).
           The first confirmed use of DU weapons in battle was in Iraq during the 1991 Gulf War.  The United Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority, in an April 1991 report, confirmed the U.S. fired between 5,000 and 6,000 DU armor piercing shells, and about 50,000 DU rockets and missiles, leaving tons and tons of radioactive and toxic rubble in Iraq and Kuwait.  The UKAEA report also said the 40 tons of radioactive debris left behind could cause up to 500,000 Iraqi deaths.  The total number of all DU rounds fired in the Gulf War comes to roughly 944,000, or 2,700 tons of weapons.  The Pentagon admits to "only" 320 metric tons of DU left on the battlefield after the war, but Russian military experts claim the actual amount is 1,000 metric tons.


           After the war ended, U.S. troops began to show symptoms of what has since been dubbed "Gulf War Syndrome".  The numbers are staggering.  About one in three U.S. troops have developed symptoms to date; thus, out of the  roughly 600,000 U.S. military personnel stationed in the Gulf during the period, there are between 125,000 to 200,000 who have suffered from illnesses directly attributable to serving in the Gulf.
           Over 183,000 Gulf vets have applied for disability.  Over 9,700 Gulf vets had died as of the year 2000.  That is about 3 per day, every day, since the war ended, and it does not include numbers for troops who have died in the last 3 years.
           What symptoms have manifested in the U.S. troops?  Mostly sicknesses consistent with radiation exposure or toxic poisoning.  Although there are some soldiers whose illnesses are not readily attributable to radiation exposure, in the vast number of cases such attribution has been made by the doctors treating the troops.
           Illnesses suffered by U.S. veterans of the Gulf War include:  cancer and leukemia; genetic defects; heavy metal poisoning; kidney damage; lung damage (these last three are symptoms from the inhalation of dust particles of uranium 238); skin disorders and burns; hair loss; and children born with birth defects (sometimes horribly deformed or stillborn).  In some cases, the spouses of these U.S. veterans have contracted similar illnesses, attributed by their doctors to the exposure of the troops, who then passed the contamination on through physical contact due to the high concentration of radiation in their bodies, clothes, and body fluids like semen.
           Doctors who have been treating most of the veterans claim the evidence overwhelmingly proves these patients suffer from radiation exposure or exposure to toxic carcinogenic substances (this refers to the heavy metal poisoning symptomatic of inhalation of uranium 238 dust particles, which as already noted results in kidney and lung damage).  Additionally, since these troops served during a war in which they were exposed directly to DU weapons and the resulting effects of these ordnance (toxic clouds, small and larger particles of uranium, etc.), doctors therefore assert it is impossible to ignore a direct connection to exposure to the DU weapons used by the U.S.
           In a study of Gulf War veterans, 67% of them had children with missing eyes, fused fingers, blood infections, respiratory problems, and other extreme illnesses.  Birth defects can be caused either directly due to uranium settled into the father's testicles, or because the mother was exposed (either in the war or from the father) and the uranium settled in the placenta.  An example is Jayce Hanson, son of Gulf War veteran Sergent Paul Hanson of the U.S. Army.  Both of them were pictured on the cover of a "Life" magazine special investigation issue focusing on Gulf War syndrome.  Jayce has no arms, his hands coming directly out of his shoulders.  His legs are severely swollen and no knees are visible.
           U.S. troops were not exposed to the effects of DU ordnance only when the weapons were used, however.  The FDA determined that even U.S. troops who were only exposed to the DU weapons by being in military vehicles loaded with these weapons, still received doses of radiation equivalent to one chest X-ray every 20-30 hrs.
           What is the U.S. government's response to all of this medical and scientific evidence pointing to DU ordnance as the source of U.S. troops' illnesses?  Denial.
           The Pentagon, after a lengthy study on "Gulf War Syndrome", concluded the cause cannot be determined.  Furthermore, the veterans of the Gulf War suffering from this "syndrome" have been denied disability compensation and in many cases treatment for their illnesses, since the U.S. government refuses to admit any connection between the illnesses and the use of DU weapons.
           For Iraq, the result of the U.S. use of these weapons has been horrible.  The country is still littered with pieces of DU ordnance, and the ground all over Iraq is contaminated, so Iraqis are still being exposed to the radiation and toxicity from uranium 238.  Hundreds of Iraqi children still die every month from cancer, leukemia, kidney and lung disease, and other effects of radiation poisoning attributed to U.S. DU weapons.


           Children are regularly born with severe birth defects, often without heads, or are stillborn.  The continuing effects have resulted in tens or possibly hundreds of thousands of deaths and other illnesses over the last 12 years, confirmed by multiple U.S. and international health organizations.
           There is also a danger to other nations in the region as well.  Much of the DU ordnance used during the Gulf War may have fallen on Iraqi positions in Kuwait.  Beyond even this danger to Kuwait, however, is the telling fact that Saudi researchers have detected elevated levels of radiation along Saudi Arabia's northern borders.  Since it has been reported that the air campaign in the war against Afghanistan also employed DU weapons, and since any new war against Iraq will likely mean more DU ordnance falling in that country as well, there is the very real danger of severe increases in radiation levels across the Middle East.
           There is other evidence on the dangers of DU weapons providing a further glimpse of what can be expected in a new war against Iraq.  DU ordnance was also widely used in the NATO war in the Balkans, with effects similar to those that occurred in Iraq.  After the U.S. bombing campaign ended, NATO peacekeeping forces (or more accurately, NATO occupation forces) consisting primarily of European troops moved into the bombed regions.  Soon after, the specter of radiation and heavy metal poisoning began to rear its head yet again.
           European troops, especially Italians, began seeing an incredible increase in cancer, leukemia, and other symptoms of radiation exposure.  Some reports have claimed cancer and leukemia rates as high as between 25 and 35 percent in Italians serving in the Balkans.  This led the Italian government to request reimbursement from the U.S. for the medical costs, a fact reported once in the "New York Times" and ignored in the media since.
           In developments similar to Saudi Arabia's discovery of increasing radiation levels, European nations began detecting dramatic increases (reportedly as high as 25 percent in some nations) in background radiation when winds blow from the Balkans.  Just as ominously, radiation in European water tables increased dramatically.  Like so many facts already stated, these were likewise largely ignored in the U.S. media, and the U.S. government has so far denied responsibility in the face of overwhelming evidence.
           In November of 2001, the U.N. General Assembly, under intense pressure from the U.S., voted 45-54 (with 45 abstentions) to reject an Iraqi request for a study on the effects of DU weapons on Iraq.  The Iraqi Health Ministry said instances of cancer rose to 10,931 in 1997, an increase of 4,376 over 1989 (pre-Gulf War).  The U.N. committee on disarmament and international security voted 49-45 in favor of the proposal earlier in November.  Many U.N. diplomats said the reversal was due to heavy lobbying by the U.S. against the proposal.  Earlier in 2001, the World Health Organization started a lengthy study on the effects of DU weapons.
           A U.N. subcommission, in August of 2002, issued a report stating unequivocally that DU weapons violate the Genocide Convention; the Geneva Conventions of 1949; the Conventional Weapons Convention of 1980; the U.N. Charter; the Universal Declaration of Human Rights; and the Hague Conventions of 1899 and 1907.  The continued use of DU ordnance by U.S. forces is in violation of the U.N. classification of these weapons as illegal.  Therefore, the U.S. is unquestionably in possession of banned weapons of mass destruction, in violation of the relevant U.N. resolution, and is threatening other nations with these illicit weapons; in other words, everything Iraqi is accused of, the very reasons Iraq now faces an invasion.
           The facts presented here prove beyond any doubt how dangerous DU weapons are to enemy combatants, to civilians, and to the environment where they are used.  Further, despite repeated denials by the Pentagon and U.S. government, the medical evidence overwhelmingly suggests DU weapons also directly harm U.S. and European allies' soldiers who are exposed to the side effects of uranium 238.  Finally, the U.N. has determined DU weapons are illegal, so the use of such ordnance during battle violates international law and is thus a war crime.
           When these facts are considered with a view towards the U.S. intention to employ a new bombing campaign against Iraq that will dwarf any previous air assault in history, it seems inescapable to conclude that such an attack will create an immense danger for all Iraqis (troops and civilians alike), for the environment in Iraq as well as its neighbors, and for U.S. and any allied troops in the region.




           The current drive to war is being fueled by a single issue:  weapons of mass destruction.  Whatever real motives may ultimately lie behind the Bush administration's war policy, the questions about Iraq's WOMD program are the founding principle of their argument for war.  To legitimize a U.S. invasion, the U.S. has focused on convincing the U.N. and U.S. citizens that Iraq has a large, secret chemical and biological weapons program that is a direct threat to the region and to the U.S. itself.
           In attempting to drum up support in America, the Bush administration has repeatedly conjured images of the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, saying again and again that Iraq could give WOMD to terrorist organization, with Bush himself saying Saddam Hussein plans to use al Qaida as his "forward army" to attack the U.S. without leaving his "fingerprints".  The invoking of September 11 has been a recurring theme in the administration's attempts to explain the unique American determination to deal with the alleged "Iraqi threat".
           However, the facts regarding Iraq's WOMD and the actual threat posed to the U.S. are quite different from the image put forth by President Bush and his government.  In fact, the most telling evidence contradicting Bush's assertions of the "Iraqi threat" actually comes from the U.S. intelligence community itself.
           In a report leaked to the media, the CIA stated that all intelligence they have gathered suggests clearly that Saddam Hussein would not use Iraqi WOMD or give such weapons to terrorists unless Hussein was attacked and felt he was surely going to loose power.  The report cites the fact that Iraq is isolated regionally, without any allies, and was left so damaged and economically weak after the Gulf War that it is unlikely Hussein could pursue any large-scale WOMD programs.
           Additionally, the report notes that (contrary to repeated claims by the Bush administration that Iraq has had "12 years" to come clean) Iraq was subjected to a rigorous U.N. inspections regime which had, by 1998, eradicated roughly 95 percent of Iraq's WOMD and facilities for producing such weapons.  The CIA further points out that Iraq has, since the Gulf War, been subjected to constant surveillance by the U.S. (including spying by the U.S. during the U.N. inspections) and over-flights by U.S. and British warplanes in the "No Fly Zones".
           All of these facts lead the CIA to conclude that if Iraq does possess any WOMD programs, it is a very small one and poses no clear or immediate threat to either the U.S. or Iraq's neighbors.  Also, due to the animosity between Hussein and Islamic fundamentalists (because of Iraq's secular government and repression of the Shiite majority), it is unlikely Hussein would provide WOMD to groups who might very well use them to battle the Iraqi regime.
           The only scenario the CIA imagines in which Iraq would use any WOMD or provide them to terrorists, then, is the exact situation being created by the U.S. under the pretense of preventing precisely what they are encouraging.  This is backed up by U.S. government statements that Hussein has ordered his generals to prepare to use WOMD against U.S. troops.  If this is true, it merely highlights the CIA's point.
           This conclusion is likewise reached by British intelligence.  The BBC obtained and made public "top-level British intelligence reports" stating that there are "absolutely no ties" between Iraq and al Qaida.
           There is an even more damning set of facts about the CIA denial of an Iraqi threat.  Currently, there are up to 30 CIA and other intelligence officials who have sought refuge in Sweden after that nation granted amnesty for them.  These U.S. intelligence agents claim they are being silenced and threatened by the Bush administration, and that they cannot speak freely about the facts concerning CIA intelligence on Iraq.  They also assert that the administration demands intelligence reports be shaped to make the case against Iraq, and apply pressure to CIA operatives who resist "politicizing" the intelligence reports.


           What are these operatives saying that the Bush administration does not want to hear (and does not want anyone else to hear, either)?  That Iraq is not a threat, that Iraq has no ties to terrorist, that Iraq probably has little if any remaining WOMD, and that Iraq would not use these weapons against the U.S. or anyone else unless faced with invasion.  Actually, there is one more claim made by these CIA operatives that is perhaps most important of all:  they say not only does the CIA not believe what President Bush is saying, the CIA also does not believe the President really believes what he is saying, either.
           With respect to the physical evidence of an Iraqi WOMD program, the simple fact is there is so far no physical evidence.  What have been found up to this point are only the remains of warheads capable of delivering WOMD, and even these appear to be what was left over after the first U.N. inspections.  UNMOVIC (the new inspection regime) says quite clearly that they have found no physical evidence of an ongoing WOMD program.
           The U.S. has presented what it claims to be evidence of an Iraqi WOMD program.  However, there are serious problems with the U.S. case against Iraq.  First of all, when the U.S. first began presenting this evidence, it had not yet provided any of its intelligence information to the U.N. inspectors, which happens to be in direct violation of Resolution 1441.  The inspectors complained that had the U.S. shared this information with them, they could have gone immediately to any suspect sites and determined if illegal weapons production was occurring.
           As a result of this criticism, the U.S. began making its intelligence available to the inspectors, giving them precise information the U.S. claimed would allow inspectors to find Iraqi WOMD and production sites.  Following U.S. information sharing, inspectors began making "raids" and even traffic stops to catch "mobile weapons facilities" based on U.S. intelligence.  The results were disappointing.  UNMOVIC now say the U.S. intelligence was useless, sending them on "wild goose-chases" that turned up absolutely nothing.  One inspector, very angry at the quality of U.S. information, referred to the intelligence as "…bullshit after bullshit after bullshit…"
           Hans Blix has said, both in interviews and in his reports to the U.N., that while there are still problems and issues to be overcome in the inspections, the process is improving, Iraq is being more cooperative as time goes on, and most importantly that the inspections should continue because they are making progress.  The feeling that inspections are working is shared by many nations in the U.N., most notably France, Germany, and Russia.
           There is an aspect of the U.S. intelligence information that should be remembered.  While this is not meant to discredit it out of hand, it is nevertheless relevant.  The U.S. "proof" has so far consisted primarily of satellite photos and human intelligence (statements by people with reported knowledge of the facts).  With regard to the satellite images, these are presented by Secretary of State Colin Powell.  Secretary Powell is the same man who, during the Gulf War, presented the satellite images supposedly showing Iraqi troops massing at the Saudi border.  These photos helped secure permission from Saudi Arabia for U.S. troops to begin massing for the eventual war against Iraq.  These photos also happen to have been falsified.
           It is now a matter of documented fact that other satellite images (obtained from commercial satellites by journalists who hoped to get dramatic pictures of the Iraqi troop build up) showed clearly, on three separate dates, that no Iraqi troops were at the Saudi border.  Undisturbed sand drifts several days old were all over the roads to the Saudi border.  No Iraqi troops were present.  Saudi Arabia even sent personnel across the border to try to get an idea of the size of Iraq's forces, and returned with the disturbing news that the U.S. information was false.
           Thus, Powell is not the most credible source for satellite images of Iraq.  The fact he gave false evidence of this type against Iraq once does not necessarily mean he is doing so now, but it would be careless to simply dismiss the issue.
           Concerning the U.S. intelligence gained through interviews with "knowledgeable Iraqis", there is again a credibility problem.  Actually, there are several problems.  As with the satellite images, testimony of Iraqi activities presented to Congress and the U.N. prior to the Gulf War was later proven false.  The famous story of Iraqi troops pulling infants from incubators, for one example, came from a 15-year-old girl who turned out to be the daughter of the Kuwaiti ambassador, and she was not even in Iraq at the time anyway.  Other witnesses who testified about Iraqi atrocities were found to have given false names and backgrounds.


           It is unfair for the U.S. to say, "We were told this by people who we know are telling the truth, but we can't tell you their names or prove they said any of this."  Intelligence of this type is not "proof", and it cannot be verified.  Besides, the information is largely attributed to Iraqis who defected, so there is at least the possibility of bias.  Most important, however, is the fact that much of what these informants are saying, such as the reports of mobile bio-weapons trucks, was not mentioned by these same people when they were first interviewed after their defections.  It is months or even years later, when the U.S. is trying to prove Iraq has WOMD, that these Iraqis conveniently claim direct knowledge of the existence of WOMD capabilities.
           Since it cannot be verified that these claims were actually made, since the sources may be biased, since the sources did not divulge this information in any prior interviews, and since not a single claim has been proven anyway, the quality of this "human intelligence" is not significant.  If the credibility of Secretary Powell is also taken into account, as it should be under the circumstances, then the information becomes highly suspect.
           This is not to say Iraq lacks WOMD.  It is a mistake for those opposing a U.S. invasion to stake too much on the idea that Iraq does not have a WOMD program, for if too much focus is put on such an argument, then opponents of war risk embarrassment if WOMD are found or Iraq uses them during a war.  There is a distinct possibility Iraq does possess these weapons, and while lack of evidence should be strongly pointed out, it should also be stressed that the existence of WOMD would still not  suggest a danger to the U.S., or legitimize a U.S. invasion.  It is important to make the connection between these two points as often as possible, lest war opponents find themselves in the position of having to backtrack on their arguments and appear discredited.
           Regarding the question of Iraq's connection to terrorists, it should be remembered that in the most recently released tapes from Osama bin Laden, he calls for Muslims to support Iraq against U.S. aggression, but pointedly refers to Saddam Hussein as an "infidel" and says he should be overthrown or killed by Iraqis.  Ansar al Islam, the Islamic organization battling secular  Kurds in northern Iraq, also denies any connection to the Hussein regime.
           Beyond these denials, there is other evidence that, as both the CIA and British intelligence agencies say, no connection exists between Iraq and terrorists.
           The terrorist organization operating in northern Iraq, Ansar al-Islam, is operating in the northern "No Fly Zone" and under constant U.S. surveillance.  Yet, the U.S. has not produced a single piece of evidence showing meetings or weapons shipments connected to Hussein's government.  As mentioned earlier, Islamic terrorist groups have always opposed secular rule in Iraq, and Hussein would (correctly) assume that such a group is actually a threat to his government.  There is no incentive for him to assist or provide WOMD to a violent religious group within Iraq, especially since Iraq has a Shiite majority.
           Claims by the U.S. that Ansar al-Islam was operating a chemical weapons production facility were false.  Journalists traveled to the site specified by the U.S., and found a deserted building.  U.N. inspectors likewise visited the site and confirmed it had been deserted for some time.  Since this site was within the northern "No Fly Zone", being patrolled by warplanes and under surveillance, it is unlikely WOMD could or would have been produced.
           An interesting note about this particular site should be mentioned.  It was built, some time ago, with materials supplied by Britain, who were aware it was reportedly a chemical weapons production site.  Both the U.S. and British media have largely ignored this embarrassing point.
           The U.S. makes much of the (alleged) fact that members of al Qaida are reportedly inside Iraq, and that Abu Musab Zarqawi (leader of Ansar al-Islam) received medical treatment in Baghdad.  However, the Bush administration is not accusing European governments of links to terrorists, even though the exiled former head of Ansar al-Islam, Mullah Krekar, is actually living in Oslo, Norway, right now.  As far as the assumption of a link to terrorists because of their presence in Iraq, there are many groups in Iraq, like the Kurdish separatists, but the U.S. is not alleging a "link" to them, and al Qaida terrorists were in the U.S., yet nobody assumes a connection there, either.


           On the issue of "supporting terrorism", it must not be overlooked that the U.S. conducts training in terrorist tactics at Fort Benning, Georgia.  Previously named "The School of the Americas", this training is provided to military personnel from foreign nations (primarily Latin American countries) who consistently are found to use the training to terrorize civilians and commit war crimes.  There is much factual documentation of this.  The U.S. is, by the way, also the only nation in history convicted by the U.N. World Court for supporting terrorism (in 1986, Nicaragua v. U.S.)
           To make a point about the hypocrisy of U.S. accusations towards other nations for "aiding terrorists", remember that for many years fundraising for the Irish Republican Army was allowed inside the U.S., despite their repeated terrorist attacks against the British, and occasionally members of the IRA were within the U.S. but not extradited to Britain.  What of the fact that the U.S. is sending millions of dollars and military support to the government and army of Columbia, despite the fact that the Columbian military supports and aids a paramilitary group designated as terrorists by the U.S. State Department?
           One final note on WOMD.  The U.S. military, who throughout the Cold War threatened the whole world with a nuclear holocaust, if war broke out with Russia, owns the largest stockpiles of WOMD.  Allies against Germany in World War I used chemical weapons, and the U.S. used atomic weapons twice against Japan in World War II.
           Additionally, as described in Chapter One above, the U.S. produce depleted uranium weapons, which are as deadly, or in some instances more deadly, than some chemical and biological weapons, DU weapons themselves being a type of WOMD.  The U.S. still produce biological and chemical weapons, an important point on this being that the anthrax attacks in the U.S. in 2001 were committed with a strain of the bacteria produced at a U.S. military base, as admitted by the Pentagon.
           Thus, any discussion about the legitimacy of invading Iraq over the issue of the danger posed by WOMD should, if the discussion is to be honest, deal first with the fact that WOMD are produced by a nation with a history of using them against enemies and which admits to currently possessing such weapons, namely the U.S., and the Middle Eastern nation with a large nuclear arsenal:  Israel.
           In the event, there does not seem to be compelling evidence that an Iraqi WOMD program exists, or that if one did exist it would pose any threat to the U.S. or the Middle East, even if the existence of an Iraqi WOMD program were a legitimate reason for war in the first place (a point that is hardly to be conceded).  Further, there seems absolutely no reason to believe that Saddam Hussein's regime has any connections to al Qaida, Ansar al-Islam, or any other terrorist organizations at this time, and certainly no evidence has been presented by the U.S. to establish such a link.  Lastly, if Iraq has or later develops WOMD, there is still no reason to conclude Hussein would order their use or provide them to terrorists.  No reason, that is, unless the U.S. attacks Iraq.
           As stated at the beginning of this chapter, the Bush administration's case for war has hinged on the issue of WOMD, and the related issue of possible links between Iraq and terrorists.  If this is the foundation for legitimizing war, neither foundation nor legitimacy exists.




           Chapter Two touched on the issue of terrorism as it is linked to the question of Iraq and WOMD.  This chapter intends to look at the issue of how a war against Iraq is likely to increase anti-U.S. sentiment, potentially increase the threat of terrorism against U.S. and European targets, and ultimately disrupt regional stability throughout the Middle East.
           A U.S. war against Iraq will likely increase anti-American sentiments in the Middle East.  The build-up to war has already done so (and not just in the Middle East).  There are several reasons for this, beyond the obvious objections to unilateral war.  Many citizens of Middle East nations feel there is a decidedly anti-Muslim, anti-Arab bias in U.S. foreign policy, a feeling accentuated by the U.S.-Israel relationship.  U.S. support for regimes in Saudi Arabia and Kuwait, and the former U.S. support for the Shag of Iran and Saddam Hussein in Iraq, point towards a U.S. policy favoring governments friendly to U.S. economic (read "oil") interests, with little regard for how those governments treat their citizens.  The Israeli-Palestinian conflict, and U.S. support for Israeli repression and violence against Palestinians, fits into this category as well.
           This last goes back to post World War I policies, when the West encouraged Arabs to break from the Ottoman Empire, under the pretense that the allies would recognize Middle Eastern independence.  Obviously, that is not quite what the allies actually had in mind, as the subsequent colonialism proved (with Syria and Lebanon placed under a French mandate, Iraq, Palestine, and Transjordan under a British mandate).  The "right" for Jews to a national homeland in Palestine was recognized in this same period.  It should also be remembered Kuwait was actually created by the British government in 1921, by Sir Percy Cox of the Colonial Office, who took a section of the Basra province from Iraq to cut Iraqi access to the Persian Gulf.
           U.S. policy was no better in the following years.  The CIA-backed overthrow of the Mossadegh government of Iran in the 1950s, the CIA-backed overthrow of the Kassem government in Iraq (leading to the Baathist take-over and Hussein's rise to power) in the 1960's, both situations a reaction to nationalization of western oil companies, are just two examples.  There are others, such as U.S. support for separatist factions across the region, U.S. manipulation of oil through client states, U.S. arms shipments to warring nations (usually both sides of the conflicts), and ultimately U.S.-led warfare against Middle Eastern states.  U.S. military and support for Israel, and U.S. funding of Jewish settlements (largely through private donations) is another big part of the over-all equation, when calculating the causes of anti-American sentiment.
           As can easily be seen, there is much history that contributes to distrust of U.S. actions and interests in the Middle East.  It is, therefore, not difficult to understand why another war against Iraq would increase animosity towards the U.S.  Whereas Americans are (for the most part) unaware of much of the actual devastation that occurred in the recent U.S. invasion of Afghanistan, and the even worse destruction caused during the Gulf War, people in the Middle East are not.  The apparent U.S. disinterest with the death and ruin caused by its actions, coupled with apparent U.S. lack of sympathy for the plight of Palestinians, only make matters worse.
           Moreover, the U.S. has made it clear that after a war with Iraq, the U.S. would maintain an occupation force and U.S. control over the governing of Iraq for at least one-to-two years, and the public discussions about U.S. control of Iraq oil (some administration officials have said Turkey risks loosing out on the "oil spoils" for its lack of support for a U.S. invasion) increase opposition for U.S. policies in the region.


           There has also been much public talk about "reshaping" the region, as if there is not even debate as to whether the U.S. (or any external power, for that matter) has the right to "reshape" anything.  Besides, when the U.S. talks of "reshaping", two facts come immediately to mind.  First, that this "reshaping" has in the past, is currently, and is planned in the immediate future to be carried out by warfare.  It is understandable, then, if Middle East citizens cringe at the thought of America "reshaping" their region with bombs.  Second, the U.S. opinion that the region must be "reshaped" is based solely on U.S. interests, as has been said publicly by many Bush administration officials.  U.S. oil interests are a top priority, but the strategic positioning of American military power throughout the Middle East is the ultimate long-term goal, a fact that should not be understated in deference to the "oil-interest" argument against war.
           The "war on terror" is yet another cause for concern in the Middle East.  It is certainly true the U.S. seems concerned only with Islamic terrorism, ignoring terrorism when it is conducted by U.S. client states like Israel or Columbia (to name just two examples).  Using the threat of terrorism to justify an invasion of Iraq, when as noted in the previous chapter there is no evidence of an Iraqi link to terrorists, merely heightens the perception that the U.S. is conducting a war against Arabs and Islam in general, under the guise of fighting terror.  If the "war on terror" where truly that, it would involve U.S. actions against all terrorist groups and states that sponsor terrorism (not to mention shutting down the U.S.'s own terror-training camp at Fort Benning).  To the extent the U.S. ignores any terrorism except Islamic terrorism, it reveals the rhetoric as hollow, and thus not reflecting real U.S. intentions.
           Arab leaders throughout the region have repeatedly warned the Bush administration not to underestimate the rising anti-Americanism in the Middle East, or the potential for it manifesting in violence should the U.S. attack Iraq.  They are concerned for the stability of their regimes as much as for the safety of Americans.  A tide of anti-Americanism, expressing itself violently, could direct itself towards the U.S.-friendly governments in Saudi Arabia and Kuwait, and perhaps others.
          Those governments are, therefore, worried about the side effects of anti-Americanism.  This is not to say the internal collapse of those regimes would necessarily be bad, simply that it would lead to much bloodshed, and regardless the current governments recognize the dangers and are vocal about them.
           The opposition to the U.S. will likely increase recruitment prospects for terrorist organizations.  Indeed, Osama bin Laden has released tapes calling for Muslims to rise up and wage war against the U.S., a call that is gaining support.  Besides the clear danger this poses in general, there is the CIA memo, mentioned earlier, to consider.  If the U.S. invades Iraq, an increase in terrorism would be accentuated by the danger of Iraq, backed into a corner, providing WOMD to these terrorists, as predicted by the CIA.  All of the U.S. fears about WOMD in the hands of terrorists could be realized.
           The U.S. has increased the terror alert nationwide again, and the government publicly and repeatedly says the U.S. must be prepared to expect threats of terrorism against citizens if and when war occurs, all the while still clinging to the argument that war is necessary to decrease the threat posed to the U.S.  It seems obvious that a U.S. war against Iraq will do nothing to protect the U.S., and will only increase the danger of attacks against U.S. citizens everywhere.




           Although the U.S. is working feverishly to gain U.N. sanction for a war against Iraq, the efforts do not appear successful.  President Bush has said, however, that the U.S. will go to war with or without U.N. approval.  An invasion, "preventative" according the administration, "preemptive" by actual definition, would be illegal on several grounds.  In fact, the words "preemptive" and  "unilateral" have appeared in U.S. statements lately, along with the more benign-sounding "preventative".
           Unilateral warfare violates international law.  Secretary General Kofi Annan has said publicly that a U.S. invasion without the approval of the Security Council would violate the U.N. Charter.  A reading of the Charter proves this is definitely true.
           Article 2, Sections 1 through 4 recognize the "sovereign equality" of all nations and restrict the use of force (and the threat of such force) against "the territorial integrity or political independence of any state".  Article 24, Section 1 grants the Security Council the authority "for the maintenance of international peace and security", and Section 25 states explicitly that "[t]he Members of the United Nations agree to accept and carry out the decisions of the Security Council".  Articles 33 through 43 outline the duties and authority of the Security Council to settle disputes between nations, and restrict the use of force not sanctioned by the Council.  A U.S. war against Iraq would clearly violate the U.N. Charter if the invasion were carried out without approval.
           Likewise, Article 2, Sections 4 and 7 recognize the "political independence" and "sovereignty" of nations, and it is reasonable to conclude that overthrowing or assassinating Saddam Hussein violates the "political independence" of Iraq.  "Regime change" and "political independence" appear to be a bit mutually exclusive.  The question of "regime change" and how it should be achieved is the topic of much debate.  Not much is said about whether it should be achieved.  Another problem with the U.S. plan is that actually targeting Saddam Hussein for death violates U.S. laws, which explicitly forbid the targeting of foreign leaders for assassination (even, it must be noted, during wartime).
           The Bush administration repeatedly claims that it does not need further U.N. approval for a war against Iraq, saying Resolution 1441 already provides authority for action.  This argument is seriously damaged by the obvious fact that, if the U.S. believed it to be true, they would not be attempting to get a Security Council Resolution formally authorizing force.  Further, the claim ignores the overwhelming majority of opinion in the U.N. that Resolution 1441 did not grant approval for war (military action must be conducted explicitly through the Security Council, as noted above).  U.S. attempts to obtain a second Resolution are directly in response to this fact.  Thus, claims that authorization already exists appear absurd in light of U.S. action and U.N. objections.
           There is not a small bit of irony in the fact the Gulf War was fought because of unilateral action by Iraq, when it invaded Kuwait over the issues of illegally priced oil, slant-drilling, and the fact the Kuwaiti oil fields in question were seized by Kuwait from Iraq a few years earlier when Iraq was at war with.  The U.S. and U.N. response to Iraq's "unilateral" use of force against Kuwait is obvious.
           It is legitimate to note that the U.N. is not even considering military action against the U.S. if it "unilaterally" invades Iraq.  More to the point, it is difficult to reconcile the U.S. policy of violating international law and the U.N. with the reason it is being done – to punish Iraq for violating international law and the U.N.  Who will punish the U.S. for these violations?  Apparently, not the U.N.
           U.S. violation of international law would remove the validity of opposing such violations by other nations, emphasizing the hypocrisy of both U.S. "unilateral" action and U.N. inaction against U.S. policies.  This will create a global atmosphere of instability, as it puts into question the strength and validity of the U.N. and international law, opening the door for any nation to act "unilaterally" for "self defense".


           It must be pointed out, however, that despite some statements that this would set a "dangerous precedent", in fact "preemptive warfare" in violation of international law is not a new concept or practice.  Nazi Germany did it repeatedly, all the while claiming its acts were "preemption" of other nations' aggressive intentions.  Israel used the policy to justify the 6-Day war, afterwards admitting (although this is rarely pointed out) that Israel never actually was in imminent danger at all.  There are numerous examples of Soviet "preemptive" claims, as well.  It goes without saying that this is dubious company to keep, if the U.S. is to make "preemption" part of its foreign policy.
           Actually, that is a bit deceptive, for the U.S. already has a history of "preemptive" warfare, so the idea is not new for America, either.  Grenada, Panama, Afghanistan (remember, the Taliban did not execute the September 11 attacks) are all part of the U.S. tradition of "preemption", just to name some recent examples.  What makes the notion of "preemptive war" new is that it is openly called what it is, although peripheral concerns are still added (WOMD, "liberating" Iraqis, etc.).  The inclusion of the actual terms "preemptive" and "preventative" in political dialogue signals the real change.
           In yet another bit of irony, if the U.S. policy of "preemption" is indeed legitimate, then there are two nations who have perhaps the strongest claims to such a policy:  Iraq and North Korea.  It is, of course, doubtful that the Bush administration would accept this argument to justify an attack by those nations on the U.S.  However, this simply illustrates the danger (and hypocrisy) of "preemptive" policies, and how the idea may be adopted in places the U.S. would most certainly not like to see it used.
           The U.S. push for war and the Bush administration's assurances that the U.S. will act unilaterally if need be, has severely strained U.S. relations with much of the world, especially Europe.  This in turn has caused problems within the U.N. and NATO.  Worldwide, public opinion (even in countries where the governments might be supporting the U.S. war plans) is overwhelmingly against the U.S. invasion.  The generally held view is that the U.S. is an aggressive, arrogant, self-interested nation that wants to ensure its own global domination, and which expects the rest of the world to simply nod and smile.
           This impression of the U.S. is exasperated by the comments and actions of U.S. government officials and some of the U.S. pro-war public, such as the ridiculous behavior of smashing French automobiles in public, pouring French wine down sewage drains, and renaming French Fries and French Toast "Freedom Fries" and "Freedom Toast".  Worse still are the statements by U.S. congressional representatives that, were not for the U.S., the French "would all be speaking German right now" (the French could replying by saying, "if not for French support and shipments of arms and supplies during the Revolutionary War, the U.S. would still be a colony of Britain").  This does nothing but reinforce the negative image of the U.S.
           Within the U.S. itself, there are many reservations about an invasion of Iraq, and a large number of Americans oppose the war.  However, even among those who support the war, the vast majority still tempers their support with the condition of UN approval, refusing to support "unilateralism".  Protestors numbering in the millions have marched and rallied, worldwide and within the U.S., and a significant number of U.S. cities (as of this writing, the number was 145, including New York City) have adopted ordnances opposing war with Iraq.
           As mentioned earlier, all of this negative opinion of the U.S. has served and will continue to serve in the future to fuel anti-U.S. actions worldwide which will help to drive more people (not only in the Middle East—remember John Walker?) into the arms of militant organizations or terrorist groups which directly threaten U.S. citizens.
           U.S. isolation globally can negatively impact the country in many ways, from economic issues like energy (oil embargos) and trade (tariffs, boycotts of U.S. goods, or embargos of U.S. goods), to U.S. participation in the U.N. and NATO, all of which is possible and much of which is already being considered by many nations.  Austria has refused to allow transport through its territory of U.S. troops or supplies, for example.
           "Unilateralism" will only lead to instability where it is applied, in the nation applying it, and for the entire world.  Acting in violation of international law, the U.N. Charter, and against the wishes of a large and vocal opposition internally and abroad fits the definition of only one type of nation:  a "rogue state".




           If the U.S. goes to war, the timing could not be worse, from an economic standpoint.  The U.S. economy is still doing poorly (as is most of the world economy), unemployment is rising, and several large U.S. industries (the airlines, for example) are warning that a war could mean massive layoffs and further loss of profits, possibly leading to bankruptcy for some companies.  Energy costs worldwide are increasing (an issue addressed in more detail below).  A war could make all of these situations much worse.
           The U.S. federal deficit is estimated to remain at about $300 billion per year, before the costs for a war are figured into the budget, not to mention the costs of post-war occupation.  Cities and states across the U.S. are in a budget crisis now, due to lack of funds to run education, policing, and health programs (largely due to cuts in Federal funding to states).
           A war would add an estimated $200-to-$300 billion to the Federal deficit, and the additional cost of a U.S. post-war presence in Iraq is expected to easily run into the hundreds of billions of dollars.  This means worsening budget constraints in the future, so the ability of the Federal government to adequately fund important programs (including education, policing, and health programs at the state level) may further diminish.
           Congress is about to enact some form of President Bush's huge tax-cut, trimming almost another one trillion dollars (maybe more) from the Federal budget.  Such huge losses of budgetary dollars, at a time when the U.S. is about to go to war, will enhance the financial difficulties.
           War will likely drive up energy costs, especially if Iraqi or U.S. bombings destroy oil wells.  During the Gulf War, U.S. bombs ignited Iraqi oil wells, refineries, and storage tanks (this is discussed in detail in the history of the Gulf War, below), taking months to extinguish.  A similar scenario could occur if the U.S. attacks again, especially since the U.S. plans a bombing campaign much larger than in the previous war.  The U.S. claims Iraq is preparing to detonate oil wells in the event of war, a claim denied by Iraq, but nevertheless one more possibility to keep in mind.
           Availability of oil will likely diminish even if oil wells survive intact, since production will obviously cease during the war.  Assuming the Iraqi government is overthrown, there will be at least a temporary lack of functioning authority to insure production continues; presumably, the U.S. will get production going again, but only after the war is over.
           A war's effect on the oil markets will almost surely cause the price to rise regardless of supply, for a few reasons.  Because of uncertainty about what will happen to the oil fields, how soon they will begin pumping again, and exactly who will get the profits, the price of oil can be expected to increase.  Or, cynically, the profiteering that took place by energy companies in winter of 2000 might lead some to conclude that artificial price-hikes will take place, simply because war would create a public assumption that higher prices for oil/gas/energy are justified.  Already, some states have begun investigations of energy companies precisely due to suspicions of price gouging.
           The situation in Venezuela must not be forgotten either.  Interestingly, Iraq has actually been increasing oil production to make up for lost production in Venezuela, but has not received credit for helping reduce energy shortages.  The Venezuelan oil market seems to be mostly out of crisis, but the tensions that still exist could manifest again and create another shortage of South American oil. While not an imminent danger, the crisis was alleviated only a very brief time ago.  Its immediacy should caution the U.S. not to ignore the uncertainties that exist in the energy market.
           The signs are not encouraging.  Not only the U.S., but also the world, faces serious economic problems, and a U.S. war against Iraq could easily send economies spiraling downward.  Huge deficits, rising energy costs, cuts in essential state programs, higher unemployment, and bankrupt businesses could be among the casualties of this war.




           These final two chapters will deal with perhaps the most important reason to avoid a war with Iraq:  the humanitarian cost paid by the Iraqi people should a war take place.  Little or no commentary is necessary, as the facts and numbers speak loudly and clearly for themselves.
           To begin with, here are some important (and disturbing) numbers to consider.  The World Health Organization estimates 100,000 direct and 400,000 indirect civilian casualties from the war, in their December 10, 2002 U.N. report "Likely Humanitarian Scenario".  The W.H.O. report estimates "as many as 500,000…to a greater or lesser degree…" will be injured.  Regarding refugees, the U.N. estimates that 2 million Iraqis will be displaced, including 900,000 seeking refuge in neighboring countries.
           Further, the report notes "…the outbreak of diseases such as cholera and dysentery in epidemic if not pandemic proportions is very likely", and "…39% of the population will need to be provided with potable drinking water".  The U.N. also warns that 2.03 million children under five, and one million pregnant women, will face moderate to severe malnutrition due to a war.  Lack of adequate U.N. humanitarian relief (due to the suspension of the "Oil for Food" program) will overwhelm attempts to assist Iraqis, of whom 16 million (60 percent of Iraq's population) rely completely on food rations provided by relief efforts.  Suspension of these programs, according to the Food and Agricultural Organization representative in Iraq, "…will be really disastrous…starvation will come like this [snaps his fingers]".
           Any U.N. agencies and international relief NGOs able to provide assistance assume they will work with the U.S. military (according to the same UN report), despite the fact this violates the Geneva Conventions, Additional Protocol I, Article 81, which demands humanitarian operations must be independent of those engaging in war.  The effectiveness of relief efforts in the midst of an ongoing military campaign can be imagined.
           Although the Bush administration says publicly that civilians will not be targeted and that U.S. war-plans are designed to limit innocent deaths, those very war-plans call for the targeting of civilian infrastructure.  Electrical, sewage, and water treatment facilities are all targets, as are hospitals and some "military targets" residing within civilian population centers.  There is absolutely no way to target such sites without causing massive civilian casualties (as happened in the Gulf War, and discussed in detail in the history of the Gulf War below).  As a result, the humanitarian crisis during and following the war will be even worse, due to these war-plans.
           As mentioned in Chapter One, U.S. depleted uranium weapons have been extremely deadly to Iraqis, and the intense level of bombing expected if war occurs will be devastating.  Cancer, leukemia, kidney and lung disease, birth defects, and other serious health effects will likely exceed those seen after the Gulf War.  Toxic and carcinogenic clouds, poisoning of the soil, and further environmental damage from the DU bombings can also be expected on a large scale.
           Other humanitarian concerns arise from the danger of instability and ethnic or religious conflicts.  Different ethnic and religious groups may attempt to exert control in their regions of dominance, reacting to one-another's exertion of control, settling old scores (a danger to the ruling class, discussed below), etc.
           Northern Iraq in particular may see much instability and bloodshed.  There is very real potential for harsh treatment of Kurds, due to Turkish fears of Kurdish independence.  This may lead to repression of Kurds who want autonomy, and in turn may spark a Kurdish uprising, leading to civil warfare, possibly even expanding into Turkey.  Such fears could convince Turkey to preemptively repress Kurds in Turkey, to prevent them from joining Kurds in Iraq.  In addition, the U.S. has an agreement with Turkey for Turkish troops to move into northern Iraq to help "stabilize" the area, based on Turkey's aforementioned fears, and U.S. concerns both about stability and about Kurdish seizure of Iraq's northern oil fields.


           As mentioned earlier, there is the threat of possible reprisals against ethnic members of the previous ruling class.  Years of repression by Hussein's regime could cause an explosion of revenge-killings, as often happens in such circumstances.  It could begin as soon as a war starts in anticipation of eventual U.S. success, before any U.S. troops or relief workers could prevent reprisals.
           Besides the danger to the environment from the U.S. DU weapons, there are other environmental concerns.  Possible destruction of power plants and (if indeed they exist) chemical plants, and the possible destruction of oil wells, would lead to major environmental damage.
           In the event Iraq does have and uses any chemical or biological weapons against U.S. troops, or if they are launched at Israel, there is a high probability that one or both would retaliate with nuclear weapons (the U.S. and Israel have each publicly stated they would consider the option, with Israel explicitly saying they would respond to WOMD in kind), the U.S. saying repeatedly that the use of nuclear arms "has not been ruled out".  This would cause unthinkable civilian casualties and destruction, and long-term health and environmental effects, both in Iraq and in the entire region.
           Thinking in terms of worst-case scenarios, it is possible that the use of nuclear arms (again, not necessarily a probability but a publicly-stated option that would be more likely if Hussein orders the use of WOMD as the U.S. claims he has ordered) would cause unrest in the region that could lead to a coup in Pakistan by military leaders opposed to the U.S. (there is much such sentiment in both the public and military in Pakistan).  This would place nuclear weapons in the hands of an anti-U.S. government that may use those weapons, especially if either the U.S. or Israel were to use nuclear weapons on Iraq.  There is, then, the potential for a wide war across the Middle East in which Israel may become a combatant, and a war that may involve the use of nuclear weapons by several parties.
           On Mar. 11, the Pentagon tested what they say is the largest conventional weapon in the U.S. arsenal—a 21,000 pound MOAB (Massive Ordnance Air Burst) that bears a striking resemblance to an atomic blast.  This weapon will replace the "daisy cutter" BLU-82 15,000 lb. fuel-air explosive.  Smaller fuel-air bombs with a blast over-pressure of 200 psi cover an area over 1000 feet long, and the "daisy-cutter" had a blast overpressure of 1,000 psi, so one can imagine it covers an area of over 5,000 feet or about a mile.  This new MOAB, then, must cover an incredible area, comparable in size to tactical nuclear weapons and artillery.
           If this bomb also incorporates depleted uranium (this is currently unknown, although the weapon is intended for use against heavily shielded sites, and DU ordnance is typically used for such targets), then the added radioactivity it would spread compounds its danger (and the comparison to a low-yield nuclear weapon).
           It should be noted that this weapon, because of its huge blast range and immense power, is likely (as Pentagon spokesmen suggest) to be used against bunkers and command and control centers, partly to target Hussein.  Such targets exist in the more densely populated areas of Iraqi cities; hence, the use of this weapon could possibly occur where massive civilian casualties would obviously be caused.  It must be said, in fairness, that Secretary of  Defense Rumsfeld says the U.S. has not decided for certain that this weapon will be used in Iraq; but he also says Iraq should get the clear message that the U.S. has such weapons and is willing to use them (as well as nuclear weapons).
           The evidence is clear that a U.S. war against Iraq will cause a terrible humanitarian crisis in Iraq.  Hundreds of thousands of deaths, hundreds of thousands of injuries, hundreds of thousands malnourished, hundreds of thousands starved, hundreds of thousands of refugees, destruction of infrastructure, severe damage to the environment – all of this can be expected as a result of war.  These figures should be kept in mind when the Bush administration refers to this as a "just war" and a "war of liberation.




           Although "liberation" is a commonly stated goal for a war against Iraq, in fact the U.S. post-war plan calls for a U.S. military commander to run Iraq (much like in Japan after WWII), followed by a transfer of control to a U.S. civilian administrator.  The "blueprint" for an Iraqi government is being based on the post-war government in Afghanistan, which ended up being a U.S.-installed government, not based on any of the choices of the Afghan groups "consulted".
           With the differing ethnic and religious groups in Iraq having a history of animosity and violence towards each other, it will be difficult to get a representative democratic government, without concern for the repression that might occur to some of the minorities such as the Kurds.  This is, of course, aside from the obvious concern for the repression that is actually inherent in any "occupation", even a "liberating occupation".
           As mentioned in the preceding chapter, there is the very real possibility of civil warfare at least in some regions (the northern Kurdish zone, for example, where secular Kurds face not only the Turks and U.S. who both intend to repress rebellion, but also the presence of Ansar al-Islam).  It will be difficult to contain civil strife, requiring a large-scale military presence and all the obvious problems (economics, physical dangers, the "liberation-under-massive-military-control" issue, etc.) that such a large force would entail.
           There is a serious question regarding the control and autonomy of Iraqi oil.  U.S. officials have (surprisingly) been quite open and frank in stating that the U.S. intends to ensure control of the oil, however it ends up, will be exerted a way that benefits U.S. interests.  Although this is in complete contradiction to President Bush's public claims about Iraqi liberation and the oil issue, Pentagon and other U.S. plans released to the public are very explicit about U.S. control and administration of Iraq's oil supply.
           This chapter will now end on a "selfish" note, regarding how a post-war Iraq might not turn out as the U.S. hopes.  Indeed, based on the suggestions below, a truly "liberated" Iraq could look very disturbing to other nations in the region.
           This difficult (for the U.S. and its client-states in the region) issue concerns the Shiite nature of the majority of Iraqis.  Ultimately (no matter how the West feels about the subject), the Iraqis have a right to self-determination in their choice of government (as stated in the U.N. Charter and President Bush's repeated public promises) and should be allowed to pursue their own destiny.  The fact is, however, there is a very strong probability that (assuming, of course, the Iraqis are actually aloud to chose a government without U.S. interference) whatever government Iraq chooses will reflect the majority's Shiite nature to some degree.
           Since they have had their beliefs repressed for so long under Hussein, it might be reasonable to expect Iraqis to adopt a religious government. That would bring multiple possibilities into play (for example, would a religious government resemble Iran's?), some of which may have a very ominous impact on the U.S. and other nations friendly to the U.S., like Saudi Arabia.  This is only recognition of these possible developments, not a judgment of them nor a condemnation of such an outcome (indeed, it could be argued that this would benefit the region in the long run); but they are certainly serious developments for the Middle East and the West.
           It is clear, then, that there are many issues regarding the shape of a post-war Iraq that do not bode well for the U.S. or Iraqis.  For the U.S. to invade Iraq and overthrow the government in the midst of so many dangers to Iraq, the U.S., and the region as a whole, would be folly.



"Those who refuse to learn from history
are forever doomed to repeat it."



           Iraq was one of the more prosperous Middle East nations, regarding its level of industrialization. Iraqi citizens enjoyed high literacy rates, a good standard of living for the region, free health care, and free education all the way through college.
           Iraq had a secular government, not enforcing Islamic laws.  Saudi Arabia and Kuwait (U.S. allies) are monarchies, with no voting, no equality for women, women must wear veils in public, etc.  These are about the same legal standards as Iran (although there is voting in Iran), compared to Iraq, in which women have the same rights as men.  Granted, it was and is still a dictatorship with much repression, but no more so than other countries which enjoy relations with the U.S. or which have in the past.
           Indeed, the U.S. supported Iraq for many years of Saddam Hussein's rule, mostly during the Iraq-Iran war.  The U.S. supplied arms to Iraq and even the materials used by Iraq to manufacture WOMD, which they used against Iran with U.S. support.  It was the Reagan/Bush administration that blocked Congressional attempts to place sanctions against Iraq for its use of WOMD, and Colin Powell was an active participant in blocking those Congressional attempts.
           When roughly 5,000 Iraqi Kurds were gassed, the U.S. still supported Iraq, even going so far as to deny Iraqi responsibility for the gassings.  The U.S. blamed Iran (based on a study conducted by the War College which ignored the eyewitness testimony of Kurds who insisted it was Hussein's regime that used the gas), continuing to deny that Iraq gassed the Kurds until September 8, 1988, six months after the very worst incident at Halabja in March of 1988.  Prior to September 8, the U.S. also ignored Kurds protesting the gassing with a hunger strike at the U.N.
           There had long been border disputes between Iraq and Kuwait.  During the Iran-Iraq war, Kuwait "unilaterally" moved its border north 900 miles into Iraq, seizing the Rumaila oil fields with no prior claim, no justification whatsoever.  Contrary to U.S. denials, invoices prove the U.S. supplied Kuwait with slant-drilling techniques and equipment, which Kuwait used in the Rumaila oil fields to tap into the oil on the Iraq side of the border (the new "border" Kuwait created, remember).
           The situation deteriorated even further.  Iraq had complained repeatedly that Kuwait was selling oil at prices lower than those set by OPEC, and Iraq alleged this was being done specifically to harm the Iraqi economy.  In fact, there is much evidence to support Iraq's claims.  This evidence also implicates the U.S. government.
           On Aug 8, 1988, one day after the Iraq/Iran war ended, Kuwait began to radically increase oil production and drive down oil prices from $21 to $11 per barrel, costing Iraq $14 billion per year at a time when Iraq's war-ravaged economy needed the funds to rebuild.  Kuwait then demanded immediate repayment of loans made to Iraq during the war with Iran, loans totaling $30 billion.  Iraq, its economy weakened by the eight-year war, could not possibly repay the loans immediately.
           A memo surfaced of a meeting between Kuwaiti Brigadier Fahd Ahmed al-Fahd, director general of Kuwait's Department of State Security, and CIA director William Webster, on Nov. 22 of 1989, concerning "…[steps] to take advantage of the deteriorating economic situation in Iraq in order to put pressure on that country's government…"  This memo [submitted to U.N. Secretary-General de Cueller in 1990 by Iraq after it was captured prior to the invasion of Kuwait] has been authenticated by many experts and the CIA itself confirms the meeting took place, but they deny Iraq was discussed.
           Beginning in 1988, the U.S.-Iraq relationship took a sudden, sharp downturn.  Publicly, the U.S. began to use harsh terms referring to Iraq, putting strict sanctions on funds and materials to Iraq.  In private, however, Iraq was told that this was merely public rhetoric, and the U.S. was saying relations would improve again.


           On July 18, 1990, Iraq began massing troops at the border with Kuwait.  Saddam Hussein spoke personally to U.S. Ambassador Glaspie on July 25, asking for the U.S. position regarding the border dispute between Iraq and Kuwait.  Government transcripts show Glaspie replied as follows:  "We have no opinion on Arab-Arab conflicts, like your border disagreement with Kuwait…James Baker [then-Secretary of State] has directed our official spokesmen to emphasize this instruction".  Glaspie's own cables to the State Department confirmed this officially when the cables were released to the U.S. Senate that same month.
           This seemed to give Iraq the go-ahead to invade.  There is still debate about whether the U.S. meant to give only the go-ahead for an invasion concerning the border dispute, not for Iraq to seize the oil; or whether the U.S. decided it was time to make a major move against Iraq, and so gave the approval to gain an excuse to launch a war.  The point is largely academic, since the difference hinges on the distinction between approving "a little aggression and invasion" or "a lot of aggression and invasion".
           There are some clues as to U.S. intentions.  One clue is the positioning of six U.S. warships in the southern Gulf.  General Schwarzkopf was in the region, preparing U.S. Central Command specifically for an Iraqi invasion of Kuwait, under War Plan 1002-90 (the military plan for war in Persian Gulf to protect U.S. strategic interests and a plan which specifically designates Iraq as the enemy combated).  These war-games were being conducted when Iraq invaded Kuwait.  Central Command (CENTCOM) plays an important role in U.S. Middle East policy, and is discussed further in Section Three of this analysis.
           Furthermore, the U.S. knew tensions between Iraq and Kuwait had been increasing for months, and that Iraq was massing troops at the Kuwaiti border.  When taken together, remembering the U.S. ambassador's comments to Hussein, it is impossible to reach any conclusion except that the U.S. knew Iraq planned to invade, was preparing for it, and most importantly they encouraged it.
           Another set of facts should also be noted at this point, merely to highlight the hypocrisy and dishonesty of U.S. comments during the build-up to its invasion of Iraq.  The U.S. repeatedly claimed Kuwait would be "liberated", that "freedom" would be restored, that Saddam Hussein's government was a "gangster" regime.  As already said, Hussein's government is certainly a brutal dictatorship.  But how does Kuwait's government hold up in comparison?
           Kuwait was, at the time of the invasion, a monarchy like Saudi Arabia, with the same limited rights, and lacking democratic institutions and freedoms.  Political parties were banned, only males whose forebears lived in Kuwait before 1920 are allowed to vote, and women have no civil rights.  The Kuwaiti "justice" system made a mockery of the phrase.  Wide-scale tortures and executions, imprisonment, and searches of homes, all (obviously) without judicial processes.
           Women are "imported" for maid and nanny work from the Philippines, Sri Lanka, India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, and other poor nations.  They are not paid, are refused their passports if they try to leave, are beaten and raped regularly, are forced to work horribly long hours.  The embassies of the women's countries of origin are regularly inundated with women seeking refuge after having escaped from their employers.
           This shows how hollow are the U.S. claims of "liberating" the Kuwaitis by returning them to the theocratic rule of a monarchy, much as the U.S. intends to "liberate" Iraqis into the freedom of a U.S. military occupation for several years.  True "liberation" of Kuwait would have entailed a bit more than simply forcing Iraqi troops out.
           Iraq invaded Kuwait on August 2, 1990.  However, after consultations with King Hussein of Jordan on August 3, Saddam Hussein agreed to begin withdrawl from Kuwait by August 5 (indeed, on August 3, Iraq sent an official communique announcing it would begin to withdraw its troops from Kuwait on August 5) as long as no condemnation of Iraq was adopted by the Arab Leaue summit in Cairo on August 2-3.  After speaking with Jordan's King Hussein, Egyptian President Mubarak said he would not introduce a resolution condemning the invasion.
           And then that is exactly what Egypt did.  Egypt decided to introduce the resolution after U.S. Assistant Secretary of State Kelly warned the Egyptian Foreign Ministry that Egypt "…can be sure that in the future they will no longer be able to count on America" for military arms if a resolution was not introduced at the summit.  Of course, Iraq then reversed its decision to withdraw.


           The U.S. introduced Resolution 660 at the U.N., condemning the Iraqi invasion of Kuwait, on August, the day of the invasion.  On Aug. 3 the U.S. faxed the full text of Resolution 661 to the Security Council, calling for sanctions on Iraq, and freezing Iraq's foreign assets.  It had only been 24 hours since the invasion, and all of this had already transpired.
           Also on Aug. 3 Defense Secretary Dick Cheney and Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Colin Powell met with Saudi Ambassador Prince Bandar bin Sultan, showing him photos from U.S. satellites which supposedly showed Iraqi troops massing at the Saudi border.  The photos convinced the ruling Saud family to agree to meet with a U.S. delegation (this delegation consisted of Cheney, Powell, National Security Agency Deputy Director Robert Gates, General Norman Schwarzkopf, and Defense Department aide Paul Wolfowitz).
           They met with King Fahd, and convinced him to allow U.S. troop deployments in Saudi Arabia; but the U.S. had to agree to claim U.S. troops had been requested by Saudi Arabia, to defend the Saudi border.  By this time, King Fahd knew the exact nature of the Iraqi troops "massing" at his border, a point returned to below.
           In Congressional hearings in October, Congress heard testimony from witnesses who told them about severe Iraqi human-rights abuses within Kuwait. A 15-year-old Kuwaiti girl named "Nyirah" said she witnessed Iraqi troops pulling babies out of incubators and tossing them on hospital floors to die.  Other witness told stories of mass rapes and torture.  President Bush began quoting the tale of the "incubator babies", once even giving an exact number of 312.
           Now, some facts about the satellite photos and the Congressional testimony.  Commercial satellite images of the Saudi border proved beyond any doubt the U.S. lied about the Iraqi troop build up.  There was not a single Iraqi troop near the Saudi border on August 8, nor on September 11 or September 13.  "U.S. News and World Report" quoted a CENTCOM commander who said there was "…no hard evidence that [Iraq] ever intended to invade Saudi Arabia".  There is one final piece of evidence (as if any more were needed).  Prior to King Fahd's meeting with the U.S. delegation on August 6, the King sent a team of Saudis across the border into Kuwait to confirm Iraqi troop strengths.  The troop strengths they reported were: zero.
           The testimony about Iraqi atrocities also proved to be false, in particular the "incubator babies" tale.  The girl turned out to be the daughter of the Kuwaiti Ambassador to the U.S.  She was not even in Kuwait during or after the invasion.  These facts were known by those who arranged the Congressional hearings.  Other witnesses who testified at the hearings were found to have falsified their identities, and most of the claims of other attrocities by Iraq have been discredited or disproven.
           Iraq repeatedly requested talks to settle the crisis, offering several proposals throughout August for an Iraqi withdrawl, and pressed for talks again in November.  However, President Bush refused to negotiate, and on November 29 the U.N. passed Resolution 678, authorizing the use of force if Iraq did not withdraw from Kuwait by January 15.  All the while, the U.S. continued to build a huge military presence in Saudi Arabia.  This force eventually reached about 550,000 U.S. troops plus forces from France, Britain, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, and other countries.
           President Bush ordered the deployment of 40,000 troops by August 11; 100,000 by September 4; 200,000 by October 15; and an increase to 400,000 by Oct. 30.  The President received no Congressional authorization whatsoever until January 12, when the build-up had reached its peak, and only five days before the President gave the order for war.




           The U.S. launched Operation Desert Storm on January 17, at 7:00 pm (during "primetime" television hours).  What followed was a 42-day aerial bombardment, consisting of over 109,000 overflights.  Over 88,500 tons of explosives (more than 80 million pounds of bombs) were dropped on military placements, with an average of one overflight every 30 seconds every minute of every day for the entire 42 days.  Within the first hour, 85% of all electrical power in Iraq was destroyed.
           During bombing, targets were not limited to military sites.  On February 13, the Amariyan bomb shelter full of women and children was bombed twice, killing between 1000 and 1,500 people.  While the U.S. claims only about 400 civilians died, there are two pieces of convincing evidence which seem to prove at least 1000 people were certainly in the bunker:  first, the  sign-in sheet at the bunker listed 1000 names, and witnesses say people stopped signing in later in the evening; second, the shelter has 1,500 beds, and was so full that night that people were sleeping in the halls.
           Only 17 Iraqis survived, and most were sleeping in the hall due to the lack of bed space.  Dr. Mouloud, President of the Algerian Red Cross, testified at the March-April European Parliament hearings on war crimes that he personally counted 415 dead children.  The doctor at the shelter testified that over 1000 people were at the shelter.
           Although the Pentagon has publicly claimed the shelter was being used as a "military facility", the U.S. air surveillance of this neighborhood was frequent, with hundreds or more civilians seen entering and leaving the shelter each day.  "The Nation" reported on June 3, 1991 that Pentagon evidence shows the bunker was targeted with a GBU-27 laser-guided bomb (carried by a F-117 Stealth bomber) because it was reserved for the Iraqi elite and their families.  It was hoped Saddam Hussein would be present and thus assassinated, or that at least the attack would kill the families of Iraq's High Command.
           This is only one example of many bombings resulting in large numbers of Iraqi civilian casualties.  Moreover, there is much evidence civilian targets were purposely bombed.  In September, Air Force Chief of Staff Michael Dugan told reporters referring to a list of only military targets, "That's a nice list of targets…but that's not enough," then proposed an additional list including Iraqi power stations, roads, railroads, and domestic petroleum production sites.  He was fired days later for revealing targets that were, in fact, eventually hit by U.S. bombing raids.
           Most infrastructure damage occurred in the first few weeks of the air campaign using the very "smart" weapons that were supposed to prevent civilian casualties.  These "smart" bombs (which in theory allow for pin-point targeting to insure the intended sites are hit) destroyed Iraqi water treatment, electrical, communication, and transportation facilities, as well as oil refineries, in those first weeks.  Furthermore, the Pentagon has admitted it targeted civilian structures to "demoralize" the population and to "exacerbate the effects of the sanctions".
           So how much non-military damage was done by U.S. bombings in Iraq?  What follows is a fairly detailed but still only partial list.  And it is staggering.
           Iraqi electrical plants were hit with Tomahawk cruise missiles, laser-guided GBU-10 Paveway II bombs, as well as free-fall bombs.  31 water and sewage systems were hit with bombs and missiles:  water purification facilities nationwide were fully incapacitated; all eight of Iraq's major multifunctioning dams were hit over and over (which destroyed flood control, water storage, irrigation, and hydroelectric power); every single irrigation system serving Iraq's agriculture and food processing, storage, and distribution were bombed, cutting food production immediately in half.
           Food warehouses were hit all over the nation (including all of Iraq's General Company Foodstuffs warehouses in one province).  90 percent of poultry production was  totally destroyed, and over one-third of the 10 million sheep herds were decimated.  The country's biggest frozen-meat storage and distribution center was destroyed, and grain silos all over the country were also destroyed.  The combination of the devastated irrigation systems and the massive loss of food supplies spelled disaster for Iraq.


           28 civilian hospitals and 52 community health centers were bombed.  The only baby milk powder factory in the Middle East was attacked on 3 consecutive days (and leveled).  The student health clinic and school were bombed (a total of 676 schools were bombed).  Clearly, civilian sites suffered massive attacks.
           Civilian industrial infrastructure was not spared, either.  11 oil refineries and 5 pipeline and production facilities were bombed, 3 oil tankers were sunk (with 3 others set on fire), and major oil storage tanks were also bombed.  In addition, endless numbers and types of manufacturing plants and worksites were also destroyed.
           There is also other disturbing evidence of purposeful attacks against civilians by the U.S. military.  U.N. Secretary General de Cuellar was informed on February 7, 1991, in a letter from Jordan's ambassador, that during the 8-day period from January 29 to February 5, 40 Jordanian citizens were killed or wounded by U.S. bombing on the Baghdad-Amman highway.   In fact, U.S. bombing of roads and civilian traffic was common in the Gulf War according to witnesses (some of them U.S. servicemen).  This was also evidenced by the destroyed and burning buses, trucks, vans, taxis, and cars (all of them civilian vehicles) littering the Baghdad-Amman highway.
           Another form of U.S. attack has had long-lasting effects on Iraqis.  As mentioned earlier, the United Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority confirmed the U.S. fired between 5,000 and 6,000 DU armor piercing shells, and about 50,000 DU rockets and missiles.  This created tons of radioactive rubble all over Iraq.
           The UKAEA report noted the 40 tons of radioactive debris could cause 500,000 deaths.  Hundreds of Iraqi children die every month the effects of radiation poisoning, and in Basra an average of one or two children are born severely deformed every day, due to their mothers' exposure to radiation.
           To this day, many cash-starved Iraqis hunt for pieces of metal debris to sell for extra money.  This metal is mostly from Iraqi tanks hit with DU anti-tank weapons, and it is highly radioactive, as are the areas where the tanks are located.  These bombed-out tank carcasses are strewn all over Iraq, and continue to contribute to the poisoning of Iraqis.
           All of these facts stand as clear evidence of a U.S. military policy, which targeted the civilian population of Iraq.  The consequences of this policy, acting together with the sanctions imposed upon Iraq, ultimately cost hundreds of thousands of Iraqi civilians their lives.
           On Feb. 21, the Soviets announced that Iraq offered to fully and unconditionally withdraw from Kuwait.  Incredibly, President Bush refused, saying over and over that there would be "no negotiations", demanding Iraq withdraw from Kuwait (which Iraq had just offered to do and which President Bush had just rejected) by February 23 or a ground attack would begin.  Iraq began withdrawing its forces from Kuwait, apparently by the February 23 deadline.  The proof of this is that the U.S. ground offensive that began on February 23 encountered no resistance, and Iraqi troops were already in the process of retreating when U.S. troops finally did encounter them.
           Iraq did not announce the withdrawal officially until February 26.  Even then, however, U.S. forces did not stop their attacks for two more days (in fact, attacks occurred after the cease-fire, as discussed below).  The U.S. ground offensive consisted of simply encircling retreating Iraqi soldiers and slaughtering them, as well as bombing the retreating troop columns.
            The most famous example occurred on February 26, on the Basra road.  U.S. planes bombed both the front and rear of the road of a 7-mile section of vehicles, and then massacred the people trapped in the middle (mostly civilians fleeing Kuwait, according to U.S. troops who witnessed the attack and who saw the carnage afterwards).  A 60-mile stretch of road out of Umir Quaar contained the burned, bombed, convoy of retreating Iraqi tanks, cars, howitzers, and anti-aircraft guns that were attacked as they attempted to flee Kuwait.  This was one of the two major Iraqi convoys retreating from Kuwait City that were attacked.  There was not a single survivor of the 60-mile convoy described above, but about 450 people survived the other aerial assault.
           In testimony before the European Parliament hearings on the Gulf War in March-April of 1991, Mike Erlich of the Military Counseling Network testified: "…hundreds, possibly thousands of Iraqi soldiers began walking toward [a]…U.S. position unarmed, with their arms raised in an attempt to surrender…the orders for this unit were not to take any prisoners…[t]he commander of the unit began the firing by shooting an anti-tank missile through one of the Iraqi soldiers…everybody in the unit began shooting…it was a slaughter."


           News reports on March 31 (approved by the Pentagon and military) confirmed that U.S. troops destroyed Iraqis in vehicles with white flags of surrender attached to them.  This report appeared in a lengthy "New York Newsday" article by Knute Royce and Tim Phelps.  It contains many other very disturbing details of the mass slaughter of retreating and surrendering Iraqis by U.S. and allied forces.
           A cease-fire was agreed to on February 28,1991, although attacks by U.S. troops on Iraqis did continue after the cease-fire, when during a 4 hour battle, U.S. troops killed thousands of Iraqis who were not yet aware of the cease-fire agreement (and the U.S. troops, while they had speakers and megaphones to inform the Iraqis of the cease-fire, chose not to do so).  This is described as the biggest battle between U.S. and Iraqi troops.  Not a single U.S. soldier died.
           Something must be said about the issue of the burning oil fields in the war.  The U.S. government and media state as an undisputed fact of history that Iraq set fire to the Kuwaiti oil wells.  However, the facts seem to suggest another conclusion, one that is now ignored in the official history of the Gulf War.
           It is a proven and documented fact that Iraqi oil refineries and oil storage facilities were burning by early February, eventually totaling 800 oil fires.  Most of these are documented to have been started by U.S. bombing, sending oily black rain to Iran in January (within the first two weeks of the war), and Iran began reporting multiple incidents of black rain on January 22.  On February 23 the Pentagon itself actually confirmed 50 fires were already burning, and Rear Admiral Mike Cornell told reporters, "…there's the possibility that some of our strikes may have had some collateral damage to start a fire."  A pall of smoke covered Kuwait for over a week before President Bush accused Iraq of setting fire to Kuwaiti oil wells.
           On February 23, the Iraqi oil fields in Rumaila erupted in flames following a massive U.S. bombing attack.  This attack was the first confirmed use of U.S. napalm in the war.  This is a fact, confirmed on February 23, 1991, by U.S. pilots of Marine AV88 Harrier aircraft.  Journalists filmed napalm being loaded onto the aircraft, and the pilots confirmed to the media that they were indeed using napalm in their attacks.
            On January 25, fully one month before the accusations against Iraq were made, the U.S. Department of Energy issued a gag order on its researchers, but the Livermore National Laboratory made the memorandum public on May 1991.  The memo said, "D.O.E. Headquarters Public Affairs has requested that all D.O.E. facilities and contractors immediately discontinue any further discussion of…environmental impacts of fires/oil spills in the Middle East…"  Therefore, the U.S. and D.O.E. were aware of oil fires and spills in the war-zone only 8 days after the start of the U.S. air attack.  Additionally, the Landsat-5 and NOAA-11 satellites confirmed smoke plumes several hundred km long rising from Iraqi oil refineries and oil reserves.
           Iraq was accused of igniting the fires by blowing the wellheads on the oil wells.  There is a problem with such a claim – blowing the wellheads rarely sets the well on fire (partly because igniting the wells requires an intense heat not created by simply exploding the wellhead), and in fact it is actually a method used to extinguish fires.
           The oil wells could have been ignited by the massive U.S. bombings noted above, confirmed to involve the use of napalm.  Napalm creates exactly the intense heat needed to ignite the wells.
           Perhaps the most compelling evidence of U.S. bombings as the culprit of the oil fires, however, comes from firefighters.  U.S. firefighters in the Gulf attempting to put out the fires at the Kuwaiti oil fields have confirmed publicly, on several occasions, that U.S. bombs litter the oil wells.  For one example, in "Life Magazine" in June 1991, firefighters were quoted as saying they found unexploded U.S. and allied bombs "everywhere…[w]e've seen them in the hundreds" (quote from Mike Miller, a U.S. firefighter in Kuwait).
           There is not a shred of physical evidence suggesting Iraq set fire to the Kuwaiti oil fields, nor does the accusation of blowing the wellheads appear to be reliable as a method for setting the fires.  However, the U.S. is known to have used napalm and other bombs in attacks on the Kuwaiti oil wells, and unexploded U.S. ordnance is all over the area.  Additionally, napalm would be an ideal weapon for igniting the wells.  Finally, it is a fact that hundreds of oil wells in Iraq seem (as the Pentagon admits) to have been ignited by U.S. bombings, and smoke from Kuwaiti oil wells was seen long before Iraq was accused of setting fires.  While this does not prove for certain who started the fires, the truth seems obvious.




           This chapter will begin with the cease-fire, and discuss the situation in Iraq since the war ended.  The final death-toll, however, will not be discussed until the end of the chapter.  This allows the concluding of accounts about events at the end of the war, before the detailed analysis of casualties is conducted.
           After the cease-fire, the U.S. had the opportunity and means to stop the Iraqi suppression of a Kurdish uprising.  However, the U.S. allowed Iraq to put down the rebellion, in order to prevent "instability" in Iraq, and to avoid problems with Turkey (which opposes Kurdish autonomy).  There were uprisings in southern Iraq as well, which the U.S. also permitted Hussein's troops to suppress.  Gerneral Schwarzkopf, in the documentary film "Hidden Wars of the Gulf", states that he was ordered to inform the Iraqi military could use their helicopters, which the Iraqi troops promptly used in putting down the rebellions.
           These multiple cases of Iraqi troops suppressing rebellions were taking place directly in front of U.S. and allied forces, who were under orders not to interfer.  Some U.S. soldiers say they witnessed attacks on Kurdish and Shiite civilians, but were under orders not to act.  In public, President Bush was calling on Iraqis to overthrow Saddam Hussein, and this was broadcast into Iraq by the U.S., which promised to support any rebellions.
           The U.S. imposed "No Fly Zones" over northern and southern Iraq, supposedly to protect Kurds and other Iraqis from attacks by Hussein's forces.  It is difficult to reconcile this claim with the U.S. policy of allowing Iraqi troops to suppress rebellions, often killing large numbers of Kurds and Shiites.
           In the event, the U.S. and British warplanes subsequently bombed Iraqi radar and anti-aircraft sights while patroling these "No Fly Zones".  These areas were imposed on Iraq by the U.S.; they were not part of any U.N. resolution, and the U.N. was never consulted about this matter.  Therefore, the "No Fly Zones" violate international law, and the U.S. bombings of sites within these areas (hundreds of bombing raids have been conducted since the war ended) violate both international law and the U.N. Charter.
           An inspection regime was instituted after the cease-fire.  While it is true that there were tensions for the 7 years of inspections (including those caused by the U.S., as when the U.S. put spies on the inspection teams – a fact that is not even disputed by the U.S.), ultimately the inspectors were able to fully dismantle Iraq's nuclear facilities, and by 1998 the inspectors reported that Iraq's WOMD programs were 95-98 percent dismantled.
            The inspection regime was halted in 1998.  Inspectors voluntarily left when they were told a U.S. attack against Iraq was imminent, and the U.S. began Operation Desert Fox.  Inspectors did not return again, until 2003.  Since that time, the U.S. government and the media have claimed that Iraq kicked the inspectors out.
            As already mentioned, at most 5-percent of Iraqi WOMD programs were left when inspections ended, 5-percent of a program it took Iraq years to acquire.  With regard to the discussion in Section One on WOMD, the fact is Iraq has had only a little over 4 years to rebuild its WOMD program (assuming it has even done so), and would have been doing so while under U.S.-British overflights, with an intense sanctions program in place, and with U.S. satellites ever-vigilant.  It is difficult to imagine Iraq could have a built a WOMD program capable of threatening its neighbors, let alone the U.S.
           The sanctions imposed on Iraq after the war have left if wrecked.  Food is rationed due to inadequate supplies, with 16 million Iraqis (60-percent of the population) relying on the "Oil For Food" program just to avoid starvation.  Iraqis also suffer from an almost complete lack of health care.  Medicines desperately needed are forbidden under the sanctions, and doctors are helpless to treat many patients, especially children.  This lack of health care is all the worse in light of the effects of DU weapons.


           The destruction of sanitation and water treatment facilities cannot be remedied as long as sanctions are in place.  With a wrecked economy and a war-ravaged infrastructure, living conditions in Iraq are deteriorating rapidly.  Millions are sick, and malnourishment and starvation are rampent (especially in children).  As many as 1.5 million or more Iraqis have died due directly to the effects of sanctions (about 125,000 deaths every year since 1991).  The ultimate irony of the situation is that Saddam Hussein is stronger and more in control of Iraq due to the sanctions (Powell himself admitted that sanctions have strengthened Hussein's regime).
            Estimates of Iraqi troops killed during the war differ, with the U.S. official estimate provided by General Schwarzkopf to Congress being 100,000 Iraqi military dead, the British intelligence estimating as many as 200,000 Iraqi soldiers killed, and the French military intelligence claiming the Iraqi troops killed did indeed number about 200,000.  It is likely that the number lies somewhere between 100,000 and 200,000.
           Estimates of civilian casualties in Iraq are a matter of great dispute, but even the lowest estimates by the U.S. are still quite alarming.  U.S. Census Bureau researcher Beth DaPonte's report set the figure at 13,000.  The organization promptly tried to fire her, and adjusted the figure down to 5,000 "direct" civilian deaths.  That number is in complete contradiction with documented counts by relief organizations, and personal counts on the ground by health officials and U.S. personnel.
           A civilian count of only 5,000 is absurd, considering the amount of bombs the U.S. dropped in population centers; the number of civilian homes and apartments that were totally destroyed; the number of Iraqis injured who later died in hospitals; and the documented fact that 1,000 or more died in the Amariyah bomb shelter in one single bombing.  There is much other evidence suggesting a significantly higher death-toll.
           In the summer of 1991, Navy Secretary John Lehman spoke to the California Bohemian Grove (a gathering of wealthy persons and political leadership in the U.S.), and Lehman quoted a Pentagon estimate of 200,000 Iraqis killed during the Gulf War.  This Pentagon estimate has never been officially made public, and was only reported because a "People Magazine" journalist secretly gained access to the Bohemian Grove compound.  Although it is unclear if this number includes the Pentagon's estimate of 100,000 dead Iraqi troops, this would still leave an estimate of 100,000 civilian.
           The little-known Commission of Inquiry for the International War Crimes Tribunal (initiated by former U.S. Attorney General Ramsey Clark, and completely unreported by the U.S. media) conducted a highly detailed investigation using U.S. estimates; on-the-ground teams who investigated within Iraq during the war and after; and interviews with Iraqis, relief organizations, U.S. soldiers, and other knowledgable sources.  The Commission concluded the minimum Iraqi civilian death-toll from the beginning of the war until February of 1992 to be 150,000 dead.
           This estimate includes "tens of thousands" of infants who died from lack of milk formula and medication.  In the fall of 1991 (just months after the cease-fire), UNICEF reported over 85,000 children were expected to die by the end of 1991 from malnutrition if drastic relief was not provided (it was not, partly due to the U.S. insistance that the U.N. maintain sanctions prohibiting food and medicine that could  have helped save many of those 85,000 children).
           With these figures, it is possible to reach a few conclusions about the minimum civilian death-toll due to the Gulf War (a number that must include Iraqis who died in the war's immediate aftermath, as those deaths are directly attributable to the effects of U.S. bombings).  The lowest estimate is the Census Bureau figure of 5,000 (adjusted down from 13,000);  the Pentagon estimate of 200,000 that may have included 100,000 military casualties, leaving 100,000 non-military; the 85,000 children who would die according to estimates by UNICEF without immediate aid, which never came;  and finally, the "very conservative" 150,000 estimated to have died by the beginning of 1992, according to the lengthy and in-depth investigation by the Commission of Inquiry.
           Hence, there are 3 estimates which are all around the 100,000 range, compared to the 5,000 estimate from the Census Bureau.  Notice that even the low estimate of 5,000 "direct" casualties is over a total of only 46 days, meaning over 100 civilian deaths per day, on average.  This is the absolute lowest estimate given.


           With UNICEF predicting 85,000 children would die by the end of 1991, with the Pentagon implying 100,000 civilian deaths, and the Commission of Inquiry saying at least 150,000 civilians died by early 1992, it seems very plausible that tens of thousands of civilians were killed during the war and immediately afterwards.  The evidence for such a conclusion is simply too convincing to ignore.  None of these figures takes into account the number of civilians who have died due to DU weapons exposure.
          Consider that of roughly 550,000 U.S. soldiers, anywhere from 20 to 30 percent appear to suffer from effects of DU exposure, an almost 10,000 have died.  Using these figures as a basis, that translates into roughly 20,000 deaths per million people.  Also consider that Iraqis actually suffered more exposure, over a much longer period of time, than the U.S. troops.  It is reasonable to conclude the number of Iraqi deaths from DU exposure is in the tens of thousands.
           As noted earlier, most estimates by the W.H.O., multiple relief organization, and other NGOs who have investigated the issue, report that up to 1.5 million Iraqis have died as a direct result of the U.N. sanctions.  While this figure, like the DU estimates, is not a "direct" result of the U.S. bombings themselves, they are nevertheless "direct" casualties of war to the extent the radiation and sanctions are "direct" results of the war.  Nevertheless, the number of Iraqis who died during and since the war is an enormous casualty rate, whichever figures one chooses to accept.
           There is one final note about the Gulf War.  The Commission of Inquiry mentioned above reported its findings to the International War Crimes Tribunal.  This Tribunal held hearings in 20 nations, and in over 30 cities in the U.S.  After the Commission reported its findings, and after hearing from many witnesses, the international panel of 22 judges issued its verdict on February 29, 1992.
          Charged with (among other charges) war crimes and crimes against humanity were President George Bush; Vice President Dan Quayle; Secretary of Defence Dick Cheney; Chairman of the JCS Colin Powell; and Commander of Allied Forces General Norman Schwarzkopf.
           In front of an audience of 1,500, with 80 or more international foreign journalists present (although no U.S. media reported this event, which made headlines across the rest of the world), the Tribunal read the verdict to a "spontaneous, thunderous and lengthy standing ovation…" from the crowd.
           "Guilty" on all counts.



"Those who try to rule the world
forget who will inherit the earth."



           This portion of the analysis will look at U.S. foreign policy, and the question of how oil influences policy.  To begin, consider a few facts about Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Iran, and Afghanistan.
           Iraq has 11-percent of the known world oil reserves, almost half that of Saudi Arabia (with 25-percent).  Iraq is positioned (along with Kuwait) to allow control of shipping in the Persian Gulf.  Iraq borders Saudi Arabia and Kuwait, both potentially at risk of civil unrest within their Islamic public.  It also borders Iran (one of the so-called "Axis of Evil", along with Iraq and North Korea), which also has oil fields and which has an Islamic government.  It has been recently announced that Iran has an advanced nuclear program.
           Remember that U.S. bases exist in Saudi Arabia, Qatar, and Kuwait, and U.S. forces will soon be based in Iraq after a war.  Thus, U.S. military forces will be in position to control about 40-percent of the world's oil, not to mention the oil supplies in the U.S. and South America  (Venezuela is expected to open its oil industry to "privatization", i.e. domination by U.S. oil companies).  The total amount of oil under direct or indirect U.S. control will be enormous.
           Going back to Iran for a moment, the U.S. animosity towards Iran, as evidenced by the phrase "Axis of Evil", coupled with the revelations about Iran's nuclear program, and the designation of Iran as a "state sponsor of terrorism", should lead that country to view the imminent U.S. invasion of Iraq with some alarm.  With massive forces already in place at bases in Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, and Pakistan, the U.S. could easily mount a quick campaign against Iran next, under the same "preemptive" arguments used in the case of Iraq.  Terrorism, WOMD, and the Islamic nature of Iran's society and government could be used as a pretext for seizing Iranian oil.
           It is entirely feasible that, if the U.S. does move into Iran next, ultimately the U.S. will be in effective control of over half the oil in the world, as soon as the end of this year or by the summer of 2004 (perhaps a more ideal time for a war with Iran, since it would come just before the next Presidential election).  In addition, the U.S. would have a huge military presence across the region for the first time in history, with forces in Pakistan, Iran, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Qatar, Afghanistan, Bahrain, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Kyrgyzstan, and a few other periphery states (notably, Diego Garcia in the Indian Ocean, and Djibouti in the Horn of Africa).  This is not to mention the Israel and Turkish support for the U.S. in the region.
          Dominance of the Middle East (beyond simply the question of controlling oil, as we shall see) is of major strategic importance for U.S. hegemony in the world, and the U.S. military now stretches from the Horn of Africa up to the Persian Gulf, across the Middle East, and into central Asia and the Indian Ocean.  Control of the Central Eurasian continent has been a U.S. objective for some time, with the likely effects that would entail, effects we will turn to momentarily.
           Afghanistan is important for U.S. policy for several reasons, having nothing to do with the "war on terror".  Afghanistan is positioned to funnel oil from the region, and Russia planned to build a pipeline through Afghanistan to the Black Sea region.  Obviously, it is to Russia's advantage to pipe as much oil to the Black Sea as possible, as it puts Russia in a position of power regarding oil exporting and shipping.  U.S. control of Afghanistan means pipelines will direct oil away from the Black Sea region, towards the Mediterranean Sea instead.  The point of this is not only to enhance U.S. dominance, but also to weaken Russia's ability to exert influence in Central Eurasia or over Middle East oil.
           Regarding the Mediterranean Sea, U.S. control of this shipping area (especially as a route for Middle Eastern oil, diverted away from the Black Sea) is certainly of vital importance.  The key to such domination of the Mediterranean is, of course, the Suez Canal.  What this means for the future of Egypt might be imagined, and a move by either the U.S. directly or its clients in Israel (or both) to grab portions of Egypt should be expected in the future.  Syria, too, will probably fall prey to this policy, especially since a large pipeline from Iraq extends directly into Syria and could be used to further U.S. shipping in the Mediterranean Sea.


           Now it is easy to see the U.S. control not only of half the world's oil, but the pipelines and shipping routes as well, all under the watchful eye of a large, sprawling military presence capable of moving quickly to suppress any unrest or challenge to U.S. dominance of the region.  The U.S., then, becomes de facto ruler of energy supplies for the entire globe, with the most powerful military force in the world policing that rule.  In addition, this exertion of U.S. hegemony is pointed right at Central Eurasia, home to over half the population on Earth.  The strategic importance of all of this cannot possibly be missed.
           To focus directly on oil again for a moment, consider the amount of money involved in this equation.  Saudi Arabia has the ability to pump about 10 million barrels of oil per day, and Iraq can pump up to about 5-7 million barrels of oil per day.  That is around 17 million barrels.  Add to that Iran and Kuwait's production, and it is about 20 million barrels of oil every day.  At $20-$30 per barrel, that comes to $400-$600 million dollars, every single day.  In a year, that amounts to $144-$219 billion.  These numbers, remember, are only for Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Iran, and Iraq.
           Stating these facts in simple terms, it looks like this:  the most powerful military in the world sits on roughly $100-$200 billion dollars worth of the world's energy supply, shipping and pipelines for that energy supply, and roughly half or more of the world's population.  If the numbers for Qatar, Bahrain, the United Arab Emirates, and South American (mostly Venezuelan and Mexican) and U.S. oil supplies and profits are considered, then the figures rise to somewhere around $200-$250 billion, perhaps as high as $300 billion or more, depending on prices and the U.S. ability to control OPEC, a fact which emerges once U.S. dominance of the oil supplies is firmly established.
          Moreover, by 2020, the Persian Gulf will supply between 54 and 67-percent of the world's oil (according to the National Energy Policy released by the White House's task force); and the U.S. Energy Information Administration says Saudi Arabian oil production will rise to over 22 million barrels per day by 2020, with Iraq reaching up to 10 million per day (or more, since the U.S. government believes Iraq actually has an additional 400 billion barrels of unexplored reserves, besides its 112 billion barrels of proven reserves).
           With this in mind, the current drive by the Bush administration to open Alaska to large-scale drilling for oil, as well as the move to begin further offshore drilling in California and Florida, takes on more important meaning.
           Alaska holds enough oil to contribute a few million new barrels per day, meaning an additional $20-$30 million per day, or almost $10 billion per year.  It also allows for expanding the U.S. percentage of global energy supplies.  Additionally, there is a long-term policy objective, albeit a "worst-case" scenario, in which the expansion of drilling in U.S. territories and coastal regions plays a significant role, but will get to that a bit later.
           Something needs to be said about the origins of the U.S. military build-up in the Middle East.  In 1980, after announcing, "An attempt by any outside force to gain control of the Persian Gulf region will be regarded as an assault on the vital interests of the United States…such an assault will be repelled by any means necessary…" President Jimmy Carter then created the Rapid Deployment Force, a military force to be deployed quickly into the region in the event of a crisis.  This force eventually, under President Ronald Reagan, became the Central Command, and it was increased in strength by the addition of a massive Naval build-up (including over 40 battleships, aircraft carriers, and cruisers).  This is the force that was practicing for war against Iraq in 1990 just as Iraq invaded Kuwait.  Its sole purpose is to insure U.S. influence and dominance in the Middle East.
           So, the profits alone would probably be enough to motivate any nation capable of taking control of the oil.  However, there is also another reason behind the U.S. move to consolidate energy sources into U.S. hands, a reason less obvious but of much greater long-term significance to the U.S. economy than the profits in and of themselves.




           What lies behind the U.S. drive for control of the world's energy?  Obviously, a profit of nearly $300 billion for U.S. oil industries does not need explanation of its importance.  However, beyond this clear motive lies a more subtle concern.  Put simply, the U.S. has no choice but to attempt a monopoly of energy supplies ("no choice" in terms of this analysis, not to be confused as a moral justification on the part of the author).
           The U.S. economy is not a truly "free market"; it is a federally subsidized market, and it is simply incapable of competing internationally without this subsidy.  It is also incapable of competing with any significant competition, and that is exactly the situation on the horizon (indeed, it is beginning now, to some degree).  The U.S. stands to lose its dominance of world financial markets, in the face of the eventual power of a single EU market, and the developing power of China's market.  While perhaps the U.S. could still compete against one or the other of these threats, it cannot hope to survive against both.
           There is the added side-issue of Russia's choice of either (a) integration into the EU market in the future, or (b) the possible emergence of a Russian-Chinese joint trade agreement, in which Russia becomes the middle-man between EU and a large Pan Asian market.  Russia seems to be moving towards the former option, which is the better (for Russia) of the two in the long term.  The position of the Black Sea as the route for oil out of the Middle East adds to Russia's importance in the U.S. strategy for control of the oil market, as does Russia's proximity to the Central Eurasian states the U.S. wishes to place under its own influence.
           In addition, France and Germany, along with Russia, have been increasing their investments in the Middle East, as have other nations.  These investments have matched or exceeded U.S. investments in recent decades (for one example: by the late 1980s, the U.S. was only the fourth-largest supplier of arms to Saudi Arabia, behind Britain, France, and China), and pose a significant threat to U.S. dominance in the region.  Consider:  currently, Western nations purchase two-thirds of Gulf oil, but by 2015 three-quarters of Gulf oil will go to China, according to a study by the CIA's National Intelligence Council.  Were the U.S. to lose its chance to control energy supplies in the region, it would have no chance of retaining a position of power in the world economy in the future.
           Outlining this policy more clearly than ever before, President Bush issued the National Security Strategy on September 21, 2002.  It states: "We will not hesitate to act alone…to exercise our right self-defense by acting preemptively," and, "the president has no intention of allowing any nation to catch up with the huge lead the United States has opened…[we] will be strong enough to dissuade potential adversaries from pursuing a military buildup in hopes of surpassing or equaling the power of the United States."  This policy declaration echoes the words of Paul Wolfowitz in the Pentagon, who in 1992 wrote a memo stating the U.S. should build a massive military presence on six continents, to prevent "potential competitors from even aspiring to a larger regional or global role."
           Profits and oil control are largely related to another development in the Middle East.  On November 6, 2000, Charles Recknagel of Radio Free Europe reported on an otherwise hidden secret of the U.S.-Iraqi conflict.  In November of that year, Iraq switched from the "petro dollar" standard to the euro for oil transactions.  At the time, Iraq had roughly $10 billion in its "oil for food" fund at the U.N.  The euro was at only 80 cents to the dollar in 2000, but by 2002 it had risen between 15 and 20-percent, an increase which led to substantial gains in Iraq's oil fund.
           There is evidence Iran might be contemplating a move to the euro, as well.  In 2002, Iran converted over half its reserve funds to the euro.  Comments by members of Iran's Parliament and other facts indicate Iran is moving closer to conversion to the euro for oil transactions.  The reaction of the U.S. to such a move can be imagined.


           The importance of such a move cannot be overstated.  If all of OPEC followed Iraq's move, the damage to the U.S. economy would be staggering.  It is estimated that the dollar would lose between 25-50% of its value, as central banks worldwide replaced dollars in their reserve funds with euros, and Wall Street watched foreign investments pour out.  The U.S. budget deficit would almost certainly default.  In short, the U.S. economy would be faced with a catastrophic situation probably worse than the Great Depression.
           The U.S. cannot afford to allow OPEC to jump to the euro, for the strength of the U.S. dollar is largely propped-up by its position as "reserve currency."  There can be no doubt, then, that Iraq's move from the "petro dollar" to the euro was the "final straw," so to speak, and Washington's next move – war – was inevitable.  Not only was the U.S. determined to place Iraqi oil into American hands and back on the dollar standard, a signal had to be sent to OPEC that any similar moves by other nations would likewise meet with strong U.S. military intervention.  More importantly, the U.S. will be in a position to break-up OPEC, placing regulatory control in the hands of the U.S.
           Hence, the U.S. policy (as the U.S. government and corporations see it, anyway) must be to take control of energy supplies as a means of maintaining U.S. domination of financial markets.  This control will be backed up by the unsurpassed U.S. military power, and the continuation of the dollar as the oil transaction currency standard.  But another long-term objective, as important as the oil itself, is the extension of U.S. influence and hegemony into Central Eurasia.
           The importance of Central Eurasia should not be underestimated, in regard to its role in U.S. strategic planning.  Currently, this region is open and not under domination by any single global power.  Home to so much of the population of the planet, exerting influence and control there will be central to continuing global hegemony for the U.S.  The potentials for labor, consumers, and trade are of immense importance to U.S. plans, and control of the oil is probably equaled by the goal of establishing U.S. military bases and political control of the Middle East as a stepping-stone into Central Eurasian domination.  Conversely, influence of this region aids continued U.S. domination of the Middle East, and prevents influence there by other global powers.
           It might also be relevant to point out the connections both President Bush and Vice President Cheney have with the oil industry and defense contractors.  While certainly not the prime motivation for the policies outlined above, Bush and Cheney do have a certain personal gain at stake in U.S. domination of oil supplies, and that personal element should be kept in mind.  The examples are so numerous that discussing the incestuous relationship between Washington and oil/defense contractors would be redundant, and quite a lengthy project all on its own.  Suffice it to say, the connections are multiple and deep, and widely publicized.
           As is apparent, the twin goals of taking control of the vast majority of world energy supplies, and extending U.S. dominance into the Middle East and Central Eurasia, are both imperialist policies, regardless of the objections of many (mostly in the U.S. government) to the word "imperialism".  The strategy is clear enough when the facts are observed honestly.  To deny it is to deny repeated statements from the Pentagon, current and former government officials; stated U.S. policy goals since the 1970's regarding U.S. security interests in the Middle East; and the sheer weight of evidence based on actual events, which all suggest U.S. policies are directed towards domination of the Middle East oil and Central Eurasia.
           There is, however, an alternate version of this same basic scenario, one that is even more ominous than the policy spelled out above.




           It is possible that the U.S. does not see a potential for long-term U.S. domination of the Middle East.  The historic instability (due largely to foreign interference and the Israeli issue) and growing influence of Islamic and nationalistic forces in the region could be viewed as detrimental to permanent U.S. control.  If this were true, then the U.S. would face eventual expulsion from the region and ultimately reemergence of a challenge to U.S. global economic power (either from the Middle East itself, regarding energy markets, or European and/or Russian influence in the Middle East and on global markets).
           The U.S. is also likely aware that while occupation of the Middle East will be possible temporarily, eventually international opposition to U.S. unilateralism and hegemony will reach a level hard for the U.S. to merely ignore.  It will also become harder as time goes by for the U.S. to justify domination of the region, since to this point the U.S. has relied mainly on "humane" reasoning, such as "liberation", and national security concerns, such as Iraqi WOMD, to deflect criticism.  Those arguments will lose weight the longer U.S. soldiers are in place, and the longer the U.S. exploits the region for its oil.
           With this in mind, the U.S. may be planning only a short-term occupation and domination of the region.  The fact that the U.S. is engaging in large-scale warfare against Iraq, could be planning a similar campaign against Iran, and has already committed massive bombings in Afghanistan and in the Gulf War against Iraq, all might point to the "short-term" option as the more likely policy.
           Here is the reason:  the wars previously waged and about to be waged in the Middle East involve destruction of infrastructures, wide-spread death and disease among the civilian populations, and the use of DU weapons which have poisoned the region substantially.  A continuation of these methods will eventually leave the major oil-producing nations and their neighbors wrecked, irradiated, and largely unsuitable for long-term investment.  Why would the U.S. engage in such a destructive policy?
           To destroy the Middle East as an energy-producing rival.  The theory is, if the U.S. does not feel it can maintain domination of the oil supply in the Middle East, then it will deny that supply to anyone else.  With enough warfare, epidemics, and irradiation, it will be impossible for the nations in question, or any other nations, to continue accessing the oil reserves in the region.
           The results of such a policy would be two-fold.  First, the U.S. would establish the aforementioned military bases needed for exploiting the regional oil, while allowing for U.S. exertion of influence into Central Eurasia.  Second, the region would eventually collapse from the damage and exploitation, leaving it nonviable as an energy source, which allows the Western Hemisphere (the U.S. and South America) to emerge as the largest suppliers of world energy, through U.S. oil companies.  This strategy gives the U.S. continuing control of the oil supplies, and once the Middle Eastern oil is no longer available, the sudden spike in oil prices for Western oil will balance the loss of supply to the U.S. corporations.
           The time before collapse in the Middle East would be sufficient to allow the U.S. to exploit its position to establish hegemony over the Central Eurasian population, so that withdrawal from the Middle East will coincide with U.S. establishment of bases within the desired Central Eurasian states (indeed, such bases are beginning to pop up already).  This also allows Israeli domination over the Middle Eastern nations which might largely escape direct application of the destructive U.S. policy (perhaps Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, and Turkey, the later already becoming a low-level "partner" to Israel much as Britain acts for the U.S., although the new Turkish government's religious sympathies will need to be kept in check by the Turkish armed forces, a role those forces have readily played in the past).


           Israel will be left to step up its already brutal policies, and likely reinvade Lebanon, after either an Israeli attack on Syrian forces or, as is becoming more likely, a U.S. attack directly on Syria to prevent its "interference" with Israeli plans (and its assistance to Hezbollah fighters in Lebanon).  A U.S. assault against Syria would likely revolve around the same "justifications" given for a war against Iraq (supporting terrorism, weapons of mass destruction, etc.).  Jordan will be forced to bow to Israel's will along the lines of whatever "peace settlement" is reached with the Palestinians in the occupied territories.  Likewise, Israel will also be free to pursue its policies concerning water supplies in the region, and the distribution of those resources.  Look for an eventual escalation of tensions over water resources, eventually leading to open aggression and even warfare.
           Making such a scenario more likely is the reserve currency issue.  To perhaps oversimplify a bit, U.S. economic domination is dependent on the position of the dollar as the world's reserve currency, a position largely attributable to the dollar's role as the oil transaction currency.  Were other nations to revert to the euro as reserve currency, after an OPEC conversion to the euro, the damage to the U.S. economy (discussed in the previous chapter) would end U.S. dollar hegemony.  However, the U.S. can remove this danger by destroying OPEC and the Middle East.
           If the Middle East lost its role as the major world supplier of oil, the Western Hemisphere's position as the new world energy source would insure dollar hegemony's survival, and remove a significant danger to the U.S. domination of global economics.  Oil transactions would remain fixed to the dollar indefinitely, and the dollar's position as reserve currency would be insured.  Again, the issue is a bit more complex than this, but essentially this is how the strategy would work out, and destruction of the Middle East fits perfectly into the plan.
           To a less extreme, it is possible that a milder version of this theory will be carried out.  Perhaps the U.S. plans to poison and weaken the region, reduce its monopoly as an energy supplier and dismantle OPEC, but maintain oil production within the larger nations of Iraq, Iran, and Saudi Arabia under the control of U.S. oil companies.  By reducing the populations and weakening them through disease and low standards of living, then exploiting them as a cheap labor source for the oil companies, the U.S. can destroy the region except for those few areas where oil fields exist.
          The U.S. military will take a page from the Israeli forces, ruling with an iron fist and possibly enforcing a policy where the Arab workers are forced to live in camps outside the work zones.  In essence, the Arabs will be "slave labor" in an irradiated region for a small number of U.S. oil companies, living in military police states, essentially shut off from the rest of the world and left too weak to resist.  The dollar would remain the transaction currency for oil, dictated by U.S. domination of the oil producing nations, so long as U.S. control was not threatened or challenged.
           Certainly, this is a cynical theory, and the scenario itself is a nightmare, for the Middle East and the world.  However, the possibility exists, and while the policy would be extreme, it is not contrary to any facts or current policy being carried out by the U.S.  Moreover, the goals spelled out here and the likely outcome of such a policy of destruction is, it would seem, favorable to the U.S. government's strategic goals and to U.S. corporate interests.  And far too often, that is the bottom line.



           Much attention is focused right now on the U.S. policy in the Middle East.  To be sure, the global situation seems to hang on U.S. actions in pursuit of hegemony.  However, let us take a break for a moment from analysis of U.S. imperialism, and contemplate a few other equally important factors in the worldwide power play we are witnessing.  For make no mistake, a power play is exactly what is transpiring in front of us, although the unilateralist actions of the Bush regime tend to overshadow the activities and motivations of other states in this struggle.
            With this in mind, we should consider Europe, the other key force at work in the shifting of global power that is occurring today.  To understand the European strategy, we need to be sure we are aware of the U.S. plan, so a quick review may be in order.  It should be stated upfront that, quite obviously, this essay represents the views of the author, based on analysis of many facts and  political realities in today's world.  While it is impossible to know for certain whether these conclusions are all 100-percent accurate, it is the author's belief that most of what follows will be proven correct as events unfold.
           Basically, the U.S. is attempting to take control of the global oil supply and destroy OPEC for two reasons:  primarily, to establish the U.S. as the global supplier of energy, forestalling the otherwise coming loss of U.S. domination of the world economic markets; secondly, to maintain the dollar as the reserve currency of the world and as the oil transaction currency.  The U.S. is motivated not merely by the monetary profits involved in the oil trade; rather, it is the rising power of the E.U. and their currency, the euro, threatening to replace the U.S. as the dominant economic force in the world market, which compels the U.S. to take over global oil supplies as a means of continuing U.S. hegemony around the globe.
           The U.S. status as "superpower" is, to a very real extent, based on a flimsy foundation.  Should OPEC switch to the euro for oil transactions, central banks around the world would dump their dollars and revert to euros as reserve currency, a process that is in fact already beginning.  Iraq made a full switch to euros, even replacing their "Oil For Food" $10 billion fund at the U.N. with euros.  Iran recently converted over half their currency reserves to euros, and Venezuela is increasing their holding of euros over dollars, as is Russia.  If the euro replaces the dollar as the world's reserve currency (held by all nations' central banks so they may purchase oil, which all countries need but that can only be purchased with one currency, currently the "petro dollar"), the replacement of dollars in central banks will also lead to a withdrawal of funds from Wall Street, as foreign investments pour out of the U.S.  The budget deficit would probably default, and the dollar would lose anywhere between 20 to 50-percent of its value.
           Additionally, the U.S. economy is a federally subsidized welfare-state for corporations.  The Pentagon system provides funding for our high-tech industries, propping up our economy, which cannot compete in a real "free market".  There is no real industrial base anymore, no really strong production sector.  The strength of the U.S. economy lies in the subsidized nature of most industry, and more so in the dollar's status as reserve currency.  If the "petro dollar" disappears, the U.S. economy could not hope to be competitive globally.  The European Union is simply too strong, and too large.  When China's emerging economic power is also taken into account, it becomes clear that the so-called "super power" is not so "super" after all.
           Hence, the European strategy.  French and German opposition to the invasion of Iraq, while most certainly a welcome development to those of us who opposed the war, is not based on any sort of moral ground at all.  Rather, it is the first sign of the E.U.'s plan coming to the forefront.  We will discuss the seeming anomaly of Britain momentarily.  For now, let us look at the most likely scenario in the minds of the European leadership.
           Two goals must be foremost in E.U. planners' minds:  first, the removal or limiting of U.S. forces in the Middle East (which we will get to a bit later); second, the ascension of the euro to reserve currency status.  Put simply, the E.U. wants to broker deals with OPEC nations for lucrative drilling rights and pipelines, and for the conversion to the euro for oil transactions.  This is not only desirable because of the profits; like the U.S., the E.U. also wants to seize control of the oil markets, albeit in a subtler and less violent manner, for the long-term viability of their economy.  They intend to secure drilling rights and shipping rights from oil producing nations in a partnership fashion, and the deal the E.U. is offering is one most of OPEC cannot refuse.  What does the E.U. offer, besides money, that is so motivating?


           The end of U.S. hegemony and military aggression in the Middle East, and as a result, the end of Israeli aggression as well.  Persian Gulf states are well aware of the U.S. reliance on "petro dollars" to maintain the American economy; likewise, they are aware that the U.S. is becoming more unilateralist and violent not because the U.S. is "so powerful", but precisely because American domination is so precarious.  For these reasons, the Middle Eastern oil states know that the safety of any OPEC member is questionable, and they also know exactly what the U.S. plans to do in order to secure U.S. hegemony—namely, crush OPEC and exert American imperialism throughout the Middle East.
           Obviously, the Arabs and Persians are not too enthusiastic about such prospects.  So, enter the E.U.  By converting to the euro, granting European countries drilling rights, and agreeing to a (probably) duel system of pipelines (to the Mediterranean Sea and the Black Sea), OPEC states get a free hand in their own nations (such a generous offer) and the removal of the U.S. military from the region.  Since a U.S. economic collapse is quite likely in this scenario, Israel's huge monetary gifts from the U.S. will decline while the E.U.'s ability to enforce their will at the U.N. will grow and dominate the proceedings.  Israel will be warned to adhere to International law, to withdraw from the occupied territories, and to make a final peace with a Palestinian state (although Israel will not really be totally isolated, since eventually the E.U. will want a militarily strong Israel on its side to assist in plans for the Mediterranean Sea and the Suez Canal).
           Sound too rosy?  It probably is.  However, this is most likely the scenario the E.U. is pitching to OPEC nations, and considering their options, OPEC is likely to gamble on the "utopian" scheme.  Of course, even if only half of this all works out as planned, it is still presumably preferable, in the view of Middle Eastern states, to the "U.S. invades us all and takes our oil" option.  At worst, the U.S. is removed as the leading global power, replaced with a much more militarily benign E.U., and Israel is left alone in the region (so far as the Arab states will be told, anyway) against states that are backed by the E.U. and…Russia.
           Russia is the wild card in all of this.  Their role is actually fairly obvious.  The E.U. needed Russia on its side in the U.N. showdown against the U.S.  For Russia, there is really no advantage in U.S. global hegemony, especially since the U.S. strategy includes pushing U.S. domination into the Central Eurasian region where Russia would like to see its own influence reemerge.  Additionally, Russia wants some of the oil pipelines from the Middle East to direct oil towards the Black Sea region, and the U.S. plan attempts to divert oil away from the Black Sea, towards the Mediterranean Sea.  Finally, there is the issue of China's growing power, and the desire of both Russia and the E.U. to stem Chinese influence and potential hegemony in Central Eurasia as well as the Middle East, the latter being a long-term concern, since by 2020 over three-quarters of oil sales from the Middle East will go to China.
           The E.U. has much to offer Russia, certainly more than the U.S. can offer.  To begin with, close economic ties between Russia and the E.U. are mutually beneficial.  They share a border, and this proximity means lots of trade.  The E.U. is about to expand to a population of about 450 million people, and Russia is the gateway to Central Eurasia.  Trade, then, is vital between the two powers.
As already mentioned, both also share concerns over the potential for Chinese hegemony in Central Eurasia, and the eventual influence of China's domination of Middle East oil purchases, both of course dependent on a collapse of U.S. power in the region.  Assuming such loss of domination by the U.S., which is part of the plan, then it becomes necessary for both Russia and the E.U. to prevent China's emergence as the regional power.
           This can be achieved only if the E.U. and Russia work together, through mutual investment and agreement over the pipeline issues (where a compromise is likely, with a significant percentage of oil diverted to the Black Sea, and the rest to the Mediterranean Sea), and a recognition by the E.U. of the necessity of Russian military influence in the region, perhaps bolstered by a smaller NATO force (much of which might be Turkish).
           The E.U. knows Russia cannot compete economically with them, and they need not fear Russian military aggression against Europe, so by exerting economic control over the Middle East and using the E.U.'s stronger market position to exert influence into Central Eurasia, Russia then becomes a sort of intermediary, a role with both power and prestige.  As a bonus, Russia's military is strong enough to dissuade China (especially considering the Russian nuclear arsenal), and once in the region will also dissuade any potential attempt by the U.S. to reintroduce itself as a military force.  For Russia, this reestablishes an important element of global prestige it feels was lost after the Soviet Union's collapse.  A joint E.U.-Russian partnership allows both to act as global "almost-super powers", where the status of each is enhanced and balanced by the other, but in fact the E.U. is the senior partner.


           As an additional bonus for Russia, this set-up would almost guarantee that the states on its southern border were drawn into a much closer economic and security relationship with Russia.  This is something Russia has been trying to achieve for several years, but those nations have been reluctant to get too close, considering the past relationship between them.  However, a suddenly "relevant" and influential Russia would hold much more sway over its smaller neighbors, especially after the U.S. presence in the region (and in some of those nations) has disappeared.
           For the E.U., such an arrangement allows them to reap the economic benefits without the "policing" of the region that, realistically, the E.U. is incapable of performing on the scale that would likely be necessary.  What we would see, then, is a virtual 180-degree flip of the current U.S. regional position of encirclement from the south, with instead a joint E.U.-Russian presence from the north, but with a stronger position from the west due to Europe's greater ability to dominate the Mediterranean Sea routes, with France's lingering presence in Africa enhanced to serve a greater role in the push towards the Suez Canal and into the Persian Gulf.  By partnering with Russia, the E.U. avoids competing with Russia in the region, which would almost certainly occur once the U.S. was removed from the picture.
           This is little different from the U.S. imperialistic drive in the region, so far as end results and, to a large degree, general methods are concerned.  The difference is that Europe has had a long history of imperialism and colonialism, so they have perhaps "perfected" the means and diplomacy better than the U.S., which has pretty much relied on its strong military to allow the imposition of American will.  Of course, European colonialism was likewise backed by force, but the point here is that over time a less blunt form of the use of such force has developed, albeit only by comparison to U.S. methods (like the difference between asking someone to do something while kicking them in the butt, instead of ordering them to do it while kicking them in the crotch).
           A major difference between the U.S. and E.U. strategies lies in the significant fact that, unlike the U.S., the E.U. can back its economic domination and currency strength with a strong industrial output.  While certainly not ideal, the conditions for labor unions and the lack of a large "disposable" economy (read: military production) means Europe's global economic hegemony will have a longer shelf life than any similar U.S. dominance.  Without the strong dollar and economic control, the U.S. military strength will likely diminish as well, although of course the significant nuclear arsenal in America's hands means it will still have to be reckoned with on global matters.  The point is, should the E.U.'s strategy play out as they are planning (and all indications are that, one way or another, it eventually will), then the U.S. "empire" is already nearing its decline just as it is being formally established.
           Now, let us turn to the British question, for at first glance it seems puzzling and does suggest the E.U. is not firmly acting as a unified entity.  If the fissure between the U.S.-British European block (which includes Poland, Czechoslovakia, and a few other new E.U. states) and the French-German block is as accentuated as it appears publicly, then one might argue that the E.U. has no chance of staging a challenge to U.S. hegemony in the near future.  While this could indeed be true, it would still not negate the probability of an eventual reconciliation between the European nations in a few years time, and the long-term is where all the planners have their eyes anyway.
           However, it is possible that the European split is not nearly as deep as it appears.  Moreover, there are clues that Britain might be playing the E.U.'s game after all, but with some very sly maneuvering that makes their intentions hard to spot unless we look closely.  If we assume for a moment that the E.U. strategy spelled out above is basically correct, then how would we explain Britain's current position, if we try to fit it into the greater European plan?
           Actually, both Britain's Middle East policy and its stance regarding the E.U. currency make perfect sense, in the long term.  Since the E.U. is not prepared to make its move immediately, as such a forceful challenge to U.S. supremacy would be viewed very harshly by the U.S., a subtle waiting game must be played.  Central banks must be given time to establish faith in the euro, OPEC must be finessed and convinced of the inevitability of an American decline, and perhaps most importantly in view of British behavior, at least some European military presence should be established in the Persian Gulf region, with a view towards the future.


           It is likely that, even after the U.S. is presumably driven back from its domination of the region, many "U.S.-friendly" governments will still exist, with leaders formerly backed and supported (mostly through military arms shipments) by the U.S.  How much easier will it be for the E.U. to step into the U.S.'s shoes, if an E.U. member-state already has established relations with those governments, and already has security forces in the region?  From the E.U. standpoint, then, it makes sense not to allow America to "go it alone" as it seeks to establish U.S. domination of the region.  Britain will serve to slow and moderate the U.S. move through the region, and will serve as the precursor to a much more intense E.U. presence in the Middle East once the U.S. is gone.
           Additionally, there is a selfish motivation for Britain.  Actually, several.  One very obvious motive is monetary profits.  Presumably, only those nations that supported the U.S. push into the Gulf will be rewarded with oil and infrastructure contracts, with Britain gaining the most of any non-U.S. interests.  This will also serve the E.U. in the future, by the way.  Another British motivation may relate to an eventual U.K. attempt to establish itself as the "leader" of the E.U., a reemergence of British Empire, so to speak.  Indeed, with most of the E.U.'s own oil production being British-dominated, and since Britain has perhaps the strongest military force of the E.U. members, they might also see a U.K. force in the Gulf as giving them leverage for a leadership role.
           There is also the currency factor, and here perhaps is Britain's strongest hand to play.  British acceptance of the euro is inevitable, but Britain can certainly delay it.  In fact, the U.K. is highly aware of the fact that once Britain moves to the euro, the European currency will leap in value, and a British move will likely signal a Swedish acceptance of the euro as well.  The addition of those two strong currencies moving to the euro will quite probably make it impossible for the dollar to ever overtake the euro again, and a switch to the euro as the world's reserve currency will become unpreventable.  Likewise, without U.S. domination over the Middle East and the dismantling of OPEC, oil transactions will surely convert to the euro.
           Therefore, Britain knows that it has a very important role to play in the E.U.'s future plans, and its current fling with the U.S. is only intended to strengthen the U.K.'s position when it finally turns and fully enters the E.U. camp.  Besides, considering the "special relationship" between Britain and the U.S., playing the good friend serves the purpose of softening the eventual blow that is to fall on the U.S.  Probably, Britain will play the role of formal mediator between the E.U. and the U.S. once relations start to sour over the E.U.'s power play (of course, the U.S. expects the E.U. to accept an American power play without any complaints, in keeping with traditional arrogance).
           Britain is allowing France (and Germany, to a lesser extent) to bear the brunt of the rift between Europe and the U.S., thus laying the groundwork for what is to come.  This also allows Germany and France to do the dealing with Russia, something Britain has never done very well.  With France and Germany serving a duel leadership role right now, the potential for one or the other to rival Britain as E.U. leader is diminished (although Germany does play a junior role to France, but nevertheless the two are seen as a "partnership").  Additionally, the current governments of both France and Germany, while enjoying a boost due to their strong stand against the U.S., do not have a truly large, loyal popular support, and nor do their governments have a singular powerful political force that could "take charge", as Britain has (by comparison, that is).
           Hence, it is likely that Britain views itself as the logical and legitimate heir to the E.U. "throne."  With these facts in mind, the current British policies make much more sense, and are not at odds with the overall E.U. strategy.  It should be noted that none of this is to say Britain is actually the best suited nation to lead the E.U., or that current British policy will lead to the developments discussed.  This is merely an explanation of what Britain might be thinking, and how the British may expect things to turn out.
           Another point, and not at all a minor one, concerns the U.N.  Once E.U. dominance is established, consider how this will influence the General Assembly, where each E.U. member-state has an ambassador, and the Security Council, with two veto-bearing members and several permanent members.  Russia, it might be remembered, will likely vote along with the E.U. as a reflection of their partnership (looking farther into the future, eventual Russian membership in the E.U. might even be likely).  It will not be a surprise if, after E.U. hegemony is established, the U.N. begins to take on the look of an international platform for the global enforcement of E.U. policy (as some say it is today for U.S. policy, although this is not quite as true as it would be in the case of the E.U.).


           The fighting in the U.N. as the U.S. prepared to invade Iraq was simply intended to set the stage for the future, besides the immediate benefits (such as rising popular support for the governments in France and Germany).  This stand against the U.S. was meant as a sign to the world, but in particular to the Middle East, that Europe is willing to stand up to the U.S. and potentially stay its hand.  Had they actually been serious about preventing the war, they could have increased the number of U.N. inspectors and even sent a "protective force" with the inspectors, both of which would have made a U.S. invasion nearly impossible.
           The fact is, the invasion was not completely opposed because the E.U. probably expects the U.S. venture to ultimately fail.  The U.S. invasion will increase anti-Americanism, will accentuate the European opposition stance, and actually adds urgency to the need for OPEC to seek shelter in the euro.  If left unchecked, the U.S. will get rid of OPEC.  The only chance for OPEC's survival may be to switch currency, in the hopes it will hit the U.S. too hard before the U.S. can respond.  The invasion of Iraq might have been the final push OPEC needed to make it desperate enough to adopt the euro sooner than expected.
           This, then, is the basic formula for the E.U.'s strategy for global hegemony.  To be sure, there will certainly be unexpected events and crises that arise along the way, and the U.S. reaction as events unfold may be hard to predict.  Much depends on the government in the U.S. when the E.U. makes its move.  The current Bush regime, for example, might very well react unexpectedly to such a European threat to U.S. interests (read: U.S. global domination).  Indeed, while definitely a low probability, the U.S. could lash out violently if it becomes obvious that American economic power is about to collapse.  A look at the past might tell us all we need to know, as far as worst-case violent U.S. responses go.
           During the 1980's, the U.S. had as part of its nuclear strategy a then-unknown (but since somewhat declassified) protocol concerning its European allies.  In the event of global nuclear war (i.e. between the U.S. and the U.S.S.R.), the U.S. knew that Britain and France had secretly made agreements with the Soviet Union not to launch their own nuclear arsenals against the U.S.S.R., in exchange for an agreement that Moscow would not unleash a nuclear holocaust on Europe.  U.S. policy took this into account, and it was decided that, in order for the U.S. to ensure it would be the first nation to "recover" from a nuclear war, the U.S. would target both Britain and France if they chose not to side with the U.S. in the conflict.
           Shocking?  Yes, but perhaps it should not be, considering we are talking about the actions of the U.S. as it engages in global nuclear annihilation.  When people are willing to destroy most life on the planet anyway, we might excuse them if their lack of humanity and sanity extends to their treatment of allies.
           This is to say, with the right administration in office (or perhaps more accurately, the wrong one), the U.S. response to an E.U. usurpation of power could be to provoke a global crisis or world war.  Not a high probability, to be sure, but neither should the possibility be completely discounted.  Consider Israel's firm commitment to the "wild man" strategy, in which the nation intends to make clear its willingness to act irrationally if its vital interests are threatened, including but not limited to the use of nuclear weapons to "bring down the house" around themselves, or to destroy the Saudi oil fields.
           Would the U.S. retaliate with open warfare, if an American economic collapse and E.U. ascension were inevitable (as is likely the case, one way or another)?  It is certainly possible.  The U.S. probably would not directly target Europe, but rather might instigate a conflict of such scale that NATO intervention was necessitated, and thus impede E.U. plans by exposing fellow NATO members to damage from warfare.
           One region that comes to mind when considering potential "hot spots" where the U.S. could initiate a crisis is Asia.  Imagine a U.S.-North Korean conflict in which China is drawn in, or a U.S.-China conflict over Taiwan.  Either is possible, and could flare up with U.S. prodding, and the U.S. could then invoke the mutual assistance article of the NATO treaty.  Presto, Europe is faced with a serious threat of missile strikes on their own soil.
           This is just hypothetical, since obviously there are endless numbers of other scenarios that might occur instead.  The U.S. would not likely respond to the E.U. in such an extreme manner, especially since the tumbling of the U.S. economy would be so severe, the government would have its hands full trying to manage the domestic situation.


           Perhaps a more likely worst-case scenario for a U.S. response would be a "scorched-earth" policy in the Middle East.  Briefly, this would involve doing so much damage to the region that, if the U.S. were to be denied the resources of the region, then nobody will be able to use them.  Irradiation through the extensive use of depleted uranium weapons, possibly nuclear weapons as well, destruction of infrastructures, and the creation of a weak and disease-ridden Arab-Persian population could be achieved if the U.S. views the loss of its hegemony as inevitable.
           By rendering the region virtually uninhabitable and certainly unworkable (so far as energy resources are concerned), the U.S. might have a last desperate ploy up its sleeve in the form of oil in the Americas.  The loss of Middle Eastern oil would make the North-South American oil reserves a leading source of global energy supplies (Venezuela has perhaps the fourth-largest oil reserves in the world).  This is a much-abbreviated version of the theory, a more detailed analysis of which by this author can be found in "War Without Consent", chapters 11-13.
           What must be remembered about the E.U. strategy is, the U.S. is well aware of it.  It is precisely because of the threat to U.S. supremacy that we are seeing such a unilateralist, imperialist nature overtaking U.S. policy.  This is not to say such imperialist tendencies were not already inherent in the U.S.; but the current sense of urgency, the bluntness with which these policies are now being expressed, is due to the nature of the E.U. threat.  So long as U.S. domination of world markets could be ensured by the "petro dollar", no actual physical or forceful domination of the Middle East was necessary, and client-states could be relied on to protect U.S. interests.
           The oil crisis of the 1970's and the Iranian revolution, however, changed everything.  It was from this time, with the implementation of the "Carter doctrine" (that the U.S. would protect its "interests" with all means necessary), that the stage was set for the policies we are seeing today.  The Rapid Reaction Force, later to become Central Command (CENTCOM), was created to respond in the event a real challenge to U.S. domination arose.  It has.
           How does the E.U. expect to remove the U.S. from the Middle East?  Maybe the key is Britain.  Already, the U.K. is out of step with the U.S., as Tony Blair calls for a strong U.N. role in post-war Iraq.  The British forces are also trying to play key roles in the southern regions of Iraq, and although this seems to fit into U.S. plans for sharing the policing duties, Britain might have bigger plans than the U.S. realizes.
           If anti-American sentiments in Iraq continue to grow, we could see strong calls at the U.N. from France and Germany for the U.S. to withdraw, while the British forces try to play the "good cop" role, denouncing American heavy-handedness and perhaps echoing the calls for the U.S. to leave.  If the process can be dragged out, and the U.S. expansion slowed, OPEC might survive long enough to heed E.U. calls for a conversion to the euro.  With the economic chaos that would ensue in the U.S., coupled with a determined resistance to the U.S. occupation forces, and worldwide demands for a U.S. withdrawal, it is possible the U.S. could buckle under the pressure.
           Another scenario might involve a substantial resistance to the U.S. occupation, resulting in the overthrow of U.S-backed governments elsewhere in the Gulf region.  While this might initially give the U.S. an excuse to invade Saudi Arabia to "stabilize" the nation, it could also backfire and lead to U.S. forces getting stretched thin and battling popular uprisings in multiple nations.  If other Middle East states join in the fight against the U.S., the international scene could get quite complicated.  The U.N. would, in all likelihood, call for a U.S. withdrawal.  The E.U. could join in with calls for a "mediating" or "peacekeeping" force approved by both sides, which would probably mean a U.N. force composed of European, Russian, and Arab troops.  Indeed, Russian forces should be expected to enter Iraq as part of a U.N. force even before German or French forces.
           Any of these developments, as is obvious, favor the E.U.  Obviously, there are other possibilities.  Maybe the E.U. will just play a waiting game, betting that eventually their patience will pay off with a U.S. withdrawal from the region, and a global switch to the euro as reserve currency.  In the event, the U.S. military presence will have to establish itself quickly and firmly, if it hopes to avoid the numerous factors working against the U.S. strategy.  Perhaps Europe will attempt to fuel the antagonism between the U.S. and North Korea or China, to divert U.S. attention to that region.  While perhaps unlikely, we might even see Europe pressing the International Atomic Energy Agency to call for sanctioning North Korea, or for a U.N. resolution against North Korea, even before the U.S. calls for such moves.  Again, maybe this is an unlikely scenario, but if it happens expect the calls to come from a European state currently "allied" with the U.S., such as Britain, so the anti-North Korea pressure will be harder for the U.S. to deflect.


           If the U.S. strategy fails, there is no telling how the U.S. will respond.  The E.U. response, on the other hand, is fairly predictable.  The strategy discussed here seems the most plausible course to expect from Europe, although of course moderate changes and adjustments to the plan are likely as events unfold.  The big unknown remains, how will the U.S. respond, and will this response cause global instability and warfare?
           The threat of U.S. domination and imperialism, which we are resisting today, is not really any more threatening than the emergence of an E.U. global domination.  Both ultimately rely on the same tactics of suppression and economic exploitation, both rely (although to different extents) on conflict and instability to produce the desirable circumstances for each party's domination, and both must be strenuously resisted.  Right now, the most visible and appalling enemy to global liberty and justice is the U.S.  However, we are being short sighted if we don't consider the next enemy we will face, for it may be an imperialism much stronger and better suited to the job than the U.S., and therefore much harder to defeat.



           Nothing in the theories outlined above relies on great leaps of logic or imagination; it merely considers U.S. policy as it is known generally with regard to strategic interests (oil, Central Eurasia, and U.S. hegemony being constants in this regard), and takes such policies to an extreme but natural conclusion (which happens to be a rather logical and desirable conclusion, from the standpoint of the government and corporate interests).
           Again, these are just theories, interpretations of policy, facts, and events.  However, the growing tensions in the Middle East, and the U.S. willingness to rush into war despite serious risks of the use of WOMD (including nuclear WOMD by the U.S. and Israel) signals that the U.S. is relatively unconcerned about the dangers posed to the region.  The fact that the outlined "worst-case" scenario for U.S. policy is at least possible should be reason enough to motivate everyone to resist U.S. attempts at domination of the region, even if the more "benign" policy of domination without total destruction is not enough to stir opposition to U.S. corporate and military imperialism.
           The outline of events during the Gulf War should serve as a warning of what is to come, on an even larger scale, if the U.S. continues its march to war.  The Gulf War acted as a testing ground for new technologies, and for the military strategy of destroying a fairly advanced country with conventional arms (if we are to consider DU weapons conventional) and not having to set foot on its soil, except to occupy it.  This lesson will be improved upon again and again, in all likelihood, until the entire region is under U.S. control.
           At the beginning of this analysis, the arguments against war were spelled out.  These were largely argued from a "self-interest" standpoint, focusing less on the humanitarian issues until the end.  The reason, as said earlier, is that these arguments seem to have a broader mass appeal, and mass appeal is what will be necessary to stop U.S. warfare and imperialism.  Mass appeal in this country, not just abroad, for it is only the citizens within the U.S. who can take control of the government and reign in the massive U.S. military and dominant transnational corporations, which are threatening the entire world.  The average citizens within the U.S. must be made aware of how U.S. warfare and imperialism directly endangers them, how it puts their families at risk, and how it makes the world a much more dangerous place for everyone.
           The price paid for inaction is U.S. occupation of an entire region; U.S. exploitation of that region's resource; U.S. domination of world energy; the killing, poisoning, and subjugation of the people of that region; and perhaps ultimately, the complete destruction of that region.  In addition, there is a price paid for American citizens as well:  the price of instability; of living in a world less safe, for Americans in particular; of the death or poisoning of their families by their very own government; the price of further economic stratification in the U.S.; and the price of surrendering every ideal of liberty and good-will so many Americans actually believe in.
           Imperialism and holocaust are too high a price for a humane people to tolerate, and must be opposed at every opportunity.  It is particularly the duty of U.S. citizens, for the policies of the U.S. government are carried out in the name of the American people, funded by their dollars, fought by their fathers, mothers, sons, and daughters.  When Americans known the facts and do nothing, the blood is on their hands as well.
           However, time is running out.  The next stage of U.S. policy is about to begin in Iraq, and soon it will be too late, and all opportunity to resist will vanish.  Not tomorrow, maybe not next year, but soon.  Resistance must begin now, before the U.S. policies of destruction bring destruction upon us all.




"They try to 'sanitize' the news during war,
but some stains can never be washed away."


          There is a storm brewing in southern Iraq, much worse than the sand storms currently harassing U.S. and British troops trying to advance on Baghdad.  The civilian population in Basra, over one million Iraqis, is without water, adequate food, or adequate medical care.  The UN and NGO relief agencies are warning a large-scale humanitarian crisis is brewing.  The results and reasons need to be addressed, for some aspects of both are going unreported, although these facts were initially reported before succumbing to the propaganda machine.
           Iraqis in Basra began an "uprising" on March 25.  The first reports, from British Royal Marines operating in and around Basra, claimed the residents were not only directing their rebellion at the Iraqi military units in the city, but at the allied forces as well.  This was first mentioned on CNN news March 25, then soon reported on CBS that same day.  But only once.
           Since those initial reports, neither CNN nor CBS repeated the reports.  The updates have all mentioned only that the Basra citizens are rebelling against the Iraqi military forces.  Presto, the alarming notion that Iraqis might not want us occupying their country vanishes, leaving only the convenient pro-American "uprising" in its place.  These guys are spinning like Olympic ice-skaters.
          During Secretary of Defense Rumsfeld's daily briefing to the media on March 25, he was questioned about reports from military personnel in Basra and journalists in that city, claiming the "uprising" targeted not only Iraqi units but allied units as well.  Rumsfeld dismissed the idea it was even possible for Iraqis to harbor ill feelings for U.S. and British forces.  The Iraqis were "oppressed," he said repeatedly, and we are "liberating" them, so they would not fire on allied forces, it could never happen.
          There are a number of obvious reasons the Iraqis in Basra might be opposed to the presence of U.S. and British soldiers, but let's focus on the immediate reasons here.  As mentioned earlier, a humanitarian crisis is looming in Basra.  Interviews with U.S. troops in the city and statements by Ari Fletcher and Donald Rumsfeld blame the major problem, lack of water, on the Hussein regime.  The now-accepted version of events is that the Iraqi government ordered water to Basra be shut off.  Rumsfeld in particular pointed to this as further evidence of Saddam Hussein's lack of care for Iraqi citizens.
          Unfortunately, there is a bit of evidence that undercuts this theory.  According to reports on March 22 on both CNN and CBS, U.S. bombings in and around Basra destroyed the water treatment and electrical facilities in the city.  These reports noted at the time that lack of water and electricity might soon create a serious problem for the Iraqis living in Basra.  The U.S. commanders on the scene approved these reports, as CBS constantly reminds viewers.
          Incidentally, CBS's embedded reporter in Basra is John Roberts, the same reporter who broke the (now silenced) story on March 21 confirming the previous use of napalm by U.S. forces on the road to Basra, right as the southern oil fields in Iraq caught fire (this story also showed up in the Herald).  It was also Roberts who filed the report about U.S. destruction of Basra's water treatment facilities and electricity.  He also reported on March 25 that no relief agencies were massing supplies at the Iraqi border because none could get through, pointing to the large contingent of U.S. soldiers guarding access across the border, and continuing that it would not be "days, but weeks" before any relief assistance would be allowed in.
          Not that such reporting is setting the standard at CBS, since these flashes of truth are quickly silenced (sometimes by the end of the day, as with the "uprising" reports).  However, such moments of honesty are important, especially since independent reporting from Iraq started out slim, and is likely to decline now that U.S. and British troops have fired on and killed some of the best non-embedded reporters.  Access to facts in this war are already in short supply, so we must keep our eyes and ears peeled for tid-bits like those popping up on CBS and CNN.
          The real facts on Basra are that the U.S. military destroyed the water and electrical services, creating a humanitarian crisis with little relief in sight, then lied and let the media help cover it up.  Then, with fighting continuing between allied troops and Iraqis loyal to Hussein's regime, the citizens began an "uprising" against both sets of forces, facts again twisted by the U.S. military and media.  While it might seem that the U.S. will have a hard time covering up facts about fighting with Basra citizens, it will actually be easy.


          The reporters can be expected to keep unpleasant truths secret, and the dead citizens can be called "elements of the Iraqi military force in Basra," since these elements are reportedly dressed in civilian clothes.  Perhaps it is unnecessary to point out that, for all we know, the "loyalist troops" fighting the allies in Basra might all be civilians, hence the U.S. claim that Iraqi military units are not in uniform.  Judging from the amount of disinformation around events in Basra, it is at least possible, although probably unlikely.
          With one million Iraqis in danger of (besides U.S. bombs, bullets, DU radiation, etc.) either severe thirst or cholera and dysentery from impure water, and malnutrition (and food poisoning, since with no electricity food is spoiling but might be eaten in desperation), the U.S. seems more concerned with PR than the lives of Basra's citizens.



           An important piece of information showed up on CBS during its ongoing coverage of the war in Iraq.  John Roberts, the "embedded" reporter traveling with the 3rd Calvary Division, reported by videophone on Friday, March 21, that during the fighting near Basra, artillery fire was heavy, and the U.S. military used napalm to stifle some Iraqi resistance.
           This is important because of the Basra oil fields.  Keep in mind that retreating Iraqis reportedly set some of the oil wells alight.  However, if history offers any instruction, it is that we should be skeptical of U.S. claims of Iraqi sabotage.
           During the first Gulf War, the U.S. accused Iraq of igniting hundreds of oil fires.  However, a review of media reports, Pentagon statements, and eyewitness accounts inform us that another cause for the fires was likely.
          The U.S. air assault on Iraq began on January 17,1991.  By January 22, according to a Nuclear Defense Agency report, Iran was experiencing oily black rain on a regular basis, or exactly one month before President Bush accused Iraq of setting oil wells afire.  This black rain in Iran started five days after the first U.S. bombings in Basra.
          By the end of the first day of U.S. bombing, smoke from burning oil wells could be seen all over Iraq, as the U.S. targeted refineries and oil storage facilities for attack.  The assistant director of the Basra refinery told the Harvard International Study Team, during interviews in August-September of 1991, that U.S. bombs had ignited the oil fields.
          Rear Admiral Mike Cornell is quoted in the February 13, 1991, San Jose Mercury News as saying, "…there's the possibility that some of our strikes may have had some collateral damage to start a fire."  The Department of Energy issued a memorandum, leaked by the Livermore National Laboratory, ordering DOE facilities and contractors to "…discontinue any further discussion of war-related research and issues…the impacts of fires/oil spills in the Middle East…", an official mentioning of oil fires (and official orders not to talk about them) which occurred on January 25, eight days after the air war began.
          Scientific American reported in its May 1991 issue that images from the Landsat-5 and NOAA-11 satellites confirmed allied bombing of Iraqi oil refineries and storage facilities.  These photos revealed plumes of smoke hundreds of kilometers long all over Iraq.  On March 25, 1992, oil consultant and author O.J. Vialls (who had continuing contacts with firefighting teams working in Kuwait) wrote that "in a minimum of 66 known cases" U.S. bombs had blown the wellheads from oil wells in Kuwait and ignited them.  This is further confirmed by U.S. firefighters quoted in Life magazine's June 1991 issue, when these firefighters reported finding unexploded U.S. bombs "everywhere", "We've seen hundreds," etc.
          Finally, most relevant to the events in Basra reported on CBS, on February 16, 1991, U.S. Marine Harrier aircraft were filmed as crewmembers loaded napalm pods onto the wings of AV88s.  The pilots, asked by media journalists, confirmed they were using napalm during bombing missions.  Napalm, producing a 5,500-degree fire, is capable of white-heating small bore oil pipes coming from wellheads, rupturing the metal due to pressure from the ignited oil.  Simply blowing up the wellheads, as the Iraqis were accused of doing, wouldn't likely set the wells on fire, since it does not create the intense heat needed.  In fact, blowing wellheads is actually a method used to put out oil well fires.
          The evidence, therefore, all seems to point to U.S. guilt in igniting the oil fires in the first Gulf War.  Since then, however, the U.S. government and media have reported Iraqi blowing of oil wells as a historical fact.  Now, we have once again the claim of Iraqi sabotage of oil wells, also reported as fact by the U.S. government and media.  The media were, interestingly, careful when first reporting the new fires to state that no U.S. bombing had occurred in the Basra region prior to the fires.


          Then came the damning report by John Roberts.  Roberts said the U.S. had used the napalm and artillery the day before his report.  In other words, about the time the wells ignited, when the Pentagon and media were saying no U.S. bombs had fallen in that area.
          It should be noted that, as soon as reports came of the oil fires, the price of oil "skyrocketed" (CNN's word) by several dollars.  A rise of one dollar per barrel translates to $10 million extra per day, $70 million per week, for every 10 million barrels pumped (about the daily output of Saudi Arabia).  Therefore, a price-hike of only five dollars per barrel turns into about $100 million per day, per 20 million barrels produced by oil industries (this is about the maximum daily production by Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, and Iraq alone).
          This is all very important if one remembers the U.S. began accusing Iraq of placing explosives in oil wells prior to the start of this new war, thus directing blame for any destruction which might occur.  Because oil wells lie in several key areas where the U.S. war-plans call for strikes, it is not unreasonable to suspect the U.S. expected airstrikes to ignite oil wells, especially since this happened during the first Gulf War.
          Does this prove for a fact the Iraqis did not set the fires in Basra, and that the U.S. did?  No, it does not prove it.  It only proves the U.S. does not want anyone to know they dropped napalm in Basra, something that will ignite fires while the Iraqi exploding of wellheads probably wouldn't, and they are willing to lie about it.  It is up to individuals to draw what conclusions they may, based on the preponderance of evidence.
          The concern about this was appreciatively low, since any damage to the wells is balanced out by the enormous profits that a price-hike would produce.  Keep in mind, only nine oil wells had caught fire in Basra when oil prices "skyrocketed", according to news reports.  We are left to wonder which is true:  are oil producers engaging in blatant price-gouging, or is the report of only 9 oil well fires a deceptively low figure?  Both are quite possible, and it is difficult to know which cynical interpretation is correct, since they can't both be true (presuming large price increases are legitimate if large numbers of wells are burning), and yet both would be typical.
It is obviously unnecessary to discuss the Bush-Cheney oil connections, as these facts are so widely reported and understood, it would be verbose to repeat them.  Suffice it to say, the point does not go unnoticed.
          So, we have the use of U.S. bombs and napalm, subsequent oil well fires, then denial of U.S. bombings of that area, accusations that Iraqis set the fires, then confirmation that the U.S. had bombed and dropped napalm on the area containing the oil fields.  Exactly what happened during the Gulf War in 1991, in other words.  Expect to see similar "Iraqi sabotage" of northern oil fields, coincidentally as soon as the U.S. moves towards them.  As long as these absurd tales continue to go unchallenged in the media, the Pentagon and Bush administration will keep rehashing them.  Why come up with new lies, when the same old, tired ones work so well?
          The CBS report brings up another issue important to war opponents.  While it is tempting for those who recognize the illegitimacy and immorality of this war to turn to alternative and independent news sources for information (which is certainly necessary and to be encouraged), rejecting the jingoistic reporting offered by the "mainstream" media's running commercial for the U.S. war, there is an important reason to at least occasionally tune in to CNN, CBS, et al.
These news sources are the standard disseminators of "facts" to the general population, and as such they provide an eye into the propaganda bombardment most people are subjected to in the U.S.  There is great value in understanding the methods of propaganda used by the media, especially if one is attempting to combat the effects it has on the population.
          Because of the nature of "self-censorship" practiced in the U.S. media, it is unavoidable that every so often a fact or two will be reported that undermines the "accepted" official versions of events.  When this occurs, it is possible to reconstruct events and perhaps actually see through the fog of disinformation covering media reports, so one might reach conclusions that are somewhere close to the realm of reality.  How many Americans watching CBS noticed the napalm story, for example, and perhaps concluded that maybe the media is distorting its war coverage to some extent?


          One thing is certain:  more people will reach such conclusions, if those opposing war are quick to notice such reporting, and immediately bring it to the public's attention.  Awareness of the lies told in the name of the "empire" is necessary, if those lies are to be exposed.  By comparing the preponderance of lies to the actual facts, it is possible to gain a wider view of the overall "cover story" in contrast to the real events, which can tell us not only what happened, but why.  Understanding the "why" is as important as understanding the "what", since this suggests the motives that will determine the course of future events.
          For example, watching CNN tells us that the U.S. says Iraq is preparing to ignite oil wells.  If we are aware of the background concerning the Gulf War fires, we are more likely to be skeptical of the current U.S. claims.  Moreover, we might become alarmed to hear the accusation that Iraq is placing explosives at wellheads, for we could reasonably assume the U.S. expects airstrikes to ignite oil wells again, or at least assume it is a possibility.  Hence, we know "why" the U.S. is accusing Iraq of planting bombs.
          Once we see CBS reporting the Pentagon assertion that no bombs fell in Basra, followed within hours by the CBS eyewitness report of napalm bombings in Basra, we know not to trust the Pentagon, but we also expect further assertions to back up the Pentagon's original claims.  If we remember the Gulf War, we also know that the eventual "factual history" of this war will only acknowledge Iraqi guilt in the oil fires, the earlier admission of U.S. napalm bombing fading into oblivion in favor of the official version of events.  So, we know "why" the U.S. denied bombing the Basra region, and further we know "why" CBS suddenly ignored its own report of napalm use by the U.S.
           By knowing the "whys" regarding Basra, we can apply it to the Kirkuk oil fields.  When the U.S. claims (as it actually has) that Iraqis are also placing explosives on these oil wells, we know exactly what to expect:  U.S. bombings, oil well fires, U.S. denials of bombings, U.S. accusations that Iraq blew the wellheads, complicity by the media, etc.  Luckily for the average skeptic, the unoriginality of the U.S. government and media let us apply our "whys" on a fairly broad scale, with some degree of accuracy.  The price of this application, unfortunately, is the cold comfort of being right, and the awareness of what is to come.



          On March 21, Tehran reported that three U.S. missiles hit sites in Iran.  One of the sites, a government building, was roughly 39 miles inside Iran.  There are a few explanations for this, none of which is positive.
           So far, the U.S. says it doesn't know if it has any reason to apologize.  The Bush administration made no statements even suggesting regret if the story turns out to be true.  This might suggest that the missile strikes, if true, were not accidents.
          Since one of the missiles struck an Iranian government building, Iran might be feeling a bit uneasy about the cold response from the U.S. government.  Nothing has been reported yet regarding what the other two missiles might have hit, so it is still hard to assess.  Keep in mind, however, that only a week earlier, it was learned that Iran's nuclear program is much more advanced than anyone thought.
           The missiles used by the U.S. are "smart" weapons, supposedly "pin-point" accurate.  Are the odds very high that three of these weapons could miss there targets so badly, one by at least 39 miles (if the intended Iraqi target was right beside the Iran-Iraq border), and all accidentally hitting the same country?  Moreover, all three struck on the same day.
           Let's try to imagine how it looks to Iran.  Suppose Cuba referred to the U.S. and Mexico as part of an "Axis of Evil", and then invaded Mexico.  Imagine if Cuba had high-tech missiles guided by global positioning systems and lasers, allowing "surgical strikes" against only military targets.
          Assuming for a moment that the U.S. would allow any such absurd scenario, or that Cuba could accomplish something like this, how might the U.S. respond if three Cuban "smart" bombs hit the U.S., one destroying a federal building in Texas?  Even worse, what if Castro went on television and proclaimed he wasn't sure if Cuba had any reason to apologize?
           Of course, it is easy to imagine the U.S. reaction to such an event.  The real point is, does it sound the least bit feasible that three missiles guided by satellites could all veer so badly off course that they could sail into the wrong nation and blow up government buildings by accident, all without the U.S. military being aware?
          It has been several days, and the U.S. says it is still unable to verify the story.  This is, quite obviously, a lie.  If the U.S. possessed any evidence the story were untrue, this evidence would have immediately come out.  There should, by the way, be no doubt as to whether any evidence exists.  GPS technology allows the military to determine where these missiles fall, the trajectory of the weapons is tracked all the way to the target, and many nosecones contain cameras.
          There is no doubt evidence, but it likely shows that Iran is telling the truth.  The question could be asked, why would Iran make the claim if it were false, since the truth is easily ascertainable?
If the missile strike was intentional, why would the U.S. do it?  There are several answers to this question.
          First, it may have been a slap at Iran, to provoke a response.  Or perhaps it was a "surgical strike" against government targets for any one of many possible reasons (linked to the nuclear issue, spying, supplying Iraq with intelligence, etc.).  Maybe it was a warning, in case Iran was considering action to help Iraq (there are some Iranian volunteers fighting alongside Iraqi soldiers).  Iran might have even been considering following Turkey's lead, planning to cross the border and seize territory from Kurds.
          There are a number of potential reasons the U.S. might choose to strike Iran.  Indeed, there is a strong possibility that, once Iraq is out of the way, Iran will be the next nation invaded by U.S. forces (as a guess, let's say sometime in 2004, before the fall elections).  Whatever reasons we could come up with, no doubt the Bush administration is way ahead of us in compiling a list.


          Now, let's consider another possibility.  It may be true that the missile strikes were an accident.  This suggests the "smart" weapons might not be as intelligent as we are being led to believe.  In fact, during the first Gulf War, only about a quarter of the "smart" bombs performed accurately.  Of course, that was over a decade ago, before the weapons were GPS guided.  While sometimes they may only be accurate to within hundreds of yards, it's hard to imagine they are only accurate to within 40 miles.
          Hence, to believe it was an accident, we must assume these were errant missiles, radically off-target, perhaps fed the wrong coordinates.  Maybe a blown fuse, a damaged guidance system, which threw them off course.  Three times.  Always into Iran.
          Yes, this is a possibility.  It is true that specific information has not come out about how far apart these strikes occurred.  If all three happened within minutes of one another, it becomes easier to imagine a mistake happened, although it seems reasonable to assume the mistake would involve human error, not mechanical failure.
          Yet another possibility is that Iran is lying.  It is hard to believe that Tehran would stand to gain anything from accusing the U.S.  They certainly didn't get an apology, if sympathy was there goal.
          Besides, as noted above, the facts are easy enough to prove.  If Iran measures the damage, photographs it and demonstrates the blast zone and diameter/depth of the crater, etc., it would be hard for the U.S. to deny, especially if no exculpatory evidence is presented.
          In addition, with a war raging in the region, there are probably several nations with radar and other surveillance directed towards the hostilities.  Information is out there somewhere, but surely nobody wants to come forward on behalf of Iran and anger the U.S.  However, if the U.S. were really innocent, of course they would not only immediately present their own evidence, they would request outside verification from Russia or another nation nearby.
          Considering the hostile nature of the U.S.-Iran relationship, there is not much reason to think Iran would seek to instigate further tensions between the two countries.  This is especially true when other explanations exist that are far more reasonable.  One radio commentator suggested the missiles might have been Iraqi, but this notion is so ludicrous it barely merits comment.
          Suffice it to say, provoking Iran during a war with the U.S. would not likely be high on Iraq's "to do" list, besides the obvious fact that the U.S. detects Iraqi missile launches and would have presented this evidence already.
          With all of these theories in mind, we must wait to see if more information is forthcoming.  If not, the available evidence tells us a few things:  U.S. missiles probably did hit Iran; the U.S. will be slow to admit this; any U.S. apology will be tepid; and either due to error or intent, a human hand is responsible for the missile strikes, since the range, type, and number of missiles does not support a conclusion of "mechanical failure."
          Between the two most likely scenarios (accident or intentional bombings), the physical evidence will only be that three U.S. missiles did blow up things in Iran.  Anything else will be circumstantial, unless the Pentagon or President announces the strikes were on purpose (a highly unlikely event).
          What does the circumstantial evidence tell us?  That President Bush considers Iran "evil"; that the U.S. accuses Iran of sponsoring terrorism; that the U.S. is at war with Iraq because it might support terrorism, as part of an overall "war on terrorism"; that Iran has an advanced nuclear program; that the U.S. is at war with Iraq because it might have a nuclear or other WOMD program; both Iraq and Iran have oil; the U.S. likes oil, a lot; and regarding the missiles themselves, three highly advanced U.S. GPS guided weapons all hit the same nation on the same day, at least 39 or more miles from Iraq, and the U.S. says it can't tell if any U.S. missiles entered Iran.


          Circumstantial evidence less than this has convicted people of murder in U.S. courts.  While it may sound alarmist to say the U.S. intentionally launched weapons into Iran, remember the U.S. is fighting an illegal war against a nation that has not threatened or attacked the U.S.  The facts and circumstances (read "Bush policy") make the theory of a purposeful attack sound quite reasonable.  The idea certainly shouldn't be dismissed.  Be sure, Iran is not dismissing it.



           During a March 22 CNN interview with an Air Force Lieutenant Colonel flying bombing missions in Iraq, the reporter asked the pilot if he saw the enemy troops he bombed.  He replied that he did not see the people he killed.  This example provides us an opportunity to address the manner in which military personnel are trained, and the ways in which they kill.
           The airstrikes on Baghdad are carried out with missiles launched from Naval vessels hundreds of miles away, and bombs dropped by pilots flying high above their targets.  The "enemy" is a building, a target, not a human being.  Except for the first night in which only about three-dozen missiles were launched, the U.S. military has dropped roughly one thousand bombs and missiles on Baghdad every day.  Read "on Baghdad" as "on people in Baghdad."
          Granted, some of the strikes have been against "military and leadership targets," the "organizations charged with internal security," or "command and control targets," terms which almost imply people are being blown up with the buildings, but still refer to dehumanized, faceless entities.  In most cases, the only name ever mentioned is "Saddam Hussein," which may as well read "Adolf Hitler" or "Charles Manson," now that he has been properly relegated to the role of evil-incarnate.
           Pilots are different from ground troops, in terms of their perception of their enemy.  When pilots bomb actual troop placements, even when these soldiers are relatively visible from above, the pilot sees them usually from a considerable distance and at a few hundred miles per hour. They are a blur, and bombs are dropped so fast, the pilots and their aircraft are far off once the human beings below are blown to bits.
           Moreover, there is a detachment from the act beyond simply physical proximity.  When speaking of pilots blowing up people, it is typically described vaguely as "bombing," not "people dropping bombs on other people."  "Missiles rained down," or "bombs fell on Iraq," as if some bizarre weather anomaly occurred.  It is a "bombing campaign" in which "bombs hit their targets," the targets being "military sites" or "Iraqi leadership."
          For sure, sometimes it may be expedient to use terms like "bombing" to avoid the literary acrobatics or wordiness required to always note the human element whenever discussing air attacks.  It isn't these infrequent uses, but the constant and systematic evocation of these phrases, that is dangerous and offensive.
          Conversely, ground warfare is not usually described as a "shooting campaign" in which "bullets hit their targets."  That is because soldiers hold guns in their hands, point them at a person they have to see, and watch that person fall over dead.  There is no point in trying too hard to detach them from their acts.  Besides, unlike "bombing campaigns", mass civilian casualties are not an inherent fact of ground fighting (although it still occurs, just not as an implicit factor of the fighting).
          Instead, these troops are subjected to a more intense indoctrination than pilots, "brain-washing" as we call it when other nations do the same thing.  The enemy must be severely dehumanized, while the ideals of "fighting for freedom" and "to defend your country" are held up as the noblest pursuits.  Where pilots are afforded the luxury of detachment, soldiers must be trained to look at people, kill them, and not mind too much.
           These differences cannot be mentioned, of course, for several problems arise if they are looked at too closely.  For example, when speaking about civilian casualties caused by U.S. bombing, it is correct (within mainstream media and other "polite company") to note that civilian deaths are regrettable, but must be expected and accepted during war.  It is interesting that such common sentiments are usually directed towards civilian deaths attributable to "bombings."
          Imagine this same standard being applied to ground warfare:  U.S. soldiers, in order to shoot enemy soldiers hiding in a building full of civilians, simply shoot everyone in the building.  Indeed, this happens.  Read pretty much any news report about Israeli military action, and it is bound to include a note about soldiers firing at children for throwing rocks (or some such dastardly Palestinian provocation necessitating a civilian massacre).  Of course, the Israeli example is not the norm, since Israel is allowed much more latitude than other nations when it comes to state terrorism and war crimes.


          However, it is deemed immoral in most instances for soldiers to fire indiscriminately into civilians, or to regard anyone in their line of fire as a legitimate target, quite unlike pilots.  Certainly, in practice U.S. soldiers have in the past done exactly this, as in My Lai (which involved other atrocities, like rape) or any number of other instances, but the practice is at least publicly condemned.  The idea that this would be a publicly accepted and excused policy of warfare is ludicrous, and rightly so.  Why, then, is this exact policy treated so lightly when instead of bullets it is bombs striking civilians?
          The reason is, when soldiers kill civilians, it is a person killing another person.  When bombs kill, however, it is part of a "process," a process providing distance not only for the pilots but for the U.S. citizens who view it as well.  While it is quite easy to sit at home and see a building suddenly erupt into flames (even the bomb is not visible on the television), it would be quite another thing to watch soldiers shooting civilians in cold blood.  Such an image would be much too honest a portrayal of what war really is.
          In addition, there is a tendency to be more forgiving of a pilot or naval officer bombing civilians whom he or she cannot see, whom they are not "targeting", whereas the immediacy of soldiers killing people makes attribution of the deaths much easier.  This is probably at least a factor in the decision to move towards modes of warfare featuring massive air attacks by U.S. forces, since this shifts the always-inevitable casualties into a form more palatable for the U.S. public.
          The obvious danger, of course, is that as war becomes less distasteful, it will likely become more acceptable, and thus more common.  A cynic might even suspect this is a policy goal.
          So, what if hypothetically, pilots were told, "Bomb this building next to these citizens' houses"?  Or, "Fire your missiles into this building, next to this hospital that will also be destroyed"?  Would such pronouncements make a difference?  There is actually some evidence that it might.  During the Vietnam War, the instances of pilots refusing to drop their bombs became somewhat of a problem, although one drastically unreported in the U.S. media (and, considering the horrible level of destruction still achieved on Vietnam, Laos, and Cambodia, one which perhaps had less effect than might be hoped).
          Then again, it could be argued that if pilots were made more personally culpable for their killings, the military would simply begin to indoctrinate them more, as the soldiers are trained.  However, at least the lie of the "clean" and "surgical" bombing would be stripped away.  If U.S. personnel are going to engage in mass murder of civilians, then they should at least be told so, and it should be called exactly what it is.
           There is an interesting comparison here, between the treatment of dropping bombs and the death penalty.  Both are administered as part of a "system," or a "process."  As Sister Helen Prejean noted, there are many people involved in putting someone to death, but they all act as if they have no personal culpability in the killing.  They are part of the process of execution, not the executioners.  In fact, it is policy to provide this deniability for those executing someone.  Great pains are taken to ensure nobody's role is too direct; there is always a buffer between the killers and the victims.
           This buffer system, this turning of murder into a process, is mirrored in the processes involved in bombing people.  Nobody kills the civilians who die during U.S. air attacks.  The bombs killed them.  They are not even called civilians, actually.  They are "collateral damage," a phrase that elicited much outrage when Timothy McVeigh used it to describe his victims, but no such anger when the Pentagon uses it.  An odd sort of hypocrisy, since McVeigh learned the phrase from the Pentagon when he was a U.S. soldier in the Gulf War.
           To sit on a U.S. warship, push a button, and watch a dot on a screen move across a map of Iraq, towards a "military target," it must be easy to feel detached.  One person gives coordinates, one gives the order, and one pushes the button.  An inanimate object these folks can't even see shoots up into the air and out of site, headed hundreds of miles away.  Minutes later, it crashes into a target in Baghdad, live on CNN, fire and smoke fill the screen, and it's called a "surgical strike against the Iraqi leadership."  Meanwhile, innocent people burn to death in the apartment complex located right beside the target, when fire and debris from the blast hit the building.  This happens out of sight of the cameras, however, so nobody has to see the messy results.


           Those who would doubt civilians are harmed by these "surgical" strikes are surely being disingenuous.  Just in case there is anyone who honestly makes this assertion, however, let's look at a few simple facts, as told by the engineers and weapons designers who produce these weapons for the Defense Department.
          Here are some facts they gave David Wood of Newhouse News Service, on March 22, regarding the 2,000-pound Mark-84 JDAM bombs, "…the chief weapon used in the air strikes on Baghdad," along with the Tomahawk cruise missiles.  When they explode, the "…thousand pounds of white-hot steel fragments" travel at "6,000 feet per second," and these "…will travel about 3,800 feet, nearly three-quarters of a mile."  The pieces of the nose cone and other heavy fragments "…will sail out a mile and a half."  The explosion also produces a fireball "…8,500 degrees Fahrenheit, …and hurls off 10,000 pounds of rock and dirt debris at supersonic speed."
           In other words, if Iraqi civilians are not harmed by these weapons, it is because they are Iraqis who moved out of Iraq before the war started.  Anyone within about a mile is in grave danger every time the U.S. drops one of these weapons, and the U.S. is using thousands of them every day.  Despite this, no U.S. military personnel are directly responsible for these civilian injuries or deaths, since as Mr. Wood's article notes in its first paragraph, it is the missile itself "…with a single, deadly purpose:  to kill."
           How clear it becomes, then, that the people dropping or firing these weapons cannot possibly be responsible, if the weapon itself possesses "purpose," the human agents merely parts of a process.  One can almost imagine the missiles and bombs filled with anger at Saddam Hussein, with pride in the U.S.A., as it flies "purposefully" towards its target.
           Perhaps, like the pilot flying high above, the missile cannot see the innocent civilians waiting below, either.



          The news coverage of the war in Iraq has broadcast images of Iraqi soldiers surrendering.  One scene, shown repeatedly by CBS news on March 22, treated viewers to a picture of hundreds of Iraqi soldiers sitting on the desert sand while U.S. soldiers stand guard close by.  A single Iraqi stands and, with visible humility, appears to request permission to clean his face and hands in a small pool of water on the ground.  He finishes quickly, stealing nervous glances at the American troops watching him with rifles in-hand, then returns to his place among the other Iraqi prisoners.
           This is only one of several scenes of Iraqis either surrendering or as prisoners of U.S. troops.  These images are broadcast on U.S. television for all to see, with the typical journalistic voice-overs milking the prisoners for all the propaganda they're worth.
           Interestingly, we are told, quite correctly, by President Bush and others in his administration what we should think of this process of "parading" troops in front of television cameras.  It is a violation of the Geneva Convention, a war crime.  Of course, this description was actually used in reference to Iraqi televison broadcasting images of U.S. POWs on March 23, but it is nonetheless an adequate guide for viewers of U.S. news programs as well.
           Were it not for the long history of such ridiculous hypocrisy, one might be dumbfounded that CNN can refer to the Geneva Convention's restrictions on filming POWs, while keeping a straight face.  This was a running commentary for much of the day that the story of U.S. prisoners first broke, with CNN even turning to "expert analysts" for their interpretation of the events.  As expected, the talking heads informed the journalists that, yes, Iraq was indeed violating the rules of warfare.  On CBS, the March 23 edition of 60 minutes chimed in, showing the footage of U.S. POWs, announcing it as "a war crime," mere minutes before replaying all the CBS footage of Iraqi POWS.
           It is somewhat surprising to hear the envocation of war crimes and the Geneva Convention, since the introduction of these topics could work against the Pentagon and the media, in the event someone actually points out these same war crimes are being committed by CNN, CBS, and the U.S. military, not to mention the illegal nature of the war in the first place.  Then there are all those prisoners from Afghanistan "paraded" across American television screens, culminating in an entire 60 Minutes episode.  Apparently, the media and government are confident the acceptable norms of society will be upheld, and nobody will be impolite enough to notice such inconvenient facts.
           Without doubt, the use of prisoners for propaganda is tasteless, definitely a violation of the Geneva Convention.  However, it must be remembered that the Convention did not just refer to behavior of states hostile to the U.S.  Despite its military and economic power, the U.S. is, in fact, also bound by these same rules, at least in theory.
          Then again, to be "bound" by them suggests some measure of both responsible behavior by the nation in question, and a determination by other states to hold all nations accountable, even the powerful ones.  So perhaps it is incorrect to say the U.S. is "bound" by the Geneva Convention, after all.



           During all the talk about the bombing campaign in Iraq, a little-noticed admission came out of the Pentagon.  The first official confirmation of the existence of E-bombs occurred shortly after the air war against Iraq began.  The term "E-bombs" refers to weapons that emit an electromagnetic pulse to disable the electrical systems of a city (or town, etc.).
          Electromagnetic pulses are emitted by nuclear weapons, making everything electrical inoperable.  It must be hoped these new E-bombs produce the pulse in a way that has nothing to do with the way a nuclear bomb obtains the results.  The U.S. has denied  possessing EMP technology, and the rather casual way this was revealed is at odds with the implications of such weapons.
          The first confirmation of the use of the E-bomb was March 25 in Iraq, reported by several network news outlets (including CNN).  The importance of this development should not be underestimated.  EMP technology has been rumored to exist for several years but there has never been solid evidence or a formal admission by the Pentagon that even research was occurring.  Now, suddenly, we have the E-bomb.
          The balance of military power, if there was any question about U.S. dominance in that area, is so significantly tilted in favor of the U.S. as to render the nuclear arsenals of other nations obsolete, if EMP weapons exist on a scale larger than the E-bomb.  If this technology is now limited to the E-bomb, it will very quickly lead to the forms making the U.S. unchallengeable.
          The use of the weapon against Iraq, and the casual handling of the information, is no doubt intended to send the signal world-wide:  Yes, we now have usable EMP weapons, and nothing can get through to us.  If nuclear missiles were fired at the U.S., an EMP weapon detonating at high altitude would disable them, if the EMP devices were employed in time.  To insure missiles could be intercepted, however, it would be necessary to build a defense system to protect the U.S.---a "strategic defense" sort of initiative, one might say, and one almost impregnable if it were partly space-based.
          The U.S., with EMP technology, can wage warfare against any nation in the world without fear of any significant reprisal.  Before confronting enemy troops, EMP weapons can be employed, rendering tanks and troop carriers (which use electrical starters), communications, planes, radar and anti-aircraft, artillery and missiles, essentially all modern equipment unusable.  An enemy's forces would be defenseless.  Of course, this is more effective when confronting a modern military, and EMP technology would not have been much help in Afghanistan.
          This, however, is the point.  This technology increases as a threat depending on the industrial level of the society it is directed at.  So, to Russia or China, for example, it is quite unnerving.  The nations with the most ability to resist U.S. hegemony are those that are the most technologically and economically advanced, the ones most threatened by U.S. EMP technology.  Other nations, like Iraq or Iran for example, are weak enough by comparison that the U.S. can rely on "conventional" means to enforce its will.
          The most alarming development of all concerns nuclear deterrence.  If there is no realistic nuclear threat against the U.S., it certainly makes it easier for the U.S. to make use of its nuclear weapons.  This is apparent with the publicly stated "new" strategic planning for developing and using tactical nuclear arms.  It is not a coincidence that this rethinking of U.S. nuclear policy comes as the U.S. has field-ready EMP weapons.



           Humanitarian relief finally made it into at least one of the suffering cities of Southern Iraq on March 26, as trucks from Kuwait delivered food to the Iraqis in the small city of Safwan, located just north of the Iraq-Kuwait border.  As citizens stood waiting for relief aid, large numbers of young men professed their hatred of the U.S. invasion, vowing support for the Hussein government.  Anti-American slogans could be seen painted on the sides of buildings in the city.
           When the trucks full of food pulled in, the crowd turned into a mob, as people pushed and fought for boxes, some footage showing young men pulling items out of the hands of smaller boys.  U.S. soldiers were plentiful, but did not interfere (which is not to imply they should have, but perhaps some semblance of a plan should have been in place to distribute the aid).  While women with children carried small, torn boxes on their heads, men with pushcarts left, five or six boxes of food stacked on their carts.
           A CBS reporter asked a nearby U.S. soldier, "Isn't there a better way to do this?"  The soldier watched the crowd for a moment, then smiled and said, "Probably."  The scene truly was a near-riot, members of the crowd climbing into the trucks, some being pushed back out, but some actually helping pass boxes out to other citizens.
           CBS chose to focus on the fact that, as they put it, the Iraqis were "swearing their lives to Saddam" while ungratefully waiting for U.S. aid (momentarily ignoring the fact the relief aid was from Kuwaiti organizations).  No doubt, a few of the Iraqis hadn't gotten over the fact that their nation was under attack by the U.S., or that the reason they were starving was partly due to U.N. sanctions and this war.  CBS further commented, "when the food arrived, the politics stopped."  What a news scoop:  starving people want food, despite anger at illegal invasion of their country.
           The distribution of aid in Safwan might be the last aid seen for several days, however.  On the same day the food was delivered, new fighting broke out in Umm Qasr, and Britain claimed 70-100 Iraqi military vehicles began heading towards the port city from Basra, while fighting also continued in that city.  While CNN reporters admitted this information was "sketchy," and the numbers may turn out to be significantly smaller, the fact is Iraqi forces continue to defend the south.  The U.S. and British control of southern Iraq is still not firmly established, and until it is, humanitarian relief will be limited.  A cynical person might even suggest that the U.S. is using aid relief as leverage against the Iraqi population, to force the citizens to capitulate to the U.S. occupation or be starved.
           If events in Safwan turn out to be an omen of sentiments throughout Iraq, we can expect to see further exasperation at the "ungrateful" attitude of Iraqi citizens, as expressed by CBS.  It should lead Americans to consider the arrogance it takes to demand gratitude for crippling and occupying other people's countries.  It should, but it probably won't.



           The words were ominous.  Retired General John Shepard, speaking on CNN March 27, repeated the official word from the Pentagon.  "As military targets emerge, even in civilian areas, they will be hit."  It is the most straightforward indication that the U.S. will "avoid civilian casualties" only as long as the civilians do not get in the way of bombs.
          Almost as if to put a fine point on it, moments later CNN broadcast live images from Baghdad of the massive U.S. strike on the Al Salaam Presidential Palace, and the International Communication Center.  Both are within civilian population centers.
           Nick Robertson, CNN's reporter in Baghdad, came on the air to announce that the Al Salaam Palace had been hit repeatedly before, but the ordnance dropped on it was not large enough to actually destroy it.  He said, however, that even those "small" bombs shattered windows in the civilian residential area less than a quarter of a mile away.
          His point was clear:  if minor ordnance blew out windows, the bombings taking place on March 27—which appeared on screen as huge fireballs—clearly must be causing severe damage to the civilian centers nearby.
          Reuters News Service confirmed that, yes, both the Al Salaam Palace and International Communication Center were the targets under attack.  The Pentagon confirmed late in the day that 4,500 pound "bunker-buster" bombs were used in the attacks (particularly important since, as noted above, previous attacks with ordnance half this size shattered windows of nearby residential homes).
           Of course, even as these reports were coming in, and as Robertson made his comments about the obvious destruction visited upon civilians, both John Shepard and the CNN anchor at the studio took great pains to place the blame for civilian casualties squarely on Saddam Hussein.  "Iraqis…are putting civilians in areas where there's likely to be a coalition hit…to increase civilian casualties…to make it difficult for coalition forces to hit these military targets," said the anchor.
          Not difficult enough, obviously.  Notice, these statements were literally made seconds after assertions of the Pentagon position of bombing sites even in civilian areas.
          It is an amazing feat of propaganda to, in almost the same breath, say the U.S. military will blow up civilian areas, and that when civilians die it is the enemy's fault.  Of course Iraq is to blame, if they are so unaccommodating as to place things we want to destroy too close to innocent people.  There can be no question about our desire to drop high explosives wherever we wish, even if children are sleeping directly below.
          The Shallal market, in the Al Sha'ab District of Baghdad, was hit March 26, killing 15 people.  Almost every window on the street was broken, a diner and the apartments above it were destroyed, and an auto repair shop was also destroyed.  Burning cars surrounded the bomb's crater.
          The Pentagon said it could not have been a U.S. bomb or missile strike, since the nearest "military target" was 300 yards away.  They claimed the destruction could have been from an Iraqi missile or anti-aircraft fire that landed in the middle of the crowded market.
          Again, Hussein did it, not one of the nearly 1,500 U.S. bombs and missiles dropped on Baghdad every day, some within 300 yards of the market.  By March 27, the media had pretty much ceased mentioning that market attack.  On March 28, however, fresh reports of another stray U.S. bomb, this time hitting the Shu'ale market, started coming in, with initial figures claiming at least 50 dead and as many injured.
          As CNN put it, this has not been "confirmed by coalition forces," merely by the civilians blown up, so we can already see the propaganda game in progress:  report, deny, blame Iraqis, ignore.  Repeat as necessary.
          This is just a continuation of the same truth-twisting that is all-too-common in the U.S. military and media.  When Iraqi civilians die from U.S. attacks, it is Hussein's fault.  When Iraqi civilians don't rise up jubilantly to welcome their "liberators," it is because they are still afraid of Hussein.


          When Iraqis in Basra don't have food or water, it is Hussein's fault for delaying the U.S. offensive, thus hindering relief efforts.  It is never the fact that the U.S. is invading, bombing, waging war in these Iraqi civilians' country.  Our cause is just, so we cannot be responsible for any wrongs that occur.
          As CNN reports came in from Basra on March 27, so did reports of children suffering disease from impure water.  When an RAF doctor in Basra was interviewed, his statements could easily be predicted:  the Iraqi government is responsible, for the poor conditions in southern Iraq, for the lack of water, for the lack of medical care.  Saddam Hussein, in case we have forgotten, does not care about his people.
          Forget that the first Gulf War decimated all of Iraq, with DU bombings causing so much irradiation in Basra that one or two children are born deformed or dead every single day at the main hospital.  Forget that the UN sanctions after that war have caused mass starvation and the collapse of medical care all over Iraq, but especially in southern Iraq.  Forget that the U.S. bombings in and around Basra destroyed the water treatment facilities and electrical power in the city.  Forget that the U.S. will not allow relief into Basra until it is "secured" from military action.
          In other words, forget the truth, lest you remember anything that happens does so because the U.S. started a war, a war it will wage anywhere it wishes, "even in civilian areas".



           Further evidence of Iraqi feelings about their "liberation" emerged March 27.  Embedded CBS reporter Jim Axlerod, reporting from Kifl (75 miles south of Baghdad) told of stiff resistance from Iraqis, and not all military troops.  According to Axlerod's report, the entire small town was a battle zone, and people he refered to as "irregular militias" fought the U.S. troops with whatever they could find.
          These "irregular militias" were dressed in plain clothes, using flint-lock rifles or pistols.  They attacked U.S. tanks with sedans, no strategy or hope of success, merely anger and fierce determination to resist rather than succumb.
           By the Pentagon's definition, anyone who resists U.S. or British troops is a "irregular militia member," a determination extended to Iraqi civilians in Basra when their "uprising" extends to resistance against coalition forces.  Iraqis wearing plain clothes, firing flint-lock rifles from sedans while attacking a tank, are not soldiers.  They are not a militia.
          They are civilians resisting occupation.
          As Axlerod noted, once the fighting was done, and the Iraqi resistance was either dead or captured…well, that accounted for everyone in the town.  Certainly, some of the city's residents likely fled as U.S. forces approached, but the nearest place to go would be Baghdad, not exactly the best place to "flee" to.  Besides, the town was not a major objective, so it would be surprising for all the residents to leave—the main reason U.S. troops moved into the town is because they came under attack.
           The point is, from the guns and methods of attack, it would appear that some residence did stay behind in Kifl.  They wore dirty, ragged clothing, fired flint-lock rifles or pistols, drove suicidally at tanks, and died resisting "liberation."
           Another CBS reporter, John Roberts, also gave a telling report on March 27 (Roberts has shown a nagging tendency to slip "facts" into his reports).  He was with the 1st Marine Expeditionary Force, north of Nasiriyah, where he says the Marines are having a tough time telling who is the enemy and who isn't.  He suggested Iraqi sentiments are not all "rosey."
          The report showed a child as young as five-years-old grabbing hold of a Marine's jacket and begging him to "stop throwing things" at the Iraqis.  The child, while obviously scared and injured, was also apparently very angry as well.
           Winning Iraqi "hearts and minds" will be difficult, as long as the U.S. is bombing and shooting them.



           First came Iranian volunteers.  Then U.S. missiles struck sites in Iran, one a government building.  Next was an  attack by U.S. Apache helicopters on Syrian civilians in three busses at 160 K Station, next to a bridge.  The Apaches first blew the bridge, then bombed the busses as civilians tried to flee, returning yet again to bomb them as they awaited help, killing 16 in all and wounding 19 more.
          Finally, on March 28, the newest signs of the threat of an expanding war reached the airwaves.  Syria has been officially accused by the Pentagon of shipping military supplies to Iraqi forces, including night-vision goggles.  During the daily press briefing from Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld, he made it clear that the U.S. viewed  this as  "hostile acts" (of course, "errant" U.S. bombs hitting Iran or a bus load of Syrians are not "hostile" acts).
          He warned the U.S. would respond if the activity did not cease.  He also directed threatening comments at Iran, concerning its support for those volunteers fighting in Iraq, saying those troops pose "a threat to coalition forces."
           These events should not be underestimated, regarding their impact on the war in Iraq.  Fighters crossing into Iraq from Iran, followed by U.S. missile strikes in Iran, are serious business, despite the fact that it has faded from the media's radar.  Likewise, Syrian military support for Iraq, followed by threats from the U.S., signals that events could quickly get out of hand.
          This is not to mention another long-forgotten issue, that is Turkey's threat to send forces into northern Iraq to "stabilize" that region.  Picture Turkish troops invading from the north, U.S. military strikes directed at Syria, and further U.S. strikes inside Iran, while the U.S. expands its troop deployment by another 50,000 soldiers this month, and 100,000 more in April (as the Pentagon announced on March 27), to a total of 400,000 U.S. soldiers in the region.
           While it is far from certain the war will expand into Syria and Iran as simultaneous war rages in Iraq, the possibility nonetheless does exist.  Should such a broadening occur, this war will very quickly have become a U.S.-Middle East war.  400,000 U.S. troops does seem to send a less-than-subtle signal about what the U.S. intends to do, or at least is threatening to do if "provoked."  In fact, since Iran constitutes the same "threat" as Iraq, using the Bush regime's definitions of the word, there is no reason to believe a U.S. invasion of Iran is not in the near future. While the U.S. probably would prefer to mop-up in Iraq before leaping next door to Iran, to time the next war to coincide with elections, they may be reconsidering their options.
           The war against Iraq has, regardless of Rumsfeld's chest-thumping denials, gone a bit off-course, with the Iraqis actually being so rude as to resist occupation.  Public support for the war seems to be holding above 50%, but it is quickly slipping with every U.S. soldier killed or captured.  The Bush government might realize that, once this war ends, it may be difficult to convince U.S. citizens to belly-up to the bar for another round of "kill the Arabs."  Therefore, they could think that their best option is to instigate a war with Iran under the pretense of fighting the war against Iraq.  It is easier to expand an existing war, than start a brand new one after peace is achieved.
           So, we may be seeing the first signs of an intension to broaden this war substantially, with the rhetoric and charges, the strikes outside of Iraq, and the addition of a force that nearly doubles the U.S. deployment.  Some would argue that the Pentagon prefers to finish this war before starting another one, and would not want to complicate its mission.  This is no necessarily true, for a few reasons.  First, the U.S. has a history of stepping into new wars before old ones are finished (the U.S. had forces in Korea at the end of WWII, and had forces in Vietnam as the Korean War ended, etc).  Second, Rumsfeld specifically warned Syria and Iran that the U.S. would respond if "hostile acts" continued.


           Remember, there just happens to be oil involved in this equation, too.  While the oil issue is constantly pushed aside by supporters of this war, the overwhelming evidence of its significance (historically as well as currently) makes such pronouncements hollow.  Securing energy reserves and U.S. military dominance in the region is of such vast importance, the Pentagon would not let an opportunity to move into Iran pass by.  Besides, with 400,000 troops in place, and the huge supply of military resources at hand in the region, the U.S. would have the forces it needs to wage a two-front or even three-front war.  The Syrian question is less certain, since the U.S. has been pretty silent about them for a while.  The desire to engage Syria in war may be much less than with regard to Iran, but that does not mean that benefits don't exist.
           War allows for disposable production, always desirable, since this is essentially the basis of the U.S. subsidized economy.  There is also some benefit for the U.S. in weakening Syria, first because it weakens yet another potential challenger in the region, and second because it may be desirable for Israel.  If the U.S. does have a motive to expand the war into Syria, blowing up a bus full of Syrians is certainly a good start in provoking that nation.  Accusing them of supplying Iraq with military supplies is another step, and threatening them with force raises the ante yet again.  In other words, if the U.S. doen't want a war against Syria, it's doing a terrible job promoting that wish.
           What would this war eventually look like, if it expands to Syria and Iran?  With citizens across the Middle East already outraged at the U.S. invasion of Iraq, protesting and marching on U.S. embassies, what will happen if two more nations are invaded?  How would Arabs respond in Egypt, in Saudi Arabia, in Turkey?  What could happen in Pakistan, where tensions with India flared again March 27, fighting breaking out in Kashmir as both sides accused the other of supporting fighters in that region?
          A broader U.S. war might be just what it takes to put the match to fuming emotions, igniting violence all over the region, and threatening an even wider outbreak of war.  Such events could lead to Israeli involvement, if any Arab states strike at Israeli targets, or if Israel decides to join in just because the opportunity presents itself (perhaps the more likely of the two reasons, since it has so much historical basis).  Israel, Pakistan, and India all possess nuclear weapons, so things could get quite ugly.
          Recent protests (particularly in Egypt) have been quite intense, and on March 28 Jordan saw a spontaneous protest as people left mosques, with chants of not only anti-American slogans, but of opposition to Arab governments supporting the U.S., such as Saudi Arabia, Qatar, and Kuwait.  Protestors have even accused President Mubarak of Egypt of being "CIA".  These events are making governments in the Middle East nervous, for this is what they warned might occur if the U.S. invaded Iraq.  Their fear is a popular uprising, something looking more possible with every protest.
         It could easily be argued that such an uprising, were it successful, would be beneficial for the average citizens of those nations, most pro-U.S. Arab governments being as oppressive as Saddam Hussein (or worse, some would say).  Nonetheless, the widespread instability and fighting would lead to much bloodshed and might easily provoke a U.S. military response to support the governments.
           Of course, the odds of these worst-case scenarios are relatively low right now.  The point is, every day that passes in this war brings a new round of events that move us closer to such worst-case scenarios.  Day by day, those low odds get a little higher, and those worst-cases start to look increasingly possible.  How long will it be before we move from the word "possible" to the word "probable"?
           Well, look where we are now, and it's only been one week.



           March 28 was a bad day for "winning hearts and minds."  The first bad news came when a U.S. bomb exploded in the Shu'ale market in Baghdad, killing at least 50 people and injuring 50 more.  John Burns of The New York Times reported that he counted at least ten to fifteen dead children.  As when the same thing happened just days before, the Pentagon "could not confirm" U.S. bombs were responsible.  Then, the Associated Press reported U.S. airstrikes hit the al-A'azamiya telephone exchange, destroying that building and also "a dozen shops, homes and apartment buildings nearby."
          Later in the day came the CBS reports, by John Roberts, that Marines on the road north of Nasiriyah had opened fire on civilian farmers, "mistaking them for Iraqi militia fighters."  At least three innocent civilians were killed, and scenes of weeping family members surrounded by Marines did little to enhance the image of Americans as "liberators."  The Marines took the bodies to a local mosque for burial, and even helped family members dig the graves.  It was a horrible scene when the family members thanked the Marines for their help.  Some will argue that this showed the humanity of the Marines, their sympathy for the Iraqi people.
          Certainly, it was very nice of them to help bury the people just murdered by U.S. Marines.  Certainly, it showed great sympathy for the plight of the people being blown up and gunned down.
 Perhaps this is a bit harsh.  It is true that the trigger-happy U.S. soldiers operating in the sections of Iraq from Basra to Baghdad are probably scared out of their wits.  They come under surprise guerilla-type attacks, unsure of who is friend and who is foe.  The Bush regime and the military commanders have reinforced the impression that roaming bandits are sneaking around in crowds of civilians, waiting to leap out and open fire on U.S. soldiers, most of whom have not seen combat before.
          So, the paranoia of troops along the road from Nasiriyah to Baghdad is understandable.  Does it justify gunning down civilians just to make sure they aren't Iraqi soldiers? No, absolutely not.  And we must not forget these civilian casualties, like those from errant missiles or bombs, are caused by people.  It is quite reasonable to say "the U.S. bombed," or "the U.S. attacked."  But besides happening within the context of U.S. policy, it should always be remembered that those Iraqis being killed are killed by individual U.S. soldiers.
           The Marines who opened fire on that car filled with civilians were not under attack.  They simply shot the Iraqis because the civilians fit a very vague profile of potential militants who might ambush the Marines.  What profile?  They were Iraqi.  Those Marines made a choice to murder those people, plain and simple.  Saying, "Things happen in war," is hardly an excuse.  Nobody bought it when Nazis said it; nobody would accept it if the Iraqis who gassed Kurds said it; nobody would accept it from Slobodan Milosevic.  Yet, whenever American soldiers are responsible for killing civilians, it is simply called a "tragedy," a "terrible mistake."  Obviously, the standards to which we hold Iraqi soldiers, Serbian soldiers, and Nazi soldiers cannot apply to U.S. soldiers or those who command them.
           The fact is, U.S. Marines had no reason to open fire on those Iraqi farmers.  They just did it.  That is murder.  It will not, however, be treated as such.  All across the U.S., people are saying, "we must support our troops."  Should that include making excuses for them when they commit murder?  Are we obligated to ignore targeting civilians when the U.S. does it, while condemning the Iraqis for it?  Of course we are.  It is the height of treason, it is unpatriotic, un-American, to criticize "our boys." Yes, things do happen during war.  Some of those things are called "war crimes."



           The claims were meant to be shocking.  On March 28, British troops outside the southern Iraqi city of Basra reported that Iraqi artillery was targeting Iraqi civilians attempting to leave Basra.  The British say they returned fire to protect the fleeing civilians, but the Iraqis had to return to the city because of the shelling.  All major media outlets are reporting this story as if it is uncontested truth.  However, careful attention to the reported facts and a careful viewing of footage from the scene tells a different story.
           First of all, the scenes of civilians fleeing Basra shows a line of people moving down the road, towards British soldiers, tanks, and artillery outside the city.  Those forces straddle the road traveled by the civilians.  The sound of artillery is heard, but none is seen falling between the U.K. troops and the city.  No artillery is ever seen falling on the Iraqis moving down the road.  The artillery seems closer to them as they get closer to the British troops…because the Iraqi artillery is clearly targeting the British lines, not the civilians.
          Throughout the whole episode, not a single piece of artillery is visible landing amongst or close to the civilians on the road from Basra to the position of the British troops.  In fact, the British are shown firing artillery "to protect the fleeing Iraqis," but when footage is shown of this, the "fleeing Iraqis" are quite clearly far down the road closer to Basra, and they are moving towards the British positions.
          In other words, it appears that the British were already firing into Basra, exchanging artillery fire with the Iraqi troops inside the city, when the civilians started down the road out of Basra.  Then, as they got too close to the British, the artillery fire from the city was close to the civilians as well, and some of the Iraqi artillery was hitting just beyond the U.K. lines, so the road was unsafe.  This seems to be why the Iraqis returned to the city.
           All of this can be ascertained by watching the footage from both CNN and CBS, both of whom had full coverage of the incident from the beginning of the civilians' attempts to leave, until their return.  By watching where the civilians are on screen, and watching the artillery fire, the sequence of events is evident despite the fact that both broadcasts showed the footage out of order, to better fit the "voice-over."
          A neat little trick, so long as nobody watches too closely.  Besides this footage, however, there are a few points that also help clarify what really happened.
           Consider this claim for a moment:  Iraqi civilians try to leave, soldiers inside the city fire at them as they are right beside British troops, so the civilians shrug, leave the British troops, and return to the city full of people who just fired at them.  Is there an ounce of sense in this?  If the Iraqis fled the city and got all the way to the "liberating soldiers," why would they choose to return to the city full of people who just tried to kill them?  This does not sound reasonable.
           It makes much more sense that the civilians left while artillery was being fired back and forth, and upon reaching the British position, they determined it would be unsafe to continue their trek, so they returned to the city.  Certainly, it is possible that the Iraqi troops would fire at civilians, if we accept the U.S.-British claim that the presence of civilians in Basra is limiting coalition strikes on that city.  Iraqi troops might feel it safer to keep as many civilians as possible in Basra, to deter a stronger allied attack.
          This would be easier to accept, if we could trust U.S.-British claims that they are avoiding targeting civilian areas, and if we believe them when they make assertions about Iraqi "atrocities."  The problem is, we can't trust them.


           A pattern has emerged in this war (actually, a pattern clear in most every war), with the U.S. and U.K. going to great lengths to portray Iraqi soldiers as "war criminals," using distortions of facts to advance propaganda claims.  When U.S. missiles explode in civilian areas, the U.S. tries to blame Iraqi anti-aircraft fire.  When Iraq shows U.S. POWs on television, it is a war crime, but Iraqi POWs paraded in front of U.S. media cameras is ignored.
          When U.S. bombing strikes destroy water and electrical facilities in Basra, the Iraqi government is accused of shutting off water and power to the city.  When food relief cannot reach the civilians, it is blamed on Iraqi attempts to slow relief efforts, rather than on the fact the U.S. invaded Iraq in the first place and caused the humanitarian crisis with massive bombing campaigns.
           With a track record like this, it is difficult to take U.S. or U.K. claims at face value.  In fact, because of the constant lies and denials of fact, the credibility of U.S-British claims is sorely diminished.  So, when we hear reports of Iraqi artillery targeting Iraqi civilians, we might be forgiven if we are automatically skeptical, not out of disbelief that the Iraqis are capable of such an act, but because it just sounds like so much more of the same propaganda.
          When we actually witness the footage of the event, suspicion intensifies.  Finally, a mere moment of consideration might lead us to conclude that the entire story sounds a bit ridiculous in the first place.
           If the story is in fact true, the U.S. and U.K. have nobody but themselves to blame, if some of us tend to doubt the claim.  By showing little concern for the facts on so many other occasions, and by themselves visiting so much destruction on civilian populations within Iraq, they have become "the boy who cried War Crimes."



           The second week of the U.S. war against Iraq began with a telling shift of policy in U.S. media coverage of the war.  On March 29, CNN reported that two Fedayeen militia members turned themselves in to coalition troops at Umm Qasr.  During the report, the CNN correspondent noted that the Iraqis' faces were not being shown because, "they are POWs."
           An interesting reversal of policy.  Until this point, CNN and other U.S. media outlets consistently showed scenes of Iraqi prisoners, even as they and the Bush administration angrily denounced Iraq for showing U.S. POWs on television.  However, the more the issue was covered by the media, the more the obvious contradictions and hypocrisy stood out.
          It became rather absurd, as the rhetoric against Iraq heated up, and the phrase "war crimes" popped up more frequently, to keep criticizing Iraq while the U.S. paraded Iraqi POWs all over television and the front page of newspapers.  The evocation of the term "war crimes" might have particularly troubled the news outlets, since the phrase started being employed against the Iraqi media rather than just the government.
           Is CNN tacitly acknowledging that previous broadcasting of Iraqi POWs violated the Geneva Convention?  It is doubtful such an admission will be forthcoming.  Rather, the standard formula will be applied:  stop showing the Iraqis; proclaim clearly that this is because they are POWs; and increase the denunciation of Iraq, while noting the U.S. media's laudable behavior.  No mention must be made of previous media coverage.  If it is mentioned, it will simply be called a "mistake," or different because the Iraqis were not being "humiliated"; but the practice will nonetheless cease, and eventually will not be referenced again, except regarding Iraq's "deplorable behavior."
           Of course, it is quite right to avoid showing POWs on television.  The practice is in violation of the Geneva Convention.  It is incorrect, though, to assume the restrictions apply only to U.S. enemies, so CNN's decision to stop its own violations of the Convention is certainly the correct policy to follow.
          The problem is, it will not be viewed with such honesty.  Instead, expect to see proclamations of how the U.S. media is treating Iraqi POWs legally, while Iraq continues committing war crimes with U.S. POWs.  The question of U.S. media footage of POWs prior to March 29 will not be brought up.  Moreover, it is highly likely that after the war, Iraqis will be prosecuted as "war criminals" for showing coalition POWs in the media.  Will warrants also be issued for CNN?  Don’t bet on it.  Remember, they aren't showing Iraqi POWs.  Just don't remember too far back…



           The Pentagon announced on March 29 that seven missiles had gone off course, due to mechanical failures, but claimed none detonated.  Further, the Pentagon says some of those missiles landed in Turkey and Saudi Arabia.  As a result, the U.S. has suspended cruise missile flights over their territories.
           The three missiles that struck Iran on March 21 were not mentioned as part of this "dumb squadron" of U.S. bombs.  Whether that is due to a true lack of "confirmation" by the Pentagon, or the fact that those strikes were no accident, cannot as yet be determined.
           In the event, the Pentagon pointed out the seven missiles represent less than one-percent of all missile flights, apparently considering this an acceptable error-rate.  Surely, 99-percent "success" must be deemed adequate.  Of course, this depends on how one defines "acceptable," and "success."
          Perhaps we would get a differing view on the "acceptability" of seven errant missiles, were we to ask the opinions of the people standing under them when they fell.  To refer back for just a moment, does Iran look at the missiles that blew up a government building (among other sites) and say, "Yes, but 99-percent of the U.S. missiles hit their targets.  This is acceptable"?  It is doubtful.
           We might further conclude that Saudi Arabia and Turkey haven't quite expressed a view of "acceptance," either, or the Pentagon probably would not be suspending missile over-flights.  Likewise, within Iraq itself, the civilians at the Shallal and Shu'ale markets in Baghdad could be expected to deny the "acceptability" of U.S. missiles missing their intended targets and exploding in civilian centers, even if only one-percent do so.  After all, one-percent of 700 is 7, and that is per day.  Even half of a percent is still 3.5-per-day.
           What about "success?" As the Pentagon made clear, they feel a 99-percent accuracy rate is a "success."  This definition might be objectionable to those who are inclined to consider "collateral damage" (as the Pentagon calls dead civilians) in the equation.  If the U.S. wishes to destroy a military site, with a purported goal of "liberating" Iraqis, can the necessary killing of innocent people be ignored?
          "Necessary" is used here because, as the size and nature of the ordnance used makes obvious, there is absolutely no way to avoid killing civilians when thousands of these weapons are dropped each day in a city filled with millions of innocent people.
           Was the missile strike on the al-A'azamiya telephone exchange a "success," despite the fact twelve shops, apartment buildings, and homes were also destroyed (facts reported by the Associated Press)?  This bomb hit its target, so it is one of the 99-percent, presumably.  How should we interpret this definition of "success" and "accuracy"?
           Beyond such questions, we might be inclined to ask whether we should believe the Pentagon's claim of only one-percent failure.  After all, to date they still insist the missile strikes that hit the Baghdad markets may have been caused by Iraq, not the U.S.
          U.S. Brigadier General Vince Brooks (Deputy Director of Operations for Central Command) did admit on March 27 that coalition bombs may have been responsible; but in the following days, and after the second missile strike in a market area, the Pentagon has increasingly moved towards the "Iraq did it" defense.
          Regarding Iran, the Pentagon never admitted guilt, and eventually just forgot the whole issue.  With a record of denial and redirection, it cannot be assumed that the Pentagon's word on "accuracy" and "success" can be taken at face value.
           Suppose we do accept the 99-percent figure, however.  What must still be considered is that, while that figure sounds impressive, it is relative to the actual number of missiles used.


          As noted earlier, thousands of airstrikes are hitting Baghdad every day, and over 700 of those have been cruise missiles, and more than 6,000 satellite-guided bombs.  The bombings are likely to increase as the battle to take Baghdad approaches, so that one-percent will actually encompass a growing number of errant missiles, most of which are likely to fall within Iraq, on civilians.
          But what about Iraq's neighbors?  The Pentagon admits Turkey and Saudi Arabia were victims of U.S. missiles, and all evidence suggests (in spite of Pentagon denials) that three missiles struck Iran.
          Therefore, we see that in a total of eight days, three non-combatant nations were hit with U.S. missiles, at least one of them hit by three missiles, with a total of seven failed strikes, or about one each day.  If the number of U.S. airstrikes increases, so will the real number of errant hits on Iraq's neighbors, even if only one-percent do so.
           This is a bit misleading, since the above example uses the Iranian strikes as if they are included in the seven missiles the Pentagon acknowledges went off-course.  The Pentagon does not admit to striking Iran, so those three missiles obviously are not included in the counting of missile failures.  More to the point, since there may be reason to suspect that Iran was not hit by mistake, it is also not really fair to count those strikes as "errant."
           The question of U.S. missile accuracy will no doubt be a constant source of debate as the war goes on, and as they continue to crash down on the wrong heads.  What is sad is that, for all the talk about "accuracy" and "success", it doesn't seem to occur to anyone making these decisions that the only "success" is when these damn things aren't fired at all.



           The U.S. military does not seem contented with murdering only Iraqi civilians, and have apparently started looking elsewhere for additional targets.  They found some, on March 26, at the 160 K roadside rest stop.  On this day, three buses filled with Syrian civilians approached an intersection at the rest stop, where gasoline, food, and other travel supplies are sold.  Ahead of them was a bridge, and behind them…was a U.S. Apache helicopter.  It was 5:30 pm, still daylight, so there can be no doubt the pilots could see their targets and the rest stop area.
          Still, a missile was fired and struck the road directly in front of the buses.  The buses screeched to a halt, and passengers began jumping out frantically.  Again, the helicopter could easily see these were civilians, in civilian vehicles, at a civilian rest stop full of shops.  Yet, the Apache pilot fired again, this time blasting the first bus directly, killing 17 civilians and injuring many more.
          The other buses crashed into the rear of the first bus, injuring more people.  As the casualties were pulled from the buses, the helicopter pilot did not try to help, nor did the pilot call for help for the civilians.  The Syrians called for assistance, and several hours later rescue buses arrived to carry them into Baghdad.  The injured were transferred to the Al Kindi Hospital.  As the civilians left the scene of the attack, they watched the Apache fire more missiles into the wrecked buses, incinerating them.
          Such is the nature of this "just war"; such is the nature of the "honorable" U.S. soldier.  Much is said here in the U.S. about "supporting the troops," even if one opposes the war.  It is obvious, however, that the civilians being murdered by U.S. troops are the ones who need our "support."  War protestors make too much effort, it would seem, to stress that opponents of this war are not "protesting against the soldiers."  Well, somebody needs to protest against them, because they are killers.
          The cases of civilian casualties are mounting, and despite claims that Iraqi troops use innocent people as "human shields," not a single case of civilian casualties has resulted from such activity.  The civilians are dying because they are being directly targeted, murdered, by U.S. soldiers.  These are war crimes, and anybody with a shred of integrity will admit this.  While there may be room for "debate" about several issues or aspects of this war, certain things (such as documented facts, for example) are beyond debate.
          We know for a fact Iraqi civilians are being killed by U.S. troops; we know for a fact that these soldiers have on several occasions killed civilians in situations where the identification of the Iraqis as noncombatants could clearly be determined; and we know for a fact that murdering civilians is a war crime.  Facts.  Disgusting, damnable, murderous facts.
          Case after case of civilians being directly fired upon by U.S. forces is mounting.  Time after time, the U.S. government denies these incidents, or blames the Iraqi government for the casualties.  The media, in every instance, either fails to report the murders, or repeats the government lies and attribution of guilt to Saddam Hussein.  There seems to be too much fear of being critical of "our troops" while the war is going on, even among those who oppose this war.
          However, "our troops" are turning more and more into nothing but killers of the innocent, while the Pentagon and U.S. media continue to remind us of the "murderous nature" of Hussein's government.  Well, a "murderous nature" has certainly become evident, but it rests most visibly within a regime far from Baghdad.



           "A woman was hanged after she waved at coalition soldiers," Bush said.  Iraqis are fighting because they are threatened, say U.S. military commanders.  Iraqis who refuse are executed, their families are killed, we are told.  An Iraqi civilian's tongue was cut out, and he was left to bleed to death in the center of Baghdad, says another story.
          These are the tales of terror being broadcast by the U.S. media, backed up with the irrefutable evidence that…well, the President said so.  Or military commanders, unnamed in most cases, said so.  Somebody said so, and the media is reporting it.
           Just how much faith should we have in the accuracy of these stories?  Some of them, such as the repeated claims that Iraqi troops are hiding in hospitals and using human shields (a phrase conveniently co-opted from the peace movement and given a sinister spin), seem at least based on the accounts of multiple witnesses, most of them admittedly U.S. or U.K. soldiers.  Nevertheless, there is some frame of reference—a corporal at Basra said it March 27, on CBS, or a Marine at Nasiriyah said it on March 28, to The Washington Post, for example.  This doesn’t make it true, just more credible than "Bush says so."
           The media reports these accusations without mentioning they are unsubstantiated or unconfirmed, terms that always follow any proclamation of Iraqi civilian deaths and injuries.  In those instances, the phrase "it is claimed" or "Iraq claims" preceded the reported deaths, and it "has not been confirmed" by the U.S. military, nor is it ever likely to be confirmed.  Bush, on the other hand, is quoted without a "Bush claims," or a follow-up "Iraq has not confirmed this."
          So many accusations are being passed on by the media without any proof, yet reported as undeniable fact, that the public likely believes there is no question about the reliability of the information.
          While it is true that demonization of the enemy, and false accusations of atrocities, are standard fare during war, this is not 1941.  The media now has the ability to verify information, to seek evidence of the purported atrocities, so it is not necessary to "take the government's word for it."
          Some argue that wartime calls for subservience of the media to "the cause".  This is such an absurd claim, it warrants no response, except to point out we are a democracy, not a nationalist military-state.
           With embedded reporters, a huge international media establishment, satellite images, internet, and endless other means of mass-communication, the media can inform us better than ever before, with little to limit their capacity to get to the truth.  To the extent they fail, it is largely by design.
          In most cases, the facts are out there, but the U.S. media is uninterested in inconvenient facts, self-censorship considered a virtue.  As long as this remains true, "Bush says" will continue to be the final word in accuracy.



           John Roberts, the CBS reporter embedded with U.S. Marines in Iraq, reported on the March 28 death of civilians after their car was shot with anti-tank shells by Marines north of Nasiriya.  Prior to the incident, Roberts noted a minivan nearby, riddled with bullet holes, and said it was "unclear" whether the van—right by the U.S. Marine lines—was stuck by Iraqi or coalition troops.  The sheepishness of the Marines standing by the van was a clue as to who was responsible, as was the subsequent incident.
           The area north of Nasiriya is a constant pain for the U.S. military, with Iraqi attacks on coalition forces occurring every day.  The Marines interviewed by Roberts said they were jumpy from the constant attacks, and as one young soldier put it, "If we see a vehicle…behaving in a threatening way…we protect ourselves."
          This comment came after the Marines blasted the car full of civilians, killing at least three of them.  Then, while this same Marine stood beside the grieving family members left alive, he said, "Saddam sends civilians down this road."
           Once again, we are reminded that whenever civilians are killed or injured, it is Hussein's fault.  Even when Marines open fire on a civilian car that is "behaving in a threatening way" (by virtue of it being on the road near the Marines), still the guilt lies with Saddam, not the U.S. troops.
           As CNN reported March 30, U.S. troops at checkpoints now have authority to "shoot on sight" any vehicle that does not stop on command.  Three taxicab drivers where killed March 29 for approaching checkpoints, none of them having weapons or explosives.  This is all in response to an attack March 29 in which four U.S. soldiers were killed by a bomb in a taxicab.
           There is a clear pattern, one that existed before the March 29 attack.  U.S. soldiers, nervous because Iraq is putting up a fight and actually inflicting casualties on coalition forces, are increasingly likely to forget the whole "liberation" part of their mission and just shoot when they feel "threatened."  As the young Marine interviewed by John Roberts put it, they are protecting themselves, even if that means shooting civilians just in case they are hostile.
          By attempting to limit U.S. casualties, the military is willing to allow civilian deaths.  While nobody is suggesting soldiers not protect themselves when actually in danger, the fact is the U.S. invaded Iraq, and as an invading occupation force they should not be allowed to kill anyone they want just to avoid risks.
          If the U.S. wants to wage illegal warfare and forcibly "liberate" Iraqi civilians, those same civilians should not be expected to bear the burden of protecting military forces.  The idea is obscene.  The U.S. should accept the risks and casualties that come with war, not ask innocent people to die just so President Bush's poll ratings don't drop.
           For all the talk of Iraqi war crimes, it is incredible that CBS has footage of U.S. troops killing civilians who did nothing but try to flee Baghdad.  The Marines were not fired on, they were in no danger, and if they suspected the car was possibly a threat, they should have taken cover.  The suggestion that the U.S. military has a right to blow up or shoot anyone and anything it gets scared of, on camera and by their own admission, is a claim worthy of Nazi Germany.
          A war crime occurred and was broadcast on CBS news, then broadcast again on a March 29 episode of the news program 48 hours.  This is not speculation; it is not an "unconfirmed report."  We saw it, CBS reporters saw it, and the Marines admitted it.  Where are the cries of "war crimes" now?
           Some people will express sympathy for those Marines, saying it was an unintentional strike, a "terrible tragedy," and surely this is true.  It was a tragedy, for the Iraqis.
          Are we to excuse soldiers who open fire on civilians, just because they were scared?  When was this new standard for forgiving war crimes put in place?  Does it apply to Iraq's military behavior as well?  The answers can be imagined.


           One can feel sorry for the fear those Marines feel, but this should not reduce our sorrow for those civilians killed by the Marines.  It should not reduce our disgust with military procedures that make such war crimes more likely.  It should not make us ignore the incident, or forgive it.
           As the President and Pentagon continue to insist Iraqis are being "liberated," John Roberts' grim words about the civilian deaths come to mind.  As he stood looking at the graves of those farmers, he said, "For these farmers, their liberation is now in the hands of God."
          We must hope they fare better than when it was in the hands of the U.S. Marine Corps.



           It is troubling to watch the recent U.S. media coverage of American POWs.  There is a long-standing bias in news reporting that has recently seemed more pronounced, due to several events.  On a March 29 episode of CBS's news program 48 Hours, an entire segment was devoted to the plight of U.S. Army Private Jessica Lynch, taken prisoner in Iraq along with many others in her supply column.
          We learned that Jessica is 19 years old, a "pretty, slim" blonde from Palestine, West Virginia.  She joined the Army to save money for college.  She wrote a letter back home, asking an elementary school class to be her pen pals while she served in Iraq.  Her family and friends were interviewed, and CBS made it clear how "tragic" it is for such a popular, pretty girl to now be a POW.
           Consider also the plight of Amy Smart, the 15-year-old white, blonde, pretty girl who was kidnapped from her home in Utah.  48 Hours devoted two separate episodes to the story, one of them after the girl was found.  Consider the story of JonBenet Ramsey, the little girl (white, blond, pretty) who was found murdered in the basement of her home.  That story dominated headlines and news reports for months, and still gets an occasional headline.
           Now think back to the story of a young black girl who was abducted, or murdered.  Remember the non-blonde, unattractive kids who got kidnapped last year?  Probably not, since they didn't get any news coverage.  To warrant sympathy and media reports, one must apparently be pretty, white, and (preferably) blonde.  Worse still, the media always points out how "tragic" it is for "pretty" people to suffer, as if the loss of another attractive person is so much more troubling for society.
           Referring back to the CBS coverage of the POWs, this tendency to highlight the suffering of lovely blondes was only accentuated by the inclusion of a few words about Shoshana Johnson, another female POW taken along with Jessica Lynch.  "A few words" is to be taken literally.  A clip of the footage of Johnson being interrogated was quickly shown, her name was mentioned, and a sentence was said about her "fear" being clearly visible.  The end, now back to Jessica.
          Where is Johnson from?  We don't know.  How old is she?  No idea.  Did CBS, did anyone, say "what a tragedy", did they say she was "pretty" or "popular"?  Not a word, not a syllable.  What about Lori Ann Piestewa, the Hopi Indian woman who is MIA?  She didn't even merit a single sentence.
           When Amy Smart was abducted, did the media use the public interest in the story to help focus attention on the other thousands of children missing?  Did news commentators say, "By the way, if you haven't seen the pretty white girl, maybe you've seen one of these less-attractive or less-white children"?  Sure, some words about child abduction in general were said, but no faces graced the television screens or newspapers except the white-and-blonde ones.
           None of this is to suggest the girls in question do not merit mention.  It is indeed tragic for anyone to be abducted, murdered, or held prisoner.  The point is not to downplay these girls' suffering, it is to show how the media obsesses over the stories when attractive white people are involved, and shows little or no interest in the "tragedies" that don't involve blonde white girls.  It is not more tragic when beautiful females are victims, but it is certainly tragic that the media treats it that way.



           The evidence is mounting that U.S. military strikes in Iraq target civilians, either by directly attacking them, or by attacking sites where the U.S. knows civilians will almost certainly be indirectly injured or killed.  Anyone who is remotely familiar with past U.S. military operations will hardly find this news surprising.
          However, in a war in which "liberation" and "pin-point" targeting are catch-phrases, and where the enemy is daily accused of placing civilians in harms way, the U.S. behavior takes on added significance.
           To speak of specific instances of direct targeting of civilians, there are several examples.  On March 26, U.S. B-52 pilots used cluster bombs (a banned weapon) in a bombing raid on an Iraqi farm.  Four of the 25 family members were killed, all of their six houses were destroyed, and their animals were also killed.  The survivors were being treated at Al Kindi Hospital, with some in critical condition.
          The U.S. consistently denies the use of cluster bombs, as well as napalm (also banned); but the denials are ridiculous in light of journalists' photographs of these weapons being loaded onto U.S. aircraft, admissions by pilots that they are using napalm and cluster bombs, and reports by news crews at the scene of the attacks which quote U.S. officers in charge as confirming the use of these weapons.
          This is not to mention the evidence offered by eyewitness testimony from the victims of such bombings, and the blatant signs left by these weapons (such as the multiple pock-mark holes left on roads and vehicles by cluster-bombs, the scorching and smells left by napalm, the remains of unexploded cluster bombs, etc.).
          Yet another example is the killing of Syrian civilians by U.S. forces.  Three buses filled with Syrians traveling through Iraq were attacked at the 160 K Station.  U.S. Apache helicopters blew up a bridge in front of the buses, and when the vehicles stopped, the helicopters proceeded to bomb them.  The Syrians were climbing out of the buses, so the Apache crews could see they were unarmed civilians.
          While the Syrians sat awaiting help, the helicopters decided to attack again, bombing the buses a second time.  According to survivors, 16 civilians died and another 19 were injured in the attack.
          The U.S. confirms the attack, and issued an icy apology for the loss of life, the same day the Pentagon accused Syria of aiding Iraq, and Rumsfeld threatened that Syria "will be held responsible" by the U.S.
          Perhaps the murder of innocent civilians was one way the U.S. intends to hold Syria "responsible."  To date, Syria has not threatened that the U.S. will be held responsible for targeting and murdering Syrian civilians.
          On March 28, U.S. Marines north of Nasiriyah opened fire on a car full of Iraqi farmers, hitting it with anti-tank shells despite the fact the Marines were not under fire.  Three civilians died.  The Marines admitted they were not under direct threat, but attempted to justify the killings by saying they had been under constant attack from Iraqi "irregular militias in civilian clothing", so they would "protect" themselves first, and ask questions later.
          This was all filmed by CBS reporters (John Roberts and his crew).  One young Marine even suggested the civilian deaths were actually the fault of…that's right, Saddam Hussein, who "sends civilians down this road," according to the soldier, as if that were the real crime, not the murder of innocent farmers.


          U.S. airstrikes on Basra at the outset of the war directly targeted infrastructure.  The city's water treatment and electrical facilities were destroyed by U.S. bomb and missile strikes, according to the initial reports from John Roberts of CBS.  Roberts was with military units that struck Basra, and the U.S. commanders on-site cleared his reports.
          During this report, incidentally, Roberts also reported that U.S. airstrikes in Safwan used napalm, and his report was confirmed by a U.S. colonel at the scene of the attack, and reported by the Herald.
          The destruction of the water treatment facilities is especially bad, and civilians (especially children) are reportedly suffering from diseases due to drinking unsanitary water, confirmed by RAF medical staff in Basra in comments to print and television journalists.  While no deaths attributed to lack of water of electricity have been reported so far, civilians are suffering from the effects of the bombings.
          Beyond these examples, there is the larger civilian toll caused by the massive U.S. air assault directed at Baghdad.  Well over 1,000 missiles and bombs ranging in size from 2,000 to 4,700 pounds are being dropped on the city every single day.  If only 2,000-pound weapons are used, this would total 20,000 pounds of explosives per day; an average would actually be closer to 30-35,000 pounds, however.  No rational person could expect to drop such massive bombs on a highly populated city without causing serious civilian casualties.  Indeed, there are almost daily reports of bombs and missiles exploding in civilian areas, although the Pentagon "cannot confirm" such reports are true.
          Some of these reports, however, cannot be disputed.  For example, the U.S. bombing of the al-A'azamiya telephone exchange destroyed that building, but it also demolished twelve shops, as well as apartments and homes.  This is confirmed by Associated Press reports.
Such damage is actually typical of the ordnance being dropped by U.S. pilots.  The 2,000-pound Mark-84 JDAM bomb was the primary weapon used on Baghdad in the first week of warfare (along with the cruise missiles).  This bomb sends 1,000 pounds of white-hot steel fragments about three-quarters of a mile from the impact zone, at 6,000 feet per second.  Pieces of the nose cone and other heavy fragments will fly about a mile and a half, and 10,000 pounds of dirt and debris is hurled at supersonic speeds from the blast zone.  A fireball is produced, with temperatures of 8,500 degrees Fahrenheit.
          How can such weapons be used without inflicting large-scale civilian casualties?  Of course, they can't.  The Shallal market was struck on March 26, and the Shu'ale on March 28, with a total of 65 or more killed and many more injured.  John Burns of The New York Times visited the scene, saying he personally counted 10 to 15 dead children alone on March 28, and in a March 29 interview with Dan Rather on CBS's 48 Hours he says he saw at least 30 to 34 coffins.  U.S. Brigadier General Vince Brooks (Deputy Director of Operations for Central Command in Qatar) admitted that coalition bombs may have been responsible for the deaths from the March 26 strike, but the Pentagon still asserts Iraqi anti-aircraft fire or surface-to-surface missiles might have done the damage.
          By March 30, huge fires were raging all over Baghdad, as the U.S. increased the frequency and scale of air assaults on the city.  The U.S. knows civilians will be injured and killed; these attacks are carried out with full knowledge that innocent people are within the explosive range of the missiles and bombs.  While this may not constitute "directly" targeting civilians, civilians are known to be "indirectly" in the line of fire.  In fact, however, the Pentagon announced on March 27 "As military targets emerge, even in civilian areas, they will be hit."  Attacks on March 29 and 30, in particular, were said to be targeting anti-aircraft sites on civilian rooftops or within civilian population centers.  Here, we have the Pentagon stating publicly that civilian areas will be bombed.  Prefacing the comments with "military targets" doesn't negate the recognition that U.S. pilots are aware these targets are sitting on top of or within civilian areas.


          On March 30 came the official Pentagon announcement that, in response to a terrorist bombing that killed four Marines, U.S. troops at checkpoints have orders to shoot to kill anyone in a vehicle who does not immediately stop or turn around when ordered to.  Of course, this policy was a bit "johnny-come-lately", since the previous day, March 29, Jim Axelrod of CBS reported three taxicab drivers were shot and killed by U.S. soldiers (none of the Iraqis were armed).  In light of the Marine attack near Nasiriyah that killed the farmers, and the three taxicab drivers shot, it might appear to a cynic that the "new" Pentagon policy is actually just an attempt to legitimize a practice already in place—namely, the killing of civilians in the name of reducing risks to U.S. troops.
          The U.S. record of killing civilians by either directly or indirectly targeting them is quite clear, and quite extensive for a war that is barely over a week old.  Yet we hear nobody suggesting these actions or official policies are "war crimes," a charge leveled against Iraq because, among other things, some of their troops aren't wearing uniforms.  Comparing such "heinous" acts to the "unfortunate" U.S. bombings and shootings of civilians, one might become confused about what exactly constitutes a "crime" during war.
          Then again, this is a dangerous question, especially if it leads us to wonder whether any military act is legal if it occurs during an illegal invasion.



           The "mystery" is over.  Facts have emerged regarding one of the most infamous cases of civilian casualties in the U.S. war against Iraq, and these facts leave no doubt about what occurred in a small, poor neighborhood in Baghdad where so many Iraqis lost their lives to "liberation."
          On March 28, a U.S. missile manufactured at a Raytheon plant in McKinney, Texas, exploded in the Shu'ale market in Baghdad, killing over 60 civilians.  Fragments of the missile, inspected by reporter Robert Fisk of the Independent, contained the identification numbers necessary to track the missile's origins, and this was done by Cahal Milmo (another reporter for the Independent).
          The ID numbers on the missile were 30003-704ASB7492, followed by MFR 96214 09.  The first numbers, 3003, refers to the Naval Air Systems Command, which procures weapons for the U.S. Navy.  MFR 96214 is the identification number for the Raytheon plant that manufactured the weapon.
          Raytheon manufactures HARM missiles and Paveway laser-guided bombs, as well as Patriot and Tomahawk missiles.  Because so many civilians were injured in the attack by fragments of aluminum, it is most likely that a HARM missile was used in the market attack.  Further, the Pentagon now confirms that an EA-6B Prowler jet fired one or more HARM missiles over Baghdad on March 28, although the official Pentagon line is still that the cause of the market attack is "undetermined" and most likely from a stray Iraqi anti-aircraft missile, denials the U.S. media are quite happy to repeat while they ignore the new evidence.
          We now know the truth about the origins of the bomb that struck the Shu'ale market.  If we know, then the Pentagon knows, as do the U.S. media.  In a supposedly free society, we should not have spend endless hours in pursuit of elusive truths denied us by our own government and media, who act in collusion to mislead the public.
          With the facts at hand, the case is easily closed on the Shu'ale bombing, as with so many countless other bombings and killings in this war.  What remains to be seen, however, is how much more evidence will be needed before the public realizes that, regarding the quality and nature of our government and media, the case was also closed, a long time ago.



           "You just fucking killed a family because you didn't fire a warning shot soon enough!"  These were the angry words of U.S. Army Captain Ronny Johnson, at a checkpoint outside Najaf on March 31, according to Washington Post reporter William Branigin.  An embedded reporter with the 3rd Infantry Division, Branigin witnessed the killing of 10 Iraqi civilians (women and children) by U.S. Army forces, when the Iraqis' four-wheel-drive vehicle approached a checkpoint on Highway 9 near Karbala.
          Captain Johnson ordered troops to fire a warning shot as the vehicle approached, and when no troops responded he ordered a 7.62 machine-gun round fired into the vehicle's radiator.   Again, his platoon simply did not respond.  He finally yelled into the radio, "Stop him, Red 1, stop him!"
          At this, 25mm cannons roared from one or more Bradleys, right into the passenger sections of the vehicle.  After surveying the scene through his binoculars, Captain Johnson screamed his fateful sentence at the platoon leader.
          Reading any other mainstream newspaper, or watching any of the television news broadcasts, we would learn none of this.  Instead, we would hear that a vehicle approached the checkpoint, failed to head warning shots (some of which were fired into its radiator), and then soldiers opened fire, killing seven people.
          Further, we would learn that, as with every dastardly deed in this war, the real fault lies with Saddam Hussein.  No, he wasn't driving, but as a U.S. soldier at the scene told CNN, "Incidents like this are the fault of the regime."  His sentiment was echoed by Navy Captain Frank Thorp, spokesperson for U.S. CENTCOM, who likewise blamed "the regime," also saying that the 3rd Infantry Division troops had acted correctly in firing on the vehicle.
          CNN appeared to agree, saying that the military's Rules of Engagement allow such shootings, adding that it's "a judgment call…we don't know what may have happened…there are many unknowns."
          In case anyone wonders what the Rules of Engagement are in situations like this, the fact is the rules have become quite liberalized since a suicide bombing at a checkpoint killed four Marines.  The new rules, according to Lieutenant Colonel Scott E. Rutter, commander of the 2nd Battalion, 7th Infantry Regiment, are, "Five seconds.  They have five seconds to turn around and get out of here.  If they're there in five seconds, they're dead."
          Apparently, it has not occurred to anyone that perhaps placing "Stop" signs before the checkpoints, or signs reading "Turn Back—Army Checkpoint Ahead", or maybe blocking the road with sandbags, would be a little safer than counting to five and murdering people. Why not block roads with empty cars, which could be moved easily to open the road when necessary?
          On April 1, the day after the Najaf shootings, U.S. Marines in the southern town of Shatra killed a civilian and seriously injured another as the Iraqis' truck drove towards a military checkpoint, according to a Reuters reporter at the scene.
          In another incident like the one at Najaf, U.S. Marines south of Baghdad also opened fire on vehicles at a checkpoint on April 5, killing seven or more civilians (including three children).  An embedded ABC News journalist with the Marine unit reported that a car sped through the checkpoint and was fired on by the U.S. troops, followed by a truck driving through the roadblock that was fired upon.  Behind the truck were the two civilian cars, and the Marines opened fire on them as well.
          John Roberts of CBS was with U.S. Marines on April 8, when the soldiers opened fire on a minivan.  Footage showed the van riddled with bullet holes, leaving two dead, one gut-shot, and yet another injured.


          More civilians were killed on April 10, in Baghdad, when Marines at a checkpoint opened fire on their vehicle, leaving three Iraqis dead.  The car approached the Marines during the night, then gunfire erupted from a tree-line near the Marines.  The U.S. soldiers not only returned fire, they also shot at the vehicle.  When the incident was over, there was speculation that it may have been a case of friendly fire from nearby U.S. forces.
          After showing footage of the incident, CNN anchors said, "Wow, what a great story," followed by the comment that, "everything turned out okay."  It's good they said this, otherwise viewers might interpret civilian deaths as a sign things turned out badly.
          On April 10, CBS's Dan Rather was with the Army 3rd Infantry Division on a road west of Baghdad.  Footage showed them open fire on an approaching vehicle because, as he put it, "who was in it…we do not know," but they "weren't taking any chances."
          April 11 brought word of more civilians killed at a checkpoint in Najaf, two of whom were Iraqi children.  This was justified by General Myers and Secretary Rumsfeld during their press briefing that day, because the vehicle "failed to obey warnings to stop."  Past experience might lead us to question if we are hearing the truth about "warnings;" but even if it were true, would it justify the death of innocent people, of children?
          With fears of suicide bombings high, and the threshold for shooting at cars so low, we can expect to see more such killings of innocent Iraqis.  Even when the war ends, the fear of more suicide attacks will remain, so the "five second" rule will likely stay in place.  Civilian casualties due to direct fire have become increasingly frequent in this war, and may well increase as tensions grow between the "liberators" and their victims.



           Basra has been a city under siege.  Likewise, facts about what is really happening in the southern Iraqi town have also been surrounded and attacked as mercilessly as the citizens of Basra.  There were reports on March 22 that water and electrical facilities in Basra had been cut off.  On March 25 came reports of an uprising against the Ba'ath party.  March 28 brought reports of Iraqi forces firing artillery at civilians attempting to flee the city.
          When no uprising succeeded in stopping Iraqi forces from maintaining their hold on the city, we heard reports that the Fedayeen and Ba'ath party fighters were forcing people to remain in Basra and resist, that these "death squads" (as Bush administration and Pentagon officials demand the forces be called) killed anyone who didn't fight, or threatened to murder their families.  We were told the Iraqi fighters used civilians as "human shields," that they were using schools and hospitals for shelter.
          Military officials claim U.K. forces are showing great restraint, to avoid civilian casualties.  The British troops, they claim, are only striking at the "death squads" terrorizing the Basra residents.  These residents, we are told, will welcome British and U.S. forces as liberators once the city is placed under coalition control.
          On April 6, U.K. forces appeared to make their move on Basra, and by April 8 they claimed the last pockets of resistance were being "mopped up."  The Pentagon and U.S. media assured us that the Iraqis in Basra happily greeted coalition forces, and that all would soon be well in the city.
          Now, let's look beyond the propaganda.  On March 22, water and electrical facilities in Basra were indeed shut off.  However, claims that Hussein's government "turned off" the spigots are totally false.  Both CNN and CBS reported on March 22 that U.S. bombing around Basra had struck the Wafa al-Qaed water treatment plant, and knocked out high-tension electric cables, cutting power to the city.
          CBS went so far as to point out that its reports were approved by U.S. military commanders at the scene.  The CBS report came from embedded journalist John Roberts, a reporter whose name will come up again.
          By the end of the day, however, reports about the U.S. bombings disappeared from the mainstream media, replaced by assertions that "the Iraqi regime" was responsible, casually mentioning that no U.S. bombs had fallen near Basra.  In fact, on March 21, John Roberts of CBS reported that the U.S. 3rd Calvary Division approaching Basra used napalm and artillery to strike Iraqi sites near Safwan (the same place and the same day that oil wells erupted in flames), just miles from Basra.
          A U.S. Colonel confirmed the use of napalm to a reporter for the Herald, but this was later denied by a Navy Lieutenant Colonel in Washington (who surely is more informed about the battle than the soldiers who actually fought).
          On March 25, Roberts also filed a report noting that U.S. soldiers guarding the Kuwaiti-Iraq border would allow no food or water supplies to move towards Basra, so relief agencies were not even moving supplies towards the border.  He went on to say that it would not be "days, but weeks" before any food or water was allowed to proceed to the city.
          What do we know of the results of U.S. destruction of the water and electrical facilities?  International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) spokesperson Antonella Notari says people are drinking water with sewage in it, and engineers from ICRC say only 50-percent of the Basra citizens have water from the back-up generators, which they describe as merely a "stopgap measure."  Iraqis can be seen filling up containers with water from the polluted Shatt-al-Arab River, in an al-Jazeera tape filmed in Baghdad.
          The WHO is concerned that diarrhea and cholera, measles, and respiratory infections may break out among the population.  UNICEF says up to 100,000 children under five years old are at "immediate risk" of disease from lack of clean water.


          Lack of electrical power means hospitals, already overrun by large numbers of casualties and the main one (Basra General Hospital) struck by British fire, are at even more dire straights to deal with their patients.  Blood, for example, cannot be stored without freezers.  Incubators cannot function.  Also, foodstuff cannot be kept cold and meat cannot be frozen.
          The "uprising" of March 25 proved to be a bit disappointing, to the extent that it never occurred. Footage from Basra on March 27 and 28, filmed by al-Jazeera, showed hundreds of Iraqi soldiers in the city, in the middle of the streets, and contained interviews with Iraqi citizens.  No uprising was evident at all, and the Ba'ath party seemed quite in control of the city.
          Further, Abu Islam, spokesperson for the Supreme Council of the Islamic Revolution in Iraq, told reporters, "No, there is no uprising.  Some disturbances took place last night…but it was not widespread…[t]he people chanted slogans against Saddam."  An al-Jazeera reporter in Basra reported, "There are no indications in the city that the people rose up against the regime, and a state of calm prevails in the city."  As we learned in the following days, no uprising emerged.
          The media reported on March 28 that civilians fleeing Basra were fired on by Iraqi artillery, but the footage of the events and some of the reported facts seemed to prove otherwise.  CBS images showed a line of civilians approaching U.K. troops along a long road leading out of Basra.  Artillery fire is heard, but none is ever seen striking the road or anywhere near the civilians.
          Moreover, the British are shown firing artillery "to protect the civilians," but this is while the citizens are still far off from them, and it occurs as the Iraqis are leaving Basra.  Iraqi artillery fire only appears loud and threatening as the civilians approach the U.K. troops.  After conferring with the British, the civilians turn and head back into the city, and still not a single scene of artillery striking them is shown.
          This sequence of events appears to show that the British were firing artillery as soon as Iraqis left the city; that no artillery was near these civilians until they were closer to the U.K. forces; and thus that the Iraqi troops were directing their fire at the British position, not the civilians.  Since the artillery fire out of the city was heaviest near and beyond the British position (straddling the road), the citizens seemed to decide it was too unsafe to proceed and went back into Basra.  Again, at no time were any Iraqis seen in danger from artillery directed out of the city.
          Now consider the claim itself:  Iraqi civilians tried to leave, were attacked by soldiers in the town, so they left the "liberating" British troops (whom they had reached) and returned to a city full of "death squads" who had just tried to kill them.  How believable, how sensible, does this sound?
          Instead, think about this version of events:  the British and Iraqi troops are exchanging artillery fire, civilians decided to flee the besieged city, but upon reaching the British position they realize the artillery fire blocks their progress.  Thus, they return to the city rather than remain with the British, where the artillery fire is coming down as well.  Perhaps, since the civilians are shown speaking with the British troops briefly, the U.K. soldiers convinced them it was unsafe to continue down the road and that they would be safer back in their homes.
          At any rate, no Iraqis were found who could confirm the "Iraqi artillery fire" threatened or injured them, and none of the CBS or CNN footage showed artillery fire near the civilians.  It is actually a bit sinister that both news networks showed their clips out of order, attempting to confirm the official version of events.  By watching carefully and noting where the Iraqis are when each side is firing artillery, however, the true story becomes clear.
          As for the continuous tales of "human shields," "death squads," and stories that Iraqi troops used schools and hospitals as shelter, only a few points need to be made.  First, not a single Iraqi civilian casualty has been reported due to use of "human shields," and no footage has been seen of such behavior by Iraqi troops.
          If the term "human shields" is meant to apply to the fact that Iraqi forces were based in the city where civilians are located, it must be pointed out that any defense of any city would be the same; does anyone accuse the Polish of using "human shields" because they tried to defend Warsaw?  Of course not, because when we look at such behavior in this context, we realize how ridiculous the claim is.  To defend a city, troops must be in it, just as one must enter a city to invade it.


          The phrase "death squads" is equally absurd, since the only confirmations of any civilian casualties in this war are from U.S. and British bombings and shootings.  If we are to apply the phrase at all, we should at least be honest enough to use it in situations where we know it actually applies, yet nobody is calling the U.S. Army or Marine Corps "death squads"—well, perhaps the Iraqis they are murdering call them this, but certainly not the U.S. media.
          Where are the scenes of Iraqi "death squads" in this war?  Where are the images of the civilians they are murdering?  Nowhere, not one single image of one single Iraqi civilian killed by the Fedayeen or Iraqi Army.
          Is this to imply the Ba'athists and Fedayeen forces are not killing innocent civilians at all?  Well, maybe they are.  Considering the nature of the forces and what we know of the Iraqi government's past, it would not be hard to believe.
          However, the point is that no evidence exists that they have done so in this war.  If they are to be accused, at least some evidence should be shown.  Reports from the Pentagon or President Bush do not count as "proof," although they and the media seem to think it is the best proof there is.
          Regarding the issue of Iraqi troops using schools and hospitals as bases, let's remember something.  While CBS reported that Iraqi forces in Basra were using "schoolchildren" to shield their troops, the actual incident they referred to involved a school building used to stage attacks on British forces—and both CBS and CNN informed us days before that school had been cancelled when the war started.  So, there were no children in that deserted school, only soldiers.
          It appears some hospitals did become "bases," although footage from these hospitals seems to show that most of the Iraqi troops there were injured, which is why they were in the hospital in the first place.  Obviously, as the war raged and soldiers were injured, they had to be treated in hospitals in the city.  Not a shred of evidence was put forth (not even claims from the British troops) to back up the assertions that Iraqis launched attacks from the hospital.
          Besides, if Iraqis did simply use hospitals to hide in, to avoid British attacks, it is hardly as "evil" or any more a war crime than the British bombing of hospitals.  Basra General Hospital's orthopedic ward struck by British artillery, killing six people, according to a Boston Globe reporter in the city on April 8.
          As far as the claims that British troops are showing "restraint" and "avoiding civilian casualties" in Basra, a few facts say all that needs to be said.
          Scenes from a hospital, in the al-Jazeera report, showed horrific images of civilians injured and killed by the bombings and shelling of Basra.  A little girl, her intestines hanging from the side of her stomach, is wheeled into an operating room, where a doctor pours water over her innards before applying a bandage and preparing for surgery.  Worst of all, the child is awake and stares at her own intestines.
          More dead children are also shown.  Another little girl nearly decapitated.  Another missing her ear and brain.  A child with both feet gone.  Screams are heard through the hospital.  Robert Fisk of the Independent, who viewed the al-Jazeera tape in Baghdad, called the footage "raw, painful, devastating."
          Besides the al-Jazeera tape, other evidence of U.K. and U.S. "restraint" is available.  The director of Basra General Hospital, Dr. Mussalim Mahdi al-Hassan, says 1,200 or more civilians have died since March 25.  Dr. Hassan, who has not left Basra General for two weeks, told Thanassis Cambanis of the Boston Globe, "There has been no water here for two days."
          Further, Hassan told the reporter looters stole the engine for the morgue refrigerator, and the bodies were rotting.  When he asked U.K. troops to protect the hospital, they refused, prompting him to ask Cambanis, "What are they doing?"
          The ICRC has repeatedly said that hospitals are packed with civilians injured or dead from British and U.S. bombing and shelling, and Basra General had at least 500 injured civilians on April 8.  On the al-Jazeera tape, the Sheraton Hotel in Basra is shown to have been hit by shelling.
          Craters from incoming British and U.S. ordnance can be seen all over, and huge explosions were reported over portions of Basra by CNN on several days during the siege, but especially during the British attack to take over the city.  Everywhere there are injured Iraqis, rubble from damaged and destroyed buildings.  This is the face of "restraint."


          British troops moved in to seize Basra on April 6, and the level of bombardment increased dramatically.  By April 8, Britain was claiming to be in control of most of the city, with only "sporadic pockets of resistance" remaining.
          While most major media outlets claimed the Iraqis were greeting U.K. soldiers as "liberators," in fact this was putting a rather positive spin on things.  Many reports of anger and resentment among Basra residents started filtering out.  Doctors in particular seemed angry over the destruction proceeding "liberation."
          When widespread looting broke out all over the city, the British were blamed for the lack of law and order.  High school chemistry teacher Faheed Ahmed said, "…[w]e don't appreciate the foreign army coming into our country and letting people destroy our public resources," as looters stripped Basra University of computers, furniture, and books.
          On April 9, PBS's Jim Lehrer News Hour showed scenes of Basra residence that Terence Smith referred to as "desperate for water," and Doctor Abbas Ijam was shown saying hospitals are overcrowded and overrun with casualties, noting with frustration, "without electricity and water, nothing can function."
          Mohammed Baqir al-Halim, leader of the Supreme Council of the Islamic Revolution in Iraq, stated:  "Iraqis will resist if they [U.S. and British forces] seek to occupy or colonize our country."  Shia Muslims are still bitter over what they feel was a desertion of their cause in 1991, when residents in Basra rose up against Saddam Hussein's rule at the urging of then-President Bush.
          Rather than supporting the Shias, however, the U.S. allowed Hussein's forces to crush the rebellion.  This, coupled with the massive civilian toll of this war on Basra's residents, as well as fears that the U.S. and Britain might try to occupy Iraq, all serve to make the Iraqi population distrustful of coalition forces in Basra (as well as elsewhere in the country).
          Hassan Akool, a Basra resident, told the Boston Globe, "The coalition says it wants to protect the Iraqi people, but nobody cares."  He added, "The Iraqi people are unhappy now…[i]f the things the coalition promised do not happen, we will be very disappointed."
          Khalil Yusuf Abdurrahman, referring to Fedayeen fighters in Basra, told the Boston Globe,"[They] did a good job, but if God is willing, all Iraqis will fight to defend their country."  Citizens of Basra, the Globe reported, said it was "unconscionable" for U.K. troops to allow looting in the city.  Indeed, many news outlets (including CNN, CBS, PBS, and the BBC) have begun to refer to conditions in Basra as "anarchy."
          Such are the real facts about the siege of Basra—truths and images conspicuously absent from most mainstream media, just like almost all other truths in this war.



           Of all the oppressed groups in Iraq, perhaps the Kurds received the most coverage before the war, as the Bush administration and U.S. press spoke of high-minded ideals of liberation and freedom for Iraqi citizens.  How, then, have the Kurds fared in this war against Iraq?  Not as well as might be expected.
           First came the threats from Turkey that troops were preparing to invade northern Iraq, ostensibly to "stabilize" the area and prevent Kurds from declaring an autonomous state or seizing the oil fields in Kirkuk.  The U.S. seemingly alleviated the situation and kept the Turkish forces out, but only by promising Kurds would be kept under control and a Kurdish state prevented.
           Then, on March 23, came the first U.S. strikes on Kurdish citizens.  At 12:30 am, a U.S. laser-guided missile exploded in a dormitory in the northern town of Khormal, killing between 30 and 45 people and injuring many others.  Khormal is home to the Islamic group Komala, and the town is next to the mountain town of Halabja, where another Islamic group, Ansar al-Islam, has their headquarters.
          On the weekend of March 21-23, the U.S. launched a massive air strike on Ansar al-Islam, with over 70 missiles exploding in the northern region.  However, four of those missiles landed in Khormal, and Kurdish officials claim 150 or more people were killed over that weekend in northern Iraq.
           Komala is not linked to Ansar al-Islam, and it has remained questionable whether the strike on Khormal was accidental or intentional.  U.S. forces have been working with the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan (PUK), and PUK regional Prime Minister Barham Salih said, "Obviously civilian casualties are a major concern to us…[b]ut we have told these guys to stay away from Ansar.  They have nobody to blame but themselves."
          He says Komala failed to distinguish itself enough from Ansar, so the attack was "the price" they paid.  Another PUK official was more blunt in comments that appeared in the Globe and Mail.  Speaking supposedly off-the-record, this official said, "There is no distinction between the Islamic parties.  The best thing is to eliminate them."
           Whereas the members of Khormal have previously been opponents of the Iraqi government, the anger over the U.S. attack has created much bitterness.  The nephew of one Kurdish victim told The Guardian's Luke Harding, "We don't understand.  Why did America do this?"
          He went on to add, "This makes us love Saddam Hussein rather than America."  Yet another resident of Khormal told Harding, "The U.S. has committed an injustice."  Sheikh Mohsim, the Komala leader, said, "We deplore this decision to attack us since we have been against the [Saddam Hussein] regime, not America."  As the nephew mentioned earlier said, when asked whom he preferred now, "We prefer Saddam."
           Then came more Kurdish deaths. On April 7, American F-15s accidentally bombed a convoy of Kurdish and U.S. forces, killing as many as 17 people.  BBC reporter John Simpson, who was not only a witness to the attack but a victim (he suffered ruptured ear drums and shrapnel wounds, and his translator was killed), described the attack as a "disaster", saying, "This is like a scene from hell."  The incident was presumably an accident, but it is just one more example of Kurdish suffering at the hands of the U.S.
           Those familiar with Iraqi history will recall that the gassing of Kurds, which the current Bush administration condemns so loudly, was overlooked by the Reagan/Bush administration, and the Army War College actually placed blame for the gassing on Iran (a claim that, while enjoying renewed attention from war opponents prior to the ongoing invasion, was unfounded and merely an attempt by the Reagan administration to justify its support for Saddam Hussein).  When former President Bush began the move towards war with Iraq in the late 1980's, the gassings were suddenly attributed to Hussein.


          After the Gulf War, the plight of Kurds was used as justification to impose the "No Fly Zones" over Iraq.  Despite this "concern" for their safety, the fact is when the Kurds attempted to rebel (at the prodding of President Bush) they were ruthlessly crushed by Hussein's forces, because the U.S. decided to let the Iraqi military use its helicopters to attack and repress the Kurds.
           With the apparent fall of the Ba'athists in Iraq on April 9, did the door open for full Kurdish autonomy in northern Iraq?  Don't bet on it.  The morning of April 10 brought news that the U.S. had agreed to let Turkey send in "observers," to insure the Kurds are kept on a short leash.  Further, the U.S. that same morning gave a guarantee to Turkey that the oil-rich city of Kirkuk would not be turned over to Kurdish control, something the PUK has voiced as one of their goals.
           Kurds have long suffered due to U.S. policy in the Middle East.  These latest examples are, unfortunately, just more of the same.  Based on the understanding between the U.S. and Turkey regarding Kurdish autonomy, it is a history we can expect to see repeated in both Iraq and Turkey for a long time to come.



          Strong voices are being raised in protest against U.S. actions in Iraq that do not emanate from the anti-war movement.  These new complaints come from perhaps an unlikely source:  Britain.  True, the public in that nation has been largely against this war from the start, but the sentiment is spreading.
          Between March 29 and April 5, four reports came out containing significant information about changing attitudes in Britain.  First, on March 29, the BBC issued a directive to its journalists that, due to the quantity of false reports issuing from the Pentagon, all military sources must be attributed clearly.
    The Guardian reported that news chiefs at the BBC are increasingly concerned about repeated cases of their reports turning out to be untrue, including reports on March 23 that U.K. forces had secured the port of Umm Qasr (fighting continues long after the British military said it was taken), a March 25 report of uprisings in Basra (no rebellion took place), and March 26 reports of over 100 tanks leaving Basra (only 3 actually left).
          Other stories, such as claims that a chemical weapons factory was found in An Najaf, and reports of Iraqi responsibility for missile attacks in Baghdad, also proved to be false.  The Guardian quoted a senior BBC source as saying, "We're getting more truth out of Baghdad than the Pentagon at the moment."
          Besides the BBC, the U.K. military has also been a source of negative sentiments directed at the U.S.  handling of the war.  On March 31, two separate reports indicating this dissent appeared in the Guardian.  Three British soldiers were ordered home because of their objection to civilian deaths at the hands of American soldiers.  The U.K. troops, from the 16 Air Assault Brigade in southern Iraq, are subject to court martial and have sought legal advice.
          Also on March 31, the Guardian reported statements from British troops who were mistakenly bombed by U.S. pilots.  Two were injured and one killed when their convoy was attacked by an American A-10 Thunderbolt.  The report quoted Lance Corporal of Horse Steven Gerrard, commander of the lead U.K. vehicle, recovering in bed aboard the RFA Argus in the Persian Gulf, as saying, "I can command my vehicle…[w]hat I have not been trained to do is look over my shoulder to see whether an American is shooting at me."
          He went on to state that a Union Jack (British Flag) is clearly visible on the back of the reconnaissance Scimitars (the military vehicle the British engineers were riding in), a symbol one-and-a-half foot wide.  "For him to fire his weapons I believe he had to look through his magnified optics.  How he could not see that Union Jack I don't know."
          Other statements by the U.K. troops called the actions of the U.S. pilot "incompetence and negligence," and some even wanted to see the pilot prosecuted for manslaughter.  When the A-10 circled around and attacked, firing not once but twice, the first two Scimitars erupted in flames (these vehicles were filled with hundreds of rounds of ammunition, grenades, and diesel fuel), according to the Guardian.  LCoH Gerrard is also quoted as claiming, "[A] boy of about 12 years old…was no more than 20 meters away when the Yank opened up."  He added, "He had absolutely no regard for human life.  I believe he was a cowboy."
          Other British troops agreed.  Noting that all the vehicles were marked as "Coalition", Trooper Chris Finney said, "I don't know why he shot a second time, he was that close."  The Guardian also quoted Trooper Joe Woodgate, who stated, "It was the most irresponsible thing in the world.  They didn't know what was going on."
          Damning as all of this is, the criticisms don't stop there.  In yet another report from the Guardian, on April 1, senior British officers are quoted as being highly critical of the methods used by U.S. forces to deal with civilians.  In particular, the paper says these officers were "appalled" by reports of U.S. Marines' killing of Iraqis near Nassiriya at the end of March.  One source was quoted as saying, "You can see why the Iraqis are not welcoming us with open arms."


          General Sir Mike Jackson, at a press conference in London March 28, said, "We are not interested in gratuitous violence."  A British officer told the Guardian U.S. soldiers are "reluctant" to get out of armored military vehicles.  When Americans are walking around, he said, they are wearing full armor and gear.  The British, by comparison, are more likely to remove helmets and body armor, and tend to walk around amongst the Iraqis.
          Other British military sources called U.S. tactics "more brutal," and the Guardian says U.K. senior sources are making a point of highlighting "trigger happy" U.S. soldiers.  Towards the end of the story, Lord Guthrie (former chief of defense staff) is quoted as saying, "The Americans talk about the warrior ethic and…that peacekeeping is for wimps."
          The final example of a new attitude emerging in Britain came on April 5, in an al-Jazeera report by Ruben Bannerjee.  The story quotes David Blunkett, British Home Secretary, in a radio interview as saying weapons of mass destruction may not be found in Iraq, noting, "We will obviously have a very interesting debate if there are no biological, chemical, radiological, or nuclear weapons or facilities to produce them found anywhere in Iraq once Iraq is free."
          General Richard Myers echoed the admission that such weapons might not exist in Iraq that same day at a press briefing carried by CNN.  Myers told the reporters, "It appears out initial intelligence was wrong," about WMD sites in Iraq.  He was responding to questions about whether the detailed intelligence data the U.S. claims to have (supposedly proving Iraq has WMD) has led to the discovery of weapons at those sites.
          While British Home Secretary Blunkett's comments aren't exactly as strong as others emanating from the Brits lately, the fact that he said an "interesting debate" would occur, whereas General Myers refused to acknowledge that WMD might not be found or that this would undermine the legitimacy of the war, is still significant.
          At the current pace, one might speculate that in a few more weeks, Tony Blair will be the only person in Britain who still supports the U.S. actions in Iraq.  It must be remembered, however, that despite these recriminations from the U.K., the fact remains that British forces are stationed in and around Basra and Umm Qasr, and both areas have suffered either large-scale civilian casualties, lack of adequate relief aid, or both.  The U.K. troops are hardly innocent when it comes to atrocities in this war.  In fact, it may enhance the point that the degree of U.S. brutality must be significant to draw such strong opposition from British forces.
          Still, there do appear to be many more cases of dissent in the British ranks, and the fact that so many examples have become public recently certainly works against the Bush administration and Pentagon's claims that they are "liberators."
          It is unfortunate that none of this is getting much attention in the U.S. media.  Unfortunate, but not surprising.  Nor is it surprising that, in the end, none of this criticism from the U.K. is having any effect on how the U.S. perpetrates the war.  We are left to hope that it will at least make Britain think twice before following the U.S. into other illegal invasions, which are almost certainly just on the horizon.



           The use of cluster munitions by U.S. forces in Iraq has been confirmed by eyewitness accounts from journalists and civilians, as well as footage of cluster bombs being used.  The Pentagon has finally admitted the use of these weapons, but still denies cluster bombs are responsible for massive civilian casualties in Iraq, despite the overwhelming evidence to the contrary.
           Cluster bombs are filled with smaller explosive sub-munitions, which are released from the primary container over a target area, where they spread out and explode.  Cluster munitions can be used in bombs, missiles, or artillery shells.  Some cluster weapons, like certain Sensor-Fused Weapons, may contain as few as 10 sub-munitions (each of which, in turn, contains four smaller warheads that are released), while other Sensor-Fused Weapons may have over 200 sub-munitions.
          The M26 warhead contains 644 sub-munitions, called M77 (also known as "dual-purpose grenades").  M483A1 and M864 artillery shells contain 88 and 72 sub-munitions (dual-purpose grenades), respectively.  The areas cluster bombs cover can be quite large, with the M26 scattering bomblets over an area of between 120,000 to 240,000 square meters.
          Besides the obvious damage such weapons can do when they are used, there is another danger that is perhaps more deadly.  Cluster munitions have a high failure rate, so many of the sub-munitions do not detonate.  Instead, they land on the ground, where they stay scattered until someone (usually a civilian) steps on them or attempts to pick them up.  The sub-munitions in the M26 warhead have a failure rate of 16-percent, according to the Department of Defense report to Congress in February 2000.
          The M483A1 and M864 sub-munitions have a failure rate of 14-percent.  According to Colin King, a British bomb disposal officer who served in the Gulf War, and author of Jane's Explosive Ordnance Disposal guide, cluster munitions have an overall failure rate of between 10 and 15-percent.
          Video footage of fighting in Iraq shows the Army 3rd Infantry Division using Multiple Launch Rocket Systems (MLRS), artillery systems that use only cluster munitions.  They fire the M26 warhead.  In other footage, The 1st Battalion of the 39th Field Artillery Regiment has 18 or more MLRS.  In other footage, the 3rd Light Armored Reconnaissance Battalion is supported by Marine artillery units, who fired 155mm projectiles identified as either M483A1 or M864 artillery shells.
          A reporter embedded with the Marines said that hundreds of grenades were being fired at Iraqi forces.  These tapes have been viewed by Human Rights Watch, and the use of cluster munitions confirmed.
          On March 28, a helicopter attack by Army 101st Airborne Division was supported by 18 Army Tactical Missile Systems (ATACMS) fired against Iraqi air defense units.  ATACMS carry 300 or 950 M74 sub-munitions.  The Washington Post reported this the following day.
          The most graphic example of cluster bombs wreaking havoc on Iraqi civilians, however, occurred March 29 through April 1 in what Pepe Escobar of The Asian Times described as "uninterrupted, furious American bombing."  The target:  Hilla, a city south of Baghdad.  The victims:  almost every single one a civilian.
                    Hilla, once called Babylon, is surrounded by small villages.  The whole area was attacked, in air assaults that lasted several days.  Hilla's hospital received hundreds of casualties.  Roland Huguenin-Benjamin, spokesperson for the International Committee of the Red Cross, confirms at least 460 wounded and several dozen dead, all of them "farmers, women and children."  Journalists counted at least 60 or more dead.
          Robert Fisk of the Independent says there are 61 dead, and he notes that these are "only those who were brought to the hospital" either already dead or injured.  Nobody knows yet how many more are buried in rubble, or who had no one to bring their bodies in, or who were injured but did not go to the hospital and died later.


          Fisk also reports that on April 1, the U.S. attacks struck the village of Hindiyeh, where the man who went to gather the dead told the hospital "the only living thing he found in the area was a hen."  11 Iraqis, three of who were children, died.
          The wounds of Iraqis in Hilla are severe, as the cluster bombs sent fragments of metal tearing into their flesh.  Camera crews from the AP and Reuters recorded scenes of children torn apart, babies split completely in half, arms and legs cut off, bodies shredded, blood everywhere.  The camera crews reported that there were two trucks piled with bodies parked at the hospital.
          Robert Fisk speaks of seeing children with deep lacerations on their heads and bodies, and women covered in wounds.  Mr. Huguenin-Benjamin said, "We saw that a truck was delivering dozens of totally dismembered dead bodies of women and children.  It was an awful sight."  He also noted, "[E]verybody had very serious wounds…small toddlers of two or three years of age who had lost their legs, their arms."  The Guardian says footage from the hospital shows huge pools of blood on the floor.
          The Pentagon claims no cluster munitions were used on Hilla.  There is much indisputable evidence that proves the denials are nothing but lies.  A correspondent for Agence France Presse, Nayla Razzouk, reports seeing cluster ordnance debris with the tiny parachutes still attached (cluster bombs tend to have these, to slow the decent of the bombs for the release of sub-munitions over a wide area).  Dr. Nazem el-Adali confirmed the Iraqis were victims of cluster bombs.
          Robert Fisk also reports "the remains of tiny bomblet littered the ground beside the scorch marks."  He goes on to say that Sky Television's crew in Baghdad, which visited the village of Nadr in the Hilla area, actually brought back "a set of bomblet shrapnel…the wicked metal balls that are intended to puncture the human body still locked into their frame…"
          The victims themselves describe seeing the sub-munitions falling from the sky, the bomblets blasting through doors and windows.  Several Iraqis said the munitions did not go off until someone stepped on them or tried to pick them up.  Mohamed Moussa informed Fisk that "we still have some in our home, unexploded."
          The scene in Hilla was repeated on April 4, when civilians in the western sections of Baghdad were reportedly arriving at hospitals with injuries from cluster munitions.  In Furad, in the Doura district of Baghdad, reports in the Independent claim over 80 Iraqis died in the attacks.  Wounded civilians reported seeing the cluster bombs falling "like small stones."
          All of this evidence, coupled with Pentagon admissions that cluster weapons are being used in Iraq, seems to prove what happened in Hilla, and what probably happened in Baghdad.
The use of such weapons, or any weapons for that matter, against civilians is not only unconscionable, it is a war crime.  Of course, with so many already under its belt, why should the U.S. stop now?



           The U.S. invasion of Iraq took an ominous turn on April 8 (or, more precisely, yet another ominous turn).  In three separate incidents, the American military attacked journalists in Baghdad, killing three of them and injuring many others.  Worse still, at least two of the attacks appear to have been deliberate, and the third highly suspect.
           At just after 7:35 in the morning, al-Jazeera's chief correspondent in Baghdad stood on the roof of the news station's headquarters in that city, reporting on a battle nearby.  The reporter, Tariq Ayoub, was with cameraman Zouhair al-Iraqi and another colleague, Maher Abdullah.  They saw a U.S. jet diving towards the building, so low they "actually heard the rocket being launched," said Mr. Abdullah.  Actually, two missiles hit the building.  At least one of the missiles struck the building's electrical generator and exploded, killing reporter Ayoub and wounding the cameraman.
           A few background bits of information make it clear this attack was intentional, despite the empty assertions by Pentagon and Bush administration officials that they would never target journalists.  First is the fact that in the invasion of Afghanistan, in 2001, the al-Jazeera office in the capital city of Kabul was blasted by a U.S. cruise missile, and the U.S. never even tried to explain the incident.
          The second inconvenient fact is that, in February of this year al-Jazeera made sure the Pentagon had the coordinates for the Baghdad office.  They were given guarantees it would not be attacked.  Even more importantly, the very day before the attack, Nabil Khouri of the U.S. State Department actually went to the al-Jazeera building and reiterated the guarantee that al-Jazeera would not be attacked.
           Reinforcing the appearance that the attack was deliberate, minutes later a second attack occurred, less than a mile away, at the headquarters of the news station Abu Dhabi TV, leaving up to 30 journalists trapped under debris after an artillery strike.  Like al-Jazeera, Abu Dhabi TV provided the coordinates of its building to the Pentagon.  Both networks have been criticized for their coverage of the war, for showing footage of civilian casualties and broadcasting images of U.S. POWs.
           The attacks did not stop there, however.  About four hours later, before noon, journalists at the Palestine hotel were at work broadcasting images from Baghdad.  Some stood outside on balconies, in clear view of U.S. forces.  Many of them were filming American tanks in the area, including cameraman Taras Protsyuk from the Ukraine working for Reuters, and a France 3 news crew.
          A U.S. M1A1 tank was on the Jamhuriya Bridge nearby, and the French crew was filming it.  Sky Television correspondent David Chater, on his way out to a balcony, saw the tank as well.  The Independent's Robert Fisk was outside the hotel, driving down a road that ran between the Palestine Hotel and the Jamhuriya bridge, where the M1A1 sat.
           Suddenly, Mr. Chater saw the tank barrel moving, pointing at the hotel.  The France 3 crew filmed as the tank fired, catching the image of the burst of fire from the barrel.  Mr. Fisk heard the blast from the tank.  The shell crashed into the 15th floor, where the Ukrainian Mr. Protsyuk, David Chater, Reuters staff member Paul Pasquale and reporter Samia Nakhoul, and at least one more journalist were at that moment.
          On the 16th floor, Jose Couso of Telecinco (Tele 5) was also severely injured, as was a Fuji TV cameraman.  Charter says that after the shell hit, there was much chaos and panic, "French journalists screaming, 'Get a doctor, get a doctor.'"  He said everyone started putting on flak jackets.
           Taras Protsyuk died soon after the attack, and Jose Couso died 30 minutes after one of his legs was amputated.  Several other reporters were wounded.
           The videotapes and photographs of the event show clearly that the M1A1 tank fired the shot that struck the hotel.  Of great importance is the fact that on none of these films is there any sound of gunfire prior to the tank's shot, and Robert Fisk insists that as he passed between the hotel and the bridge, there was no incoming fire at the U.S. tanks.  CBS's Lara Logan reported that there was no Iraq fire from the hotel or even close to the hotel.


          All of the journalists in the Palestine Hotel say the same thing:  no shots came from the hotel, and many reporters and cameramen were clearly visible at and around the hotel at the time.  This is completely proven by the film taken during the attack, as already noted above.
           The tanks were with the U.S. Army 3rd Infantry Division, under command of General Buford Blout.  General Blout stated that rocket and sniper fire emanated from the Palestine Hotel's lobby, so his tanks had fired and the enemy fire stopped.
          Again, this is totally false, as both eyewitness accounts and multiple images of the attack prove.  Besides, if the "hostile fire" came from the lobby, why did the M1A1 blast the 15th floor of the hotel?  Further, many journalists have asserted that the news crews at the hotel went to great lengths to insure no Iraqi fighters used the building as a staging area for attacks.
           The Palestine Hotel has been the headquarters for journalists throughout the war, and the U.S. military was well aware of this fact, just as it was aware of the coordinates for the al-Jazeera and Abu Dhabi TV buildings.  These three attacks, so precise and obviously unprovoked, at locations known beyond any doubt to be news buildings, within a span of four hours, coming just days after Iraqi television was purposefully taken out by U.S. bombings, seems to be a clear pattern designed to send a clear signal.
           The message was enhanced in statements by U.S. officials after the attacks.  Pentagon spokesperson Lieutenant Colonel Dave Lapan said, "We have warned news organizations that being in Baghdad would be very unsafe once military action began."  Reuters reporter Merissa Marr, in an April 9 story about the attacks, noted that a spokesperson for the Spanish Defense Ministry said the U.S. had "warned journalists that the Baghdad hotel attacked 'could become a military target.'"
          Why on earth would the Palestine Hotel become a "military target?"  What could such a warning possibly be based on, since the hotel, even at the time the warning was issued and afterwards, was never in any way the site of Iraqi military forces?  But wait, there is more.
          Brigadier General Vincent Brooks, another Pentagon spokesperson, stated that "non-embedded" journalists work at their own risk, and added the U.S. military has no responsibility to protect journalists operating "independently" in Iraq.  "Non-embedded" and "operating independently" are phrases popping up with much frequency in Pentagon statements regarding danger to reporters.  It's not a coincidence.
           At this point, it would be almost redundant to point out that, in fact, the U.S. military does have a responsibility to protect the safety of journalists, since reporters are civilians and thus protected by international law.  As we all know by now, "international law" has become a somewhat laughable phrase at this point, much like the term "war crimes" (read: U.S. military policy).
           A relevant fact to remember is that another non-embedded journalist, Terry Lloyd from ITN, was killed near Basra when U.S. troops opened fire on his news crew.  Moments before the shooting started, several Iraqi soldiers attempted to surrender to the ITN crew, and once the U.S. forces opened fire, Lloyd and the rest of the crew tried to run away from the Iraqis.  However, the Americans kept directing shots at them, murdering Lloyd.
          And on April 7, the Independent reported that a Reuters photographer was shot at by U.S. Marines in front of the Rashid Hotel as he passed a scene where the troops were shooting civilians and motorists as well as Iraqi militiamen in the area.  The journalist escaped with bullet holes in his vehicle, but luckily not in him.
           When the U.S. bombed the Iraqi Information Ministry headquarters on March 29-30, this received less attention from the mainstream U.S. media, despite the fact that the Ministry building was the headquarters for foreign news media.  However, these new attacks, particularly the attack on the Palestine Hotel, have provoked a surprising outcry from media outlets worldwide, including mainstream U.S. media sources.  So many have issued harsh, angry statements condemning the attacks that it would be easier to list the news organizations and stations that did not respond strongly.


           The most troubling aspect of this response is that the media, who usually act largely as propaganda mouth-pieces for governments, but who nevertheless tend to know more than they ever tell their audiences, seem to be either publicly or privately expressing the same main concern: that the U.S. military is intentionally targeting journalists now.
           Of course, one does not have to be in possession of "unknown facts" to reach this conclusion.  With regard to the al-Jazeera and Abu Dhabi TV bombings, it is ludicrous to deny the buildings were specifically targeted.  The evidence is simply too overwhelming.
          At the Palestine Hotel, the only reason to even consider the attack may not have deliberately targeted journalists is that so many mainstream U.S. media outlets were present, and so many of them were actually filming the events.  Take note, however, that by April 10, CNN was no longer even mentioning the attacks, and CBS news that day also made no mention of the story.
           One minor critique of the attitude of the mainstream press is noteworthy here.  They are to be commended for their united front against the U.S. strikes against journalists, and for their strongly worded condemnation of the targeting of reporters who are (as the Committee to Protect Journalists and others quickly pointed out) civilians, thus not legal targets of military fire.
          Unfortunately, such admirable stands would be more meaningful, if the mainstream media took the same view of the hundreds or thousands of Iraqi civilian casualties in this war.  Unfortunately, mainstream press reports have tended to either ignore these incidents, or simply report the Pentagon's version of events.
          This is largely a U.S. media and, in the U.K., BBC problem.  Indeed, there are certainly many journalists in Iraq devoted to reporting the horrific truths about the murders and other war crimes committed by U.S. and U.K. troops, and exposing the mountains of lies and propaganda spread in this war.  The Guardian and the Independent, al-Jazeera, and several others have distinguished themselves with vivid reporting of the destruction wrought by the U.S. invasion.
          Sadly, too few people are hearing or seeing these reports.  If CNN could be replaced by any one of the above sources of news for just one day, perhaps the warmongers in Washington and London would quickly be out of jobs.
          Of course, that is probably the precise reason for the military attacks on journalists in Iraq.  The U.S. and U.K. governments cannot afford to have a public that is well informed, and they have shown they are willing to do whatever is necessary to preserve their domination of the truth, even if that means extending the war to those reporting on it.



           Here is the face of liberation, American-style.  This is the truth behind CNN's running commercial for the U.S. military and President Bush's reelection campaign.  The U.S. invasion of Iraq has accomplished only one thing, and that is the widespread destruction of Iraqi society and the murder of huge numbers of civilians.  No weapons of mass destruction.  No liberation, only occupation (in spite of the constant lies told every day by the U.S. government about "turning over power to the Iraqi people").  Following are some facts about what happened to the oft-mentioned "Iraqi people."
           Stories of the cluster bombing of Hilla are recounted above, as are tales of the checkpoint murders and the conditions in Basra, the Shu'ale missile strike and the attack on Syrian buses, the multiple attacks on Kurds and bombings of the press buildings.  This would all be more than enough horror for a three-week war; however, there are still many other examples of the destruction and death spread across Iraq.  Far too many.
           Mark Phillips of CBS reporting from Basra treated us to scenes of a civilian building that was bombed on March 31 in Basra.  There was extensive damage, and images of bloodied civilians.  "There was nothing military here…why was it hit?" cried out an angry Iraqi man in a crowd that gathered around the bomb site.  Footage at the hospital showed rooms packed with injured civilians, with no bed space left as new casualties came in.  This was all the result of massive U.K. strikes with artillery and tanks, as the British used their expertise at benign crowd control to win more hearts and minds.
           The Mansur residential neighborhood of Baghdad was targeted by U.S. airstrikes on March 28, to coincide with the traditional Muslim prayer hour on Fridays.  Three buildings were demolished in the assault.  The next day, airstrikes in Najif killed dozens of people and wounded over 100.  Among the dead were two surgeons and an ambulance driver, all three killed when a missile struck their emergency vehicle.
           Cathy Breen is a member of the Iraqi Peace Team.  Her report on April 1 described her visit to al-Amiin, a heavily populated residential area south of Iraq, where three civilians (the oldest 18 years old, the youngest only seven) died after a bomb struck the neighborhood on March 31.  Many other Iraqis were wounded, including a five-year-old with severe abdominal injuries.  The type of explosion and damage she describes seems to suggest cluster munitions, although this may not be the case.  Breen says seven homes were hit after the bomb "exploded in the air and scattered," leaving "pockmarks" on walls of surrounding homes and metal fragments all over the area.  She also photographed pieces of the bomb, one of which had the inscription JX2N8902, MADE IN USA, 8642.
           UNICEF issued a statement on April 2, warning that small, unexploded U.S. BLU 97 bomblets are the exact same yellow color as the food packets being handed out by U.S. and U.K. forces in Iraq.  These bomblets spread out over large areas, and large numbers of them do not detonate.  Instead, they lie on the ground until an Iraqi (usually a child) mistakes them for the food packets and tries to pick them up.  The bombs then explode, killing or severely maiming the civilians.
           On April 3, Samia Nakhoul of Reuters (incidentally, one of the reporters on the 15th floor of the Palestine Hotel when U.S. forces attacked journalists there) filed a report from a Baghdad hospital after an air attack hit Radwaniyeh, close to the airport, on April 2.  Six adults and 12 children were hit in the attack.  The report begins with a description of an eight-year-old girl whose face and body are covered in lacerations from shrapnel, one of her eyes missing.  She cried out for her mother, who was in critical condition with one of the girl's brothers.  Her other brother, four-years-old, was killed.  Two sisters and the father were at another hospital, severely injured.
           Nakhoul's report notes that, according to Doctor Ahmed Abdel Amir, children make up such a large percentage (over half) of Iraq's population, they likewise constitute a large number of casualties.  A seven-year-old boy hit in the abdomen by shrapnel from a missile that struck near his home, a six-year-old with his guts visible because a missile exploded close to his house (two others were killed).  These children scream in pain, tremble and grasp their mothers when the sounds of explosions echo outside.  They don't eat, they don't sleep, they simply cry and fear.


           There was the report in the New York Times, by Tyler Hicks and John Burns, on April 3.  They detailed scenes at a hospital filled with civilians (mostly from Nadir, a village near Hilla) injured and murdered by the U.S. cluster bomb attacks on that region.  A little boy, alone, scared, his arm amputated below the elbow.  A young gas salesman, his leg a bloody stump, his car hit by a U.S. tank shell.  Cluster munitions hit a bus, and one man's arm was amputated at the hospital, deep lacerations on his legs.  His mother died instantly in the attack.  18 people on the bus died, another 16 were wounded.
          The reporters toured the area, saying small unexploded ordnance "lay scattered in profusion."  Doctor Saad al-Fallouji told the New York Times that on the single day of April 1, 33 dead and 180 wounded came to the hospital, all of them civilians.  "All of them were from Nadir village, women and children and men of all ages," he said, continuing, "Many of the bodies were completely torn apart."  The reporters described "a procession of coffins, and…torn bodies that crowded the shelves of the large refrigerator…the wounded filling every ward," a hospital description all-too-familiar in this war.
          On their way into Hilla, the New York Times said, reporters witnessed smoke rising from the "completely flattened" remains of a park used for the yearly international trade fair in Baghdad.  The reporters were told the attack killed nine women in a maternity clinic in the park.
Also on April 3, the Iraq Red Crescent (IRCS) released a statement saying their maternity hospital in the al-Mansour district of Baghdad had been damaged by a U.S./U.K. attack on nearby buildings. The report said that three civilians were killed, another 27 injured, in the April 2 bombing.  The bombs or missiles struck a building next to the maternity hospital, but the strength of the explosion caused the hospital's roof to collapse and the windows to shatter.
          Lara Logan, also of CBS, traveled from Jordan towards Baghdad on April 4.  Her report focused on the destruction from U.S. bombs.  She noted a bus, clearly "civilian," burned and shattered, surrounded by bomb craters.  Bridges were demolished, collapsed, charred automobiles visible as the news crew passed.  The same day, Dan Rather grimly stated that "most estimates" put the number of Iraqi casualties "in at least the low thousands."
          Reports came in the entire week of hospitals being overrun with massive numbers of civilian casualties, prompting CBS's Dan Rather to note on April 7, "Baghdad hospitals quit counting the dead and wounded…[due to] so many casualties."  The report went on to say that one hospital had received over 175 Iraqis dead or injured by noon.
          Lara Logan on the same day reported from a Baghdad neighborhood she described as "completely obliterated" by U.S. bombing, in what was later described by the Pentagon as an attempt to hit Saddam Hussein or other high-level Iraqi officials.  Standing in front of an incredibly large pile of rubble, Logan spoke of the casualties from the attack, and the scene cut away to images of wounded children in a hospital.
          When the camera returned to Lara Logan, she turned and pointed at the rubble behind her.  "Four families lived here," she said.  On PBS, the Jim Lehrer News Hour that night also noted, "Hospitals are so overwhelmed…they can't keep track" of the numbers of casualties.
           At Baghdad's Kindi Hospital on April 8, reporter Anthony Shadid of the Washington Post described civilian casualties inundating the medical staff.  Iraqis were carried on stretchers "soaked in blood" in "an emergency room suffused with the stench of blood, dirt and disinfectant."  "I'm a civilian," groaned one man, "My car was attacked.  They attacked my car."  From the village of Fahana, at the edge of Baghdad, came a young man who recalled, "There was a missile that landed in front of my house."  His foot had just been amputated.
          A woman and her nephew were brought in after their family car was fired on by tanks and armored personnel carriers on a bridge, both of them suffering burns.  "They were firing at any car, any person…It was like a public execution in the street," said the woman's son.  After trying to get medical help at a neighborhood clinic, they tried a hospital near the Rashid Barracks.  It was "overwhelmed with military casualties," so they ended up at Kindi.


          Body bags were in the street outside the hospital's morgue.  The Washington Post described a chaotic situation, where doctors seemed out of everything they needed, where medical staff worked without rest, and where the injured and dead just kept coming in waves.
           Terence Smith, reporting from Basra for CBS on April 9, described people as "desperate for water" while images of frantic people lined up to fill whatever containers they had.  At the city's largest hospital, Dr. Abbas Ijam told Smith, "Without electricity and water, nothing can function."  The hospital was "overrun" with casualties.
           In another CBS report, an emotional Iraqi man held up a tiny jacket lying in blood on a Baghdad street, where U.S. airstrikes left an unknown number of dead and wounded April 9.  Family after family appeared on camera, wailing in grief.  One Iraqi household lost four members in the attack.  The gray-haired man holding the little girl's jacket spoke with a mixture of sorrow and fury: "Look.  Iraqi child."
           That evening, on PBS's Jim Lehrer News Hour, Amanda Williamson of the International Committee of the Red Cross said the ICRC suspended operations in Baghdad, as conditions had become too dangerous and overwhelming, and an ICRC staff member was feared dead.
          Doctors Without Borders withdrew from the city completely the same day, after two of their members disappeared.  Baghdad hospitals were in a "critical situation," Williamson said, "overflowing" with patients who came in such large numbers, hospitals quit counting.  One hospital received 100 patients per hour on April 9.  She also noted cases of dysentery and diarrhea were arriving at hospitals, due to the lack of clean water in the city.
           Ronald Huguenin-Benjamin, spokesperson for International Committee of the Red Cross, told CNN on April 9 that, "Casualties have been seen on the roads, on some bridges, and there was no possibility of evacuating them," because two ICRC vehicles, both clearly marked as such, came under fire.  Huguenin-Benjamin said further that ambulances are coming under fire in many parts of Baghdad "due to heavy crossfire" from U.S. troops fighting Iraqis.  "The problem is not the lack of medicine in the hospitals.  The problem is the lack of respect for ambulances," he said.
           April 11 brought some of the most vivid images CBS has shown during the war, regarding the toll on civilians.  Dan Rather said the "burned-out hulks" of vehicles were "all over the city," referring to Baghdad.  Scenes of shattered buses, cars, burned trucks, sometimes with bodies in them, and huge craters and rubble were shown as Rather spoke.
          In footage from the city's hospitals, horrible pictures played on the screen of adults and children with terrible wounds, many without beds due to the overcrowded conditions.  Reporter Lee Cowan's voice-over described the "stench of death" that spread through the hospital, noting that there was no anesthetic, no electricity, no water.  Cowen said that there were at least 100 casualties brought in April 11, but the hospital staff consists of only one doctor, one surgeon, and two residents.
          Suzanne Goldenberg, of the Guardian, reported from Yarmouk Hospital in Baghdad, describing scenes from hell.  "U.S. soldiers…continued yesterday [April 11] to open fire on civilian cars…unexploded ordinance [is] strewn about the city," she said.  The home of one family from the Beyaa neighborhood was bombed by U.S. planes April 7, and a man searched the morgue for his brother's body.  A U.S. tank shell exploded outside the hospital, "A young man, naked to the waist, ran in screaming, waving his bloodied hands in the air."
          Doctor Mohammed al-Hashimi told Goldenberg, "Many cars came…when they came, the American forces shot them.  Two cars near the hospital were hit, as well as an ambulance just up the road.  Doctor al-Hashimi continued, "There were injured people in those cars…We were in our coats…We took a gurney to transfer the injured patients.  They saw them, and they still shot them."
          A wounded family pulled up to the hospital in a sedan.  A nine-month old girl was killed, her mother and two cousins injured, when the infant "crawled over to a small dark oval – a cluster bomblet – which detonated," said the Guardian reporter.


           As the days go by, worse cases of looting and arson are occurring in the "liberated" nation of Iraq.  U.S. troops "police" the city streets not by preventing looting or offering protection to hospitals and shop-owners; instead, soldiers simply defend their positions.
          On April 11, for example, Robert Fisk reported in the Independent describing one U.S. Marine sniper who fired on an Iraqi vehicle, injuring three civilians (one of them a little girl), and then killed another civilian just because the man walked outside to see what was happening.  This same Marine, minutes later, opened fire on another civilian car, killing the driver and injuring two passengers, right in front of a news crew from Channel 4 Television.  Fisk's report also notes that the bodies of dead civilians "lay rotting in their still-smoldering cars" in Daura, after being killed by U.S. soldiers during fighting.
          Relief agencies, especially the ICRCS, have issued repeated statements about the deteriorating conditions in Baghdad and Basra in particular, saying it will be impossible to get food, water, and medical supplies to these areas unless order can be restored.  Weapons depots have been raided by Iraqi citizens, AK-47s, rocket launchers, and other military weapons are being carted off by huge crowds.  Hospitals have been looted so often that some have had to completely shut down.
          The U.S. does plan to provide policing for Iraq, but Iraqis should not rejoice at the news.  DynCorp has been awarded a multi-million dollar contract for the job, according to reports from Reuters on April 11, and the Observer on April 13.  The Reuters report quotes Richard Boucher of the U.S. State Department as saying DynCorp will provide 150 persons for the policing in Iraq.
          DynCorp provided a similar police force in Bosnia, where these personnel were responsible for involvement in the sex slave trade of children and videotaping women being raped, according to testimony to the Congressional International Relations and Human Rights Subcommittee.
          DynCorp is also responsible for using herbicides in Columbia (for the eradication of cocaine crops) that destroyed legitimate crops and sickened or killed many civilians.  DynCorp's other work in Columbia involved supplying armed forces for destroying cocaine crops and for search-and-rescue missions, the latter of which operated without restrictions on human-rights abuses otherwise governing governmental forces.
          Lawsuits against the company accused it of violating international laws such as the Torture Victims Protection Act, and the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights.  With such forces now on their way to police Iraq, one might speculate that Iraqis will eventually look back on their "lawless" days of looting and anarchy with nostalgia.
          And what of those scenes of "jubilation" (the most over-used word in the media lately) in Baghdad, of Iraqi civilians pulling down that statue of Saddam Hussein?  It was certainly good theatre, but hardly an honest picture of what really happened that day.  It might be pointed out, if anyone is interested in the facts behind that instant-replay of the "fall of communism" images from the late 1980's (indeed, the comparisons are so frequent in the media, it is surpassed only by the maddening use of the "J-word" mentioned above).
          Does it matter that many of those "Iraqi citizens" shown crowded around as the statue came down were, in fact, part of a group consisting of Ahmed Chalabi and his aides.  Chalabi is an Iraqi exile who returned to Iraq as part of the new leadership chosen by the U.S.  The area around the statue had already been cordoned-off by U.S. tanks, and U.S. troops hooked the ropes to a U.S. vehicle to pull the statue down.
          Incidentally, directly across the street from the statue was…the Palestine Hotel!  Hundreds of journalists use the hotel as their base of operations, so the event was guaranteed to get wide coverage.  However, footage and reporting were careful to keep much information and images out of the pictures, lest it appear more a U.S.-Iraqi exile staged event than a spontaneous expression by "liberated" Iraqi civilians.


          Here, then, is President Bush's "liberation."  These are the true descriptions of how this war is being fought "for the Iraqi people."  Our flag has been soaked in the blood of innocent civilians, and it is almost impossible to speak the word "war" without adding the word "crimes."
          Consider a few words from our "brave soldiers" in Iraq, as quoted by New York Newsday on April 7:  "If a little kid actively opposes my way of life, I'd call him a raghead, too," says Lance Corporal Chris Akins, of Louisville, Kentucky.  How about this one: "I say we just—nuke this place and make it a parking lot," Lance Corporal Ryan Eman, of Michigan, raged.  Another wonderful term of endearment favored by U.S. soldiers are "camel jockeys", and Lance Corporal Jay Dreyer, of Minnesota, says he occasionally uses the word "nigger" to refer to Iraqis.  The report in  Newsday says these kinds of things are frequently being said by U.S. troops in Iraq.
          The empty denials and propaganda of the Pentagon are worthy of Adolf Hitler.  "[T]his is the type of resistance that leads to civilian casualties…[it is] designed to draw coalition fire to cause civilian deaths," they say on CNN (April 8).  It is "the regime's" fault.  Saddam Hussein's forces "killed more innocent men, women, and children…than any collateral damage caused by coalition forces," spoke Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld on April 1, going on to add that "execution death-squads roaming the country" are killing civilians every day.
          He is right, "death-squads" are roaming Iraq, murdering civilians every day.  "Terror squads" are committing heinous war crimes throughout the country.  And they wear the uniform of United States soldiers.  And they march on the orders of Rumsfeld, Bush, Cheney, and perhaps most of all, Oil.
          Welcome to the liberation.



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