Wayne's Perfect Spin Off Cosplay

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Rival Team Rocket
Designer: Wayne
Worn By: Wayne
Conception: November 18, 2000
Picture Date: July 7, 2001
Appearances: Anime Expo 2001
Components: Specialized Hair, Black Team Rocket Turtleneck, Black Pants, White Belt, White Boots, White Gloves, Scruffy Voice
Powers Gained: 1. Get to be mean and nasty
2. Smart talking to Ash Ketchum.
3. Smart talking to other Team Rockets
4. Get out of Jail passes from Giovanni
Drawbacks: 1. My voice goes out after trying to say the motto in his scruffy voice.
2. Without Drowzee, he has a Primape. Blah
3. Eventually gets caught by Officer Jennies.
Story: When Pokemon first came out, I wanted to cosplay James, but with him being so fruity, and before I knew it, he was being cosplayed left and right, I set a Team Rocket cosplay on the backburner. Then the breeding center episode came out and introduced Butch and Cassidy and I thought they were kewl, but would be too obscure and a one shot. But when they came back for Pikachu Revolts (which was an awesome episode IMHO) that sinched it. Butch's scratchy voice I could easily imitate. So now all I need is a Cassidy....


Butch Butch Butch Butch Butch

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For Group Pictures and Event Photos Related to this Costume,
Please Visit My Team Home Page of the
Anything Goes School of Masquerade Arts
Specifically: AGSMA at Anime Expo 2001

PSOC Gary Oak

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Anything Goes School of Masquerade Arts (AGSMA) ゥ.
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